Lighthouse 64 5.14.2 Beta 4

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Multi-session PUPMODE=77 vs. frugal

#141 Post by tazoc »

Q5sys wrote:With regards to LHP are the mechinisms you have in place for a dvd session save much different from a frugal install save?
from my understanding the only difference is dvd saves each session in a different folder compared to the single save file.
I think the two pupmodes are very different. About the only things they have in common is that they both are Lighthouse / Puppy, and both can save a session.

In PUPMODE 77, saving is only done back to the CD/DVD, and only when you click the Save button, or if you choose yes when asked at shutdown. The session folders each contain individual files, not all combined into one save file. If the power is interrupted, all changed and new files since the last save are lost forever! Unless of course, you intentionally saved or copied them to another media.

Boot up again only uses the DVD, loading each session folder in reverse order, newest first, copying both system files, session files and extra SFS to RAM. Because everything must be copied to RAM from the optical media, boot up can be very slow! Extra SFS can be either in the top level of the DVD or (I think) in a session folder. If a file already exists, the copy only updates files if newer. I experienced a situation where some of the writable files copied from the DVD were coming in read-only, so in L64 all changed and new files except /etc/sudoers are made user writable in RAM. Not the best solution, but it solved the problems I experienced.

BarryK's description here says it better than I can:
So, when you boot Puppy, if tracks are read in reverse order and the latest version of each file copied to your home directory in the ramdisk, what about deleted files? Say you delete a file during one session, that has previously been saved to DVD at the last session, won't it come back again next time you boot? No, Puppy has a mechanism that keeps track of deleted files and this won't happen. However, that does raise an interesting point ... the deleted file is still on the DVD, meaning that every single file that ever existed will be recorded on the DVD, meaning that you have a perfect audit trail of past activity.
If you insert a new blank DVD at shutdown, Puppy will burn the complete Puppy system onto the DVD as well as the session -- real handy if the current DVD is getting a bit "iffy".
See also

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#142 Post by gcmartin »

TaZoC wrote:Boot up again only uses the DVD, loading each session folder in reverse order, newest first, copying both system files, session files and extra SFS to RAM. Because everything must be copied to RAM from the optical media, boot up can be very slow! Extra SFS can be either in the top level of the DVD or (I think) in a session folder.
3 things
  • Bootup is a CD/DVD/BluRay device speeds...not HDD speeds. But, I boot my 64bit laptop of a regular basis using the DVD. Takes a little more than a minute and a half including save-sessions. On my desktop, its been so long since I rebooted, I cannot remember having booting or what the time was.
  • I have done 2 different things with LH64. On my laptop, I had used (and reported) a GROWISOFS command to add an SFS in a session prior to version 514. On my desktop, I had used ISOmaster (included OOTB in LH64) where I added an SFS and it was made into the ISO. Both methods worked when booting LH64 DVDs.
Hope this helps
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L64 5.14 Update2 Pet, JavaRE, Opera

#143 Post by tazoc »

I have uploaded an update for L64 5.14, (see below) and to Lighthouse Update (Update icon on desktop -> get_updates -> OK.)

Also uploaded JavaRE-7u5-x86_64.sfs and Opera-12.01-x86_64.sfs to These are an alternative to the Java and Opera Pets above. (Lighthouse64 5.14.2 Update 2) includes the following:
  • Updated DrivesManager 1.5, (thanks to Radky and Jim1911 for testing) and the original Pmount-puppy. Either can be launched from the Filesystem Menu, after the package manager has finished. If you have a UDF DVD created in Windows, please see if DrivesManager can mount it now. Mounting a UDF disc from the desktop icon will not work yet, unless it is first mounted from within DrivesManager. The optical drive desktop icon volume labels will now update when X is restarted.
  • Menu -> Internet -> Firefox Update Help: dialog to aid in installation of latest Firefox.
  • Updated to shared-mime-info-0.90 to improve support for certain file types e.g., WebM video.
  • Added WebM support to Muppymplayer (part of the MPlayer SFS)
  • Bugfix: SFS-Load L64 Notice dialog text cutoff under large Xfont DPI.
  • Refined: shutdown to unmount nfs drives, allow .4fs save file on ext3 host part. (thanks to Jim1911) GKrellM, (thanks to Meeki) extract-pet,tgz,txz,deb,rpm scripts.
  • Package Manager: include 64-bit vs. 32-bit notice in welcome dialog.
  • Also: sys-info-1.2, report-video-glx-0.9.1, ptiming-LH64-0.8.1, PupMenu 2.8, PupSysInfo 2.1.6, gtkdialog4 (thanks to Thunor, Meeki, Radky, Zigbert.)
Please restart X after the package manager finishes installing this update.

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#144 Post by meeki »

Funny thing happened with your update..... It broke the LHpup virtual servers.The message dialog came up saying hey there is a new update for LightHouse and a force to the update manager and I found the Backup LHPUP mirror Virtualbox and my puppytune Virtualbox servers not responding to a ping from the network, router, my pc, or the actual server box there on. Though there status showed up good.

Rebooted and ignored the update and the mirror server is up and running again.

I would have caught it sooner but I was over at my neighbors house fixing his old Windows XP computer. I told him "that's it your getting Linuxed." Hes now running LHpup 64 :) and happy. only thing neg he said was when it first booted and barked at him he stated.."as long as this thing does not get flees were good"
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Google Chrome 21, Flashplayer, TrueCrypt

#145 Post by tazoc »

Here are some more 64-bit apps...

Google Chrome 21.0.1180.75 web browser
SFS:;O=D 34M

or Pet: ... 47M

...another Adobe Flash Player browser plugin update ... 6.9M

TrueCrypt-7.1a On-The-Fly Encryption (thanks to Q5sys) ... 2.4M

The installer script will disable kernel cryptographic services (in TC) to prevent mount errors. PDF User Guide included.

Tip: Before mounting an encrypted file or device formatted with ntfs, enter:

Code: Select all

-t ntfs
into the 'Mount options' box in TrueCrypt.

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JavaRE-7u7, LibreOffice-3.6.1, get_libreoffice-0.17-L64

#146 Post by tazoc »

JavaRE-7u7-x86_64 - recommended security update

SFS:;O=D 31M
or Pet: click Update icon on desktop -> get_updates 44M

LibreOffice-3.6.1 SFS...

LibreOffice-3.6.1_64_en-US.sfs - LibreOffice stable (open source productivity suite);O=D 125M

NLS_LibreOffice-3.6.1_64.sfs - language pack for non-US locales;O=D 360M

...or try this (beta test) LO downloader and SFS builder script by 01micko: ... 28K
(Identical to 01micko's except for custom gtkdialog-splash from L64.)

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Re: JavaRE-7u7, LibreOffice-3.6.1, get_libreoffice-0.17-L64

#147 Post by Q5sys »

tazoc wrote:JavaRE-7u7-x86_64 - recommended security update

SFS:;O=D 31M
or Pet: click Update icon on desktop -> get_updates 44M

LibreOffice-3.6.1 SFS...

LibreOffice-3.6.1_64_en-US.sfs - LibreOffice stable (open source productivity suite);O=D 125M

NLS_LibreOffice-3.6.1_64.sfs - language pack for non-US locales;O=D 360M

...or try this (beta test) LO downloader and SFS builder script by 01micko: ... 28K
(Identical to 01micko's except for custom gtkdialog-splash from L64.)

Man you are on top of thigs... I was just about to come post this and ask you if anything special needed to be done to compile it... and here I find you've already gone and done it.
You are freaking awesome!
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Miracle of Miracles - TaZoc is back!!!!!!!!

#148 Post by Pete22 »

:o :D I am so happy to see you back. It was Lighthouse that won me away from windows.
I have checked back from time to time, I think I even thought I saw a message from you once,
I thought I had dreamed it. Now I know it's for real.

You asked earlier about using Fatdog's Audio-all-in-one-sfs on Lighthouse
My brother and I got it working beautifully in Lighthouse. If what we did, can be of any assistance
to you please let me know.

I have been using Lighthouse for about four years. One of the things I like so much about LHP is,
you put things in places that were logical to me. I am not a geek, but I looked like one using your work
I also appreciated your personal help in the early days when I could not figure out how to do something,
you kindly made work-a-rounds for me.

Would you please verify that the link provided here to donate funds to you,
is legitimate? I am most willing to contribute.

For a mirror site you might want to contact
He has a place on his site for puppy developers.
You can see it here

Take extra care of yourself,

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Re: Miracle of Miracles - TaZoc is back!!!!!!!!

#149 Post by Q5sys »

Pete22 wrote:Would you please verify that the link provided here to donate funds to you,
is legitimate? I am most willing to contribute.
Pete, If you go to the official LHP site:
Scroll to the bottom and you'll see the yellow Paypal Donate Button. Click that.
It is legit, I've donated before.
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Donations, RC plans

#150 Post by tazoc »

Q5sys and Pete22,

Thank your for the kind sentiments and feedback! :D Yes, the orange Donate button at -> Tips -> top of page, or bottom of some other pages, allows sending of any amount to me. You can use PayPal or a credit card. If you prefer send a check to me, PM me for the mailing address. I plan to set up a new donations page with my costs, donations YTD, etc. and then link to PayPal from there. I have received a total of $66 from 5 contributors year-to-date. I try to acknowledge donations in a timely fashion via PM or email and very much appreciate each one, regardless of the amount. I realize these difficult economic times limit our budgets.

My health is not 100% but am able to get something done most days. I am working toward a release candidate ISO of Lighthouse64, with some bug fixes and a few new packages.

I am trying to improve language support in L64, but most apps are still en_US only, with the exception of the separate LibreOffice and KDE NLS sfs files. I think Opera and Google-chrome are also localized. Drives Manager and Personalize Settings include partial localization. The next release will include GKrellM and Geany, each with full language support. BarryK, 01micko, Shinobar and others are making great strides in this area and I will try to incorporate their work as time allows.

Best regards,
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Skype 4 !

#151 Post by meeki »

Hey every one Looks like I got Skype all sorted out. Its a combination of Slackware libs, Crunch Bang fix etc. Basically others in the Linux community did all the hard work I just parted it together for us and fix some depends and a window wrapper issue.

If you have a bug let me know PLZ but as of now ive been running it for 3 weeks and now only 1 week with out issue. I feel its safe for release.

Skype ...

Checksum ...


If you get a bug when you click the chat window all you have to do is move it once and it stays fixed. Right click the bottom of the chat window and select move. Then with out clicking move your mouse towards the bottom right of your screen and the container will stay around it for now on.


Up next - fix drop box. I think i have it fig out with LD_PRELOAD=

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Thanks tazoc

#152 Post by meeki »

great work tazoc.

Great to hear your doing better.

About donating. I agree times are hard I have not donated much myself.

Its not all about the amount you donate. Your time and knowledge can go a long way supporting the Linux OS you use.

If you fix something, compile something because its not in the pets/sfs/etc. POST IT! odds are someone else needs it too.

Its this awesome community of basic enthusiasts to coding experts (not me :P ) that keep something like this alive and well.

Keep pecking every one!
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Re: Donations, RC plans

#153 Post by Q5sys »

tazoc wrote:I have received a total of $66 from 5 contributors year-to-date. I try to acknowledge donations in a timely fashion via PM or email and very much appreciate each one, regardless of the amount. I realize these difficult economic times limit our budgets.
Thats it? That's going to have to be remedied. Expect something in the next few weeks. :)
tazoc wrote:My health is not 100% but am able to get something done most days. I am working toward a release candidate ISO of Lighthouse64, with some bug fixes and a few new packages.
Mind a few requests? Only worry about them if you have time.
1) Slightly newer Kernel
2) Slightly newer Glibc version

There are 2 other things I think would be amazing, but I know will take time. I'm willing to compensate you for your time. So they could be paying side projects when you have time to work on them.
1) KDE 4.9 would be epic.
2) If Im unable to make gnome3.4 work with LHP, then I'd be willing to drop some $ to make it happen.

I'm still trying to work on getting gnome ported over to lighthouse but I cant seem to manage it. I've gotten some help from one of the other guys in the forum, but I cant get gnome3 to load and run for more than 30 seconds before crashing to a halt.

So if I continue to hit a roadblock with that I'm going to see about cranking out the 4.1 version of XFCE and the latest LXDE apps.
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Glade 3.82

#154 Post by meeki »

Hey thought id share the pet.

Glade is "A User Interface Designer" (

"What is Glade?

Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick & easy development of user interfaces for the GTK+ toolkit and the GNOME desktop environment.

The user interfaces designed in Glade are saved as XML, and by using the GtkBuilder GTK+ object these can be loaded by applications dynamically as needed.

By using GtkBuilder, Glade XML files can be used in numerous programming languages including C, C++, C#, Vala, Java, Perl, Python,and others." (


I like it because you can also insert little bash scripts or bash programs. Make a button and point it to a SH but it can do allot more than that! I like it for making a GUI for all the command line code or scrips I write.

The pet is for GTK+2 ( i think LightHouse is using GTK+3 ) so it should work up the version changes.

Here is a tutorial I found that give you a quick Idea of what your using it for

Why you should use this while using GTK dialog for writing a GUI for bash commands in Puppy:
for the most part you can avoid compiling constraints. If you write it to work in puppy its going to work most the time for all puppys. If its not working its because your calling a program that is not installed on that puppy but its EZ to write a check in SH file to see if its installed and then send a Dialog to the user to install that program.

Glade pet ...

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NLS support; Re: Kernel, glibc, KDE4, Gnome

#155 Post by tazoc »

Request to all contributors: If you get something compiled, before posting, please don't forget the NLS (Native Language Support) files, often found at /usr/share/locales. (Instead of typing make install, type: new2dir make install, then in Step 3, use option 3. This makes it easy to separate them out so that en_US users don't need to download them, while others can.) I really want to make Lighthouse as user-friendly as possible, regardless of locale or native tongue. Even though I've often neglected language support in prior releases, it is now important to me!

Translators can help also. I plan to work on incorporating NLS tools like MoManager in the future.

Thank you for your consideration.
Q5sys wrote:Mind a few requests? Only worry about them if you have time.
1) Slightly newer Kernel
2) Slightly newer Glibc version
I would like these also, however it's been a long time since last Beta release, so I want to get this 5.15 RC/final out without extensive core changes before working on another Alpha/Beta. The current L64 5.1x aligns with glibc-2.13 from Slackware64 13.37 for improved compatibility with their repos.
There are 2 other things I think would be amazing, but I know will take time. I'm willing to compensate you for your time. So they could be paying side projects when you have time to work on them.
1) KDE 4.9 would be epic.
2) If Im unable to make gnome3.4 work with LHP, then I'd be willing to drop some $ to make it happen. I'm still trying to work on getting gnome ported over to lighthouse but I cant seem to manage it. I've gotten some help from one of the other guys in the forum, but I cant get gnome3 to load and run for more than 30 seconds before crashing to a halt.
1) I plan to update KDE for L64 6.xx later. It will likely need glibc-2.15 as well as Qt-4.8.2 and other core updates. Slackware64 14.0 final with glibc-2.15 is getting closer to a release, and that will help me with the latest KDE4 for L64 6.xx later on.
2) Gnome has some vexing dependencies and I couldn't even get Gnome-Games- to work properly in L64! I'm afraid I won't be much help with that request.
So if I continue to hit a roadblock with that I'm going to see about cranking out the 4.1 version of XFCE and the latest LXDE apps.
Sounds good. I appreciate the assistance, Q5sys. :D

Thanks again,
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Re: Glade 3.82

#156 Post by tazoc »

meeki wrote:The pet is for GTK+2 ( i think LightHouse is using GTK+3 ) so it should work up the version changes....
Glade pet ...

Thank you! I will try this out. The L64 devX has glade-3 --version 3.6.7. Do you have the newer binary? I couldn't find it in the Pet.

L64 5.1x base includes gtk+2-2.24. Most apps use that, although Gvfs-1.8.1-x86_64.sfs adds gtk+3-3.0.9, used by the included gnome-disk-utility.

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#157 Post by meeki »


I can do this for now on. I understand the goal and its worth while!
Any new pets from me if they have native lang in the original prog I'll pack it.

As for my current project im codding in C. Id be happy to make NLS support but the task is huge. file menus and things like that are EZ but all the expiation pop outs and the howdo stuff / about would be hard as hell to do.

Are you saying to just use google translate for my CSV file and hope for the best ?
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#158 Post by don570 »

Note to Tazoc:

Could you convert my right-click package to 64 bit for FATDOG

I don't have a 64 bit computer. It should be easy to make a pet package.

Just remove all .desktop files except one. Then proceed with
making a pet package from a folder. ---> dir2pet

Before the last tar command , put back all .desktop files


RSH has written a useful right click to split large files like ISO

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NLS support, Google translate

#159 Post by tazoc »

meeki wrote:As for my current project im codding in C. Id be happy to make NLS support but the task is huge. file menus and things like that are EZ but all the expiation pop outs and the howdo stuff / about would be hard as hell to do.

Are you saying to just use google translate for my CSV file and hope for the best ?
Good question. I thought about that, not sure how reliable it would be and then there's the question of which and how many languages to support? I noticed Slacko often provides a button to open the GUI text with defaultbrowser to do the same.

I agree, localizing custom apps from scratch is time consuming and probably best accomplished with help of translators familiar with the software, as well as their native linguistics. I was primarily asking to include NLS files that are compiled with apps already.

I am trying to use text entry boxes for Help dialogs, like this from /usr/sbin/sys-info, using gtkdialog:

Code: Select all

TEXT_HELP="\n $APPNAMECAP gathers configuration data from many sources--all into 
 one file, to help you get 'under the hood' and track down any problems. 
 The report is designed to shed some light on the inner workings of 
 $DISTRO_NAME, however the log messages are often cryptic, sometimes 
 even alarming. Not to worry--many of the warnings are inconsequential.\n\n
 $APPNAME is based on the original report-video by Barry Kauler -"
  <edit editable="false">
     <default>"$(echo -e "$TEXT_HELP" | sed '/./,/^$/!d')"</default>
so that a user might copy and paste the text into Google translate or whatever means they prefer. (The sed -i '/./,/^$/!d' strips consecutive blank lines, allows 0 blanks at top, 1 at EOF.) I didn't use that with the main GUI because edit/entry boxes don't seem to support markup text with font colors, bold, etc. That's where the 'Google button' might be better.

But this is all still pretty new to me and I have more research to do to. :)

Thanks for the feedback,
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#160 Post by meeki »

Question about Glade pet build:
Do you have the newer binary? I couldn't find it in the Pet.
No its the old binary.
'm not running any of the updates you put out on my build Save. I'm a bad guy :P
I'm updating my LHPUP build now.

Answer to my translation question.
user might copy and paste the text into Google translate or whatever means they prefer.
I like this option!

sed -i '/./,/^$/!d'
LOL i such a nublet sed wold have saved me so much time vs my grep and ${string_var//\item_in_string/\replacement_item}

The linux learning curve is strait up for me ATM[/quote]
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