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#81 Post by meeki »


I'm starting work on XPDF and PDF-Shuffler

PDF-Shuffler is kicking my but because its not been updated for so long its using pypoppler 0.01.10 and pypopler is on version 0.12.1 and does not work the same any more. Trying to hunt down an old copy of pypopler now. I'll make it an SFS and point it somewhere else so it does not hurt a install of a new version of pypopler.

as for now im calling it a nigh.

Oh and nice work getting your feet wet in pet making!!! fun stuff tracking down a depend on a depend on a depend eh ????

I cant remember the package(s) but a while back I had a fricking circle jerk. Package B depend on Package C Depend on Package B Depend on package C. OH the B-->C-->B loop depend hell. I finally found a thread about using a old package of B that did not Depend on C then you could build the New C off of the old B and then Build a New B.
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#82 Post by Q5sys »

meeki wrote:Puppyt

I'm starting work on XPDF and PDF-Shuffler

PDF-Shuffler is kicking my but because its not been updated for so long its using pypoppler 0.01.10 and pypopler is on version 0.12.1 and does not work the same any more. Trying to hunt down an old copy of pypopler now. I'll make it an SFS and point it somewhere else so it does not hurt a install of a new version of pypopler.

as for now im calling it a nigh.

Oh and nice work getting your feet wet in pet making!!! fun stuff tracking down a depend on a depend on a depend eh ????

I cant remember the package(s) but a while back I had a fricking circle jerk. Package B depend on Package C Depend on Package B Depend on package C. OH the B-->C-->B loop depend hell. I finally found a thread about using a old package of B that did not Depend on C then you could build the New C off of the old B and then Build a New B.
And thats why being binary compatible with another distro is nice... when you get to that stage you can cheat and just grab both newer deps off the offical repo since they've already done the work. lol
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#83 Post by Q5sys »

meeki wrote:has any of the nvidia guys tested the drivers? ... 2&start=45

Tazoc cant add it to the Repo until we know its tested and stable
Havent had time yet.
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#84 Post by Puppyt »

It's not you, it's me...
Q5sys I wish I could give your XPDF pet and libt patch feedback commensurate with your help, but I have a 'perfect storm' of issues with my LH 5.14 system at present. I'm really rushed with work and study/exams this week so on the weekend I will upgrade to a fresh 5.15 and give this a proper testing.
My wifi broadband from home has been choked for going over my 8GB monthly limit (&#$%) so perhaps that has something to do with the strange error I receive (with repeated download attempts) to "Error, package failed to install".
This is my MD5 checksum- 527aae3fe682e0f32f79946f3bf05d32 - does it correspond with what you have?
Well I extracted the pet anyways and copied your files to the relevant 'usr/lib64/' and 'var/log/packages' and badda-bing, badda-boom, XPDF is up and running instantly! But all is not so sweet - some files open cleanly without problem, but others reveal that I haven't been pointed correctly to the fonts directory (I guess). This from console:

Code: Select all

bash-4.1# xpdf
Error: No display font for 'Courier'
Error: No display font for 'Courier-Bold'
Error: No display font for 'Courier-BoldOblique'
Error: No display font for 'Courier-Oblique'
Error: No display font for 'Helvetica'
Error: No display font for 'Helvetica-Bold'
Error: No display font for 'Helvetica-BoldOblique'
Error: No display font for 'Helvetica-Oblique'
Error: No display font for 'Symbol'
Error: No display font for 'Times-Bold'
Error: No display font for 'Times-BoldItalic'
Error: No display font for 'Times-Italic'
Error: No display font for 'Times-Roman'
Error: No display font for 'ZapfDingbats'
Warning: Cannot convert string "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct
Warning: Cannot convert string "-*-courier-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct
Warning: Cannot convert string "-*-times-bold-i-normal--20-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct
Warning: Cannot convert string "-*-times-medium-r-normal--16-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct, please don't waste any more time on me and my Gordian Knot of issues - I'll put it to the sword on the weekend with a complete reboot of TaZoC's update. (Erm. downloaded from anywhere else other than home :) ) Again, many thanks for your help!
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#85 Post by meeki »

Hey puppyt:

most of your issues is with your xpdfrc file. you have to point the program to the locations of the fonts. I installed the fonts to opt and now have xpdfrc woking.

Code: Select all

# Sample xpdfrc file
# The Xpdf tools look for a config file in two places:
# 1. ~/.xpdfrc
# 2. in a system-wide directory, typically /usr/local/etc/xpdfrc
# This sample config file demonstrates some of the more common
# configuration options.  Everything here is commented out.  You
# should edit things (especially the file/directory paths, since
# they'll likely be different on your system), and uncomment whichever
# options you want to use.  For complete details on config file syntax
# and available options, please see the xpdfrc(5) man page.
# Also, the Xpdf language support packages each include a set of
# options to be added to the xpdfrc file.

#----- display fonts

# These map the Base-14 fonts to the Type 1 fonts that ship with
# ghostscript.  You'll almost certainly want to use something like
# this, but you'll need to adjust this to point to wherever
# ghostscript is installed on your system.  (But if the fonts are
# installed in a "standard" location, xpdf will find them
# automatically.)

fontFile Times-Roman		/opt/xpdfrc/fonts/n021003l.pfb
fontFile Times-Italic		/opt/xpdfrc/fonts/n021023l.pfb
fontFile Times-Bold		/opt/xpdfrc/fonts/n021004l.pfb
fontFile Times-BoldItalic	/opt/xpdfrc/fonts/n021024l.pfb
fontFile Helvetica		/opt/xpdfrc/fonts/n019003l.pfb
fontFile Helvetica-Oblique	/opt/xpdfrc/fonts/n019023l.pfb
fontFile Helvetica-Bold		/opt/xpdfrc/fonts/n019004l.pfb
fontFile Helvetica-BoldOblique	/opt/xpdfrc/fonts/n019024l.pfb
fontFile Courier		/opt/xpdfrc/fonts/n022003l.pfb
fontFile Courier-Oblique	/opt/xpdfrc/fonts/n022023l.pfb
fontFile Courier-Bold		/opt/xpdfrc/fonts/n022004l.pfb
fontFile Courier-BoldOblique	/opt/xpdfrc/fonts/n022024l.pfb
fontFile Symbol			/opt/xpdfrc/fonts/s050000l.pfb
fontFile ZapfDingbats		/opt/xpdfrc/fonts/d050000l.pfb

# If you need to display PDF files that refer to non-embedded fonts,
# you should add one or more fontDir options to point to the
# directories containing the font files.  Xpdf will only look at .pfa,
# .pfb, .ttf, and .ttc files in those directories (other files will
# simply be ignored).

#fontDir		/opt/xpdfrc/fonts
#fontDir		/usr/share/fonts/75dpi
#fontDir		/usr/share/fonts/100dpi
#fontDir		/usr/share/fonts/encodings
fontDir		/usr/share/fonts/misc
#fontDir		/usr/share/fonts/OTF
#fontDir		/usr/share/fonts/TTF
#fontDir		/usr/share/fonts/Type1

#----- PostScript output control

# Set the default PostScript file or command.

psFile			"|lpr -Pmyprinter"

# Set the default PostScript paper size -- this can be letter, legal,
# A4, or A3.  You can also specify a paper size as width and height
# (in points).

psPaperSize		letter

#----- text output control

# Choose a text encoding for copy-and-paste and for pdftotext output.
# The Latin1, ASCII7, and UTF-8 encodings are built into Xpdf.  Other
# encodings are available in the language support packages.

textEncoding		UTF-8

# Choose the end-of-line convention for multi-line copy-and-past and
# for pdftotext output.  The available options are unix, mac, and dos.

textEOL		unix

#----- misc settings

# Enable t1lib, FreeType, and anti-aliased text.

enableT1lib		yes
enableFreeType		yes
antialias		yes

# Set the command used to run a web browser when a URL hyperlink is
# clicked.

#launchCommand  viewer-script
urlCommand	"defaultbrowser 'openURL(%s)'"
I'm still getting this error.

Code: Select all

Warning: Cannot convert string "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct
Warning: Cannot convert string "-*-courier-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct
Warning: Cannot convert string "-*-times-bold-i-normal--20-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct
Warning: Cannot convert string "-*-times-medium-r-normal--16-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct
This looks to be a xorg issue.

However you can ignore one of them:
Currently open issues

During startup of Xpdf the message Warning: Cannot convert string "-*-times-medium-
r-normal--16-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct is displayed
This message can be safely ignored. This particular font is used only inside of the "About" window of Xpdf. It will be replaced in there by a default font. The display of PDF documents is not affected at all by this.
The solution will make the font settable via an Xresource.
The same behaviour can be observed on Linux systems.
At this point I'm hunting down a better looking alternative. I don't like how it looks IMO.
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#86 Post by BHINTZ »

Is there any way to dim the backlight in lhp.

Or can anyone tell me how to find redshiftgui in lhp if it is available.

The screen is so bright that I have to go to a different OS in the evening for the sake of my eyes.

Thanks for any ideas.

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Re: brightness

#87 Post by jamesbond »

BHINTZ wrote:Is there any way to dim the backlight in lhp.
Open terminal; then type "brightness-down" (or brightness-up if you want to make it brighter again). There is already a multmedia keybinding for this in sven; but it may not work with your particular laptop.

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#88 Post by BHINTZ »

I typed it in 4 times but still couldn't see any difference.

Do I need to install something from win7 which does work.

This is acer aspire one 756 - 11.6" 64bit.

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#89 Post by jamesbond »

Your laptop is probably too new and is not supported by the kernel. Or you may need to load certain kernel modules to activate that function (unlikely).

Open terminal and look whether there is a file called /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness. If there isn't, you're out of luck. If there is, look at the current value and try to change that to half of the original.

Good luck.
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#90 Post by meeki »

I typed it in 4 times but still couldn't see any difference.

Do I need to install something from win7 which does work.

This is acer aspire one 756 - 11.6" 64bit.

Your laptop is probably too new and is not supported by the kernel. Or you may need to load certain kernel modules to activate that function (unlikely).

Open terminal and look whether there is a file called /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness. If there isn't, you're out of luck. If there is, look at the current value and try to change that to half of the original.

Yep HM70 Express chipset was released 2nd Quarter 2012
The current kernel in LHPUP is 3.03 Sep 16th 2011

I did not see the HM70 Express supported in the current release kernel 3.6.6

ya might be waiting a while as this chipset was released early and is slated by Intel to support its 2013 line of laptop processors.
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#91 Post by Puppyt »

thanks very much for your earlier post on XPDF - I hadn't tinkered with the config file for the fonts directory, from memory, but I've mucked around with it in the past regarding my preference for continuous scrolling, a4 pagesize for printing etc. (all this in pemasu's dpup exprimo 5X15, 32-bit). Thanks for the pointer on that. Sorry it doesn't appeal to everyone (or many!) with its spartan appearance and interface - I don't like the dot-matrix type font they chose for their interface, but for its size its quick and reliable with the cut'n'paste of text, which is what I need. I'm hoping that someone will write/volunteer a module to support hightlighted text saves in any of the pdf readers... if only Foxit Reader for Linux had that funcionality, as it does in windblows :(

P.S. and thanks for looking into PDF Shuffler - I'll reboot with LH 5.15 on the weekend, and have a look into those issues that you raised, Cheers!
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#92 Post by meeki »



SFS ... x86_64.sfs
MD5 ... 64.sfs.md5

NOTE!!! You must be running the devx.sfs ... PDF-Shuffler needs python.

Inside the SFS:

PDF-Shuffler-0.6.0 (python app)
pyPDF-1.13 (python app)
pypoppler-0.12.1 (linux lib for python)


Good news every one. More build pets came of this. You can find pyPDF-1.13 and pypoppler-0.12.1 as pets HERE ----> if you need them for your own build needs!!!

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#93 Post by Puppyt »

Big Cheers - thanks, meeki :)
In Haste,
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#94 Post by meeki »


M.A.R.S. – a ridiculous shooter
Image Image

Image Image

awesome 2D-graphics with an unique style and shader support
a stunning amount of particles
single- and multiplayer-support
artificial intelligence using an aggro-system, which reacts differently upon varying situations and uses inter-bot communication via jobs
many impressive weapons and specials
customizable ships
a very sexy GUI
support for many different languages


SFS ... x86_64.sfs 71MB
MD5 ... 64.sfs.md5

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#95 Post by meeki »


Seven Kingdoms Ancient Adversaries

Strategy Guide

Seven Kingdoms Ancient Adversaries was open sourced under the GPL in 2009. This includes the game source code, graphics, and audio, except the music.
SFS ... x86_64.sfs 69MB
MD5 ... 64.sfs.md5

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#96 Post by meeki »

My wifi broadband from home has been choked for going over my 8GB monthly limit (&#$%)

Ummm ya start making pets, downloading packages to build stuff its going to hurt.

Check out my data usage!! :shock:


Ive seen guys break a TB. Best I did was 380GB 1 time.
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Lost X input while installing monodevelop-2.8.1

#97 Post by edwardb »


i was hoping to get mono installed onto this LH64 final version, and needed monodevelop-2.8.1.

While installing monodevelop-2.8.1, there's the lvm2 dependency that needed to be installed.

While it was installing, X crashed, and was continually printing onto stdout/err console "cannot exec: /bin/bash ..."

After shutdown and reboot into X using the same savefile, the usb mouse and usb keyboard refuses to work. We couldn't even use the CTRL-ALT-F<key> combination to get into the text consoles.

All we could do was press the power button, listen for the bark, and shutdown the system.

Is there a fix for this? especially losing mouse and keyboard in the xwin desktop?
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#98 Post by meeki »

Were you building them yourself???? or installing them from a Slax package?

Also if your a builder make a few save files. One for build one for run etc so you can boot from a mistake like this. Also back them up from time to time.

LVM2 (logical volume management) not a good Idea to play with this unless you know what your doing. I build stuff all the time and will not touch it with a 10foot pole.
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#99 Post by ICPUG »

Can anyone help mrbulldog with his problem here:

or here:

He seems not able to understand how to add posts to the end of this thread!
(I think he is clicking 'New Topic' instead of 'Post Reply')

LVM in LH64

#100 Post by gcmartin »

Hi @Edwardb
Edwardb wrote:... there's the lvm2 dependency ...
i think JamesBond did some work with LVM2 on a 64bit platform back in the FATDOG 5.2x days. He may still have the utilities he provided for this somewhere in his arsenal. I seem to remember a PET that addressed dependencies,....I think.

LVM2 is not so bad. It has some great and distinct advantages especially for those who of us who expect to maintain data over both time and spacial. Its been around so long that most all issues have been cleared long ago.

You may want to PM him or search past FATDOG threads for his LVM mention.

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