Upgrading 1.0.6 to 1.09CE without a CD

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Upgrading 1.0.6 to 1.09CE without a CD

#1 Post by Trobin »

Against my better judgement and previous experiences with using versions of Puppy more advanced than 1.0.6, I thought I'd give 1.09CE a try.

Thing is, my cd burner quit on me so I couldn't buren a new CD.

So what I did was:
1....Downloaded the 1.09ce iso image, remamed to puppy.iso for easy use in dos 6.22
2....Copied iso image file to puppy folder in MSDos partition
3....Copied dospuppy.zip and pup4dos.zip programs to puppy folder Unzipped both files.
4....Rebooted to MSDos partition
5....used shsucdhd.exe to mount puppy.iso (shsucdhd /f:puppy.iso)
6....used shsucdx.exe to access files in E: drive
7....Copied all files from E drive to c:\puppy
8....rebooted and returned to c:\puppy
9....Copied image.gz, usr_cram.fs, and vmlinuz to the c:\drive
10..While in C;\puppy typed puppy to start Puppy 1.09CE.

And it worked. Right now I have 1.09CE up and running as if there were a cd image to run from.

Thing is there is no CD in the drive.

Which isn't so bad, except I like type 2 HD installs.

Which I can't do because the installation script looks for the vmlinuz on the CD, instead of on my c:\ partition.

Where can I find the install script and can it be edited to look for the file on my c:\ drive instead of on the CD drive.

Thank you.

BTW, the above procedure, with the appropriate modifications, worked well with Puppy 2.01. HD installation went smoothly and did not need to find files on the CD>
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#2 Post by Trobin »

The file that needs to be changed is /usr/sbin/install-hd2.sh
Find the following section:
echo -e "\\033[1;34m"
echo "STEP 3"
echo -en "\\033[0;39m"
echo -e "Puppy now has to get the file \"vmlinuz\" off the live-CD..."
rm -fr /root/tmp 2> /dev/null
mkdir /root/tmp
#cd /root/tmp
#function to read files from cd
VMLINUZONLY="yes" #needed in ripfromcd.
ripfromcd /root/tmp
echo "...done"

What I did was replace "ripfromcd /root/tmp" with
"cp /dev/hda1/vmlinuz /root/tmp"

And it worked as far as that goes. Grub would not work. I kept getting an error 15 with it.

As a matter of interest, I do have Puppy 1.0-CE up and running as a type 2 HD install,
using the vmlinuz file from the 1.0.6 cd.
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#3 Post by J_Rey »

I sorry but I'm confused as to what the question is again? The sentence before and after "Thank you" seem to conflict.... What's the main goal that you're trying to get?

If you prefer a traditional Linux install (ext2/3) then you could resize partitions and all that then use the DOS/FAT install to install to ext3....
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#4 Post by Trobin »

What I was trying to find out, at the time, was how to install 109CE with vmlinuz copuied to the hard disk. The install script looked for it on a cd. I did get it working using the vmlinuz off of a 1.0.6 cd. I've since re-installd 1.0.6 because, for me, it works better.

But thatnk you for your response. :D :D
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#5 Post by sunburnt »

Yes; a problem I've encountered, Puppy was made to run from CD.
But I don't use CDs, so lots of the automated scripts in the menu don't work.
I've asked if it's possable to do a remaster from a type1 frugal install, no answer.
Even though it'd dump the remastered Puppy into an ISO file, that's okay, I can get it out.
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#6 Post by Trobin »

Just had a thought. I did successfully install 2.01 to HD without a cd. Might be something in the Universsal Installer bit that means that it's not as cd-happy as the 1.x series.
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