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Re: Window Icons

#441 Post by Geoffrey »

seaside wrote:Right now you can only set a gtkdialog's window dialog icon with a "gtk-stock-item" such as this-

Code: Select all

<window title="Example Window" icon-name="gtk-dialog-warning">
It would be really great to provide a customized icon with any pixmap that would show as the window icon as well as minimized in a tray.

Having this feature would give gtkdialog programs a nice professional and polished look.

Hi seaside,

You can add your own icon, vovchik and I discussed it a few post back, if you have the icon you wish to use, place it in any of the folders in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/.

System links also work, then run this command in the terminal to refresh the icon cache,

Code: Select all

gtk-update-icon-cache -f -i /usr/share/icons/hicolor
I've since found that petget refreshes the cache when a pet is installed

Code: Select all

<window title="A GTKDialog" icon-name="games48" resizable="false" decorated="true">
I placed a system link from /usr/local/lib/X11/themes/Ethereal/games48.png to /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps, refreshed the cache and this is the result.

icon on the GUI
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icon on taskbar
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#442 Post by seaside »


Just a great find. :idea: :idea: Many, many thanks.

Yes, I see you had this discussion over the holidays and I must have just missed it,

Since installing pets updates the cache, it would seem that (for Puppy at least) including that gtkdialog feature implementation of
gtk_window_set_icon(GTK_WINDOW(window), create_pixbuf("pixname.ext"));
isn't necessary.

Vovchik would have to comment on the merits between the two ways of showing icons, as I have no clue.

(This should definitely be in the gtkdialog tips and tricks section) :!:
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#443 Post by vovchik »

Dear seaside,

The advantage of:

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gtk_window_set_icon(GTK_WINDOW(window), create_pixbuf("pixname.ext"));
is that you can use any old pixmap - a special one for instance - that isn't registered in the GTK icon system. But Geoffrey's workaround is also very useful. I think the user-selected window pixmap will be implemented in due course. I also like the idea of a tray item. Yad does that very nicely, and I have done that with an unreleased radio stream player in BaCon. It's also not hard to implement, and it's nice to be able to choose the pixmap.

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#444 Post by RSH »

GtkDialog-Feature? !

I would like to refer to the following. ... 119#596119

My thought would be to create something in the style of <tree "selection_mode="3"> that gives back a tree like shown in the attached image.

Perhaps it could be tree also, but with selection_mode="5" (f.e.). I know, it seems to be easy to "hack" things like that (if you are familiar with bash), but it would be very useful for all non-bash-familiar-users/programmers, to handle this one just as easy as <tree selection_mode="3">

I am very familiar with pascal programming (older version, another OS) and I would surely be able to code stuff like that - if i could use "my" pascal system! Unfortunately, i can't.

As i see the code, you do have already everything to set this up.

Would you please "hack" this out to easy use for all non-bash-familiar-users/programmers?

Thank you!

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#445 Post by Argolance »

Am I silly? :shock: :D
These are the code lines: 8)

Code: Select all



export MAIN_DIALOG='
<window title="Example Window" icon-name="gtk-dialog-warning">
    <frame Question:>
        <label>How could I get stock icons ("gtk-dialog-warning" for example) and... others working?</label>
      <button ok></button>
      <button cancel></button>

case $1 in
	-d | --dump) echo "$MAIN_DIALOG" ;;
	*) $GTKDIALOG --program=MAIN_DIALOG ;;
This is what I get! :?
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#446 Post by technosaurus »

You'll find that and a lot more here:
Check out my [url=]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=]blogspot[/url].
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#447 Post by Argolance »

Thank you for replying.
I already know this great topic, and learned a lot while looking at zigbert tips!!! But I didn't find the answer to my question. I know how to display my own icon in the window title bar but don't how to display some gtk stock icons like gtk-dialog-info or gtk-dialog-warning for example (which could be useful and used without having to add copies manually to /usr/share/icons/hicolor) though it curiously works quite well with gtk-preferences...

I was wondering if something like icon-stock-name=... would exist?
This was just a question...

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#448 Post by technosaurus »

It's in zigbert's first post, just search for stock ... 035#274035
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#449 Post by Argolance »

Thank you for your patience.
I red the topic as seriously as I could: nada! :oops: For menuitem and buttons icons, no problem, solutions are there, and I know them...
But for window title bar icon, I tried to adapt several things... without success and din't see anything directly telling about! :?

No matter.
Have a good Sunday!

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#450 Post by technosaurus »

yeah sorry, I was misreading your post, the way I have always hacked it was make a symlink of my program to the name of the icon with no extension

Code: Select all

ln -s gtkdialog gtk-dialog-warning
#need an icon in jwm's icon path named gtk-dialog-warning.png (or xpm)
gtk-dialog-warning -P ....
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#451 Post by Argolance »

Merci... :)
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#452 Post by technosaurus »

I switched out the find_pixmap code in my compile with this - speeds up not finding missing images with locate (especially if it is missing) and gives a convenient way to tell where the global gtkdialog images are (using an environment variable - GTKDIALOG_PIXMAP_DIR) - better suggestions welcome though
char *find_pixmap(char *filename)
char tmp[128];
static char *line = NULL;
static uint length = 0;
FILE *locate;

if (access(filename, R_OK) == 0)
return filename;

//snprintf(tmp, 127, "/usr/share/icons/Bluecurve/16x16/stock/%s",
snprintf(tmp, 127, "/usr/share/pixmaps/%s", filename);
tmp[127] = '\0';
if (access(tmp, R_OK) == 0)
return strdup(tmp);

snprintf(tmp, 127, "/usr/share/mini-icons/%s", filename);
tmp[127] = '\0';
if (access(tmp, R_OK) == 0)
return strdup(tmp);

snprintf(tmp, 127, "%s/%s",getenv("GTKDIALOG_PIXMAP_DIR"), filename);
tmp[127] = '\0';
if (access(tmp, R_OK) == 0)
return strdup(tmp);

return 0;
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#453 Post by Argolance »

Did not test this yet... but guess that, at first sight, the small "amateur" I am finds these code lines impressive and somewhat "hermetic"... :shock: !

Thank you a lot!
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#454 Post by sklimkin »

The site wasn't updated for a long time.
Can be here will on a subject.
gtkdialog has many good examples bash-script.
The author Laszlo Pere has given possibility to do the program and in C-language, but an example of such program only one (and very small).
Program possibilities gtkdialog in this case are much poorer, than at bash-script.
Some users can write on bash-script worse, than on C-language (as I for example).
Considering it I has made an example in C-language.
Designs gtkdialog for C-language don't allow for example such things:
<window window_position = "1" title = "System Tools">
<action when = "file-activated"> echo File: $FILE </action>
It managed to be bypassed in such a way:
"<action> cat [echo $FILE] | zenity - text-info - width=720 - height=400 - title $FILE </action>"
But even with such restrictions it was interesting to me to make the program which doesn't demand heavy libraries (so I anyway think).
If will consider it possible add my example in/gtkdialog/examples/
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gtkdialog example code C-language
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#455 Post by oldyeller »

Hello Everyone,

I made me a notebook like menu for Manna OS, but iI have one problem that I need help with.

When I hit a button the menu stays open. How do I close it after hitting a button?

#! /bin/bash

export MAIN_DIALOG='
<window title="Manna Menu" icon-name="Bible">
<notebook labels="Bible Software|Books|Dictionaries">
<input file>/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/bibletime.png</input>
<action type="exec">bibletime</action>
<text wrap="true" width-chars="50"><label>An excellent stand alone program. There are a lot of books one can get for this and maps as well.</label></text>
<input file>/usr/share/pixmaps/75DE_BibleAnalyzer4.0.png</input>
<action type="exec"></action>
<text wrap="true" width-chars="50"><label>An excellent program to disect the Word and get more out of it. It has many ways in which one can do this. This has others resources one can buy.</label></text>
<input file>/usr/share/pixmaps/esword.png</input>
<action type="exec">/usr/bin/</action>
<text wrap="true" width-chars="50"><label>There is a lot of free Bibles and other resources plus you can get step books (examples) as well. There is also bibles and books you can buy too.</label></text>
<input file>/usr/share/pixmaps/CB2C_theword.0.png</input>
<action type="exec"></action>
<text wrap="true" width-chars="50"><label>This program is one in which you can open up more than just one book, bible or any other window. There is a lot of resources for this program on line to get.</label></text>
<text wrap="true" width-chars="50"><label>Books will be coming soon.</label></text>
<text wrap="true" width-chars="50"><label>Dictionaries will be coming soon as well. There will be more stuff added as time goes by.</label></text>
<button cancel></button>
<button ok></button>

gtkdialog --program=MAIN_DIALOG
Any ideas?

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#456 Post by SFR »

oldyeller wrote:When I hit a button the menu stays open. How do I close it after hitting a button?
This is what you need, I believe:

Code: Select all

#! /bin/bash 

export MAIN_DIALOG=' 
    <label>Launch Abiword</label>
    <action>abiword &</action>
    <action type="exit">exiting completed</action>
gtkdialog --program=MAIN_DIALOG
[color=red][size=75][O]bdurate [R]ules [D]estroy [E]nthusiastic [R]ebels => [C]reative [H]umans [A]lways [O]pen [S]ource[/size][/color]
[b][color=green]Omnia mea mecum porto.[/color][/b]
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#457 Post by oldyeller »

Thanks SFR,

That worked!!! but didn't need to put launch in the <label>

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#458 Post by oldyeller »

Hello again

I am have been trying to view+ and view- for my text but not sure if the code is right


funcbtnCreate() {
echo '<button>
<input file stock="'$3'"></input>
<action>echo "'"$4"' '$1'"</action>
<action type="'"$2"'">'$1'</action>

export MAIN_DIALOG='
<window title="Text Advanced" resizable="false">
<vbox border-width="10" spacing="10">
<text use-markup="true">
<label>"<span fgcolor='"'black'"' bgcolor='"'white'"'> Text from file inside a scrollable vbox </span>"</label>
<vbox scrollable="true" width="600" height="300">
<text wrap="false" xalign="0">
<label>This is a static text.</label>
<input file>'/usr/local/Manna/t.txt'</input>
<hbox homogeneous="true">

'"$(funcbtnCreate txt0 viewmag gtk-view Bigger)"'
'"$(funcbtnCreate txt0 Enable gtk-yes Enabling)"'
'"$(funcbtnCreate txt0 Clear gtk-clear Clearing)"'
'"$(funcbtnCreate txt0 Fileselect gtk-file "Inserting into")"'
'"$(funcbtnCreate txt0 Refresh gtk-refresh Refreshing)"'

<hbox homogeneous="true">

<button use-stock="true" label="gtk-ok" has-focus="true"></button>

case $1 in
-d | --dump) echo "$MAIN_DIALOG" ;;
*) $GTKDIALOG --program=MAIN_DIALOG ;;
Any help would be great

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#459 Post by 8-bit »

I tried running your script from a terminal to see what was happening after changing the inputfile line to a file I had.
It displayed that file fine in the text window.
But... Instead of displaying the contents of a file from the File Selection button, it returns and displays the file name and that is being used as the input.
So that is strange.
Also, the $ variables I would have thought were command line variables given externally to the script.
But I have not worked with gtkdialog in a while, so take this reply for a grain of salt.
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#460 Post by oldyeller »

Hi 8-bit,

this code is form an example that I messed around with and had know idea what I was doing.

Here is my thought I want to be able to have books/text in a window that would be able to zoom-out/in so it could be read.

I am slowly learning how to do all of this though.
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