Dpup Exprimo 5.X.3.4.12 with 3.4.2 kernel.

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Temperature is not shown

#981 Post by backi »

Hi pemasu !

Seems temperature module does not work .
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#982 Post by pemasu »

backi. Do you mean tempicon jwm tray application. If yes....then if your hardware supports lm-sensors...it works. If not...you could try to disable lm-sensors by removing /usr/bin/sensors and /usr/lib/libsensors*
Then reinstall the tempicon pet from this thread: http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=74702

http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... h&id=56350

Tempicon should this way work without lm-sensors for those comps which are not lm-sensors compatible.

I am sure you can disable the lm-sensors dependency easier way from tempicon but that is how I tested it without lm-sensors.

If you mean something else....I need more spesific description.
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#983 Post by backi »

Hi pemasu
Was missing tempicon in sytray for E17 .
Downloaded the pet you adviced to install..
Now it is in systray E17 and working .
But temperature module E17 does not show temperature .
This is not important for me ...just want to report to you (could look a bit silly but maybe you can use this information )
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#984 Post by pemasu »

Ok. It was in e17. Yes....I disabled tempicon for e17 because there is already temperature module. I didnt know you were speaking of e17.
By reinstalling tempicon (and optionally removing lm-sensors) enables tempicon for e17 also. It overwrites the script change I did to disable tempicon in e17.

Lm-sensors does not work with all hardware and my suggestion seems to be working solution if you dont get tempicon tray in jwm and you get warning about temp2tray has been removed.

For me...e17 temperature module works and I believe that most laptop users have working e17 temperature module.
You could try the change from udev to internal in temperature setting when you right click the temperature module. I dont know how it changes the detection of cpu temperature...but you can try.
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#985 Post by backi »

Hello pemasu .
Switching temperature seting to udev did work . module shows temperature
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#986 Post by irishrm »

Hi pemasu:
Installed the latest iso.

I have a problem with mplayer2.

I have sound but no picture only the outline of the player,not even a black screen.

Is there anything I can do.
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#987 Post by pemasu »

It is quite difficult to compile generic mplayer2 for me. So...just copy /usr/bin/mplayer from whichever dpup exprimo which worked for you. Mplayer2 is really sensitive of the hardware and I have had difficulties to compile generic version from recent git. It seems 01micko have had same problem.
So....copy working version from whichever dpup version. They should be compatible because mplayer2 is static compile...it includes everything it needs in it....static.

If you find working version from your previous dpup exprimo versions....please post the version for me and post your comp specs...ie PIII, PIV, intel celeron etc...and I can package that version to the exprimo repo. I have there already libvdpau and intel celeron uniprocessor version.
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#988 Post by Terry H »

Hi pemasu,

All is OK. Frugal install. Wifi (bcm43) is working, save file created successfully. Everything functioning on reboot.

Thanks for all your efforts.
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#989 Post by pemasu »

Thank You Terry H. I am relieved and rerwin also...I am sure of that.
Okay...I got at last python3 to behave with mplayer2 compiling. It has been the crucial thing for extra parameters by using mplayer_options file. Now I am back in business. Now I just need examples for mplayer2 mplayer_options file when trying to compile as generic mplayer2 as possible without extra bloat. I start to hunt those options from net.
If I succeed with compile I upload it to the repo.
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pfilesearch 131

#990 Post by don570 »

Yeah. It seems Pfind-5.01 is broken in dpup. I revert back to 4.25 version. It works. I posted to the Pfind thread about Pfind problem in dpup exprimo. Usually Zigbert responds in his timetable.
Note to Pemasu: Have you tried this .....

pfilesearch 131

This was an early version of pfilesearch 131 that Zigbert didn't
want me to use, but I believe it did work properly with Exprimo
and pfind 5.0???

I'm not at my home computer so you'll have to test it.

Here's the pfind it was specifically designed to work for.


Last edited by don570 on Tue 07 Aug 2012, 21:38, edited 1 time in total.
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#991 Post by irishrm »

Thanks for that. It will be a while before I can get to that but I will and I'll report back one way or the other.
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#992 Post by jrb »

pemasu wrote:jrb. See the last rows first.
Thank you of the feedback. Yes...I am curious of why rt73usb does not work.
Hmm....one thought. I do have in sleep.sh (by jemimah) rfkill block command before suspending. There has been several reports with error 132 about rfkill. You can ensure that your wireless is not blocked by executing command: rfkill unblock wlan
Or...better. rmmod rt73usb, then rfkill unblock all, then modprobe rt73usb and try again to rise it up.
The plot thickens. I hope my results make more sense to you than they do to me :lol:

5.X. and 9A (the first release) give these results:

Code: Select all

# ifconfig wlan0 up
ifconfig: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Unknown error 132
# rfkill list
0: phy0: wlan
	Soft blocked: no
	Hard blocked: yes
# rmmod rt73usb
# rfkill unblock all
# modprobe rt73usb
# rfkill list
1: phy1: wlan
	Soft blocked: no
	Hard blocked: no
# ifconfig wlan0 up

Frisbee showed nothing
simple network setup failed to connect
network connection wizard said it had failed to establish a connection but when the Auto DHCP button was pushed an ipaddress was successfully obtained.

5.X. (the 2nd release) give these results:

Code: Select all

# ifconfig wlan0 up
ifconfig: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Unknown error 132
# rfkill list
0: phy0: wlan
	Soft blocked: no
	Hard blocked: yes
# rmmod rt73usb
# rfkill unblock all
# modprobe rt73usb
# rfkill list
1: phy1: wlan
	Soft blocked: no
	Hard blocked: yes
# ifconfig wlan0 up
ifconfig: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Unknown error 132
total failure connecting

Dmesg gives:

Code: Select all

[   39.366258] Registered led device: rt73usb-phy0::radio
[   39.366276] Registered led device: rt73usb-phy0::assoc
[   39.366296] Registered led device: rt73usb-phy0::quality
[   39.366967] usbcore: registered new interface driver rt73usb
lsmod shows only rt73usb loading

One other odd note, When I established a connection in .8 and .9A if I did a hot boot then wlan0 had no rfkill blocking. :shock: If I did a cold boot then wlan0 was once again blocked.

I should mention that it took me a long time to get any Linux distro running on this machine. It must be booted with

Code: Select all

as one of the boot options or it crashes. Perhaps this is affecting the situation as well.

If no one else complains about this problem I'd write it off as odd hardware. :wink:
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#993 Post by stu91 »

Hi Pemasu,
Hope the first day back to work is going well - good news B43 wifi is detected on first boot, save file creation and shutdown also work as expected.
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#994 Post by pemasu »

Jrb. Interesting problem. I believe it is hardware and maybe kernel related problem. My hunch of wlan blocked seems to be right. It looks like that when you cold boot with my build....the wlan will be blocked for whatever reason, that seems fact.
I just wonder....if you put those needed commands to the /etc/rc.d/rc.local so...that they are executed before you boot X, would it help the outcome.
Also...you could test sns....after you have disabled Frisbee with Frisbee disable-enable manager: from menu > network and put those commands to rc.local and reboot. Sns wont work before you have rebooted, usually. That is the problem with several connection managers. They interfere each other.
I have noticed that if I rfkill my wlan (with Fn+wireless button) the Frisbee does not always show wireless when I have unblocked wlan.

I dont have better solution to offer.

Stu91. First day is behind. Tough day....as I knew. It is always difficult to tune yourself to face problems after prolonged period of work inactivity...and there really were some of them waiting for me...lol.
For me...it takes some time to be able to keep attention at top the whole work day.
But now at home....little exhausted though.
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desktop-restore backup omission

#995 Post by rerwin »

As I mentioned in a PM to you, your rc.shutdown mod to save the desktop icon configuration is omitted from 5X3429 -- fortunately! That modification of puppy infrastructure is unnecessary and constitutes a "maintenance headache" for you and others. The "standard" way of adding a function to the shutdown process is by way of a "service script" in /etc/init.d, coded to run only at shutdown. I attach such a script and recommend that it be added to the "desktop-restore" .pet package in place of the dangerous user instructions to modify puppy. This can be installed now by anyone needing the desktop-restore function. Here is its content:

Code: Select all

#Save desktop icon configuration for desktop-restore function.
case $1 in
  mkdir /root/.desktop 2>/dev/null
  cp -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin  /root/.desktop 2>/dev/null
  cp -p /root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/ROX-Filer/globicons /root/.desktop 2>/dev/null
If shutdown is the only place the backup is needed, the "backup" part of the desktop-restore script could be removed, making the script do only what its name implies.

I wonder, though, how much it is needed. Is it a workaround for a puppy deficiency that has already been fixed -- or needs to be? Anyway, this script is a non-invasive way to activate the desktop-restore capability.
Saves desktop icon configuration at shutdown, to support desktop-restore.
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#996 Post by stu91 »

Hi Pemasu,
I just signed up to the free 2GB file hosting on SpiderOak (similar to DropBox) https://spideroak.com/

They have a linux client you can install for backing up / syncing files and the like - just point it to a directory drop some files in and they are automatically uploaded.

I have made .sfs of the spideroak client and uploaded to their server as a test. :)
https://spideroak.com/storage/ON2HKOJR/ ... 8ee2204e15

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#997 Post by irishrm »


Before doing what you recommended I decided to check out if mplayer worked on the last version I used which was 5x14.

In fact it doesn't work. There is only one app that I use which would default to mplayer but I had not installed it into that version.

Mplayer not working is not a deal breaker, everything else is going well.

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#998 Post by pemasu »

Irishrm. Could you generate sys-info report.gz like this: Menu > System > System status and config > Sys-info and reprort....and and launch it. Then save it as it suggests but include .gz into file name, like sys-info-120808.gz and post it here from /tmp/root.
I get your comp specs. So that I know what kind cpu and other comp specs you have. I can try to compile mplayer2 tuned for your comp. I still havent found cure to compile generic mplayer2. I am starting to suspect I wont manage it with my quad core comp. But knowing your comp specs at least gives me possibility to compile your comp specs tuned version.

Rerwin. Thank you of your init script for desktop-restore. I dont know how problematic sfs loading is nowadays if you have changed desktop icons. I dont ever retune my desktop icons. But I read now and then from forum threads that people have got problems. If you load sfs, sometimes the desktop icons are restored to their original state. I dont remember anymore what script is behind that behavior. But backing up desktop when you shutdown as background process gives you possibility to have them back easily....when you encounter that problem and start to wonder how to get them back to their previous state. Then the restore utiity comes in rescue. If it is not needed anymore....by woof script update...then the utility can be removed. Anyway....because the backup...with your nice init script makes it easy to add to the build and the backing up does not take much space ( two files copied to safe location )...you have that safety measure done automatically as background process....and the utility comes in rescue.....if needed.

Stu91. Nice find. I check what you have to offer.
EDIT. Just tested it. I created account and uploaded file. But...how did you create that shared url without any shared-key stuff etc ?
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#999 Post by don570 »

I tested this experimental version of pfilesearch with the latest pfind
and it worked!!

pfilesearch 131

This was an early version of pfilesearch 131 that Zigbert didn't
want me to use.


The newest version of audacity 2.0.1 works with the
latest Exprimo.

http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 419#645419


I tested Charlie6's latest wacom driver and it worked with my
Bamboo digital tablet and latest Exprimo

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#1000 Post by irishrm »


I think this is what you need.
Please don't waste too much of your valuable time on this.

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