luci_devx_528.sfs python missing modules - Solved

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luci_devx_528.sfs python missing modules - Solved

#1 Post by Hotdog »

Running Puppy 5.2.8 full HD install. Have used Python 2.6.4 from a .pet for several months without problems. Recently installed the luci_devx_528.sfs. Now Python complains about "no module pygtk".

The previous Python version was:

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Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Nov 19 2009, 02:54:25)
[GCC 4.2.2] on linux2
The devx_528 Python is:

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Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 16 2010, 13:09:56)
[GCC 4.4.3] on linux2
Looking at the devx_528 Python internals:

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There was no mention of 'site-packages' in the sys.path. That is not suspect as Python is supposed to automatically add 'site-packages'. However, to be sure, I added this line to

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Now Python finds the pygtk module. But all is not good because Python now complains about:

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ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gobject/ undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_FromObject
It turns out that devx_528.sfs makes no entries into 'site-packages' nor its subdirectories. The data there now is what was there from the previous Python installation. Here is how I installed the devx. I made a directory called data in the / (root) directory and mounted the .sfs file to it:

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mount -o loop luci_devx_528.sfs /data
Then I copied /data (actually the .sfs) to wherever it wanted to write and piped the output into a text file for verification:

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cp -a -v --remove-destination /data/* / >devcopy.txt
Is part of the devx_528.sfs missing? How do we get beyond this point?
Last edited by Hotdog on Tue 27 Nov 2012, 03:42, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by Hotdog »

Since the previous post I have attempted to use the luci_devx_528.sfs in the more conventional Puppy way, from a live CD with the devx in a save-file. "Make" and "Build" do not exist in /lib/modules/ nor in /mnt/home/lib/modules/

Python and gcc as well as the nice GUI utilities are in place but the most basic commands are missing. Does this SFS work for anyone?

The devx file came from

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. The one in Quick Pet does not exist now.
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#3 Post by Semme »

As I recall, *luci* is Three-Headed Dog- built with a later kernel. The pkg you want is here.
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#4 Post by Hotdog »

Three-Headed Dog is 5.2.9 and with a newer kernel,, as you pointed out. Although not mentioned in my original post I have indeed tried the lupu_devx_528-4.sfs that you linked to. Unfortunately, the results are the same as with luci_devx_528.sfs.

I would really appreciate the insight of any user who has been successful with either one on Puppy 5.2.8, whether in a full install, frugal or live cd.

Semme, thanks for your response. You are the only one!
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#5 Post by Semme »

HD- when's that *import* error thrown.. during a pkg build, or.. precisely when?

If during a build- link me to the pkg in question..

Have you experimented with removing 2.6.4?
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#6 Post by Hotdog »


The import pygtk error happened when testing the Python installation by running KeepNote (my favorite note taking program written in Python). It loaded the application's modules but could not locate the Python internal 'pygtk' which is in /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages. Than was a simple fix by adding to Python's sys.path. That is a bit of a quirk since the Debian strain of Python discards 'site-packages' and uses 'dist-packages' instead. There is also an 'undefined symbol' with the within pygtk. That is likely an incompatibility issue since Python 2.6.4 worked well.

The bigger problem is that there is no 'build' command in the devx. I've tried the two listed above. When trying to compile a C program the 'make' command works but halts when the implied 'build' is called with a "command not found". The same occurs if 'build' is called implicitly.

As for uninstalling the previous Python, that might be an issue with the full HD install. However, attempting to use the devx yields the same missing 'build' command when run from a live CD and a save file. Python does not exist in that environment except within the devx. Do you know anyone who has had any success with either of these devx's?

I appreciate your interest. I have worked with this thing for weeks before making this thread.
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#7 Post by Semme »

I take there's no kernel src? Here's before'n after- build links to /usr/src/linux-*
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#8 Post by Hotdog »

This is on the hard drive installation with the devx installed.
Doesn't seem to be as expected, does it? Although I do not have a screenshot, the same directory using the live CD is very similar to what I have here. It is not like your screenshot at all.
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#9 Post by Semme »

In review you've installed the devx according to this page.
  • 1. Click on the devx_xxx.sfs in a ROX-Filer window to mount it.

    2. Open a terminal in the mounted directory.

    3. # cp -a --remove-destination ./* /

    4. # sync

    5. Close the terminal.

    6. Click on the devx_xxx.sfs file to unmount it
Perhaps you should install the kernel src as well?
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#10 Post by Hotdog »


Those are the steps that I followed. So I am missing two items in my screenshot that you have in yours. Are they supposed to be in the devx? We are always cautioned to make sure that the devx matches our version of Puppy so it would seem that the kernel src should be part of it. Did you have to add the kernel src in addition to the devx?

With your insightful questions and comments this thing might just be made to work. I have downloaded the src and will test it in both the full hard drive installation and as a live CD setup.
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#11 Post by Semme »

To have the build and src directories- yes, I had to load the kernel src sfs.

Without the src I still have that initrd you see, yours doesn't.

If you need a copy, I've attached one for inspection..


:oops: Attachment withdrawn. Have just thought it's because of my frugal install..
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#12 Post by Hotdog »

I will make a careful comparison later between my hard drive installation and live CD. Maybe initrd will be in the live CD setup of the devx.

UPDATE: Using the live CD and the devx and linux src mounted in /mnt/home, gcc works as advertised. Have yet to test in the full install configuration. The linux src is required. All the instructions that I have read omit that point. Perhaps some versions of the devx have it included and some do not.

Edited to add the UPDATE
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