OLD: mpdPup - Simplified MPD Music Server/Jukebox - v0.9.2

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives
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#301 Post by ldolse »

Hi Toine - i2k is right - the USB stick is not that critical as once bootup is complete everything does run out of memory. You mentioned speeding up three things - boot, reboot, and database updates. Booting/Rebooting does depend on the flash memory, but it's pretty fast regardless of the speed - if you want it faster just get a faster device. If you're planning to build a dedicated system around mpdPup I recommend purchasing a compact Flash card with a compact flash to SATA adapter (CF-SATA if you google for it). Use a card reader to install as per the first post. The other nice thing about Compact Flash is there are many high end cards available for high-end DSLR cameras if you really do want to spend a few extra bucks to boot/reboot as quickly as possible.

Database updates are dependent on the speed of the storage with your music library. I too wish these were faster, but it's not something I do frequently enough to fuss about it.

Note if you choose Alix most of them don't have Video (one or two models do) - it sounds like you want to hook the system up to a TV. There is a trade-off there, and it depends on your priorities - removing the GPU from the motherboard may increase sound quality slightly, but it eliminates the option of displaying now playing on a TV (although that could still be done from a client on a separate machine). The Alix CPU is also dramatically slower than an Intel Atom if you care about boot speed - I think the bootup time is still quite reasonable, but it is noticeably different for that particular case. There were some discussions on the Alix boot speed earlier in this thread somewhere.

@i2k, I haven't seen this - I would say it's a flaw in the Tenor's design if there is a loud pop. With Audiophilleo I do get a (very) tiny bit of static for about a millisecond when it powers back on from a sleep state, but it's not very loud. If you were thinking about getting the WaveIO maybe one of the other users on the thread can comment - worst case you can sign up for diyaudio and ask on that thread. I'm afraid I don't know a solution, if you find one I can look into implementing it.
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#302 Post by PET-240 »


Recommend not forgetting the Alix 2D2. Though it uses a cf card, takes about a minute to boot its really not that bad. I am working on getting the LED's to work on the Alix.
The upside with the 2D2 is all connections are on the rear of the board, and using a cf keeps the USB bus free from other devices. From all I've read, this affects SQ.
Dont stress about the lack of VGA, using putty to configure is really easy, I hadn't used it before this and it really was quite simple. Add to that the wizards Idolse has included and it makes this really easy to implement.
It's a credit to Idolse that it is so simple.

Apparently my 2 cents keeps stretching.


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#303 Post by i2k »

The boot speed also depends on the system where the boot device is attached. On my AMD E350 based system, new USB stick is significantly faster than CF with CF-SATA adapter. But on my Intel D2500 system, they're equally fast, less than 30s to boot. I don't have any fancy CF card, the one I use is 10 years old 256 MB card.

@Toine : why don't just get the Soundgraph Imon as recommended by Idolse to display "now playing". Cheaper & consume less energy than a monitor. Personally I use my Android phone for this purpose.
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#304 Post by PET-240 »

I'm not really stressed about boot time, I run tube gear so it takes a minute before I turn on B+ anyhow.
Interesting differences between boot speeds though.
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Thanks for all the good advice

#305 Post by TOINE »

It's great to see all the help and advice people give on this forum, it's my first time that i'm active on a forum. Things are getting pretty clear for me which direction i want to go.

@i2k i understand the type of usb stick isn't very important, i'll check the Soundgraph imon.

@idolse the Cf-card you mentioned, would it come instead of a usb-stick? When i think how i'm gonna use the Alix and mpdpup.... boot time isn't that interesting, since Alix will be powered 24/7. And updating the database is something one does indeed not very often. I'll go for the Alix 3d3, so my wife can see in a quick look on the tv which song is playing, so she don't have to reach for the iPad. I was wondering if there's a way i can donate for this project?

@drew It's indeed a credit to Idolse that it is so simple to run and to install, amazing how he did this. By the way I also run tube gear on my Magnepan's, nice to hear that there are tubelovers on the forum! :)
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#306 Post by i2k »

@Toine : you're lucky, my wife wouldn't even bother about my music :oops: the only think she bothers is my spending for audio stuffs.

I think the best donation could be given to mpdpup is to spread the word. I've tried on some audio forum in my country, but not easy as majority of people are still allergic to Linux. I don't see why mpdpup can't reach the popularity of vortexbox or voyagempd given the fact that it is easier to install & configure.

Soon as my DAC with Broskie BCF completed, I'll join the mpdpup tube brotherbood.
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#307 Post by multiblitz »

I need some help:

I try to get mpdpup started...did the installation on the USB-Stick etc.

Plugged the stick in my computer (Z68, 2500T, 8 GB), set the bios to boot from USB.

It goes into a endless loop with showing the boot screen and in wide letters "machine check error" for a fraction of a second before rebooting again.

So, no install possible
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#308 Post by ldolse »

@multiblitz, it sounds like you have corrupted/broken USB stick - try reformatting it or swapping it for a different/new one. Not sure if you know how to check md5, but if the above still fails you can double-check the md5 of the download to make sure it wasn't corrupted (md5 is in the first post).

@TOINE, i2k, regarding USB vs. CF-SATA, it's one or the other. The USB stick is meant for trying out mpdPup to see if you like it without messing up your existing server. However if you like it and want to make it permanent a CF-SATA with a flash card is a better solution.

Agree with i2k about donations, I'm not looking for any money and it wouldn't help get new releases out faster. Spreading the word is great, If you really wanted to do more then contributions in the form of improvements or documentation are welcome. Things aren't set up just yet to make that really easy, but if someone wanted to do that sort of thing I can make it happen.
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#309 Post by multiblitz »

Found the issue: I tried to create the stick on computer A to be used on computer B.

This does not work. the stick needs to be created on the same computer it is for.

So, works now...now i am fighting with a SMB-Issue with WHS 2011. Cant connect.

...a few hours later...I tried all kind of stuff to connect either to the whs2011 or my windows 7 pc...no luck. If I use the same settings for ip, user password in a filebrowser on my ipad...no issues, so smb is working. mpdpup does not want to connect in the test....your help is highly appreciated....
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#310 Post by i2k »

I notice strange RAM behaviour where the RAM usage increases whenever a new song is played until a point where it is stabilized (in my case it is 1.4GB out of 2GB total RAM). It seems that mpd just "stack" new songs without flush the previous songs from the RAM.

My system RAM usage starts from about 330KB (after reboot) up to 1.4GB. I monitor the usage using "top" command. My setup (mpd.conf) :

audio_buffer_size = "102400"
buffer_before_play = "100%"

Is this normal ? Anyone experience this issue ?
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#311 Post by ldolse »

@multiblitz, Glad you got the USB working - it definitely doesn't need to be done on the same computer, I'm guessing it's the corruption case or something wrong with the computer you did use. Regarding CIFS, Microsoft and Apple have been working hard to make sure that the latest versions of their OS are only compatible with the latest versions of their OS and nothing else unfortunately. You need to configure Windows Home Server/7 to behave like Vista and previous releases - did you try searching Google, as I came up with a bunch of things to try:

@i2k, I haven't seen that kind of behavior - root cause may be a memory leak in one of the decoder libraries, although it's odd that it stopped at 1.4GB. What's your predominant music format?
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#312 Post by i2k »

Idolse, the behaviour was observed with both FLAC & MP3. The increase seems to be correspond to the file size. If I play a song which has been previously played, nothing happens to the RAM usage.
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#313 Post by multiblitz »

I am very impressed how much you care and how fast you react. wow. This is very encouraging, as I feel a bit lost currently to be honest.

A cli instead of a gui....wow.

i tried the reg changes of the techtweak...did not work.

So, gave up on smb for the moment and changed to local drive.

Attached a Ntfs drive to the computer, but in the mpd setup this drive is not selectable.

So, created a local folder on the stick instead.

Ok, now the system at least starts and tells me mdp is running.

Now I want to connect through a client (mpad) from my ipad. mpad tells me, if bonjour wouod be active (whatever bonjour is), i would see the mpd server automatically. i dont see anything automatically, so i guess bonjour is not working.

How can i get now the connection to the mpd server ? i guess manual setup, but with tunes and password nothing connects....

Sorry to bather you guys...I am for sure not a novice on computer, but have no clue about linux...and want to get now a quick understanding of the sund potential before spending more time to figure out whats wrong with smb etc
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#314 Post by ldolse »

Hi, apologies for all the bad luck, now you've made some choices that are running into known issues, ones which will be resolved in the next release. Instructions for fixing ntfs are here:

Bonjour is partially broken right now - autodiscovery won't work but you can use tunes.local as the hostname in the mPad/mPod configuration.

Not sure what else to do about Windows 7/Home Server, that's the first I've heard they're broken - I'll see what can be done about that in the future.
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#315 Post by TOINE »

@idolse I'm gonna buy an Alix board and make this my dedicated music source, so i'll buy a high quality CF card and then i'm ready to roll. In the meantime i'm enjoying Mpdpup on a usb-stick on the Lenovo laptop immensely. Since i'm not good with Linux i don't think i can help you with improvements but if there is another way i can help just let me know!

@i2k Sorry to hear your wife doesn't bother about the music, I'm very lucky my wife likes not only the music but also the equipment, even the large Magnepans!

@multiblitz Just like you i'm a Linux dummie, but i managed quite easily setting up Mpdpup. I think if you have a NAS drive, that would be the most simple way to access your music.

About the mPad.... i use it too, since there was no player discovered by mPad i added a player myselve: i entered the ipadres of the pc where mpd was running on e.g. the pc where i attached the usb-stick. I opened the port on which the mpd server is communicating (6600) in my router software and of i went. It maybe take some time for you to get everything working but rest assure it's well worth, i have had a Linn Sneaky streamer and a Logitech Touch before this, but i don't wanna go back. MpdPup and mpdPad is the best that came across!
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#316 Post by multiblitz »

After all this bad luck I tried now to connect via Gnome from a Windows PC.

error code 13 or error code 12. No connection poosible.

So, I GUESS...I need to do something about the IP-Adress and / or the Router-setting. Any hints are highly welcome.

On The IP...I believe that it should got its IP from the DHCP-Server in the router...nevertheless I read that is the default config ?
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#317 Post by i2k »

multiblitz wrote:After all this bad luck I tried now to connect via Gnome from a Windows PC.

error code 13 or error code 12. No connection poosible.

So, I GUESS...I need to do something about the IP-Adress and / or the Router-setting. Any hints are highly welcome.

On The IP...I believe that it should got its IP from the DHCP-Server in the router...nevertheless I read that is the default config ?
It seems that your machine doesn't have IP address yet as is normally a local loopback address.

Can you check the output of "ifconfig" command ? or try ping to your router ?
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#318 Post by multiblitz »

Ok...a little progress report:

- I configured a NAS and tried to connect to the NAS during setup. No success.

- I was near to give up, rebooted...clicked around and somehow saw a short window of Winx which offered general help.

Clicked on this, got a white Window with some topics like internet connection...clicked there and saw that the ip adress is still indeed

Clicked the setup wizard for ethernet, got ip adress from DHCP Server...

...and AFTER all of that started the MPD-Setup-Dialogue with all the nice windows which ask you to give ip-adress and user of the server.

This time: Success !!! It saw the directories, could connect to the WHS2011 Server.

Rest of the config worked smoothly.

Saved & Rebooted.

CLI comes up, says that i am logged in, but nothing more...nothing about MPD has started or anything.

PC has now a DHCP-Adress from the router. Checked that.

Tried to connect with Gnome. Nothing. Tunes, Tunes.Local nor actual Ip-adress worked.
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#319 Post by ldolse »

Glad we're making progress, but that's really weird that DHCP didn't automatically work for you, first time I've seen that. Glad that was also the root cause for Windows 7 not working. Was the machine not plugged into the network during bootup?

By 'Gnome' I assume you mean GMPC - be careful how you use that word in the Linux world, there are a million applications named 'Gnome something or other'. would make it connect to the same PC GMPC is running on - you want it to connect to the mpdPup machine.

tunes.local will only work if you've installed bonjour on your Windows system - it automatically installs with iTunes and some other Apple software (there is a link to it in the first post). Otherwise you need to use the IP address - you can get that by typing 'ifconfig' on mpdPup as i2k noted, it will be buried in the output so you'll need to dig a bit. It might be pretty easy to find from your router as well, depending on how many machines are on your network.

edit - I see you're saying the actual IP didn't work in gmpc - not sure what's going on with that, possibly the windows firewall?
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#320 Post by i2k »

So now you're sure that your mpd is properly conencted to LAN. I suspect that WHS share is not properly mounted to "/mnt/music" directory, so mpd failed to start as it cannot find the music directory.

First, check if mpd started and load it's library with your songs. Type "mpc listall", you should see the list of your songs.

Otherwise, check if the your WHS share folder properly mounted or not by typing "ls /mnt/music". If it's OK you should see the folders/files on that WHS share.

If the above is not OK, something is wrong with fstab file so your WHS share is not mounted properly, so you need to check the content of that particular file. Now download putty program and install it on your Windows machine. Use it to open SSH connection to your mpd server by using the mpd's IP address.

After entering the user name (root) and password, run this command "cat /etc/fstab"on the command prompt. Capture the output and post it here so we can help to troubleshoot.

good luck

@idolse : the DHCP problem as mentioned by multiblitz is happened to me once. I need to start the network wizard before it got the DHCP address. I done other installation with fresh USB / CF (don't remember which one) and never experience it again.
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