What name formats does Slacko use for its .2fs saves?

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What name formats does Slacko use for its .2fs saves?

#1 Post by RisunEtsijä »

It seems to be that Slacko only accepts .2fs files if they are named correctly.

I found this out by having one of my slacko saves to be a customized name, it wasnt recognized by the loader, but when I used the same name as my encrypted slackosave, it recognized it. The problem is that this new save is unencrypted, so when the loader tries to load it, it wants a password, but it doesnt exist because its not encrypted.

TLDR: What is the name of your unencrypted slackosave?
(.2fs, .3fs)

#2 Post by Dewbie »

RisunEtsijä wrote:
I found this out by having one of my slacko saves to be a customized name, it wasnt recognized by the loader
What kinds of characters did you use in the filename?
(and how many of them?)
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#3 Post by bigpup »

A normal Slacko save file should be named
slackosave.2fs or .3fs
An added name would look like
slackosave-something.2fs or .3fs

Everything is in lower case.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
YaPI(any iso installer)
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