Lighthouse 64 5.14.2 Beta 4

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Re: More info on Amazon movies

#201 Post by Q5sys »

Pete22 wrote:Meeki and Tozac:

I got Amazon movies to work on my x32 machine again.
Ideas that might make it work in Lhp.
I'm not good with installing files that are not sfs or pets. Or I would try it myself
but I can't find the latest flash x64 as a sfs or pet.

Install firefox 14. DONT let it update, yet. Now install flash version

Once Flash is installed and working in Firefox, let firefox update to the current version.

Reboot the computer.

Now try amazon movies.

If this still does not work, check to be sure Firefox is using the latest version of flash.
That was the the last problem I had to fix to get amazon movies working on
my x32 machine. Even though installed, Firefox was not using latest flash version.
I hope you avoid this by installing flash in Firefox 14.

Hope this helps.


There is another round-about way to make it work in LHP. But its rather backwards... Use Virtualbox and run slacko or another 32 bit puppy inside LHP. Then run your amazon movies in that vbox. If you enable seamless mode it shoudlnt be that obvious that you're going about it this way. This is actually how I run any windows apps that I need to run. Keeps me from having to worry about wine compatibility. lol
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LHPUP amd amazon

#202 Post by meeki »

Pete22 wrote
Meeki and Tozac:

I got Amazon movies to work on my x32 machine again.
Ideas that might make it work in Lhp.
I'm not good with installing files that are not sfs or pets. Or I would try it myself
but I can't find the latest flash x64 as a sfs or pet.

Install firefox 14. DONT let it update, yet. Now install flash version

Once Flash is installed and working in Firefox, let firefox update to the current version.

Reboot the computer.

Now try amazon movies.

Thanks! ya helped me solve this one.

OK to run your amazon videos do it in these steps.

1 install hall pet ...
restart computer. (if Hal is installed and you have rebooted before your good)

2)install flash ...
again if you have this your good

3)Download Firefox 16

4) unpack it and enter the dir. Then run it. It will look like crap because its not built right for LHPUP. Point of this is some how firefox on its first install run looks for hall. The way that firefox 13 pet is built for LightHouse it does not find it. I can only guess that when it was built all pretty for lighthouse hal was not installed.

5) Exit Firefox and delete the DIR and firefox16 if you wish

4) now run your normal copy of firefox thats on light house. It will go through its install thing like 16 did.

I was then able to play my amazon videos.

Go fig eh.
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#203 Post by meeki »

The old flash worked fine but I also built the new one for ya too ...


Remastering in LH64

#204 Post by gcmartin »

I know that LH64 has a remaster app that's similar to Puppy's.

But, Puppy's tool is a bit much for novices who are NOT knowledgible about Linux strructure or Puppy nuances.

JamesBond offers an example for consideration.
  1. here, and
  2. here too
Would this provide any add'l insight for LH64 as it progresses to Alpha-Beta?

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#205 Post by Puppyt »

Just some issues,
Did anyone else have problems with pburn in LH64? I recently tried making audio CD copies onto hard drive, and then burning new - as well as making on-the-fly copies. Pburn kept halting on a strange error until I found it wasn't keeping track of the default cd and dvd drive settings (as preset using the setup wizard). Might be just me, but did anyone also find issues with pburn? I think the problem is fixed now, after a few reboots and default resets.

How do I rip an audio CD into aac+? Burek makes a few useful comments in this thread regarding the codec ... 051#630051 I tried using VLC in LH64 but ran into problems - trying to do a batch conversion of an entire library I guess, where VLC seems to be configured to do single selected tracks... I tried to find other solutions to batch conversions of media files in Puppy (like 'Transcoder for ffmpeg', audio only), but I think I'll have to slink back to something like S.U.P.E.R. in windblows :(

tazoc, thanks again for pointing out snap2 for backups. I've experimented with both backups and mirror and put them on separate partitions, away from the savefile. However, I noticed recently that Gdmap shows that a ghost file of the L64-514.sfs keeps reappearing in a Data/Snap2Mirror/mirror/mnt/home/L64-514/ directory - even after I manually delete it. Chews up a big chunk of my normal save file but I can't seem to make it disappear using the choices in the snap2 GUI. Lurking in the /initrd/pup_rw directory, but I can't remove it (naturally) - something to do with Spot? Am i missing something really (stupid) obvious to solve this mystery? Removed all mirror setting etc and re-issued a default backup directory on a non-puppy (savefile) partition, but it persists?

Cranked up one of my usb scanners recently - an HP G2410 covered under SANE- but I simply could not get it identified with the hardware wizard (PupControl). Sorry to hassle you further with this now, but I think I got xsane and the scanner going on other puppies - could be just me - I'll try it again later and feed back.
(By contrast, I never had any problems setting up a usb Lexmark T632 printer, with CUPS. VERY happy with what I can do with it in LH64.)

Here's perhaps a project for you meeki - a java-based media server Would it be feasible to compile this in a 64-bit environment, or would a suite of lighter applications for media serving in Puppy do, instead? More nooby-friendly GUI's for Monkey- and Samba- servers perhaps, already in LH64?

Thanks again tazoc for this fabulous environment that's my choice for the home office/system. :)
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#206 Post by gcmartin »

@Puppyt brings interesting view (indirectly this member does) to this thread. He's asking for consideration of a JAVA app. I think what's really at heart for all of is JAVA as an OOTB component of our PUP(s). Then, applications and deployment begins to change. For some of the many JAVA apps, its just a copy and run.

As most are aware, I think our community must stop ignoring the fact that JAVA is with us to stay. And, for at least the next several years, its use is only going to grow (xPads, xPhones, xTVs, and soon xSurfaces).

We are reaching a time when JRE or its open-source twin must be a part of OOTB experience as PUPPY(s) continue to mature.

Its not just one application (audio or video or streaming or ...). Its the OS which supports applications which do those things. The PCs, the LAN, the WAN, and the devices which we use are a combined community which should have common means of use and transfers. This is just one of the more obvious in these new modern times.
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#207 Post by Q5sys »

gcmartin wrote:As most are aware, I think our community must stop ignoring the fact that JAVA is with us to stay. And, for at least the next several years, its use is only going to grow (xPads, xPhones, xTVs, and soon xSurfaces).

We are reaching a time when JRE or its open-source twin must be a part of OOTB experience as PUPPY(s) continue to mature.
I think part of the reason that JAVA is not pushed more in OS development is its track record for vulnerabilities. Afterall the estimates of the last vulnerability to be made public was that it would affect over a billion users worldwide. No serious dev is going to make something that shoddy a core component of an OS, unless they want to constantly release new versions.
But Puppy has another way... As shown by what TazOC has done. He's released JRE as a SFS module you can load if/when you need it. That way when it needs to be updated, it can be updated simply and easily, leaving the rest of the system separate. There's no reason someone couldnt create an additional SFS with Java apps built in. I did so for the java version of Jdownloader a while back.

There are just under 2000 known Java vulnerabilities. Keep in mind that many people rip on Microsoft for their buggy software. Windows XP has just over 5000 exploits available. So Java has a bit under half the vulnerabilities available publicly. That's going to prevent it being included as a core component, by a community (unix/linux) that puts alot of emphasis on not releasing vulnerable software.

Dont misunderstand me, I'm not a hater of Java. I love what it can do... but it's implementation is, and has been rather bad. It's ability to do what it can, also has a dark side.

For me and my systems... I'd Java be an optional component that I can add or remove as wanted.
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#208 Post by Puppyt »

Yup. Sadly, a necessary evil in many respects. Is there an alternative? Sorry about my joustings with java...

Edit: Rattled the above off in extreme haste. Yes, I agree entirely with Q5sys - only let the java out of its bottle when needed (and avoid the apps that use it, look for alternatives).
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#209 Post by gcmartin »

I acknowledge what you share. i am in no disagreement with wanted a stable, safe environment. But, even Linux has vulnerabilties, as does Apple, and as noted MS. But, the answer is NOT to ignore it especially when its needed.

The Apple and Android community has found methods of deployment. We need automation to handle it for this communit's products. Not one of us is going to NOT use LightHouse because JRE is present. If the implementation is stable and safe, it should be judged that way. LH64 has just great-great features that makes it so very simple for new and experienced users to tap. And, its so, so fast. Admit it, you (and I) love it. And we love what TaZoC and yourself and everyone offers.

We cannot continue to hide behind our skirts. We must provide environments that attract users; and, at an alarming rate if possible. Linux on the desktop is srinking along with new PC sales. There are already a Billion users of SmartPhones with xPads expected to reach that in less than 2 years. And by 2015...the numbers are so alarming that it forced the IPV6 timetables.

Not to derail the thread, but, I believe that there is much mileage to be obtained should there be an OOTB allowing even greater apps to be brought into the fold.

But, we must mature. There is NO SUCH THING AS WHEN YOU NEED IT. WE Need it.

Here to help. I don't mean to sound in disagreement. I am not, this is just some information for our use and understanding
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#210 Post by Q5sys »

gcmartin wrote: The Apple and Android community has found methods of deployment. We need automation to handle it for this communit's products. Not one of us is going to NOT use LightHouse because JRE is present. If the implementation is stable and safe, it should be judged that way. LH64 has just great-great features that makes it so very simple for new and experienced users to tap. And, its so, so fast. Admit it, you (and I) love it. And we love what TaZoC and yourself and everyone offers.
Those communites are also WAY bigger than we are and have major $ behind them. Puppy is a small scale OS, that fits a niche market. Inside that small community, the LHP community is even smaller. TazOC himself admited in this thread that he had gotten less than $100 in donations. If he had the same $ backing as Apple, and the same amount of Devs... maybe LHP would have automation. Keep in mind the entire Puppy Community has been unable to make automation work.
As for us not using LHP becuase of JRE being installed... Its not installed on my system. I have it as an SFS which I load whenver I need to run a Java App. Otherwise it remains off.
gcmartin wrote: There is NO SUCH THING AS WHEN YOU NEED IT. WE Need it.
I really hope you're exaggerating when you say that. If you aren't... well I'm not even going to comment.

#211 Post by gcmartin »

Q5sys wrote:...
gcmartin wrote: There is NO SUCH THING AS WHEN YOU NEED IT. WE Need it.
I really hope you're exaggerating when you say that. If you aren't... well I'm not even going to comment.
I agree with that last sentence. Let's move on to helping as best we can.


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#212 Post by meeki »

Hey lhpup team.

Awsome ideas about automation and java.

Sorry i was sick all last week. And today is my las day of midterms for my jr fall term.

I took a look at the java music server and it kinda cool. Its not really secure but imo that comes down to your router settings and if it can handle up to layer 5 inspection.

As for needing it now ive been trying to finish up lhpup record so i and other can make some more howtoo stuff. I think that there are enough of us packagers around to handel compiling pets for the needs of lhpupers.

You may have to wait a few weeks but for somthing that is free and works well thats not much to ask.

I like the fact that puppy is small and lhpup is small. We have fewer goals but they tend to be community driven. We have a fast os that is understandable and tweekable
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LHPUP Record

#213 Post by meeki »

LHPUP Record is ready for beta!

Hey every one I got it done.

LHPUP Record is a Video Screen Recorder (Record desktop)

I made a video of it in use here.

LHPUP Record pet ...

md5 check ...

Thanks for the support and help to every one below.

********************** ... &start=195

Basic LHPUP (puppy) help. Support of his OS let me write and compile all code in his OS with ease.
He has been there for me and the rest of his users supporting the os we love.

********************** ...

For support of his code found in his pet and giving me a good look at what works to solve sync issues of video and sound.

********************** ... 519#613319

For inspiring me to start the project in the first place. I happend upon his program first... then ran with it. The recording gui for the stop and start stuff came from borrowing ideas from his code.


For his GtkDialog tips (more like a manuel) I was able to learn how to make a gui for LHPUPRecord

every one in the LHPUP thread that PM'ed me or wrote suport in the thread kept me going. Even when the code got messed up and I thought id never get it done your support kept me going.
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free time

#214 Post by meeki »

Hey LHPUP fans

My teacher canceled class today so I now have 8am to 1pm of unexpected free time.

I'll check back here every 30 min.

What this means for you ?

If you need a pet or have a fix you want looked into now is the time to ask. I'm donating my time for any issues you have for the next 5hrs solving them.

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#215 Post by Puppyt »

Hi meeki,
actually PMing you at the moment on other matters, but just spotted your notice here. With regard to gcmartin's and Q5sys' recent postings on java in this thread re security policies, I noticed that I couldn't find a sfs, only a pet, for java in LH64. Do you think it would be feasible to fill that gap (if I have completely overlooked a compatible SFS somewheres)?
PS Sorry haven't tested LHPUP Record yet - good work :)
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#216 Post by Q5sys »

Puppyt wrote:Hi meeki,
actually PMing you at the moment on other matters, but just spotted your notice here. With regard to gcmartin's and Q5sys' recent postings on java in this thread re security policies, I noticed that I couldn't find a sfs, only a pet, for java in LH64. Do you think it would be feasible to fill that gap (if I have completely overlooked a compatible SFS somewheres)?
PS Sorry haven't tested LHPUP Record yet - good work :)
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#217 Post by Puppyt »

Many Thanks indeed, Q5sys -
I didn't see it in the LH64 PPM - but a closer look shows only fd64 there - will uninstall the java pet and download the sfs forthwith,

[EDIT: what about an sfs of the other "evil twin", Flash-XX.X.etc? ... ty_Project I haven't got the tinfoil hat out yet, but I would like to sleep a little easier, knowing that Puppy is safer by design, than that of the MS and OSX models...]
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#218 Post by Q5sys »

Puppyt wrote:Many Thanks indeed, Q5sys -
I didn't see it in the LH64 PPM - but a closer look shows only fd64 there - will uninstall the java pet and download the sfs forthwith,

[EDIT: what about an sfs of the other "evil twin", Flash-XX.X.etc? ... ty_Project I haven't got the tinfoil hat out yet, but I would like to sleep a little easier, knowing that Puppy is safer by design, than that of the MS and OSX models...] ... x86_64.sfs
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#219 Post by Puppyt »

:oops: :oops: Thanks! for the Flash link - I'm buttoned up now...
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#220 Post by Q5sys »

Puppyt wrote::oops: :oops: Thanks! for the Flash link - I'm buttoned up now...
No need to be embarrassed. The Flash SFS is something I made for my system it wasnt on any of the LHP sites until I uploaded it to my backup site. :)
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