Puppy v Tablet

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Puppy v Tablet

#1 Post by Lobster »

Do you have a pad? (calm down hippies) . . . :?

I mean how does Puppy compare to your Android, Ipad or similar device? :)

My experience:

Puppy v New Ipad

1. Noise
My machine is no noisier than most with a fan
but the Ipad is silent - not even a hum.

2. Keyboard
IPad keyboard is good but even the best laptop keyboard is not as a good as a £5 USB keyboard IMHO
I have been typing 750 words
into the Ipad - it works OK . . .

3. Ease of use
Ipad is easy. Even Nooby who is challenged by his microwave (me too)
could use it. Delightfully easy and consistent.

4. Speed
Never use a slow computer. It makes Baby Jesus cry. :shock:
Puppy is fast. Ipad is fast. Wifi not as reliable as Ethernet.
I use Ethernet with Puppy.

5. Usability
This is the big one. I can do more with Puppy but it takes more setting up and searching for drivers and pets and stuff.

I am having a lot of fun with the pad. Fun I likes.

How are you getting on?
Looking forward to Parm? (very unlikely to run on Ipad)
Last edited by Lobster on Wed 08 Aug 2012, 07:29, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by Aitch »

I got an epad some time ago....800mhz rockchip....BUT, a crippled early version of Android, [though some people have unlocked 'em] and a resistive touchpad spoil it....to be honest, in my view it was £70 I wish I didn't spend

My Edubook is still just about usable, though the cut-down XP bombed ages ago...it runs very hot, and can't reliably be used on a bed/soft furnishings/knees, as the airflow is easily blocked

Puppy, in one form or another, wins on most devices, IMHO

Looking forward to a Pi in the near future

....and to an easy implementation of mesh-networking puppy....

Aitch :)
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#3 Post by Lobster »

to be honest
Thanks it is a position we can trust and rely on. 8)
Cheap pads are getting better.
With out a doubt I would prefer the Nexus 7 to the ipad
http://www.trustedreviews.com/opinions/ ... -vs-ipad-3
  • It is smaller but big enough for me
    It is cheaper
    It runs Android
In a few months, the prices will fall and the spec rise.
You have to buy when you are ready. The nexus was not out when
I decided to be fleeced by apples latest flan :cry:

A tablet is just so convenient for getting info - look at this search input scribble mode
http://blogs.cio.com/mobilewireless/172 ... scribbling
A 'phone' is not quite big enough

At the moment I am finding a pad is great for many consumption activities and low level efforts but for hardcore stuff I still prefer desktop. The balance is changing. Beginning to use the pad more than my desktop. Too early to say if that is a summer thing.

We need people to explore these devices and keep up with efforts in all directions. Barry has taken a real shine to the ARM chip.

As primarily an end user I want biodegradable tattoo computers that offer nanobyte tuition into our descendent's (can you imagine the commercial sponsorship problems for our grand kids). However we have to start where we are.

Guys over the years we have all saved a fortune by using defunct hardware faster than is possible. That is the Puppy premise and promise.
Should we spend a fortune on a tablet? Should we wait?

We are Puppy. We are geeks. We Luv's technology. :lol:
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#4 Post by linuxbear »

I expect that Google's new fondle-slab will create a bit of a price war
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#5 Post by nooby »

Nope I have no "Pad" but I have two touch sensitive
Smartphones and that is almost the same. Android OS
that require touch and the only difference is the screen
being very small and that it has radio Cell phone circquit too.

Could you maybe change the title to

Puppy vs Android

Pad is not a good name for an OS.

okay you refer to Apple OS too but then just add IOS
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though
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#6 Post by grr_argh »

I'm a bit confused about what the Ipad is actually to do. What exactly do the designers envisage them being used for? For "serious" office applications like word processing, spreadsheets, accounts software, they fail most workplace ergonomics rules on keyboards and VDUs, as well as lacking essential networking and media ports.

For internet use, things like forums and email are certainly restricted by the lack of real keyboard.

As a portable media centre, the storage is lacking somewhat - the Ipod classic has more capacity than the Ipad 2, and the Ipod has no video out, which is restrictive.

I can't see any real sector where the Ipad and similar clones are really the best solution. As a PDA and for basic web surfing, smartphones have pretty much got that covered, whereas anything more complex seems handled by an ultraportable laptop.

At the very least the Ipad would seem to be more usable if it had the storage space of the Ipod, SD slot, a pair of USB ports, and a video out of some description - and if Apple could be arsed to compile an ARM version of OS X, so at least it could run the same applications as the other Apple systems...

Don't get it :?

Lobster has been instrumental in sharing

#7 Post by gcmartin »

@Lobster has been instrumental in sharing items he, personally, has observed to be convenient and useful.

Much of what he has shared is being adopted in the current Business Climate. There are much expressions already being adopted. The primary advantage that cell-based xPads offer the world is constant contact.

I, for one, may have a personal reason for not wanting that, but, the reality is that the world is already headed there, no matter how I feel about it.

That being understood, when I plan with any corporation, its understood that the advantage of constant connection has tremendous advantage for its personnel management; not to mention the impacts it offers for corporate product management no matter where the employee who has one is standing. Further, there are some tremendous offering when a personnel can verbally create, and transmit useful information, on the spot. And, the camera provides even greater offerings in human interaction; not to mention the security of looking at the person you're collaborating or interacting with.

This UI (User Interface), is the face of the world of students and newly graduated work-force is given to use for their method of information production.

The old guard, will, have to continue to plan to embrace them. And those that do, will be embraced into where we all are heading. But, sadly, I do recognize that there will be some who will choose to "do nothing" which has always been a business option. I,too, have a hard time, because of the constant re-learning I must go thru with the constant knowledge use in comparison; old vs. new. It helps when I can offer ideas for product advancement, but is truly a hindrance when I am so accustomed to doing it the old way. Yes, I fully recognize how resistance to changing the way we do things is. I have spent my whole life in this arena where understanding the need and usefulness of preparing old users in the new way. I once worked for a company that chose NOT to train the workers in the old department. Instead, they simple hired a new replacement staff to make the transistion. I did not recommend this, but I understood why their education consultant pushed thru that recommendation. So, today, I see the same thing in the world of all the new people some of which will never know a PC in their live. No more so than I ever knowing how to use a horse to go to market and back. That's just life, i guess.

Thanks Lobster for this thread. You are opening the eyes of all who pause, and understand how this can be culturally useful in Puppyland. Thanks!
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#8 Post by Lobster »

Thanks guys. :)
I can't see any real sector where the Ipad and similar clones are really the best solution
I can-can :)

Signing for deliveries
Medical records for hospitals
Issuing parking tickets or other mobile worker needs
Inventory checking
Home schooling, field trips, mobile text books

or in the home . . .
portable games console (everywhere I point zombies appear - scared me)
checking info whilst watching film, video, tv program
creating and displaying photos and videos
reading news, books, watching tv, listening to radio

Phone small
laptop cumbersome
solution tablet = useful

[Lobster dances into the future . . .] :wink:
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#9 Post by gcmartin »

NFC - stands for Near Field Communications

Insure your next xPad or xPhone has it.

Also, write to DealExtreme asking for a NFC antenna via USB for your PCs.

Here to help
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#10 Post by Lobster »

Nope I have no "Pad" but I have two touch sensitive
Smartphones and that is almost the same.
Almost but not quite. I only have one Android phone and I learned a lot. The OS was impressive, the range of apps and easy installation and removal excellent. 8)

Then the Android phone got compromised. I forget how, I think it was a redirect exploit. Whatever it was I stopped using and went back to Puppy.

I have used thumb typing and don't like it. The Ipad is a lot better and it remains to be seen if 7" is too small for in built keyboard use.

I am worried that people buy inferior devices because they are cheap and think tablets are not the future. :?

Phones (really small computers) are already the next generations preferred device. A work device needs to be bigger. A tablet with Puppy I sincerely hope will use an ARM processor as this gives useful battery usage. It is a way off yet.

My TFT monitor cost the same as the ipad. So now I have a rechargeable portable touch screen monitor with a built in computer and operating system.

I expect these screens to get bigger, lighter and the Android, Ubuntu and other Operating System to improve.
I would not run a Windows OS because their operating systems don't operate safely enough for me.

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#11 Post by nooby »

I could see merit in this approach.
My TFT monitor cost the same as the ipad.
So now I have a rechargeable portable touch screen monitor
with a built in computer and operating system.

If the Hardware and software companies could make
that happen it would be a good thing. One could use
the "pad" as a regular external screen but with a built
in OS that could allow surfing for news and music and such.

When one wanted to do real work one use a good keyboard
and mouse and ones preferred linux OS and that way had
both good thing. One could take the pad with you and have
access through "the cloud" to all personal preferences at
work or visiting friends or on hotels or internet cafees.

To be really portable one could add a cheap "PC on a Stick"
type of Android and Linux like MK802 or any of the other.

RPi is too special for that purpose because those you visit
may not allow you to hook into a HDMI Wall TV screen
they want to see the Olympic Games or Football something.

the problem with criminals taking over our smartphones
will grow exponentially the security experts predict.

So would be good to find a solution to this.
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though
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#12 Post by RSH »

nooby wrote: the problem with criminals taking over our smartphones
will grow exponentially the security experts predict.

So would be good to find a solution to this.
Criminals taking over your smartphones (not mine, i do not have and do not use such things) isn't the only problem - also it isn't the real problem (except you are calling companies like Apple as a criminal company - i do so)

You guys, always buying and using the newest offered IT stuff, spending your money to those companies and making them able that way to force and create all the technologies that will be used to let you stuck on their products and to track and to control you - you are the real problem!

They don't sell you liberty, they sell you drugs. Only solution that looks like acceptable to me, is: NOT TO USE SUCH PRODUCTS (or as less as possible)!

In the last 200 years we do declare progress only by building more powerful machines, computers and now IT stuff (in the last ten years). The only progress i can see on that, is the progress of the waste of our resources. There is no human progress at all. We humans are the stone age hardware using the software of the 21st century.

Why not giving the controls of the Russian and American nuclear bombs to a gorilla?

So: Generation Web?

Ha, ha, ha

Pull down the power supply and then there will be: Generation Nothing!



Next stop on our globalized world will be a LOCALIZED world. I am sure!
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#13 Post by linuxbear »

Lobster wrote:
Nope I have no "Pad" but I have two touch sensitive
Smartphones and that is almost the same.

I have used thumb typing and don't like it. The Ipad is a lot better and it remains to be seen if 7" is too small for in built keyboard use.

I have a 7" tablet. Typing on it is not too bad. That being said, I still prefer a mechanical keyboard on computers and phones but the 7" ipad should be fine for
light duty 'puting

#14 Post by gcmartin »

linuxbear wrote:
Lobster wrote:
Nope I have no "Pad" but I have two touch sensitive
Smartphones and that is almost the same.
I have used thumb typing and don't like it. The Ipad is a lot better and it remains to be seen if 7" is too small for in built keyboard use. :)
I have a 7" tablet. Typing on it is not too bad. That being said, I still prefer a mechanical keyboard on computers and phones but the 7" ipad should be fine for
light duty 'puting
7"/10" have had BT keyboards for couple years. This is why the xPads are going to relegate PCs to the primative pile. BT/NFC/WiFi/cell is changing everything in/out of the home and our surroundings.

Kids/students start with this stuff. The rest of us have to learn.

Most (if not all), have never given a verbal command to anything except the people around them. This technology has been around for about 22 years, now.

I recently saw an interview with the CEO of Google. I get what he and the next guest that followed are saying. This is very consistent with what Bill Gates said just prior. And, their view of Apple's direction is consistent with their own technology plans.

We as users don't have to listen; Or even believe; or worst yet, even reject. But, this does NOT stop where China, or others in the world (including our kids) are going.

So, we could just be a little more understanding and begin a thread where we post some howto on talking/touching/feeling/mastering this technological leap. Eh? :D
Last edited by gcmartin on Thu 16 Aug 2012, 00:24, edited 1 time in total.

#15 Post by owari »

RSH wrote: In the last 200 years we do declare progress only by building more powerful machines, computers and now IT stuff (in the last ten years). The only progress i can see on that, is the progress of the waste of our resources. There is no human progress at all. We humans are the stone age hardware using the software of the 21st century.
I am tracing any puppy/tablet discussion to see when there comes the proper time for me to buy a small portable and of course cheap but yet functional tablet, for reading books and papers, for typing papers and letters and in forums, for some light programmings and etc., I have not much money to try every new stuff and now that my old laptop is retired for its graphic card being burned out I can think better to what RSH is saying!
Well, spending a huge part of my days and nights in front of computers it has been hard for me to believe I can live a single day without this thing, going to a party or to the jungle and sea is always accompanying with a fear of not accessing to internet or even power supply, murmuring questions like how should then I study or do my rest of works? Then I look to my past days to see if all those days in home or university I was all the times studying and doing my jobs, no of course not, there pass days in front of computer that I have no progress at all in any field, just sitting back the computer and doing nothing that I would be worried about if being at parties or mountains and etc. . That's only a mental need that I always need my computer and internet access with me, like the drug's effect on a human's mind! Now that I have no computer (writing down now from my wife's laptop though!) I feel free and happy, only tracing the discussions and waiting to buy a new jail for me, a mini laptop or tablet! Too strange that this human being is! Maybe I should start a life free of all these present drugs, but that would cost me a lot as I should spend a whole life explaining the reason to others around and of course I won't have easily a good job to earn money for the family!
Anyway, as RSH stated I doubt if I am really a better human being than my grand-grand-grand-grand-grand-fathers and -mothers living some hundreds of years before, even I can swear they were better than me as I am now lazy, selfish and somewhat mentally weak when I see my overall actions and reactions in communications with my parents, wife, tutors and ... although I am even trying my best! and all these I think has something to do with the 21st centuries great technologies and easiness of lives!
Ok, let it be so if I cannot make it better, so what about tablets than run puppy? I am still reading your posts on the issue ...
Last edited by owari on Wed 08 Aug 2012, 22:43, edited 1 time in total.

#16 Post by owari »

Sorry, the post was doubled so I tried to delete this one but mission not successful! I see no delete choice here.
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#17 Post by Lobster »

owari wrote: so what about tablets than run puppy?
Intel chip based tablets do. Touch screen support is now in woof puppy build system. We are likely to try and make a commitment to cheap ARM devices once suitable inexpensive tablets emerge that can develop from present porting to ARM efforts. :)
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#18 Post by runtt21 »

Just got Google nexus 7 tab . Macpup is a little faster than the tab and uses much less resources but the tab is a breeze to set up and is a lot of fun . I could survive with it. The bad thing is all of the good apps and stuff cost $ . Puppy can do much more for much less
I really wish it had rox .
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#19 Post by Lobster »

Even though I am typing this on an iPad, the nexus is closer to a potential puppy pad. E ink type technologies are taking time to get to market as are lightweight nanotube carbon batteries or similar. Consumers are buying tablets. Nexus is showing the way, the next version should include a second camera. :lol: glad you are having fun.
Last edited by Lobster on Thu 09 Aug 2012, 02:27, edited 1 time in total.
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#20 Post by runtt21 »

That is all it lacks , a forward facing camera and the capacity to take and save/send pics and video. It can video chat now so not to much more to ask.
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