Squeezed Arm Puppy for Raspberry Pi, alpha4

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#121 Post by nooby »

Thanks guys much appreciated. So RPi needs that bigger
and high quality version for to work then. I only have
the cheapest micro SD versions that came with the smartphones
I have a lot of USB flash though so would be good to have a computer for these

I have no RPi, I sure want to but hesitated when I saw the Sold out sign
some weeks ago.

I look forward to the Norwegian version or similar instead.
They seems to have better RAM and already in a case too.

No hurry I wait until late this year or next until it settle down
and people have decided on what will be the main thing to use.
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#122 Post by rhadon »


I'm still not able to use german keyboard layout.

I can select e.g. azerty or sv-latin1 (Sweden). Both are working fine.

Using be-latin1 (Belgium) or gr (Greece), no success. Like de (German) or de-latin1, I allways have us keyboard layout when typing in a terminal.

I did also a new install with a new download. No change, same problem.

Selecting UTF-8 or not, doesn't matter.

This problem is new for me. It didn't happen in earlier versions of sap6 nor in other Puppies.

pi_subsound_set-0.1-raspi.pet works fine for me. No problems with it.

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Re: Alpha 3 report & Going for the Holy Grail

#123 Post by rrolsbe »


Thanks for the posts! Since a swap partition existed, I didn't realize the swap partition was NOT being used in Alpha3. Running without swap when using /root from SDHC card is probably a good idea (guess it might crash if RAM is exhausted?).

BTW, copying the files needed for the omxplayer from my Debian Squeeze SDHC to Puppy no longer works. Guess something in the boot blob/firmware changed between Alpha 1 and 3 (get a strange vchiq lib error - /dev/vchiq does exist? Sure would like to use the omxplayer to watch mp4 videos with Puppy!
BarryK wrote:
rrolsbe wrote:Questions: I am running Puppy from /root on an external USB drive to improve performance. I also have a swap partition on the external drive, how do I make Puppy use it?
You find a variable in /etc/rc.d/BOOTCONSTRAINED that you can comment-out. Though, that will also cause the swap partition on the SD card to load.

So, I recommend run:

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0p3

to wipe the swap partition on the SD card.
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#124 Post by rhadon »

You could try the pet here. :wink:
My Opera downloads it as omxplayer-0.0.1.gz. If this happens for you too, just rename .gz to .pet.

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#125 Post by eowens2 »

Raspberry Pi homepage has just posted (about 2200 GMT Thursday) a video narrated by Dom from the R_Pi Foundation, of the R_pi booting and navigating about the internet using the changes afforded by Raspbian. Most impressive! Apparently they are going to make it a general release in the near future.

Dom is also overclocking his R_pi to 1.0 GHz in the video. I have been running at 850 MHz since I received it without problems, but my device would not boot at 1.0 GHz; 950 MHz, nope; 925 MHz, lots of error messages but no boot. It boots O.K at 900 Mhz. I'll try that for a while.

I have been trying out alpha-3 SAP. It does indeed boot much faster.

It looks like the inclusion of "find_cat" did not cure any of the major problems in PPM. Most programs I would look for in PPM could not be found (bad databases?). Updating the databases still gives the " line 1: syntax error: unexpected '(' ", requiring ctrl-c to get out.

I finally was able to find and install "Ace-of-Penguins" card games, but they installed under "Utilities/General Utilities" in the menus! But clicking on the name of the game in this incorrect location did ititiate a game.

After setting up an internet connection, it did not persist on a reboot. After setting the connection up again and browsing for a while, the "Active Interfaces" icon in the right-lower corner still has a red "X" through it and the message "Active Interfaces: None".
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#126 Post by puppy_apprentice »

for this error:

line 1: syntax error: unexpected '('

this could be problem with compilation - wrong architecture, u try run program for x86 on ARM

http://forum.teamspeak.com/showthread.p ... t-%28-quot

i had similar problem, when i tried run ARM app on x86:
line 1: syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")

http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions ... ng-898733/
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#127 Post by rhadon »

Well, I found a workaround for my keyboard layout problem :D .

When I edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change XkbLayout from "us" to "de", everything works fine.

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#128 Post by BarryK »

01micko wrote:What about /etc/init.d/11alsa_raspi reading a config file? Say.. /etc/rapsi_alsa.conf? Default could be "0" or "1" or "2" or whatever the consensus is and my little gui could be used to change that.
Yeah, I'm going "raspberryize" QuickSetup, so it will have that analog radiobuttons that you did, plus some other settings for the 'config.txt' file in partition 1.

I would like QuickSetup to automatically detect what arm board it is running on, and adjust itself accordingly.

I will think about doing that tonight, probably.
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#129 Post by rhadon »

eowens2 wrote:I finally was able to find and install "Ace-of-Penguins" card games, but they installed under "Utilities/General Utilities" in the menus! But clicking on the name of the game in this incorrect location did ititiate a game.
You can change that by editing /usr/share/applications/Ace-of-Penguins(or similar).desktop. Change line "Categories=..." to "Categories=Game".

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#130 Post by eowens2 »

rhadon wrote:
You can change that by editing /usr/share/applications/Ace-of-Penguins(or similar).desktop. Change line "Categories=..." to "Categories=Game".
When I go to the file /usr/share/applications/penguin-solitaire-desktop (or 10 or so others in the package 'Ace-of-Penguins), I find that these are executable files, not editable text files. When one clicks on /usr/share/applications/penguin-solitare-desktop a game is initiated rather than a text editor opening with content to be edited.

I guess resolution of this will have to await BK's editing. It is high on his list.
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#131 Post by antiloquax »

If anyone is interested, I have been overclocking my Pi with these settings and I've had no problems

Code: Select all

gpu_freq = 250

There is a post about using even higher settings (1Ghz) here:
Dom's post
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#132 Post by rhadon »

eowens2 wrote:When one clicks on /usr/share/applications/penguin-solitare-desktop a game is initiated rather than a text editor opening with content to be edited.
You are right, if you left click, it will be executed. Use right click and choose "Open As Text" :wink: .

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#133 Post by eowens2 »

Rhadon, you are right! Right-clicking the file does allow me to edit the fields! So I changed the line "Categories=..." to "Categories=Games", saved and re-booted. No difference. The games still appeared under "Utilities/General Utilities/name-of-game" in the menus.

Changed it to "Categories=Fun", saved and rebooted. Same result as above.

I used PPM to remove "Ace-of-Penguins" from SAP alpha-3 (received a verification from PPM), verified that none of the games appeared in any of the menus, and rebooted.

I opened PPM and clicked on "Fun" along the left margin of the window (wondering if this selection might influence where the files might appear in the menu). I then asked PPM to find and install "Ace-of-Penguins", which it did.

But it installed as before, under "Utilities/General Utilities/name-of-files" in the menus, with the binary in /usr/games/ace-name-of-game.

So the devs know about it. I know there are a lot of things clammering for their attention right now. :D
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#134 Post by antiloquax »


I had sound over HDMI briefly but then it went off. Will investigate further.

I have made a PET of mupdf. This works on my Pi. Please have a go and see if it seems okay:

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#135 Post by antiloquax »

I ran this command to do a very simple benchmark.
(from a console, not within X)

Code: Select all

time echo "scale=2000;4*a(1) | bc -l
With the over-voltage overclock, the "real" time was:
15.774 secs.

With the "safe" overclock, (arm - 850, sdram - 500, gpu - 250), I got:

With no overclocking:

As a quick comparison, I ran the test on my Arch installation (this is using the same "safe" overclock) and got:

Just out of interest, I ran this on my laptop, which is a Pentium 3 with 256mb of RAM (so similar to the sort of performance Eben Upton has claimed the Pi might have). It is running Racy Puppy.
The time was:

Sound over HDMI is working fine, I followed Barry's instructions and edited the file that sets the default audio so that it selected HDMI.
One odd thing (and this may be my TV, not the Pi) is that there is no sound at first, but when I adjust the TV volume, it appears!
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#136 Post by rhadon »

Sorry, I've forgotten that there are some more simlpe steps. :oops:
Open a terminal (console, the icon on the desktop),
type fixmenus
restart X (menu->Shutdown->Restart X)

Now it should work :wink: .

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#137 Post by eowens2 »

I wish I could bring good news!

I right-clicked all of the /usr/share/applications/Ace-of-Penguin.desktop items (10 of them!), and replaced " Categories=Utilities" with "Categories=Games", saved file, went to a console and entered "fixmenus" <enter>, and restarted X.

The result was that all of the games disappeared from the "Utilities/General Utilities" menu, but did not appear under any other menu! But the game would still run by clicking on /usr/share/applications/name-of-game.desktop or doing /usr/game/ace-nameofgame at the console.

I repeated the above, replacing "Categories=Utilities" with "Categories=Fun" (since that is the category in Puppy's menus), but the result was the same.

As others have said, I think PPM in alpha SAP is acting a little flakey.
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#138 Post by 01micko »

I right-clicked all of the /usr/share/applications/Ace-of-Penguin.desktop items (10 of them!), and replaced " Categories=Utilities" with "Categories=Games",
try with just Categories=Game

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#139 Post by Lobster »

gpu_freq = 250
Guys please err on the side of caution if you are not sure what you are doing.

I recently watched a video of Eben. He was asked about overclocking, he mentioned warranty and then admitted that everyone at Raspberry HQ overclocks. So the conservative overclocking above is something I would try.

Also be aware that a cheaper (no ethernet board) will be available. So raspberri killing might be a cheaper future option for those pushing the limits. Poor little ARM chip.
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#140 Post by antiloquax »

Lobster wrote:
Guys please err on the side of caution if you are not sure what you are doing.

I recently watched a video of Eben. He was asked about overclocking, he mentioned warranty and then admitted that everyone at Raspberry HQ overclocks. So the conservative overclocking above is something I would try.
I have read somewhere that increasing the voltage will probably damage the chip over time. I wanted to try it to see for myself the relative performance. Day-to-day I just use the settings Lobster quotes.

glxgears test

"Safe" overclock: best reading was 19.170 fps

No overclock: 19.077 fps

Over-voltage: 26.994 fps
Over-voltage with swapon - 29.103
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