SolidPup 5.1.1-B Lite and OBXF

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#221 Post by bark_bark_bark »

Test Results:

X Server: Xorg
Driver used: mach64

X.Org version: (how do I find this?)
dimensions: 2048x1024 pixels
color depth: 24-bit

Works great.
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#222 Post by Tman »

bark_bark_bark wrote:Test Results:
X.Org version: (how do I find this?)
Try Lighthouse report-video in the System menu.

the last saviour,
It seems that the problem with your images not being able to set as the background is due to spaces in the filenames.
Replace the spaces with an _ symbol or something and all should be well.
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#223 Post by Tman »

I am created Solidpup511B-Lite-beta3.1.iso at the moment.
It will take about 15 more minutes to finish uploading.

This version includes bug-fixes and more application upgrades.
Consider this one to be the release candidate for the Final Lite version.
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#224 Post by Tote »

Looking good here :D

=== sys-info 0.6 === Mon 15 Oct 2012 on Linux ===

SolidPup 511

76 Tasks, 2 Running. Uptime: 5 min, load average: 0.33, 0.33, 0.14

Current window manager: OPENBOX (starts from C.L. with: 'xwin openbox')

IceWM 1.3.7pre2
ROX-Filer 2.9

Network Interface eth0 connected

=== report-video ===

SolidPup, version 511 on Mon 15 Oct 2012

Chip description:
2.0 VGA compatible controller
Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03)
oem: Intel(r)915GM/910ML/915MS Graphics Chip Accelerated VGA BIOS
product: Intel(r)915GM/910ML/915MS Graphics Controller Hardware Version 0.0

X Server: Xorg
Driver used: intel

X.Org version: 1.3.0
dimensions: 1024x768 pixels (270x203 millimeters)
depth of root window: 16 planes

[/root]# glxgears
1966 frames in 5.0 seconds = 390.524 FPS
1920 frames in 5.0 seconds = 382.869 FPS
1940 frames in 5.0 seconds = 387.035 FPS
1920 frames in 5.0 seconds = 382.196 FPS
1900 frames in 5.0 seconds = 378.533 FPS

(Including glx gears, even though I have absolutely no idea what the numbers mean or signify, or even if they look right... :? Might mean something to you.)

There's no link in set-up to launch Firewall, or if there is I missed it. Went via Pup-menu instead but it might throw anyone who doesn't know where to look.

Loaded latest Seamonkey sfs on the fly, installed Flash no problems, posting from it now.

Going to enjoy exploring further :D
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#225 Post by Tman »

Hi Tote, thanks for your report.

You can setup the firewall from:
Setup -> Puppy Setup Wizard or PupControl Panel -> Network

But the easiest way would probably be clicking on the firewallstate icon in the tray.
I removed the menu entry for it to reduce clutter in the menus and it is not an app that I click on very often ..
I only set it the first time I run a Pup. Once my settings are saved, I don't have to touch it again.. unless I run in pfix=ram mode.

Your report however, got me to notice that the icon for firewallstaterun is missing;
further investigation shows that the .desktop file has the wrong exec option. This is not a big deal since there's an icon for it in the tray, and I'd prefer to leave it out of the menu.

EDIT: By the way, there are menu entries which I have removed, that you can put back into the menus. This can be done from Desktop->Pmenu. Linux-Firewall-Wizard is in there..I just checked.
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#226 Post by Tman »

There's a new feature in the beta-3.1 that I forgot to mention...
If you load a DvD and click on the DvD drive icon, Gnome-Mplayer should launch and play it automatically..
I checked to make sure that DvD menus work, and subtitles as well.. :)
I used to rely on VLC for this before, but MPlayer and Gnome-Mplayer can do these tasks,
perfectly just need to configure them properly.
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#227 Post by Tote »

Just found on shortcuts;

Right click on Tint2 clock opens OSMO, and not pup clockset.
Left click on Tint2 clock opens clockset and not toggle show desktop.

I tried the DVD player but I don't think I have enough power, processor busy light was bright enough to hurt my eyes, haven't seen it that busy since I stopped using XP :roll: then everything froze/crashed, had to force shut down and reboot. My equipment, I think, not Solid Pup.
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#228 Post by Tman »

Tote wrote:Just found on shortcuts;

Right click on Tint2 clock opens OSMO, and not pup clockset.
Left click on Tint2 clock opens clockset and not toggle show desktop.
No, I think something is wrong here. Do you have the right version? Try running in pristine boot mode...without a savefile. Tint2 should definately not be behaving this way. You should not be using savefiles from a previous Solidpup or Wary511.
Tote wrote:I think, not Solid Pup.
ouch! I think I need to redeem myself here, below are videos I made with FFMPEG Vidcap in the Lite-beta3.1 version.

Toggle Show Desktop in action

DvDplay in action

Note, the DvD play would be smoother if I installed the nvidia driver ... I am still using an older version as my main pup until this one comes out of saves me from reconfiguring my settings and adding new pets so often...
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#229 Post by Tote »

It could be a fault my end. I'm using the latest beta that you uploaded yesterday. I did a manual frugal install.

Just tried running it again -after first removing the save file so it booted in RAM; right click gave me clockset, left click didn't do anything.

I may have to start over with a fresh download and try that, something doesn't seem right. I'll get back to you later.
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#230 Post by Tman »

Tote wrote:I
Just tried running it again -after first removing the save file so it booted in RAM; right click gave me clockset, left click didn't do anything.

I may have to start over with a fresh download and try that, something doesn't seem right. I'll get back to you later.
To see if you got a good download, right-click on the .iso file and choose MD5sum check and see if the checksum matches the one I posted in the download same download folder as the iso. The toggle ShowDesktop uses xdotool, which is supposed to replicate the "super + d" command.
Just for confirmation, can you try to manually toggle the ShowDesktop by pressing the Windows key and d at the same time? Also, does the main menu appear for you when you click on the + symbol to the left of the tint2 bar? That function also uses xdotool, and I want to see if xdotool is compatable with your keyboard layout.

I was thinking about your DvD problem: It could be that the laser lens on your DvD drive needs cleaning: try rubbing alchohol and a cotton swab if that is the case. Read problems would also occur if the disc itself is very dirty or scratched, which you probably already know.
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#231 Post by Tote »

Okay... I started over, downloaded the iso again, the MD5sum checks out.

If I click the + sign I get the main menu.
Windows key and d doesn't do anything.

Right click on the tint clock gives me pup clockset.
Left click doesn't do anything.
Middle click, or if I use the scroll wheel on USB mouse, I get to toggle desktops.

The DVD now works, but the picture is 'laggy' or slow(?) as if it's not quite running at the right speed.

As an experiment, to see if it might be dirt on the lens, I tried running the same DVD in Puppy 4.3.2, which is the only other OS I have on here at the moment, it uses MPlayer, and the picture was fine, ran without any problems.
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#232 Post by Tman »

Tote wrote: Windows key and d doesn't do anything.

Right click on the tint clock gives me pup clockset.
Left click doesn't do anything.
I guess, I that means I have to make a new key-combination shortcut for toggle ShowDesktop; just curious, my keyboard is en-us, what type do you have?
The DVD now works, but the picture is 'laggy' or slow(?) as if it's not quite running at the right speed.
As an experiment, to see if it might be dirt on the lens, I tried running the same DVD in Puppy 4.3.2, which is the only other OS I have on here at the moment, it uses MPlayer, and the picture was fine, ran without any problems.
By default I had to set the video output mode in Gnome-Mplayer to x11, becuase that is the most compatable setting. But if you have mesa or nvidia driver installed, xv or gl setting should work better. To adjust the video ouput in Gnome-Mplayer, go to preferences -> Player -> Video Output

Also newer Nvidia drivers should support vdpau mode, which uses hardware acceleration ... kinda like what directx does. I haven't gotten around to building a new Nvidia driver yet, but I will. Shinobar's getnvidia pet didn't work for me, so I have to resort to doing it the slow, manual way. I will try to make a pet that hopefully fixes the toggle ShowDesktop issue for you tommorrow (not too much time to play around today).

Thanks for your report
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#233 Post by Tote »

Keyboard is en-uk, so that might explain the differences.

As far as making a new pet, it's not a hardship if I have to click the middle button instead of the left to toggle desktops. I mean, don't go to any trouble for my sake... If you have to do it anyway, it's up to you, but I can rough it. :D

I let the DVD play a little longer, it seems as if it's out of synch, if there's dialogue it looks like a badly dubbed movie. I think x11 is the right driver for me. Again, it's not a big issue, I rarely, if ever watch a DVD on here.

Glad to be of help, makes me feel a little bit useful, plus I learn stuff on the way. I'm always amazed at the way you guys put these things together.

EDIT; I went into Gnome player preferences, chose xv, BIG improvement! Thanks a lot!
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#234 Post by Tman »

Okay, I managed to find some time to do this after all :) It actually only took a few minutes to do.

Please install the attached pet, and restart the x-server. Next, open 1 or more apps and left-click on the tint2 clock to see if toggle ShowDesktop now works for you.
Since, the super+d key combo, didn't work for you, I changed it to Ctrl+Alt+d
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#235 Post by Tote »

Hey, that's cool! Works like a charm. Many thanks. :D
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#236 Post by the last saviour »

Hi Tman;
Thank you for your advices.
Since there's no desktop switcher icon in Taskbar of Openbox. I only test Solidpup in IceWM.
1. What's that 2.7 at the bottom?
2. Mostly application starting and running is very fast but auto hide Taskbar is quite slow to response with the mouse. And it's not fully functional, sometimes it stucked.
3. I have rendering Fr0st with and found it's very smooth and faster than rendering in Wary, Lupu and derivatives.
Anyway in Xaos 3.5 with, rendering has some problems;
The progression bar disappear.
That small clock does not disappear after the rendering finished.
Moving Xaos window will effect the rendering. Sometimes Xaos crashed.
I will try again with your Wine. Perhaps all bugs with Xaos gone.

There's 2 applications to set screensaver. I think only one is need otherwise it will cause conflict. Only PupX works.
If ScreenSaver Control is for Openbox. I would suggest individual Submenu for Openbox and ICEWM Config.

New bugs report;
When editing Thai text if I want to change the vowel font, I have to delete both font and vowel font. Otherwise there will be a beep error.
e.g. From ที้ to ที่ I have to backspace 3 times (instead of 1) to delete the whole word and then type ที่.

After WM switching or reboot WM all the preference of every application will turn back to the default. And I have to edit them again. :-( :-( :-(

If I use tiled Wallpaper, Wbar will show unwanted effect!!!!!
I think the most problematic in Solidpup is Wbar. It has a lot of bugs in Config. And it can make Taskbar disappear and move it to the top.

When listen to music with Mplayer (in desktop 2), moving any window (in desktop1) with the cursor will affect music, and show some kind of color around the window. Sometimes Mplayer stop playing music without any reason and it will show the movie window in desktop 1.
I think SMplayer is the best media player. It can run 99% of media format even in Window with PII 233 MHz. And somebody said it's derivative, UMPlayer, is better.

Desktop Switcher is another problem. It will remove the icons and wallpaper I set. And if I delete the default wallpaper, it will show some angry. hehehe
I think this feature is useless. Better replacing it with Afternoon Stalker. 5555555555

Start==Settings==Themes==Elegance-ice There's no small-window icon at the top right of every application. Is that normal?

Right click menu; Copy to Backgrouds Folder and Screenshots Folder doesn't work.

According to your previous response;
I've never tried it, but it may just need the right the command from the terminal and see what error messages you get.
----I don't know how to run command. But I'm not serious. Just wanna tell this is a cool-games pet. Only that it never wants anyone to be in the Top 10. :_0

That's just how Geany behaves by default in all pups that I've tried...and I wouldn't know how to change it.
----Sorry to inform that I only find this bug in Solidpup.
Bingo, To the last minute I've just found that Geany Icon will appear in Taskbar after I click the Parcelite Clipboard from Menu. ;-)
And it's icon appears in all Desktop icons when Geany was maximised.
Geany also prevents screen saver function!

For CPU Scaling, try setting the processor to "P4 clockmod". You may have to alter the frequency settings to get it to work properly, but I've done it on a P4...actually 2 different ones, so you probably just need to fiddle witht the settings. Check CPUTemp to see if it is working.
---- I got that driver. But checking CPU temp, I found the CPU scaling OFF and there's no icon in the panel to adjust to Performance or Power User as I see in other Puppy.

For Zsnes, you can configure the keys for keyboard use from Config->Input->Set Keys. It should be run with Mesa driver or Nvidia driver for smoother playback. I've had no problems with it on my desktop, but it wouldn't run when I was over at my dad's place and tried it on his old P4 laptop. I will recompile it and see if it makes any difference.
---- I'd tried my best but cannot find "Config->Input->Set Keys".

Yes I have that problem too..but no solution. Sad There's something about certain images that the wallpaper setter doesn't like, but I have not narrowed it down to anything specific.
---- I've just found a solution. The file must not have any - or space, but _ is OK.

I've never tried flock, but I will see if I can compile it for Solidpup
---- Thank you for that. Again just a report, I'm already satisfied of Opera and Seamonkey. But seriously there's no Abiword in Solidpup.

As much as I like the comments such as "Fantastic Puppy, great work" etc... bugs reports are much appreciated, as it brings to my attention what I may have missed, so thank you very much.
---- I do believe. 'cause I am the only one who knows your wife's secret.

I've just found there's some Laos option somewhere in Solidpup. So I guess that one of your ambition is to be Bill Gate of SE Asia. hehehe Cheer..............
This should be the last bug report for Solidpup511-B beta-2.7.
For next release I would like to have Rox filer without showing the file size, if possible.

Thank you very much.
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My people are somebody who will move to crowded city because I have promised them the refuge in the big UFO station.
Now I'd found at least 5 aliens who live in Thailand. They are from Triangular constellation.
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#237 Post by Tman »

the last saviour,

Please refer to the attached pic. There you will find the location to set the keys in zsnes. If zsnes does not start up for you at all, then I cannot help you with that. Desktop Switcher was an app I created becuase I prefer less icons on the desktop than the Standard Pup, but I thought maybe others would want them back. I didn't realize that at the time, 01micko created DeskSetup, which has similiar functions, so I just reinvented the wheel. If you have made customizations to your desktop, try the "Save current desktop as Custom" button first... I think it is your inexperience with it, young grasshopper that makes it useless for you :wink:

To change the details in Rox, first open Rox-Filer, right-click inside the Rox window, and choose "options". Next go to "Display" and change "default details" setting.

For your Geany problems, I had already surmised that you were using Icewm, and I should rephrase my initial statement..."That's how Geany behaves (in Icewm) in all the pups I have tried". It works differently in other window managers...I have never bothered to try to change those settings for icewm.

Wbar: If it is a problem, you get go to the /root/Startup folder and remove the link to the wbar executable binary. This won't uninstall wbar but will prevent it from running every time at startup.

There are no "switch desktop" buttons in the Tint2 panel, but if you have a scroll wheel, on your mouse, you can switch desktops by scrollng on the tint2 panel.

To install Abiword and Gnumeric, goto the Office menu and choose "Get Gnome-Office". It actually isn't the full Gnome-office suite... maybe I'll rename it to "Get Abiword and Gnumeric". I find Gnumeric has problems, though. I will attempt to recompile it and see if it makes any difference.

Keep in mind, that you are using the Lite version. Sacrifices need to be made to keep the size down. Also this gz-compressed pup cannot pack as much stuff into it as newer xz-compressed pups do, But the advantage is that gz-compression requires less cpu power, so it is better for older computers.

About your rendering problems; I think if you install Mesa or a proprietary video driver, your graphics should be smoother.

About Icewm: I can alter the delay time to make the taskbar hide and unhide faster.

You are still having problems with CPU Freqency Scaling Tool.. I will upgrade to a newer version and see what happens.

About your Mplayer problems: I think part of it is due to lack of a better graphics driver. But I have also new config options for Mplayer which may help as well..
Since you are still using version beta 2.7, I suggest maybe sticking with that version until the next release, which I think I will name rc2. After that, I will be working on a bigger, non-Lite version to give a fuller Out-of-the-Box experience.

Thanks again for your bug-reports.
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#238 Post by yr1945 »

Tman... off and on... i have been using warytiny... and now, solidpup... currently, i am trying to understand why gnumeric crashes when i try to insert 1 row... it does so with both of these operating systems... i have quite a few gnumeric spreadsheets that i use almost daily... any chance you can help me resolve this particular problem???

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#239 Post by Tman »


The gnumeric is the standard one for wary. I don't know if those bugs are in the original wary, or if it's due to my changes, but rather than investigate, I think I'll just recompile goffice and gnumeric. I will be sure to do this sometime next week.
Currently I am working on updates for Solid511B-rc2, then I will get to things that I have been putting off like compiling gnumeric.
Last edited by Tman on Mon 22 Oct 2012, 16:50, edited 2 times in total.
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#240 Post by Tman »

the last saviour,

It seems my memory was not so reliable, when I made this statement in an earlier post:
For CPU Scaling, try setting the processor to "P4 clockmod". You may have to alter the frequency settings to get it to work properly, but I've done it on a P4 .. etc
I had the chance to test the CPU Frequency Scaling tool again on a Pentium4 3.0GHz, and found that I could only change the default CPU Frequency, but it would remain on that set Frequency... no automatic throttling of the CPU clock. Sorry for my misinformation.. I will edit that portion of my previous post, now :oops:

I also checked for a newer version, but it seems that version 0.8 is the latest pet that I could find. So I guess we are out of luck on that.
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