simple icon tray

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#41 Post by 01micko »

Viral :?: [ :lol: ]

I guess we could almost make a script to generate rox desktop icon themes in any colour combination. Just need a few more icons.

yeah, nothing to do with sit, new thread?

I have found some [possibly] suitable icons, lots of them have spaces/new lines in the string starting with "M", any work around?
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#42 Post by technosaurus »

I was thinking about the "what should puppy look like?" thread when I came across these.
I wanted a way to make the desktop look like the menu, look like the apps, look like the tray. We'd still need to generate pngs for jwm - anyone want to patch jwm to just use imlib2?
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Updated to v. 0.1c (over 180 icons added)

#43 Post by vovchik »

Dear all,

I have revised bsvg again and added heaps of new svgs (now 410). I have also included a script that dumps all the icons in the library to your current directory as svg files - and you can specify colors. Incorporated in this version is a set by P.J. Onori (, but I first had to modify all his polygons and other shape macros to full svg paths and to standardize all views to 128x128. His icons start with "I_". A real pain, that transformation exercise, but at least all the icons are now one size. I also added a few of my own (icon names starting with V_).

Have fun...

With kind regards,

PS. Thanks technosaurus. That was a very nice find:)

PPS. The archive contains the source, a 32-bit UPX'd binary compiled on Lucid and the dump script. I would place the binary and dump script in /usr/local/bin.

PPPS. @ technosaurus, seaside and 01micko. You can now parse my source to grab the icon definitions for use in bash or another language. The new ones (named I_ and V_) need a new svg "<g transform=>" line, which is the last field in each line.[/url]
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Re: Updated to v. 0.1c (over 180 icons added)

#44 Post by seaside »

vovchik wrote:Dear all,

I have revised bsvg again and added heaps of new svgs (now 410). I have also included a script that dumps all the icons in the library to your current directory as svg files - and you can specify colors. Incorporated in this version is a set by P.J. Onori (, but I first had to modify all his polygons and other shape macros to full svg paths and to standardize all views to 128x128. His icons start with "I_". A real pain, that transformation exercise, but at least all the icons are now one size. I also added a few of my own (icon names starting with V_).

Have fun...

Very impressive.

I checked out those icons mentioned by 01micko and after struggling to parse out the path with this convoluted phrase

Code: Select all

 sed -n '/<path style/,/\/>/p' $ICON.svg|sed 's/\t//g'|tr -d '\012\015'|cut -f3 -d=|sed 's|/>||'
only to find many were empty and some did not work. Since I had no idea of how to convert the polygons to path draw statements, I did what I do best.......went on to something else. :D

Thanks for your hard work and how does one convert polygons (or anything else) to path draw statements?

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#45 Post by vovchik »

Dear seaside,

Thanks. Conversion is a royal pain in the arse. You have to ungroup the image in Inkscape (several times) and then use Item->Convert to paths for every object. I suppose this could be done algorithmically, but I did it the ugly manual way, with some preliminary programmed parsing to throw out prolix metadata and other unnecessary garbage. Nominal scaling is also another pain, but it is important to have one viewport for all icons of the same dimensions, particularly if you later want to convert to png or something else. It will save work later on. With the transform statement I have included, and the path data, you should now be able to use the data in bash or something else to make your own generator or gui.

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#46 Post by seaside »


Wow. That work is a tribute to your tenacity and knowledge of imagery :!:

Thanks again,
(Now I know why I was wise enough to go on to something else :D )
EDIT: I did find that the cross icon didn't render
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#47 Post by technosaurus »

vovchik wrote:Dear seaside,

Thanks. Conversion is a royal pain in the arse. You have to ungroup the image in Inkscape (several times) and then use Item->Convert to paths for every object. I suppose this could be done algorithmically, but I did it the ugly manual way, with some preliminary programmed parsing to throw out prolix metadata and other unnecessary garbage. Nominal scaling is also another pain, but it is important to have one viewport for all icons of the same dimensions, particularly if you later want to convert to png or something else. It will save work later on. With the transform statement I have included, and the path data, you should now be able to use the data in bash or something else to make your own generator or gui.

With kind regards,
... yeah, I've just been stringing only the d="..." from each path into the same one in a separate file and then pasting them back into my case statement using none of the rest of the svg metadata, rounding the numbers along the way... fairly reasonable success when they are all on the same scaling (too much math otherwise)

it was easier to replace "M", "C", and "L" with \nM \nC and \nL in geany (sed would have worked too but I wanted to _see_ it)
also replaced commas with spaces to help awk
this is the awk:

Code: Select all

awk '/^L/||/^M/{printf "%c %d,%d",$1,$2+0.5,$3+0.5}
/^C/{printf "%c %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d", $1, $2+0.5, $3+0.5, $4+0.5, $5+0.5, $6+0.5,$7+0.5}' infile >outfile
this rounding part _should_ cut the code size down quite a bit (as much as 80% reduction)
FYI, adding 0.5 and casting to int (%d) is a nifty rounding trick that works great (fast) in C also, though in C you would actually need to do: (int) (myfloat + 0.5) ... awk does that for us

here is another email icon
d="M 2,38 L 16,24 L 24,32 L 32,24 L 46,38 L 2,38 z M 0,8 L 14,22 L 0,36 L 0,8 z M 2,6 L 24,28 L 48,6 L 2,6 z M 48,8 L 34,22 L 48,36 L 48,8 z "[/list]
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#48 Post by seaside »


Here's the reworked bsvg-gui for sit to go with your new gem.

Code: Select all

# based on bash svgdraw by technosaurus (as
#         modded by vovchik) and raphaeljs by
#         Dmitriy Baranovskiy (copyright 2008
# Iconics svgs added
# GUI seaside -requires sit2 and bsvg-0.1c.

for i in `bsvg -I`; do ICONS="$ICONS<item>$i</item>";done
for i in `bsvg -C`; do COLS="$COLS<item>$i</item>";done

 makeicon()  {
 bsvg $ICON  $LINE_COLOR  $FILL_COLOR ->/tmp/siticon.svg
 export -f makeicon
 echo '<svg width="128" height="128" viewBox="0 0 128 128">
	<g transform="matrix(4.000000,0.000000,0.000000,3.637503,24.80000,5.999897)">
		<path style="fill:aliceblue;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:aliceblue;fill-opacity:0.75;stroke-opacity:0.75;stroke-width:1pt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-linecap:butt;"
		d="M9.212,32c-2.359,0-4.719-0.898-6.52-2.691c-3.59-3.598-3.59-9.449,0-13.039l8.113-7.938 c0.461-0.465,0.727-1.102,0.727-1.785c0-0.68-0.266-1.32-0.742-1.805C9.798,3.75,8.181,3.754,7.181,4.746 C6.196,5.738,6.196,7.355,7.188,8.348L4.356,11.18C1.806,8.625,1.806,4.473,4.353,1.918c2.562-2.559,6.711-2.555,9.264-0.004 c1.242,1.238,1.922,2.887,1.922,4.637c0,1.75-0.68,3.395-1.922,4.629l-8.111,7.934c-2.02,2.016-2.02,5.328,0.02,7.363 c2.031,2.035,5.344,2.031,7.383,0c2.029-2.035,2.029-5.348,0-7.379l-1.422-1.414l4.35-4.348l2.828,2.828l-1.672,1.672 c2.266,3.562,1.852,8.359-1.258,11.469C13.937,31.102,11.571,32,9.212,32L9.212,32z" />
</svg> ' >/tmp/siticon.svg

sit /tmp/siticon.svg &
export MAIN_DIALOG='
      <label>Icon Select::</label>
      <label>Line Color</label>
      <label>Fill Color</label>
   <button ok>
   <button cancel>
      <action>killall sit</action>

gtkdialog3 --program=MAIN_DIALOG

Code: Select all

awk '/^L/||/^M/{printf "%c %d,%d",$1,$2+0.5,$3+0.5}
/^C/{printf "%c %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d", $1, $2+0.5, $3+0.5, $4+0.5, $5+0.5, $6+0.5,$7+0.5}' infile >outfile 
Really "awksome" I think I'll have to go to a dark corner somewhere and try to recover :D

Amazing to have every likely icon quickly available in a simple easily recognizable image. Nicely done.

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bsvg updated (478 icons)

#49 Post by vovchik »

Dear guys,

I have been at it again. This is version 0.1d that now contains 478 icons. The "V-bk" ones are really good and useful. Please have a look. Technosaurus' email icon is also in there.

With kind regards,
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#50 Post by technosaurus »

I had some goodies to post, but i got a little too inventive with my svg coding and deadlocked my system. Turns out that if you recursively include an image in itself viewnior starts trying to open it but goes into an endless loop, inkscapelite only goes down one layer so it is fine, and seamonkey will keep showing layer after layer but eventually deadlock the system. There was a difference if you had 2 copies that included each other (a.svg that includes b.svg and vice versa) compared to an image that includes itself (apparently some apps do detect that)

Here is close to what the example was if anyone wants to test their favorite viewer:

Code: Select all

<svg width="100%" height="100%"
  <circle cx="50%" cy="50%" r="50%" style="fill:red;opacity:0.05" />
  <image x="1%" y="1%" width="98%" height="98%" xlink:href="b.svg" />
@vovchik/seaside: The SVG code appears to be progressing to the point where it is useful outside the tray. If you want to start a separate thread, let me know and I'll put a link in my initial post.
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#51 Post by technosaurus »

here is some code that will allow it to also control the desktop background using a gtkrc file located at /usr/share/sit

I tried using a gtkiconview for desktop icons, (works fine, but gets a white bg) but I can't seem to set its background pixmap directly or at least transparent so that the window bg shows through... maybe setting the "selection-box-alpha" style property (already tried using style property to set base[NORMAL] and/or bg[NORMAL] to NULL, "None", but that didn't seem to work)
source is in /usr/share/sit
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#52 Post by 01micko »


Are you trying to get gtk icons on the desktop? Using gtkdialog?

I made a weather applet that worked at the time (somewhat broken now due to html changes) with a transparent background on the desktop, maybe there is a snippet in there that will help? ... 629#598629

Maybe akash_rawal's applet could help?
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#53 Post by technosaurus »

Not gtkdialog, just thought it would be nice to have it do desktop icons as well and the gtkiconview _seemed_ like the obvious choice, but it is (was?) hard-coded to draw a background color ... I just want it to copy from parent

apparently this is a long standing complaint ... 9dd0#p7728
that may be fixed in gtk3?

see image below:
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#54 Post by technosaurus »

I decided to drop the desktop handling parts until I find a good way to do icons, so redirected focus to making it cross platform (bsd and possibly windows) ... replaced inotify with gio functions an added a usage text
build with:
gcc `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --cflags` sit.c -o sit -lgtk-x11-2.0

Code: Select all

#include <gtk/gtk.h>
void leftclick(GtkStatusIcon *si, gpointer s){popen(s,"r");} /* exec s */
void rightclick(GtkStatusIcon *si, guint b,guint a_t, gpointer s){popen(s,"r");}
void refresh(GFileMonitor *monitor,	GFile *file, GFile *to_file, GFileMonitorEvent event, gpointer si){
	gtk_status_icon_set_from_file(si,g_file_get_path(file));} /* redraws twice ??? */

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ 	GtkStatusIcon *si; char i=1; gtk_init (&argc, &argv);
if ( argc < 2 ) {g_print("usage\n%s /path/to/image left-action right-action ...\n",argv[0]);return 1; }
while (i<argc) {  /* loop through icon, tooltip, click messages */
	si = gtk_status_icon_new_from_file(argv[i]);
	g_signal_connect(g_file_monitor_file(g_file_new_for_path(argv[i++]), G_FILE_MONITOR_NONE, FALSE, NULL),
		"changed", G_CALLBACK(refresh),(gpointer) si);
	g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(si), "activate", G_CALLBACK(leftclick),(gpointer) argv[i++]);
	g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(si), "popup-menu", G_CALLBACK(rightclick), (gpointer) argv[i++]);
} gtk_main ();}
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#55 Post by 01micko »

Thought I better post this one, stuffed around with it awhile ago when I was playing with xpm. (ref)

Code: Select all

# cpu usage as tray icon using SIT from technosaurus

[ ! -d /tmp/cpuicon ] && mkdir /tmp/cpuicon

cpu2svg() #again from techno

[ "$i" = "100" ] && T=12
BG="#FF00FF" #hot pink (default)
	[ "$i" -le "10" ] && BG='#D7FFFF' #pale blue
	[[ "$i" -gt "10" && "$i" -le "25" ]] && BG="#00FFFF" #light blue
	[[ "$i" -gt "25" && "$i" -le "50" ]] && BG="#FFD7D7" #pale pink
echo '<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
  <rect width="34"
     id="rect1" />
</svg>'	> /tmp/cpuicon/cpu.svg

cpuusage() #Paul Colby
while true; do
  CPU=(`cat /proc/stat | grep '^cpu '`) # Get the total CPU statistics.
  unset CPU[0]                          # Discard the "cpu" prefix.
  IDLE=${CPU[4]}                        # Get the idle CPU time.
  # Calculate the total CPU time.
  for VALUE in "${CPU[@]}"; do
  # Calculate the CPU usage since we last checked.
  #echo -en "\rCPU: $DIFF_USAGE%  \b\b" # uncomment for commandline output
  cpu2svg $DIFF_USAGE
  # Remember the total and idle CPU times for the next check.
  # Wait before checking again.
  sleep 1
cpuusage &

sit 1000 /tmp/cpuicon/cpu.svg "cpu usage" "rxvt -e top" "pprocess" 2>/dev/null | \
while read LINE; do
case "$LINE" in
 *)exec $LINE &
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#56 Post by technosaurus »

01micko wrote:Thought I better post this one, stuffed around with it awhile ago when I was playing with xpm

I am wondering how many of these applets could be cross platform. Obviously these ones that use Linux pseudo file systems won't. Doesn't one of our devs still build win32 apps (MU? maybe). If anyone has a windows, bsd or other non-linux environment, I'd be interested to know if A. It builds and B. If/how it works.
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#57 Post by 01micko »

Here's the large version with menu right click and it works on the raspberry pi. Needs a font change with other arches, fatdog produced similar small fonts to the raspi with helvetica.

Note that your sit build script fails both in slacko and on the rpi (debian based pup). I'll post error messages later. I just used the basic link to gtk, nothing fancy

Code: Select all

# cpu usage as tray icon using SIT from technosaurus

[ ! -d /tmp/cpuicon ] && mkdir /tmp/cpuicon

GUIHEIGT=162 #get this with xwininfo beforehand + taskbar height
HEIGHT=$(xwininfo -root | grep 'Height'| cut -f 2 -d ':')
WIDTH=$(xwininfo -root | grep 'Width'| cut -f 2 -d ':')
YDIM=`echo $(($HEIGHT - $GUIHEIGT))`
XDIM=`echo $(($WIDTH - 250))`
PROG=$(basename $0)

# htop||top
	[ $(which htop) ] && xterm -e htop||xterm -e top 

# menu
[ $(which htop) ] && export label=Htop||export label=Top
export rclick="
<window decorated=\"false\">
    <input file stock=\"gtk-about\"></input>
    <input file stock=\"gtk-info\"></input>
    <input file stock=\"gtk-preferences\"></input>
    <input file stock=\"gtk-quit\"></input>
eval $(gtkdialog --class="nolist" -p rclick --geometry +$XDIM+$YDIM)
case $EXIT in
about)Xdialog -title "CPU Tray" -msgbox "Cpu Tray - 0.1\n\nCredits: \
\ntechnosaurus - sit C code\nPaul Colby - cpu code\n01micko - bash code" 0 0 ;;
htop)lclick ;;
pp)pprocess & ;;
quit)kill -9 $(pidof sit)
killall $PROG;;

# make icon
cpu2svg() #again ftom techno
ARCH=$(uname -m)
[ "${ARCH##??}" != "86" ] && FFAMILY=dejavu-sans

[ "$i" = "100" ] && T=12
BG="#FF00FF" #hot pink (default)
	[ "$i" -le "10" ] && BG='#D7FFFF' #pale blue
	[[ "$i" -gt "10" && "$i" -le "25" ]] && BG="#00FFFF" #light blue
	[[ "$i" -gt "25" && "$i" -le "50" ]] && BG="#FFD7D7" #pale pink
echo '<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
  <rect width="34"
     id="rect1" />
</svg>'	> /tmp/cpuicon/cpu.svg

# calculate cpu usage
cpuusage() #Paul Colby
while true; do
  CPU=(`cat /proc/stat | grep '^cpu '`) # Get the total CPU statistics.
  unset CPU[0]                          # Discard the "cpu" prefix.
  IDLE=${CPU[4]}                        # Get the idle CPU time.
  # Calculate the total CPU time.
  for VALUE in "${CPU[@]}"; do
  # Calculate the CPU usage since we last checked.
  #echo -en "\rCPU: $DIFF_USAGE%  \b\b" # uncomment for commandline output
  cpu2svg $DIFF_USAGE
  # Remember the total and idle CPU times for the next check.
  # Wait before checking again.
  sleep 1
cpuusage &

sit 1000 /tmp/cpuicon/cpu.svg "cpu usage" "lclick" "rclick_menu" 2>/dev/null | \
while read LINE; do
case "$LINE" in
 *)$LINE &
It's still buggy though as I can't sort out the right pid to kill for sit.
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#58 Post by technosaurus »

Code: Select all

sit ... &

kill $SITPID
btw you shouldn't need the while read... now that it can execute stuff directly. but you made me wonder if I should check if file exists before refreshing and die if it is missing.

If builds are failing it is probably because some of the explicit dependencies were not linked to the one or more libraries. If the shared libraries have all of their direct dependencies linked (all of and only those which they directly use symbols from) then the dynamic linker can figure all of that out... otherwise you get build nightmares. Often the problem is that something is broken in an upper level library is unknowingly broken and goes unseen because there is a symbol of the same name in another library that gets explicitly linked. as a general rule of thumb, if you only have the gtk/gtk.h header, you should only link the gtk library. Otherwise a best case is that you are missing a .so symlink and are linking in a static library (due to having -glib -lcairo -pango ...) which makes the binary larger and prevents bugs from getting fixed with a shared library update and since gtk depends on the shared version, the shared version shows up as a dependency. a worse case is when an #ifdef HAVE_SOMETHING tells the compiler to build a replacement something and you then get conflicting names. I would only link the tertiary dependencies if a -static flag were passed - autotools, pkgconfig libtool have a broken understanding of how linux works - probably because they are still trying to support systems that no-one uses.

... so please let me know the error so I can help fix the problem before more broken packages get built. ... on the other hand, I probably should directly link to gio for the file watch stuff (perhaps it is possible to build gtk without depending on it at all?) - try just adding that since I _did_ add those (the previous inotify build is better suited to linux builds, but not portable because it uses a low overhead linux system call with almost no latency vs. an 800ms refresh and gobject overhead - I just started my masters in cs, so I am trying to pay more attention to portability so my stuff works for classmates)
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#59 Post by 01micko »

Here's the failure on the Pi, Sap6

Code: Select all

# ./build
cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-mno-accumulate-outgoing-args"
..and I removed, march and mtune options as I don't know what to put there on this arch (tried armel, armv61)

Hers's the slacko error

Code: Select all

# ./build
/usr/lib/gcc/i486-slackware-linux/4.7.1/../../../../i486-slackware-linux/bin/ld: /tmp/ccgrle57.o: undefined reference to symbol 'g_signal_connect_data'
/usr/lib/gcc/i486-slackware-linux/4.7.1/../../../../i486-slackware-linux/bin/ld: note: 'g_signal_connect_data' is defined in DSO /usr/lib/ so try adding it to the linker command line
/usr/lib/ could not read symbols: Invalid operation
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Note that's using -current binaries as of August so bugs may be fixed upstream, (or not). I'm pretty sure gtk has been rebuilt and glib since then. I don't plan on woofing another beta until 14.0 goes live, anytime soon I guess.


EDIT1 (raspberry pi)

Code: Select all

"-march=armv5te -mtune=arm1176jzf-s -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp"
maybe :?:

EDIT2: seems to be working with -march=armv5te -mtune=arm1176jzf-s .. taking ages! (3 secs on the fast box)

EDIT3: -march=armv5te -mtune=arm1176jzf-s -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp works too, bin is 4 bytes bigger then previous. The orig with no options was 5488B, second was 4632B, third was 4636B.

EDIT4 (this is in slackware-current, just ran slackpkg --update-all)

Code: Select all

bash-4.2# ./build
/usr/lib/gcc/i486-slackware-linux/4.7.1/../../../../i486-slackware-linux/bin/ld: /tmp/ccZFd30d.o: undefined reference to symbol 'g_signal_connect_data'
/usr/lib/gcc/i486-slackware-linux/4.7.1/../../../../i486-slackware-linux/bin/ld: note: 'g_signal_connect_data' is defined in DSO /usr/lib/ so try adding it to the linker command line
/usr/lib/ could not read symbols: Invalid operation
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Looks pretty much the same as my slacko errors.
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#60 Post by technosaurus »

Ok, I think I understand now. Most distros build gtk with gio features enabled, but it is possible to have a minimal enough config, that it doesn't link gio. I'd bet Abiword had non-functioning menu items too, since it expects the gvfs portion of it.... It won't hurt anything to add it. Damn ARM, I already cut the unwind stuff, perhaps a separate build?

On a separate note, I was thinking about adding changeable tooltips by reading a file and updating when the file is modified (just like the icons)... Any thoughts?
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