Sbagen Binaural beats for Linux!

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#21 Post by Puppyt »

Thanks for the code example, burek - and welcome to the kennels :)
So I guess that your example might be included in the GUI script Lobster has provided, perhaps? Would the duration of the generated wave file be stipulated by the user in the "<sbagen params>" part of the code, or clipped manually by the user with another program, like Audacity?

Great tip too on replacing outmoded MP3 with aac+ - do I understand correctly that 64kbps aac+ files are compressed to 20% to those of similar MP3's, but with superior quality? That's impressive indeed!
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#22 Post by nooby »

Yes that seems reasonable and my neighbors will be happy too
if I change to headphones of good quality. :)

As it is now the whole building shake rattle and roll to that beat Groowy
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#23 Post by burek »

Puppyt, there are several ways to limit the duration of the output file, without the need for an external app like Audacity:
- pressing [q] or [ctrl+c] on the keyboard to stop ffmpeg (it will correctly finish writting the output file)
- specifying -t <seconds> in ffmpeg's options, like this:

Code: Select all

sbagen -WO <sbagen params> | ffmpeg -y -f wav -i - -acodec libaacplus -ab 64k -ac 2 -ar 44100 -t 300 out.aac
- specifying the duration with SBaGen options, either on the command line (for example with t<duration>) or within an .sbg file

Personally, I never used GUI scripts, I like to control things using cmd line, knowing exactly what I did and what is to be an expected output :)

And yes, aac+ is of far better quality than mp3, for the same bitrate selected. If you search with Google for online radio stations, you'll notice that 90% of them are streaming their audio using aac+ at 32 kbps which is 10 times smaller bandwidth, comparing to the mp3 @ 320 kbps with even worse audio quality perceived than aac+.

64 kbps aac+ is probably the highest quality you'll need for your audio files (I've reencoded all my mp3s to 32kbps aac+ and now I have 10 times more space on my hdd with the same songs of the same quality) :)
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Location: Moorooka, Queensland

#24 Post by Puppyt »

Thanks burek - that's a huge help :)
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