Puppy for retail / small business

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Puppy for retail / small business

#1 Post by donarntz »

Hi People,

I use puppy linux on our spare laptop at home. I think I have racy on an old aspire 3680. Anyway, I thought I would throw out out a suggestion to someone to make a puppy derivative for small business. I am starting up a small coffee stand, and I would love to be able to have something tailored to inventory, finances and swiping cards with a card reader. Has anyone used a card reader for business with puppy? Just a thought,

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#2 Post by musher0 »


Perhaps you've already read these articles?

http://www.pcworld.com/downloads/file/f ... ption.html

http://www.pcworld.com/downloads/file/f ... ption.html

OpenOffice and gnucash would be good starting points. :)

There also seems to be "Linux bank card readers", according to the ixquick search engine.

Last edited by musher0 on Thu 30 Aug 2012, 03:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Title fits my needs

#3 Post by Pelo »

this topic would permit to start again the subject, resuming all Applications available and running well with Puppy Linux.
Musher0 has done a huge work for PME
I would like the same for the poor workman working alone or with a reduced team, Puppy would help in collecting data, necessary for government taxes declaration
2012 : links are dead (lack of activity)
I arrived here by google search with 'GNUcash' as criteria. It's a lost country, the business topics in Puppy. In real life business is everywhere. Puppy keep cool not dealing with business topics.
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#4 Post by musher0 »

Hi, pelo.

For the record, if I may, there is a not so subtle difference between the French
PME (petite et moyenne entreprise; in English : small and medium size
business), and
SOHO (small office / home office; in French : petit bureau / bureau à la maison).

SOHO is very close to what we Francophones mean by "micro-entreprise"
(micro-business; and in reverse, the expression also exists in English as such).

Anyway, yeah, it woud be nice if someone on the English side would sift through
what we've been collecting, -- programs, templates, how-to's, etc. -- for the past
couple of years and more on the French side, and offer perhaps a summary for
English-speaking Puppyists.

That would save them a lot of time searching, because there is not that many
language specific applications, in the lot we have collected.

You, pelo, me and quite a few others have been on the hunt for business programs
suitable for our Puppies for quite a while now. And we did "corner" quite a few
business "animals" !

(Sorry, I could't resist, with the word "hunt" at the beginning of the sentence, that
was bound to happen!) ;)

So, let the Puppies out, there's a fox out there! ;) BFN.

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Puppy for small businesses

#5 Post by newtusmaximus »

I tried this with Lucid puppy some years ago with mixed results. All the necessary add ons were not readily available as pets /sfs etc. Also the end size with all the extras added slowed the whole process down somewhat. Hence mainstream linux, I felt was the way to go. i.e bite the bullet.

At the risk of being called a heretic, might suggest you look at Linux Lite 2.2. I am now a MS free SOHO user, have been for approx 12 months. Very helpful user group also.

I am still a big fan of Puppy. Currently writing this on Quirky Unicorn flash driven notebook. Looking for the ultimate in portability - taking the OS and the work files needed etc with you "on a stick" :)
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Small business

#6 Post by mikeslr »

Hi All,

As I recall Geoffrey published several business oriented apps built on the Adobe Air framework. Inventory? Project-Management? AdobeAIR-2.6-SDK.pet can be found on Carolina's repo, http://smokey01.com/carolina/pet_packages-carolina/ and still functions under Carolina 1.3 and (probably) Vanguard.

Edit: 2/21/15: Links to most/all? of the AdobeAir pets Geoffrey published are from this post: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 376#627376. Among the pets he published are: The Photographer's Ephemeris, Ora Time and Expense application, Feat small utility for freelancers, CL Desktop Craigslist browser, Focus Booster time management, need true transparency, Gapminder Desktop development statistics, lita SQLite Administration Tool, requires the Gnome-Keyring, Gnome-keyring, SimpleTimer2 A time tracking application desktop widget, need true transparency, and Screenboard transparent whiteboard for the desktop, need true transparency. But check the link for yourself as I may have overlooked applications you can employ for your special needs.

Since AdobeAir is a framework, like wine, it may be "distro-independent", that is usable in Pups created from binaries other than the one used to create the application. I converted the AdobeAir-sdk pet into an SFS using the usual method. You can do the same with any of the pets Geoffrey published and then load the sdk and the pet on-th-fly without fear of screwing up your SaveFile. Or follow the instructions for configuring your Pup to not Automatically Save. Or Backup your SaveFile/folder before testing "alien" pets.

There may be other business related Adobe Air apps which were not packaged as pets. IIRC, whoever built the pets suggested it wasn't difficult. Geoffrey has decent programming skill, however.

Has anyone realized that there are ready-made templates having business applications for LibreOffice?: http://templates.libreoffice.org/template-center
You can, of course, create your own for things you have to do periodically. For many years I used Excel to do all the math involved in preparing my income tax returns. Of course, later I had to fill in the official forms by hand. [A wily accountant who had worked for the IRS had advised that the best way to avoid audits was to mail --just before the deadline-- forms completed by hand. No one wants to spend time with them.] It actually took less time than typing in the answers asked by tax-software, even considering that I had to review the Instructions for what changes in the Tax Code had occurred.

To some extent, Microsoft Excel Templates can be imported. http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/diy-it ... breoffice/
But the caveat posed by the above suggests that perhaps the best way is to build your own template, perhaps using an Excel template as a guide rather than a source.

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