Fatdog64 LessTif pet built: step on the way to emacs on X11

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Fatdog64 LessTif pet built: step on the way to emacs on X11

#1 Post by dmercer »

Well, in what could be called a fit of madness, after much travail and whacking of crufty, old, busted autoconf configure files, I've managed to build and package a working 64-bit pet file of the latest released version of the LessTif window manager (0.95.2).

It runs fine, but I didn't build it to use it, I went through the excruciating pain of the build to be able to have a new enough X toolkit installed on my Fatdog64 machine to be able to do a source build of emacs 24 with X11 support compiled in.

The gtk version included with Fatdog (and perhaps other Puppy releases, but I haven't check the other boxen in the house yet) isn't new enough for emacs to build against for it to have X windows support.

The LessTif build I compiled and packaged up uses static libraries so it shouldn't have many dependencies. If anyone is interested in having me upload it to a Fatdog repo I'll make sure it runs on a stock boot with no additional sfs or pet files loaded, and I'll document which features it was built with turned on (I have the build directory still and can of course get all that out of the ./configure line in the log).

Now on to the real goal, the madness of a source build of emacs 24 for X11 with all the Fatdog usable features turned on. Being able to use the LessTif libraries without it being installed on a box for the emacs sfs I'm brewing was the main motivation for building the LessTif libs as static not dynamic libraries. And of course I'll roll a 'no X' version of emacs too.

After my emacs build adventure is done we'll see if I have the will left to send patches upstream to the LessTif guys so that it'll build on non-RedHat flavored linux versions.

Comments, questions, suggestions, requests for the pet of LessTif to be uploaded somewhere, knock yourselves out. I've been using Puppy more and more the last year or 2, so I'm glad to be able to start giving back...especially to the big ole Fatdog that makes my laptop scream (or would that be howl?)


-David Mercer
We've got 3 Puppies in the house, one of them is a FatDog :D

On top of my using linux as my primary OS since 1996, my wife and 2 pre-schoolers all use linux machines.. The kids haven't even used a Windows machine until last week.
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