LMMS 0.4.13

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LMMS 0.4.13

#1 Post by OscarTalks »

Had a go at this in Slacko 5.3.3 and Exprimo


Includes plugins for ZynAddSubFX synth and spectrumanalyzer
FluidSynth SF2 Player works - requires loading a Soundfont file

Sold as seen, but seems to be OK

Decided to post it without the qt dependency but
installing qt is easy
In Slacko load qt_all .sfs
or qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.3-i686 .pet from PPM
In Exprimo
qt-4.8.0-basic-with-qtwebkit-dpup.pet is in PPM
This means LMMS is not including qt libs
so avoids possible problems or conflicts with other programs.

LMMS for Slacko .pet (13 MB) download link :-
md5sum = 3a49cfef28cf542b3168403ef37e61cd

Compiled in Exprimo .pet (13 MB) download link :-
md5sum = 62031b901c3d0f8dc188492f7fdf7a1a

A couple of the more obscure plugins and features may be missing.
Give it a test and report any findings.
Last edited by OscarTalks on Thu 23 Aug 2012, 22:22, edited 8 times in total.
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#2 Post by mini-jaguar »

O.k., the Saluki version works, tried several of the demo songs, for some of them it needs the zynaddsubfx synth, seems to work fine in Saluki 0.2.3. For some weird reason the song editor was blank when first opening lmms, worked fine after closing and re-opening though.

I couldn't get the Slacko version to work, but that is because I wasn't able to use the .sfs version, as I have Slacko as a full install on one computer which already has a version of lmms and I shouldn't mess with it for now, and on another computer I tried it with a qt .pet without installing Puppy and it didn't work. It probably works with the .sfs or another .pet, but I could only find one slacko .pet in ibiblio, which didn't work.
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#3 Post by OscarTalks »

Thanks for testing and reporting.

When first starting it there are a couple of steps. First it asks if you want to create the working directory and of course you answer yes. Then the preferences/options window opens and any changes do require a re-start of LMMS.

I compiled it in a Slacko with the "qt_all" .sfs from Slickpet loaded and once built and installed it was working in that.

I then made a fresh Slacko save-file and installed just the .pet of LMMS which I had made. I then installed .pet package "qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.3-i686" which is in PPM under Repo: puppy-slacko, category: Desktop and it was working in that. I think installation of qt requires a reboot, meaning that you have to at least create a save-file, may not be possible to test by running live with everything in RAM.
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#4 Post by mini-jaguar »

You don't need to reboot with Saluki.

Anyways, for Slacko 5.3.1 I had tried the qtfm-5.4-slacko.pet, which didn't say it required a reboot, but it also didn't work.

I retried it with the .pet you mentioned, made a save file and rebooted. It eventually worked as well.

So your .pets are fine, but both are missing the zynaddsubfx synth, which is required to properly play some of the demo songs, and I'm not sure they're available as .pets.
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#5 Post by OscarTalks »

I see what you mean now about zynaddsubfx. I also got messages about another missing plugin needed for some of those samples/demos, spectrumanalyser I think it was.

There were some messages in the console during the compile process about optional plugins which would expand the functionality of LMMS. Not sure how useful it is without them. Maybe if you are creating and mixing your own audio tracks using the tools that are included it is OK.

I found zynaddsubfx as a separate program in sourceforge. It may be possible to compile and install it (and others) afterwards and the plugin for LMMS will be included. On the other hand, it may be that these programs need to be installed before compiling LMMS.

I had a go at this because it was requested and because I am trying to learn about compiling so I will try to investigate further, but the process was quite lengthy for LMMS so I need to find a day when I have some hours to spare. Maybe other compilers will offer up something with these plugins included.
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#6 Post by mini-jaguar »

I think synths can most likely be added later, otherwise I wouldn't see the use of a program like this, you can add samples, LADSPA effects, everything.

As far as I am concerned though, I was just saying that the zynaddsubfx was required for some demos, I don't personally use it and don't really care if it's there or not, but it would make it more "complete" for some people installing this, if you know what I mean.

Thanks a lot for these great .pets.
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#7 Post by OscarTalks »

In Saluki I managed to compile ZynAddSubFX as a separate program but doing this does not insert the plugin into LMMS.

Looking at the LMMS compile process again I see that the build of the 2 optional plugins (zynaddsubfx and spectrumanalyzer) is looking for a DEV lib of FFTW3 which IS installed but it is not recognising it. This may be a bug or incompatibility in the code or something. There may be a fix but I haven't found it yet.
EDIT - sorted, but other errors aren't, see below.

I installed the files for FluidSynth which is one of the other optional plugins and that changed to "OK" telling me that this plugin would now be created if I complete the compile process again. This confirms to me that the build process for the other plugins should be working.
Last edited by OscarTalks on Wed 08 Aug 2012, 16:55, edited 1 time in total.
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#8 Post by sheepy »

Trying it on Lucid now.
ZynAddSubFX does not work. :( The instrument plugin is not there. D:
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#9 Post by OscarTalks »

Hello sheepy

I haven't tried to compile LMMS in Lucid as yet. Obviously there are no guarantees that my Slacko version will work in other Puppies but the plugins are now working in Slacko except for one obscure one (stk mallets or something). Almost all of the samples and demos now load and play.

In Saluki I have managed to load the all the necessary libs and get cmake to report "OK" on creation of the plugins, but now I am getting strange errors near the end of the make sequence. This didn't happen in the Slacko build, nor did it happen when I built in Saluki without the plugins. I may have to set that aside for the time being. Attempting to compile in Lucid or Exprimo may be worth a try at some point. For now I'm afraid it is Slacko only, but at least Slacko is the current flagship state-of-the-art official Puppy.
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#10 Post by OscarTalks »

I've uploaded a new build with qt libs included. Hope this is OK. At least it is easier to test now.
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#11 Post by backi »

Hi Oscar Talks !
Downloaded and installed Lmms Linux Multimedia Studio 0.4.13 on DpupExprimo .
Seems working so far . Did not test further .
But one thing for shure is missing That Sf2 player plugin .
Useless for me without that ( i think for the most other users to )

Somehow i got Lmms0.4.13 working on DpupExprimo by using a tricky procedure ( as far as i can remember ) ,
1. using lmms 0.4.8 sfs or pet installed them then
2. installing some lmms0. 4.13 debs from ubuntu lucid repos and installed them over 1.
Maybe there where some libpulse or libaudio missing too .i think i installed it (but cant exactly remember )
Worked without problem. But later i deinstalled it from Dpupexprimo . Now i am using lmms 0.4.13 on a Bodhi Linux installation .
I posted this text in the Request topic too .
But nevertheless thanks for your work and goodwill .
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#12 Post by OscarTalks »

Hello Backi,

I am glad you know something about the FluidSynth Soundfont plugin.

I have uploaded new versions of LMMS with this plugin enabled so it does now appear in the list of instrument plugins and I can get the little GUI with keyboard to appear, but it does not seem to play any sounds (which the others do). Maybe it needs extra files or something.

The FluidSynth program installed on its own gives strange messages in Console like "expected abc but got xyz" so I am not sure about it and with so many other instrument plugins in LMMS and since the sample projects appear not to have used it at all I thought it might not be essential to spend any more time on it, but any advice appreciated.
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#13 Post by backi »

Hello Oscar Talks !
Tested your new upload of Lmms on DpupExprimo . Now all Plugins are there and as far as i could see they are working .
( Dont have the time to test further ,but later will have a look .)
I am going to report my experience .
Thanks for your patience .
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#14 Post by backi »

Hi Oscar Talks !
The reason why the FluidSynth Soundfont plugin does not make a sound while pressing keyboard
is , you need to download sounndfonts files somewhere on the internet .there are a lot of them .
You can go to Lmms website you can find links for them .
on the FluidSynth Soundfont plugin are two options to choose "Files" and " Patchs " click "Files "
To go to the order where these Files and Patches are stored .
FluidSynth Soundfont plugin is the only instrument plugin which needs to optain these sounndfonts files
from external websites to work .
There are alot good advises on LMMS website and tutorials on youtube .
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#15 Post by OscarTalks »

Hi Backi,

Yes, I was just doing some more research and found the answer, came here and saw that you have already posted the same answer.

I downloaded one of these Soundfont files ( FluidSynth version from here http://www.schristiancollins.com/generaluser.php ) which contains the instrument banks, unpacked it, loaded it in to the field in the LMMS settings window and now the SF2 Player plugin makes all sorts of wonderful sounds.

Seems like everything is now working then, unless someone reports otherwise.
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#16 Post by backi »

HI Oscar Talks !
Glad you found solution .
Want to report a strange effect i discovered .

I am using Umplayer .
After installing Lmms pet (which works ) i was not longer able to start Umplayer .
Tried to start umplayer from console
I got message " umplayer: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libQtNetwork.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN14QObjectPrivate15checkWindowRoleEv " .
So i looked into /usr/lib/libQtNetwork.so.4 and tried if this libary file does affect the Umplayer .
by moving libQtNetwork.so.4 to another place,(to test if this would change somehow the game .)
Did not expect some result.
But it did .
Umplayer worked again as usual and Lmms does not seemed negatively affected .
Everything seems working .
Maybe this /usr/lib/libQtNetwork.so.4 is not necessary and can cause trouble to other programms.
But i really dont know .
Just want to report this experience .
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#17 Post by OscarTalks »

Hello Backi,

Thanks for the report.
I believe this may be one of the problems with including qt libs inside a .pet, you can sometimes get a clash with other qt programs and the libs that come with them.

The libQtNetwork.so.4 is not one that I included in the LMMS .pet
I only put in the ones that were needed ie QtGui, QtCore and QtXml.

I am not sure what to do about this. Maybe if I include all the qt libs together it would overwrite them all as a group and this would be OK, but that would be a case of testing and waiting for other reports. Not sure how much bigger it would make the LMMS .pet if I do this.

I guess the other way is to offer the LMMS .pet without qt libs and specify that qt is a dependency which the user needs to install separately.
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#18 Post by sheepy »

It appears that for ZynAddSubFX to work, the separate app itself is required first. I have failed to bring it to Puppy though. :(
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#19 Post by OscarTalks »

@ Sheepy,
You have to install at least some of the dependencies of ZynAddSubFX (FFTW) before compiling LMMS, but once compiled the ZynAddSubFX plugin within LMMS works without the need to install ZynAddSubFX itself.
However, I have produced .pet packages of ZynAddSubFX as a separate program in the other thread if you want to try them. I didn't do a Lucid version though.

I was unable to reproduce your problem. Booted live pfix=ram and installed UMplayer from PPM. This also installs qt-4.8.0-basic-with-qtwebkit-dpup.pet as a dependency. Starting UMplayer from console gives some debug messages and a couple of warnings but no errors and UMplayer starts (no LMMS yet). Then I installed my LMMS .pet and ran it a couple of times. Tried UMplayer again and it still starts from console with the same messages or from menu with no visible problem.
The qt libs in the LMMS .pet are the same as the ones in the qt-4.8.0 package that is installed with UMplayer. I wonder if you installed a UMplayer from somewhere else or have at some point installed a different qt or a package which has included a different set of qt libs and files.
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#20 Post by capicoso »

OscarTalks wrote:Hello Backi,

Thanks for the report.
I believe this may be one of the problems with including qt libs inside a .pet, you can sometimes get a clash with other qt programs and the libs that come with them.

The libQtNetwork.so.4 is not one that I included in the LMMS .pet
I only put in the ones that were needed ie QtGui, QtCore and QtXml.

I am not sure what to do about this. Maybe if I include all the qt libs together it would overwrite them all as a group and this would be OK, but that would be a case of testing and waiting for other reports. Not sure how much bigger it would make the LMMS .pet if I do this.

I guess the other way is to offer the LMMS .pet without qt libs and specify that qt is a dependency which the user needs to install separately.
i think a complete qt 4.8 is about 50~ mB installed. The problem is if you include the whole qt lib inside lmms.pet, when i uninstall lmms it'll also uninstall qt and half of my programs will stop working. You should make another pet for qt. But some people already made pets and sfs for qt 4.7 on slacko, so you could just post that one. These errors generally appears when mixing older/newer qt libs together.
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