Lucid Puppy 5.2.8 - Updated ISO Version 005 - APR 05 2012

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#2141 Post by cthisbear »

Sorry to hear of your plight.

I echo all of the thoughts from sc0ttman and others.

Best of luck....Chris.
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#2142 Post by jpeps »

Hi Larry,

Let's all hope that some of these absurd issues around healthcare finally get properly addressed here in the US; they are well overdue. Meanwhile, best of luck to you.
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#2143 Post by 666philb »

all the best playdaze. i hope you manage to sort it all out. and thank you for making and maintaining what i consider to be the best puppy there is.

wish you and your family the best of luck

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#2144 Post by pemasu »

Life goes on with other priorities. Best wishes to you, to your wife and family. Remember to keep the optimistic attitude whatever life throws. I hope that your wife gets the best possible treatment.

I got the inspiration to the woof building through Lucid Puppies and they have given me hundreds of hours meaningful building and hobby also. Thank you of everything you have done. You have inspired us several years with your great work and coordinating skills.
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#2145 Post by arcanis »

There's no way to repay you for what you've already done. Thank you doesn't really cover it.

But thank you is all I can say. I don't know if you have thought about it, but some of the work you and your team did on Lucid Puppy had a positive effect on the Puppies which have followed. You raised the bar,

And you made it possible to use Puppy all the time. I rarely use anything else. Even though I'm using Slacko right now, Lucid was the first Puppy I was able to use exclusively and preferentially for more than just surfing the Web and playing music...

Remember to keep yourself healthy and as much as possible rested. See if you can arrange a little 'me time' so you don't burn out. Home hospice may become a solution for getting away for a few future sometime.

We'll keep you in prayer. God bless.
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#2146 Post by oldyeller »

Hi Larry,

I am very sorry to hear about your wife and the fight you are having to recieve treatment here.

Lupu 528 was the first puppy I used and is the first one I remastered on.

Well miss you here. Family is very important!!! May you and your family be blessed. Well keep you all in prayer.
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#2147 Post by James C »

Best wishes and good luck to you and your family.You'll be in our thoughts.
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#2148 Post by mavrothal »

Hopefully your selfless and remarkable offerings to thousands of Puppy users will be somehow returned to you and your family.
Till then, lots of strength and best of luck.
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#2149 Post by whoguy »

Thank you Larry for making a kick ass version of puppy... It has truly made my life better!!!

I'm saddened to hear of you and your wife's struggles with MS. I wish you and your family best of luck Playdayz!!!

Do you have a donate link or paypal where I can donate money?


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would the real 5.2.8.sfs stand up please?

#2150 Post by otropogo »

I just booted lupupluslibre 528.005-2 from LiveCD for the first time, and am confused, as I have been since 5.2.8 has started proliferating versions.

The splash screen is, to my eyes at least, indistinguishable from earlier versions of lupuplus or even lupu5.2.8.

When shutting down after the first boot, I'm no longer asked whether I want to copy the sfs file to the hard drive, so when I boot the second time, I have no idea which sfs file is active. In fact, I don't know which one booted on the first run, since the loader gives no indication. I haven't known since upgrading to lupuplus some time ago, but my understanding (please correct me, if it's wrong) has been that when the loader runs, it looks on the hard drives first for the lupu_528.sfs file. And it boots with the first one it finds. If not, what would be the point of copying the sfs file to the hard drive?

Any clarification would be welcome.

And yes, I did boot with an existing 2fs file, as I don't really want to reconfigure every application I've got. But maybe I should have renamed all of the lupu_528.sfs files on the hard drive before booting the latest version? Would I have gotten the prompt to save the file to the hard drive, or is that something that only happens subsequent to the invitation to create a 2fs file?
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USB3 boot

#2151 Post by tony »


This version of puppy has worked well for me for many months.

Yesterday I tried to use it to boot a My Passport USB3 drive.

No luck, after loading the drivers it could not find lupu_528.sfs file.

However if I plug the drive into a USB2 port it works OK.

Can we modify initrd.gz to include a USB3 driver?

Regards Tony.
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#2152 Post by bigpup »


From first post in topic:
Notes: 1) If you have previously used the Lucid 5.2.8 Live CD, it may have copied the lupu_528.sfs file to your hard drive. When the new CD boots it will use that lupu_528.sfs without telling you, so you need to delete it from your drive, or rename it, before you boot the new CD. This will happen even if the lupu_528.sfs is in a directory. 2) If you use a frugal install,. a simple trick is to download the ISO, click it to open it, and copy the lupu_528.sfs into the directory that holds the frugal install, replacing the old one.

I do not think the splash screen got changed to reflect the different versions of Lucid528.

Booting from live CD:
If you have a previous version of lupu_528.sfs on computer it probably is being seen by boot process and being used.
Normally the name of the sfs file is different, so this is not an issue between different versions of Puppy. The different versions of Lucid 528 use the same name for the sfs file.
The different versions of Lucid 528 are only different by what additional programs may or may not be in them.
The idea was to pick the one that has the features you want and just use that one. All of them are the complete Lucid 528.

If you had different versions of Lucid 528, as frugal installs on the hard drive, with each one in a differently named directory.
The boot menu will have entry for each one.
You should be able to boot each specific version, because the boot process will look for a specific named directory, for the needed files, and not look any other place.
Last edited by bigpup on Fri 12 Oct 2012, 17:12, edited 2 times in total.
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#2153 Post by darkcity »

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Re: USB3 boot

#2154 Post by rerwin »

tony wrote:Yesterday I tried to use it to boot a My Passport USB3 drive.
No luck, after loading the drivers it could not find lupu_528.sfs file.
However if I plug the drive into a USB2 port it works OK.
Can we modify initrd.gz to include a USB3 driver?
Tony & darkcity,
What drivers did you load that resulted in the "missing" lupu_528.sfs file? Wouldn't you have to be up already to load them? Or do you mean you installed them from a pet package or some other source and then rebooted?

The USB3 driver, xhci.ko is already in the "plus" versions of lupu528, although not in the initrd.gz file AFAIK. But I would like to work on this problem. Although I am not fit to mess with the initrd file, there may be another way to improve the situation.

1. Since initrd functions only at boot-up time, what happens if you plug the drive in after booting up? I wonder if the "hotplug" function would detect the drive.

2. Another thing to try is to add "modprobe xhci" to the file, /etc/rc.d/rc.local. Check first, though, with "lsmod" to see whether xhci got loaded automatically since the USB3 hardware exists.

3. My thinking is that the USB drivers get loaded very early by rc.sysinit, so an update to it might make things work better. Please try the above to get an idea of whether updating rc.sysinit would help. Thanks.

BTW, do you know whether the drive can work through USB3 in wary or precise pups?
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#2155 Post by tony »


I have just booted debian squeeze 5 with kernel 3.2.9 and slacko with kernel 3.5.5.PAE.

i use grub4dos installed on the "My passport" USB3 drive and boot straight from my Asus 1015pem.

I guess that as lupu_528.sfs is not seen it would be pointless to put a USB3 driver in it.

Regards Tony.
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#2156 Post by otropogo »

bigpup wrote:otropogo,

From first post in topic:
Notes: 1) If you have previously used the Lucid 5.2.8 Live CD, it may have copied the lupu_528.sfs file to your hard drive. When the new CD boots it will use that lupu_528.sfs without telling you, so you need to delete it from your drive, or rename it, before you boot the new CD. This will happen even if the lupu_528.sfs is in a directory. 2) If you use a frugal install,. a simple trick is to download the ISO, click it to open it, and copy the lupu_528.sfs into the directory that holds the frugal install, replacing the old one.
Thanks. Should have reread the intro first. Part of my problem at this end is that for some reason Pfind seems unable to locate lupu_528.sfs on my hard drives. I found the old one, or at least one of them, and renamed it, then copied the lupupluslibre-02 version.

Of course, by corollary, it doesn't matter whether you use a LiveCD with the original 528 of 128MB, or one of the later ones of 3xxMB, if you have the sfs file on the hard drive of the system, because it searches the hard drives and boots with the file that's there. I wonder if you could just put the loader on a CD or a USB flash device and boot the system with that?

On the first two tries, pfind couldn't find any copies with the "search all files" setting. After I renamed the one, and copied the other to the hard drive, it found the one on the CD, but not the one I'd just copied (and booted with). So I guess it can't see the one that's active (the one I booted with when I first searched, and the one I'd copied and booted with afterward). And it didn't see the one on the burner the first couple of times because the CD wasn't mounted.

It would be helpful if the loader indicated that there were several instances of lupu_528.sfs accessible, including their location, size, and date, and then let you choose which one to use.

I do not think the splash screen got changed to reflect the different versions of Lucid528.
I believe you're right. And they also use the same wallpaper. It can be very confusing, especially when thing go sideways, as just happened on my laptop, where suddenly the wallpaper reverted to the default, no idea why, while using a 2fs file that had grown to 1.4G and was set to use the Soldier's Point wallpaper. Much worse was the fact that all of the Seamonkey security settings were changed to accept everything and clear nothing. No idea what caused it, but Seamonkey has been associated with most of my mysterious glitches in the last year or two.
Booting from live CD:
If you have a previous version of lupu_528.sfs on computer it probably is being seen by boot process and being used.
Normally the name of the sfs file is different, so this is not an issue between different versions of Puppy. The different versions of Lucid 528 use the same name for the sfs file.

The different versions of Lucid 528 are only different by what additional programs may or may not be in them.
So one can switch back and forth between them without corrupting the 2fs files?
The idea was to pick the one that has the features you want and just use that one. All of them are the complete Lucid 528.

If you had different versions of Lucid 528, as frugal installs on the hard drive, with each one in a differently named directory.
The boot menu will have entry for each one.

You should be able to boot each specific version, because the boot process will look for a specific named directory, for the needed files, and not look any other place.
So what happens if you boot from a LiveCD and have more than one lupu_528.sfs on the hard drives? If you put each one in a separate folder, does that give you the option of choosing which one to use? And if so, do you have access to all of the 2fs files on the system, or only those in the folder of the sfs file you used?
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pet for vlc?

#2157 Post by otropogo »

After a recent glitch that changed the wallpaper and seamonkey settings in my main 2fs file for lupu528, all traces of the vlc media player disappeared. Today I upgraded the PC, my laptop, to lupupluslibre005-2, but no vlc.

I ran petget, searched for vlc, and it offered a pet for puppy 525, but when I asked petget to get it and checked all of the listed repositories, not one of them offered it.

Is there a new pet somewhere, or some other way to install vlc?

Update. after downloading all of the repository databases (I didn't want all of them, but pressing any key but ENTER, as directed, didn't work), I searched petget for vlc again, and got the same single answer vl

I also got the same result from the url test - negative for all of them. I then decided to try ibiblios anyway, and the pet downloaded and installed, only to pop up the following list of missing dependencies:

File /usr/lib/vlc/plugins/video_filter/ has these missing library files:
File /usr/lib/vlc/plugins/video_output/ has these missing library files:
File /root/programs3/vlc-1.1.10/modules/video_filter/.libs/ has these missing library files:
File /root/programs3/vlc-1.1.10/modules/video_filter/.libs/libpanoramix_plugin.soT has these missing library files:
File /root/programs3/vlc-1.1.10/modules/video_output/.libs/libxcb_xv_plugin.soT has these missing library files:
File /root/programs3/vlc-1.1.10/modules/video_output/.libs/ has these missing library files:

PS. it seems to work, nevertheless...
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#2158 Post by bigpup »

So one can switch back and forth between them without corrupting the 2fs files?
Not sure, because it would be like upgrading and downgrading the save file.
Downgrading is not really a usual process for save file usage.
So what happens if you boot from a LiveCD and have more than one lupu_528.sfs on the hard drives? If you put each one in a separate folder, does that give you the option of choosing which one to use? And if so, do you have access to all of the 2fs files on the system, or only those in the folder of the sfs file you used?
It will use the first one it finds.

The boot process will probably find any save files that are named lupusave.xfs and list them to choose to use.

Again, the different versions of Lucid 528 were optional version to use.
Pick the one you liked and just use that one.
Last edited by bigpup on Sat 13 Oct 2012, 06:34, edited 1 time in total.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
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#2159 Post by bigpup »

After a recent glitch that changed the wallpaper and seamonkey settings in my main 2fs file for lupu528, all traces of the vlc media player disappeared. Today I upgraded the PC, my laptop, to lupupluslibre005-2, but no vlc.
Possible save file corruption.
With a 2fs save file there is a bigger chance for file corruption.

If booting from live CD of Lucid 528.
use boot option puppy pfix=fsck
This will do a file system check of the save file.

For Vlc:
The above may be the problem.

May have to remove and reinstall.
In Puppy Package Manager(PPM), if program is in installed package list, uninstall and then do search for VLC.
PPM should have VLC listed in the Lucid Puppy repository under Multimedia.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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No usb3 driver in initrd

#2160 Post by tony »


This version of puppy has worked well for me for many months.

Yesterday I tried to use it to boot a My Passport USB3 drive.

No luck, after loading the drivers it could not find lupu_528.sfs file.

However if I plug the drive into a USB2 port it works OK.

I have now looked in initrd and it seems that I need

xhci-hcd.ko.gz in the modules section.

has anyone got a copy or a process to get it

Regards Tony.
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