Macpup 529

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Ray MK
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#41 Post by Ray MK »

Hi runtt21

Another very pleasant surprise - decided to try Firefox - and found that this FF in MP529 is the first FF that has ran reasonably on this machine in a long time.

Mostly, my previous experience with FF has been poor, bordering on unusable. This one is good. No excessive CPU activity and/or excessive temp rises. No lagging or slowness.

The combination of a nicely sorted Puppy and presumably a much better sorted FF is good.

I won't dump Opera but it is nice to have an alternative, besides QtWeb, that works.

Again - many thanks and very best regards - Ray
[b]Asus[/b] 701SD. 2gig ram. 8gb SSD. [b]IBM A21m[/b] laptop. 192mb ram. PIII Coppermine proc. [b]X60[/b] T2400 1.8Ghz proc. 2gig ram. 80gb hdd. [b]T41[/b] Pentium M 1400Mhz. 512mb ram.
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Karl Godt
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#42 Post by Karl Godt »

backi wrote:Hi folks !
Keybord settings seems not working.

Also CPU frequeny scaling not possible .
1) i can confirm that e17 XKB Switcher does not like to go to the settings : Doing this results in e17 automatic recover .
( Seems i can not get scrolling inside the taskbar or resizing of modules in the taskbar to work properly also )

2) CPU freq scaling worked out of the box for me (kernel drivers loaded automatically),
cpufreq_ondemand 4240 2
acpi_cpufreq 4297 0
mperf 799 1 acpi_cpufreq
the e17-CPU-freq module seems to has improved in its appearance. CPU-Module is working also ootb .
Temperature module needs kernel coretemp.ko which never loaded automatically .
modprobe -v coretemp loaded the driver and forcibly resetting e17 by clicking for the settings of XKB Switcher makes e17 temp module displaying the temperature .
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#43 Post by Karl Godt »

Installed opera manually as
with symlink /opt/browsers/opera ^
with symlink /usr/local/bin/opera _> ../../../opt/browsers/opera-12.01-1532.i386.linux/opera
That is the opera wrapper script that i modified as

Code: Select all

me_linked_to=`readlink -e "$0"`
cd "$me_dir"
echo "$me_dir 
export OPERA_DIR="$me_dir"/share/opera
export OPERA_PERSONALDIR="$me_dir"/profile
#export OPERA_DIR=${OPERA_DIR:-"${0%/*}"/share/opera}
#export OPERA_PERSONALDIR=${OPERA_PERSONALDIR:-"${0%/*}"/profile}
#exec "${0%/*}"/lib/opera/opera "$@"
echo "$OPERA_DIR"
exec "$me_dir"/lib/opera/opera "$@"
also mkdir profile to keep opera happy .

Opera renders the preview correct in opposite to ff .


Installed seamonkey to into /opt/browsers but i get a mismatch with firefox :

Code: Select all

if type -a seamonkey; then
#exec /usr/lib/seamonkey/seamonkey "$@"
exec "$seamonkey_dir"/seamonkey "$@"
elif type -a firefox; then
echo 'Launching alternative -- seamonkey seems not to be installed'
exec /usr/lib/firefox/firefox "$@"
elif type -a mozilla; then
echo 'Launching default "mozilla" -- seamonkey seems not to be installed'
exec mozilla "$@"
echo 'NOTICE : seamonkey, ff, mozilla seems not to be installed'
echo 'Exiting wrapper.'
echo "\$0: '$0'"
echo "readlink -e: '`readlink -e $0`'"

Tried the rpm2pet right click app :

rpm2pet adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
/usr/bin/rpm2pet: line 13: unrpm: command not found

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#44 Post by Karl Godt »

found unrpm here : UnRPM UnDEB PET package by ttuuxxx . Works . Installs scripts unrpm and undeb to /root/my-applications/bin .
Tried first with official precise rpm package(s +libs) and could not get it to work .

The actual Precise Puppy devx loaded by sfs_load . Worked . Was missing git . Quantal's git compiled nice . cvs is missing but that is already noticed by Barry in the Cutting Edge Precise thread .

Could not get bluetooth to work . Bluez-4.95 compiled but am getting irritating messages about dbus . Restarted dbus . Now Roxterm launches but spits out message because of new dbus-socket . Same with e17 recover .
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#45 Post by runtt21 »

Karl , Dude Rock on !!!! But resize your screenshots. I will let don570 know his right click .pet need unrpm. Thanks !!

gcmartin samba client is listed in the woof-installed-packages list. And the inbuilt_files/samba_client list shows

Code: Select all

The files are in the system, /usr/bin/smbclient

And we are still at #7 today.
day 4.jpg
(28.56 KiB) Downloaded 1886 times

smbclient is NOT SAMBA. it is one small feature.

#46 Post by gcmartin »

Hi @Runtt21. Thanks for looking at ths further for understandng.

Yes, I know about the SAMBA cleint. But that is only to support a Puppy network search package.

Thsi is NOT SAMBA, the package. Think of it like a library striped out of SAMBA to support another package created and used for PUPPY purposes.

SAMBA IS the abilty to share files from a Linux PC with other PCs on the LAN. It has a component SMBClient that support PC discovery on the LAN, but, that is only one of SAMBA's components. ONLY the Puppy distros I mentioned ship with SAMBA.

Being up-front with what's delivered will not diminish the quallity of your distto. But, information you provide to distrowatch will be more accurate. And, I, personally regard MACPUP as a quality distro.

Here to help
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Ray MK
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#47 Post by Ray MK »

Hi - just a small something FYI - can't get Pfind to work.

Made sure I had not done something totally dim, like forgetting to mount the drives I was searching.

Tried to install the latest Pfind - but no go. That was as far as I got.

Tested all the other Precise derivatives, they were all ok, switched WM to JWM, but still no go.

Looked inside 529.sfs to see if anything obvious was missing (not that I really knew what I was looking for).

Anyway - just so you know. Best regards - Ray
[b]Asus[/b] 701SD. 2gig ram. 8gb SSD. [b]IBM A21m[/b] laptop. 192mb ram. PIII Coppermine proc. [b]X60[/b] T2400 1.8Ghz proc. 2gig ram. 80gb hdd. [b]T41[/b] Pentium M 1400Mhz. 512mb ram.
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#48 Post by runtt21 »

Yesterday we where still at #7 ( three days in a row) now up ti #6 :D
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#49 Post by runtt21 »

Ray MK , What was wrong with the pfind that is included? It's working for me.
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Ray MK
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#50 Post by Ray MK »

Hi runtt21

Every time I asked Pfind to search for files or a file that I absolutely knew were on sda1 for example, it would respond saying, file not found.

However, I will try again, although BK has found file corruption in the latest Pfind pet. (although that may not be relevant here)

Will try some more and let you know what happens.

Thanks for checking - very best regards - Ray
[b]Asus[/b] 701SD. 2gig ram. 8gb SSD. [b]IBM A21m[/b] laptop. 192mb ram. PIII Coppermine proc. [b]X60[/b] T2400 1.8Ghz proc. 2gig ram. 80gb hdd. [b]T41[/b] Pentium M 1400Mhz. 512mb ram.
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Karl Godt
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#51 Post by Karl Godt »

Ray MK wrote:Hi runtt21

Every time I asked Pfind to search for files or a file that I absolutely knew were on sda1 for example, it would respond saying, file not found.

However, I will try again, although BK has found file corruption in the latest Pfind pet. (although that may not be relevant here)

Will try some more and let you know what happens.

Thanks for checking - very best regards - Ray
from the roxterm :

Code: Select all

find /mnt/sda1 -iname "*${PATTERN}*"
find should find hidden files . ls command needs -a or -A option to show hidden files .
-iname means "insensitive" while -name would be "case sensitive" .
A common feature of Window is i heard to accept insensitive user names for example .
The only case sensitive windows feature should be for passwds .

btw : ROX-Filer is set to start xterm->rxvt->urxvt, not roxterm when hitting "`" backtick .
( To change this : ROX-Filer Options > Menus > Terminal emulator program )
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#52 Post by Karl Godt »

Status message after first reboot :

The shutdown went nice . The improvement suggested by me to rc.shutdown implemented by BarryK offer only greater than X in size savefiles seems to work correctly . The secure choice as root and ext3 worked installed frugal to folder on reiser-3.6 fs Macpup_O2 full install . Made 1GB save file . ( Small optical glitch at the end of it : should terminate the dialog by a clear >/dev/console . But thats not important now. )
Booted with all settings seemed saved correctly . e17 still is in german lang mode .

About Opera browser : Opera seems to automatically convert .xz and .pet files into .gz ones and corrupting these . Tried to adjust the MIME settings in Opera without luck :grrr: . Tried both : Save as and simply dl .

About Seamonkey : Seamonkey 2.4 and 2.8 did not start because of platform problems ( 2.4 = 7 | 2.8 = 11 and needs 13 ) . Installed ... inux-i686/ 2.12b5 and this runs . Seamonkey has the same disordering in the preview as Firefox .

Firefox and Seamonkey dl correctly but still have the .pet problem at some ftp sites to render them in the window instead of opening the DL-Manager .


Compiling : BIG BIG PROBLEMS here with older sources >=2 years . A lot of them need to get CFLAGS="-lpthread -lrt -lm" LDFLAGS="$SAME" passed to ./configure .
(The main glibc sub libraries)
Bluez-4.85 compiled, but 4.75 already started to complain .
No bluetooth until now . Will have to check dbus since dbus is older than on Macpup-4 series (guessing the wary dbus) .


Compiled a small internet rp game client with gtk-2 : crossfire


sh-3.00# uptime
19:11:28 up 1 day, 7:44, load average: 0.88, 0.93, 0.94

mini-tower which is in fact a normal tower pc.
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#53 Post by runtt21 »

Compiling : BIG BIG PROBLEMS here with older sources >=2 years . A lot of them need to get CFLAGS="-lpthread -lrt -lm" LDFLAGS="$SAME" passed to ./configure .
(The main glibc sub libraries)
You should let BarryK know that will effect him too.
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Karl Godt
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freecraft on Macpup-529

#54 Post by Karl Godt »


with compiled on Macpup Foxy 3 ( 530 KB )

Main TOKNOW : Mouse-Grab in the window : ALT+G to bind the cursor to the window and also to unbind it ( toggle ) .

NEEDS the data files : ... rig.tar.gz which go to /usr/share/games/freecraft . Probably needs symlink /usr/share/games/freecraft/default -> data .

Needs SDL for which I have packaged a .sfs from Slacko SDL-Slacko-5-all.sfs ( 2,3 MB )

Needs libiconv for which I have made a .sfs compiled on Macpup-529-Precise libiconv-1.14-i686-precise-all.sfs ( 2,2 MB )
Got libiconv from here : . Compiled nicely. make check;echo $?; had been '0' .

( check compiled on Macpup-529-Precise : ( 160 KB ) )

( other forum thread : Freecraft-1.2 old Warcraft2 clone )
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#55 Post by runtt21 »

Karl you ROCK !!!!Thanks !!

Would you take a shot at compiling pidgin for precise/Macpup ?
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Karl Godt
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#56 Post by Karl Godt »

Tja, iconv.h is actually part of the libc6-dev_2.15-0ubuntu10_i386.deb

Pidgin needs

gstreamer0.10_0.10.36.orig.tar.bz2 [ compiled ]

gst-plugins-base0.10_0.10.36.orig.tar.bz2 [ compiled ]

which needs libnice_0.1.1.orig.tar.gz [ compiled ]

BUT also needs
checking for headers required to compile python extensions... not found
configure: error: could not find Python headers


I am gaming a little hour or two before i check python :P
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#57 Post by Karl Godt »

Not today .

Python.h is missing totally in the devx . Would need python(dev) installed .

Older pidgin 2.7.1 and 2.6.6 need farsight ( (dbus,hal,..)

Even older 2.5.8 and 2.4.2 need meanwhile(Sametime)

sh-3.00# df -m

Code: Select all

Filesystem     1M-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3          20771 14788      5984  72% /initrd/mnt/dev_save
/dev/loop1          1008   800       209  80% /initrd/pup_rw

sh-3.00# uptime
21:12:03 up 2 days, 9:45, load average: 1.19, 1.15, 1.19
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#58 Post by runtt21 »

Karl, Sir , Thank you very much for your time and effort!! I need all the help I can get. I will look into the python stuff for the devx this week.

I have built an using the ubuntu packages. It works so far But I don't use irc so I don't know if all the functions work. It has all the dependencies included. 11 MB. It's in the macpup529 folder on my macpup page .

We have dropped back to #7 ar DW today . Thing should calm down this week and get back to normal. I should have a new theme or two and some other stuff by the end of the week.

MacPUP are the best !

#59 Post by Pelo »

I see You have Xvidcap included. The russian version is perfect, with sound recording working. That is not the case of each Puppy, overall 528.
529 is not Lucid ? We could believe the contrary. I am working now with précise. This distro is OK.

But our dogs are so prolific, i cannot follow all the brand new issues. The next try will be Macpup.
Bonne nuit. Pelo

Please improve keyboard fr choice

#60 Post by Pelo »

Hello, fine Macpup, as always. 529 should make believe it's a new distro based on Lucid 529, instead of precise. Lucid has a big problem with sound.
I have beeng using Precise since a Week and it works perfectly, wifi and alsa, without repair.
Keyboard set fr at boot, but typing qwerty ! Nous les français on aime pas trop;

Il faut reconnecter la wifi au reboot, pas bon !

Precise do it well, what have you change ?

Tell us how to avoid these little bugs, generally you were better than the original distro !
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