Puppy Ultimate Edition - beta

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Puppy Ultimate Edition - beta

#1 Post by toowoombalinux »

New DVD version has arrived for those silly enough to check it out....

MD5sum = 0dafccd9ab1f458386bddc087c5ff45f

Download link

For development notes, commentaries and other stuff check on my Wordpress blog - see below for link.

A new CD version plus data-file will be released soonish....

Puppy Ultimate Edition ...... beta! maybe alpha!


This ridiculous OS is based upon Puppy 3.01. Get out the knives boys as it is huge and appears to go against the Puppy ethos which is light, fast, efficient and bloat free! Apart from using 5 gigs of space I reckon it sits quite well with the Puppy ethos. All that space is used for Apps which I personally use; or there a significant chance that I will use in the near future. I have stayed with JWM; however I have a Control Panel (which does other things as well) which allows you to choose a Desktop that's suitable for your purpose -
Simple - for low resource computers;
General - is the standard Ultimate Desktop;
Kids - looks and sounds fun with violent games removed;
Austere - inspired by Crunchbang!;
Chokka-Blok - name says it all

I have focussed on the making it usable for the computer illiterate (family and friends are already using it) - looks nice and looks like it's easy to use and to keep it under 40mbs at idle (the real-deal Ultimate Edition uses over 250mbs!). Although, I haven't finished Help! yet - it's an on-going tutorial experiment for the computer illiterate. It is for computers and laptops which are more than 5 years old - which don't need to have an Internet connection. I use PUE almost exclusively on my older lappies so it ain't too shabby as my App requirements are fairly heavy.

Originally I was considering having a number of different DEs and WMs such as LXDE, IceWM, Enlightenment but just decided to stick to JWM (as it uses less resources) and just make it stick - btw - it does have KDE but as a limited extra. Having those other Desktops are just superfluous and additional bloat (there's already enough of that!) and ... ok they're Desktops which I have never used!

Another whinge I hear is that I am not using later Apps. Well apart from Firefox and Thunderbird (which are still a little outta date!) it was just too monumental (and mostly impossible) a task to compile the newer versions on the 2.6.19 kernel. Also, if the App works to my needs then why should a newer one be better? Also, newer generally means more functions which increases complexity.

No it doesn't have SMP.
No it isn't IPv6 compatible.
Yes I will be working on Help!

You will notice that I've been experimenting with Spot in a /home/puppy directory - well this ain't active yet as some service don't communicate when using Spot. Don't want the little tikes tinkering with System files!

How to install....
There's a DVD version which I need to upload (2.4 gigs takes an awefully long time to upload!) and I'm having network probs!!
So there's currently a CD + data file available - my old lappies don't like DVDs so I created this version. - links are on my Blog.
No the apps on the LiveCD are just window dressing as I've stripped it out.
There is an installation guide and instructions for the data-file (downloading it first is an easier way as you need a working Internet connection which may not be available)

On the LiveCD the command pfix=noram will simply load any pup-save file it finds so the computer must not have any pup-save (yes that's a pain!)

Hope it works for you as I don't want to waste your time. I've already noticed some bugs which I have detailed on my Blog....



Edited - 20 Aug 2012
hp-toolbox doesn't work - have fix below
JACK doesn't work - have fix below
qTractor is a nice Audio/Midi Sequencer and now works on PUE - download link below

qt - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?y5m4rzvnyg5cvgl
qtractor - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qp2ppgo9pd9rczb
JACK - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?7xxfd7z497w5mbd

These updates will be included in the DVD version but as a number of people have already downloaded the CD - these updates are for that version....
Last edited by toowoombalinux on Mon 01 Oct 2012, 07:00, edited 2 times in total.
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Colonel Panic
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Re: Puppy Ultimate Edition - beta

#2 Post by Colonel Panic »

toowoombalinux wrote:Puppy Ultimate Edition ...... beta! maybe alpha!


This ridiculous OS is based upon Puppy 3.01. Get out the knives boys as it is huge and appears to go against the Puppy ethos which is light, fast, efficient and bloat free! Apart from using 5 gigs of space I reckon it sits quite well with the Puppy ethos. All that space is used for Apps which I personally use; or there a significant chance that I will use in the near future. I have stayed with JWM; however I have a Control Panel (which does other things as well) which allows you to choose a Desktop that's suitable for your purpose -
Simple - for low resource computers;
General - is the standard Ultimate Desktop;
Kids - looks and sounds fun with violent games removed;
Austere - inspired by Crunchbang!;
Chokka-Blok - name says it all

I have focussed on the making it usable for the computer illiterate (family and friends are already using it) - looks nice and looks like it's easy to use and to keep it under 40mbs at idle (the real-deal Ultimate Edition uses over 250mbs!). Although, I haven't finished Help! yet - it's an on-going tutorial experiment for the computer illiterate. It is for computers and laptops which are more than 5 years old - which don't need to have an Internet connection. I use PUE almost exclusively on my older lappies so it ain't too shabby as my App requirements are fairly heavy.

Originally I was considering having a number of different DEs and WMs such as LXDE, IceWM, Enlightenment but just decided to stick to JWM (as it uses less resources) and just make it stick - btw - it does have KDE but as a limited extra. Having those other Desktops are just superfluous and additional bloat (there's already enough of that!) and ... ok they're Desktops which I have never used!

Another whinge I hear is that I am not using later Apps. Well apart from Firefox and Thunderbird (which are still a little outta date!) it was just too monumental (and mostly impossible) a task to compile the newer versions on the 2.6.19 kernel. Also, if the App works to my needs then why should a newer one be better? Also, newer generally means more functions which increases complexity.

No it doesn't have SMP.
No it isn't IPv6 compatible.
Yes I will be working on Help!

You will notice that I've been experimenting with Spot in a /home/puppy directory - well this ain't active yet as some service don't communicate when using Spot. Don't want the little tikes tinkering with System files!

How to install....
There's a DVD version which I need to upload (2.4 gigs takes an awefully long time to upload!) and I'm having network probs!!
So there's currently a CD + data file available - my old lappies don't like DVDs so I created this version. - links are on my Blog.
No the apps on the LiveCD are just window dressing as I've stripped it out.
There is an installation guide and instructions for the data-file (downloading it first is an easier way as you need a working Internet connection which may not be available)

On the LiveCD the command pfix=noram will simply load any pup-save file it finds so the computer must not have any pup-save (yes that's a pain!)

Hope it works for you as I don't want to waste your time. I've already noticed some bugs which I have detailed on my Blog....



I don't spend much time here so will only check occasionally (weekly) - if it's important, urgent and relevant post on the Blog.
Good luck with this one! If I can manage a 2.4 GB download I might well give it a spin later in the week.


CP .
Gigabyte M68MT-52P motherboard, AMD Athlon II X4 630, 5.8 GB of DDR3 RAM and a 250 GB Hitachi hard drive running Ubuntu 16.04.6, MX-19.2, Peppermint 10, PCLinuxOS 20.02, LXLE 18.04.3, Pardus 19.2, exGENT 200119, Bionic Pup 8.0 and Xenial CE 7.5 XL.
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#3 Post by Puppyt »

Onyer, Martin!
Good on you for finally releasing this little baby :)
Sorry that I missed it earlier. I hope heaps of Puppians will be intrigued and check out your encyclopedic Help! structure. While I haven't had a chance to test your PUE Magnum Opus yet, looks like a fab monument to the Puppy3 series and those days where the apps were stable and not continually berating the user to upgrade, update, upgrade...
Search engines for Puppy
[url]http://puppylinux.us/psearch.html[/url]; [url=https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=015995643981050743583%3Aabvzbibgzxo&q=#gsc.tab=0]Google Custom Search[/url]; [url]http://wellminded.net63.net/[/url] others TBA...
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#4 Post by toowoombalinux »

the cat has knocked my modem/router off the shelf a few too many times and it's become really dodgy - so the DVD version of PUE won't be uploaded until I set up my new modem/router which I ordered on Friday. Apologies for the DVD delay.

The DVD version will have a number of updates which I've posted on the blog....

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#5 Post by Eldon »

Edit-double post.
Last edited by Eldon on Mon 20 Aug 2012, 22:02, edited 1 time in total.
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#6 Post by Eldon »

This looks awesome, but are you saying the liveCD doesn't have any apps and that they are to be included in the data file?

It seems like it would be easier to use .pet packages instead of a data file where you don't get to pick which ones you need.

I'm using a 8GB flash drive with Slack 5.3.1 frugally installed. With swap + save space + my stuff it already occupies more than half the space on the drive.

But a big reason I do it that way is because I have space for my stuff and a good OS, and no need for a hard drive- got it unplugged to save electricity and wear on the drive.

Bottom line, is your puppy only practical when using a bigger drive or live DVD, or would it work fine in my case as well but perhaps with fewer features? Would I have to remaster it to make one that's smaller and more practical in my case?
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#7 Post by toowoombalinux »

G'day Eldon,
To save you time and bandwidth I'd say that you probably don't need PUE, many other awesome Puplets that would be better suited. I made PUE so those old dusty chucked into a closet computers (single core) can be made into a useful and functioning computer suite without the need for an Internet connection.
As for the data-file ... PUE is a little bit of a house-of-cards - without certain elements other elements won't function (bit of symbiosis going on there) - eg: mPlayer is connected to ManDVD (not sure why!?), Mozilla plugins and Webcam recordings. And I'm too stupid (or lazy) to be able to untangle all those dependencies. Also, the data-file was the easiest way to dump a large number of files as a CD couldn't handle the heat - the whole thing happens to be over 5 gigs in size.
As to why? Well it's a hobby and I enjoy doing stupid things - and I wanted to show that having an Ultimate version of an OS means that you don't have to have a quad core 8 gig hyper-computer to run all the functions. And that old computers can again have fully functioning suites and apps for modern needs.
Anyway, many apps in PUE are used by myself or my immediate family so it's a bit of a selfish endeavour that others may find handy..

To kinda answer your query...
What I have done on a number of units is to buy an 8gig USB stick for a few bucks and chuck PUE onto it then boot the system from the USB stick but I have a couple of old dedicated Lappies that only have PUE installed on the Hard Drive. Tried but failed with a frugal install as it tries to install the whole damn OS into ram - best machine I have only has 420mbs (ok it's not that well) and it sort of freezes when the ram runs out.

I'm not really intent on doing a 'lite' version as I was once considering, as with many Puppy Projects we work alone with what time we have and I am definitely one of the lesser talents here....

Sorry that this reply won't hit the spot for you but I hope your experience with Puppy Linux has been enlightening as this is one of the best communities in the FLOSS world and such a fiesty little OS.


PS. The Apps I have chosen represent a wide expanse of Open Source Culture to provide a panorama of possible apps. The people who I am installing this system don't have any idea what they want or need or what is possible.
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#8 Post by Eldon »

Maybe I'll try it out with another drive some time. I think it's a cool endeavor because having lots of apps helps show how puppy can be simpler for just browsing etc. or have a decked out suite of apps for other tasks.
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#9 Post by Dromeno »

This ultimate edition looks a lot like the vistapup of a few years ago. Great that it is available for download once again!

BTW - what exactly are the differences between vistapup and PUE (what extras are added)?
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#10 Post by toowoombalinux »

Hi Dromeno,
Sorry never heard of vistapup - done some searches and can only find vague references - I would like to check it out if you know the link.

My intention was never to make it look or act like windows (it's Puppy!) - there's simply some icon references for people who are used to Windows, to ease the pain for new users (I put the Samba Icon for the Menu Button)... that's all.


PS. Getting Internet fixed next week so hopefully I'll be back to full speed and able to upload version .... err .... the 1st bug fix/tweek soon.
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#11 Post by runtt21 »

I think he means vestapup . It was a one off with compiz and a lot of extra stuff.
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#12 Post by toowoombalinux »

Hi all,
a better version of my silly little hobby that clogs bandwdith. But it's a DVD (not CD) and no data-files to confuse installation. The iso is nearly 2.5 gigs so it is very ridiculous - all the links have been edited into my 1st post.

A number of bugs have been addressed and a few essential additions plus work on the Help section.

Development notes are provided in my Wordpress blog at:

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#13 Post by Puppyt »

Hi Martin -
that's great news! I'm stuck on measly wi-fi still, out here in the sticks, but with your bandwidth I wonder whether you might think of posting a few 'tubes of your fine effort, with Wink? I think you should blow your trumpet over PUA,
Search engines for Puppy
[url]http://puppylinux.us/psearch.html[/url]; [url=https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=015995643981050743583%3Aabvzbibgzxo&q=#gsc.tab=0]Google Custom Search[/url]; [url]http://wellminded.net63.net/[/url] others TBA...
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#14 Post by toowoombalinux »

Hi Andrew,
PM your address and I'll send you either the DVD or if I'm brave a USB stick of PUE...
Err never thought of putting it on a tube thingy .... maybe

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#15 Post by starhawk »

@toowoombalinux: I assume you are not in the US, by your name? If you are in the States, however, I wouldn't mind a DVD either -- but I will not put you through the incredible hassle that is international shipping!
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#16 Post by cthisbear »


Good day mate.
If no-one can help you in the states....send you a copy...

I can from Sydney.
I will still have to download it....no big deal.

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#17 Post by darkcity »

How well does qtractor work, did you get plugins to work?
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#18 Post by toowoombalinux »

qtractor has had only minimal testing until I get my little home studio up and running - then I'll have the time and incentive to do a more thorough test of all pro-audio stuff...

Bugfix - Desktop chooser has an error - I forgot to add a space!

3D Framerate Test does not work - will be another bugfix soon - or else just go to /usr/local/3DCC/resource/3ddemo

For some reason Picasa does not show up in some menus - but it should be in wbar

And I stuffed the remastering of the CD version yesterday - so CD version will have bugfixes. - the version which I did produce installed fine but I've left out a few essentials...

And no entries for ATI and Nvidia Control Centres in my bandaid menu system when I did a test Nvidia driver install - btw got a framerate of +50fps an an ancient dell laptop (11+yr) whereas Xubuntu maxed at 22fps!!.

Sry starhawk not in the US I'm an aussie - PM ur address and I'll send u a DVD with blatent, stupid bugfixes solved..

NOTE: I don't have a modern enough 'puter to test the DVD install so I hope it works also worthy of mention is that I'm a hack and not a leet pupian and so is this funny little puplets as well...

PS. Currently on-shift and the great race the Bathurst 1000 is on this Sunday - so dev work will slow to a crawl these next 7 days
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