Lose Glipper icon in taskbar

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#21 Post by disciple »

tytower wrote:Where do you get off with this "complaint " bit?
I'm not complaining . You made a statement that you were going to do something.
So I guess it should be possible to apply essentially the same fix. I think I might have some time Thursday night to find the place to apply it.
You do not appear to have done that .
I merely make that observation and offer a remedy for convenient memory loss- the notepad.
Oh, no! Sorry to come back after so long. For some reason when I read your post I thought it said "You do appear to have done that". But it was do not.
Why did you think I had not done it? Have you tried the fixed glipper-lite pet I linked to?
It installs as /usr/bin/glipper. If you installed it, but still have the same problem, my guess is that you have an old version of glipper installed somewhere else like /usr/local/bin, that is taking precedence over it. Remove the other version, or start it with its full path, to test.
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#22 Post by tytower »

I put the couple of lines in as advised by the other poster .That worked well
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#23 Post by TwoPuppies »

Just been having exactly the same problem as tytower.

I followed the link provided by disciple and installed his "fixed" glipper-lite.pet. This did not fix the problem. The Glipper icon still vanishes from the tray.

So I inserted the extra lines into /usr/sbin/pfbpanel as recommended by boolean. That did the trick. Fixed! Thank you boolean. :D
[color=#006699]What you really need is two puppies:
Puppy Linux, and the sort with four legs and a tail.[/color]
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#24 Post by disciple »

The original problem definitely IS fixed in the "fixed" pet. I tested it again just now: booted a clean Puppy with pfix=ram, checked that the problem occurred, downloaded and installed the .pet and checked that it no longer occurred.

There are several possible explanations for why you guys think it isn't fixed.

1. There is some other problem with it that only manifests in whatever Puppies you guys are running (maybe it just needs to be rebuilt on those Puppies). But I suspect this is not the case.
2. You installed it and didn't restart Puppy, X or glipper before checking that it crashed. So the old broken version was still running, not the new version you had just installed.
3. For some reason you installed an older unfixed version from further back in the thread with the fixed version. This seems unlikely.
4. What I said before:
If you installed it, but still have the same problem, my guess is that you have an old version of glipper installed somewhere else like /usr/local/bin, that is taking precedence over it. Remove the other version, or start it with its full path, to test.
Is there any chance you could try to figure out which of these is the case? If it is (1) then I'd like to know, so I can look at fixing the new problem. If it is (4) then I'd like to know so we can warn users of the puppies that have glipper in a different path, so we don't get more people in the future with the same problem.
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#25 Post by tytower »

Nobody too interested in fixing this . I see I got the latest 5.4.2 version and it still does the same thing !!

#26 Post by tytower »

disciple wrote:Please try to be a bit more communicative.
5.2.8 was released in August, so it couldn't possibly include the fixed glipper-lite, which I have made since then.
Is it retrovol that you are complaining about? I would have expected 5.2.8 to include the version that was current at the time.

Or are you just complaining that it doesn't include my gtkbuilder version of glipper-lite?
I believe some people who build Puppies include it (not the latest one with the fix for this issue of course), but others use the old version for some reason which I don't understand.
New Zealanders are always a bit slow . they are out with the sheep a lot I suppose.
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#27 Post by disciple »

Let me make this clear:

I provided an update of glipper-lite with a fix* for this bug, and pointed it out on Barry's blog.
I do not produce any of the Puppy distros.
I do not download each Puppy distro to check what is included in it.
If people are still producing Puppies with a faulty glipper, please report the bug to them through the normal channels (probably a forum thread set up for bugs reports for the specific Puppy version). Direct them to the fixed glipper, or even to one of the alternatives. Reporting it in this thread will not help, because they are very unlikely to see it.

* Neither you nor TwoPuppies has given any feedback on my last post in this thread. If you believe there is another problem that needs to be fixed, please do so.
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#28 Post by tytower »

I would expect that if you claim to have fixed something you should inform the people responsible for the distro it is being sent out in.

What good fixing something that is not going to be used?

Why post here if you don't want it to be used here?

Wake up!
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#29 Post by disciple »

I am not maintaining glipper/glipper-lite. I have never done so.

I provided a fix because I could. (I would like to set up a google code page for it and put all my changes in svn, but I haven't got around to it due to current circumstances - I'm seconded to the other end of the country and imprisoned in Windows and behind a corporate firewall that doesn't even let me check my mail).

I pointed out the fix in a comment on Barry's blog, since Barry is the main maker of Puppy. I posted in the thread here where we had a few other changes.

Even if glipper-lite had a proper maintainer, it would not be realistic for that person to identify all the distros which happen to use it, and check which version they are using. That is the job of each distro's makers, packagers and users (you!).

Please stop trolling and educate yourself on how the free software world works.
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#30 Post by tytower »

Whats the trolling garbage about .
I'm expressing an opinion .
Its my opinion that you don't know what you are doing with this .
I would suggest you pass the ball to someone else if you are not going to try and play with the team

Added - You seem to be well in it with trash?
If you delete something with ROX-filer (or various other linux filers) it is permanently deleted, NOT sent to the trash. (If you have deleted something just now, you may be able to recover it - look at the bottom of this page)

In 2005 Dan Van Wormer wrote the "Trash" Rox-App for Puppy Linux with help from GuestToo, to provide a counterpart to the Windows "Recycle Bin". It was subsequently updated by disciple to fix bugs and add various features.

If you have made any improvements, or if you have suggestions or bugs that you can't fix, make a post in the Puppy Linux forum, or you can try sending a personal message to disciple (I seem to be the de facto maintainer). At http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=27310 we were having a discussion about future improvements, particularly in regard to multisession puppy and to having trash directories on each drive. Nothing is currently planned, except Dan said he was going to integrate the shred utility, for securely deleting things.

LOOK - Im not trying to be rude but I simply feel nothing is fixed if you just fix it for me or for you
It must be fixed in the next distro and then the problem goes away.
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