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Re: Compiz-fusion

#381 Post by pchan »

mandibule2005 wrote:Hello Pchan take a look there [/url]http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 630[url]it may help[/url]

After some test i was able to have beryl and emerald on lxpup
on a very old nvidia card but these 2 files will need tweaking from Jejy69.

On a live boot , install the 2 files say yes to beryl message
after ctrl+alt+backspace type xorgwizard choose , i choose nouveau
nvidia the resolution and type xwin ,beryl and emerald should be there , as you can see there is the precise icons on the desktop
but you can still play with compiz and emerald after a save file
i was capable to start it back right click on the red diamond and Select Window manager and beryl.
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 907#508902
Go to this site download python_for_CCSM-2.pet for lucid and
good luck let me know if you have success.
mandibule2005, Thanks

The problem for me is I need xorg high which is available for lupu but not for precise. I don't think nvidia driver is suitable for me. In the case of slacko, Mensa high driver was working for my netbook. But in precise pakage manager i can only see "z_mensa" and I am not sure if that is the same.

Without video driver for high resolution video, I don't see how I can install compiz.

Like someone who posted earlier, I have come to also love LXDE a lot. The ability to create an extra panel for favourite programs is so helpful. I didn't need to install wbar because the hidden panel is more convenient as it can be access from anywhere without having to return to the desktop.

If someone can point me to the correct high resolution video driver that works for my acer one happy2 netbook, and if compiz can be made to work with LXDE I would be very happy.


Although I love Lxde, it is so good to feel that I can anytime switch to KDE, XFCE4.10, cinnamon, gnome Mate. I also like to thank you for the non-pae Retro_Lxpup version. I am using it now and it works very well.

I think Barry K has updated Precise to 5.4.1, I am not sure what are the changes and improvements.
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#382 Post by pchan »


A Big Thanks!

I forgot to report that with the retro_Lxpup non Pae, SCIM Japanese text input works and I can use it in Leafpad, Geany, Abiwords, Chrome Browser etc.

Great Work!

So, I haven't been using Windows 7 for quite a while now because Retro_Lxpup is so fun to use!
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Chromium 25

#383 Post by peebee »

Chromium 25 in both pet and sfs formats for Lxpup is available from:

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 51&start=8
ImageLxPup = Puppy + LXDE
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Creating symlinks with PCMan 1.01

#384 Post by mikeslr »

Hi Jejy69 & All,

Since I explore various Puppies and use firefox, I find it convenient to have firefox's configuration and cache files and bookmarks in a separate folder on my home partition, symlinking that folder to the place where firefox expects to find them, namely a hidden folder named .mozilla located in / also called Root. To set that up the first time in a Puppy using Rox as its file manager, I simply opened two Rox windows with hidden files showing: one to / and the other to a folder I named browsers on mnt/home. I then dragged .mozilla from / to /mnt/home/browers and selected "move" then dragged it back to / and selected "Link Relative." In subsequent Puppies, I merely deleted .mozilla from / and dragged .mozilla from /mnt/home/browsers to / and selected "Link Relative."
That didn't work in retro-lxpup; neither using PCMan nor Rox. Neither offered the choice to symlink files or folders. Right-clicking a blank space in a folder using PCMan offered the option to create a shortcut, but it appeared only to pertain to executables, not folders.
The top posts which showed up by googling "PCMan create symlink" failed to reveal a solution, indicating rather than the symlink function might not have been included in PCMan 1.01, which is the version used in retro-lxpup. I didn't check further as, having played with xonclock I thought I knew of a work-around. It's not elegant, but it does work.

Since right-clicking a blank space in a folder does not offer the option "Open a terminal here"
1. To create a symlink open a terminal program such as Shell Utilities>LXTerminal.

2. Cd to the folder containing the folder or file you want to symlink to, for example:
cd /initrd/mnt/dev_save/browers

As mentioned above the desired folder, .mozilla, was located in the browser folder.

3. Open a file-browser to /root, show hidden files, and, if its there, rename .mozilla to .mozillaA

This is just a safety step. Firefox needs .mozilla so if anything goes wrong you can change it back and still use firefox. If things work, you can delete .mozillaA

4. create a symlink of the desired file/folder to the folder where you want it, Code:

ln -s .mozilla /root/.mozilla

with .mozilla being the original file, and /root/.mozilla being its symlink
in /root.

5. Open (or bring up) the file-browser in /root with hidden files showing and see if the .mozilla now appears. If so, delete .mozillaA.

Anyone knowing a simpler method, please chime in.

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#385 Post by smil99 »

mikeslr wrote:
... Neither offered the choice to symlink files or folders ...
Have you tried opening two Rox windows (one being 'root' and the other your '/mnt/home/browsers')?. Here, I am presented with the 'copy/move/link (relative)/link (absolute)' options when I drag either a file or folder (both hidden and visible) from one Rox window to another and it works.

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Symlinking using Rox didn't work in retro-lxpup (Solved)

#386 Post by mikeslr »


Yes, I tried that before I posted. And was surprised that Rox didn't work as using Rox had been my easy way to create symlinks in Saluki whose default filemanager is Thunar. But just to be sure, after reading your post, I've tried it again making certain that I opened Rox twice by clicking menu>Filesystem>File Managers>Rox-Filer file manager.

I'm using retro-lxpup. Is that the Puplet you're using? Also check to see if PCMan's Help file "About" indicates that its version 1.0.1. Version 1, I understand, worked as expected.


P.S. Solved per smil99's instructions below. Thanks smil99
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#387 Post by smil99 »

Hi mikeslr,
I just remembered that retro-lxpup shipped with Rox command linked to PCMan. This means when you click Rox, it is PCMan that rather opens! :roll:
Might be an oversight ....

I corrected that by the following:
Inside /usr/local/bin/ you will find 'Rox' and 'rox'.
Rename 'rox' to say 'rox1' and then 'Rox' to 'rox'. This will make rox load whenever it is clicked.

Apparently, 'Rox' contains:

Code: Select all

exec /usr/local/apps/ROX-Filer/AppRun "$@"
whilst 'rox' contains:

Code: Select all

exec /usr/bin/pcmanfm "$@"
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#388 Post by Jejy69 »

Hello all ! :)

metaldog, thanks for your advice, I didn't know that Pcmanfm and Thunar support video thumbnails ? I will try to fix this.

mandibule2005, maybe this: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=76891 but I need to refresh it, since march...

pchan, Glad you success, glad you succeeded, sorry for not helping you.

peebee, thanks you, I'll refresh the website !

mikeslr and smil99, yes, I replaced rox by pcmanfm, but I forget to edit .desktop file... To launch rox, you must type "Rox", I didn't want to edit all Puppy applications and replace "rox" by "pcmanfm".

Thanks all !
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lxpup and precise version

#389 Post by cowboy »


I take up new distros with some caution; but, like mikeslr, I find myself booting into LXpup more and more frequently. I used a live CD version of the non-PAE Precise LXpup last night on my older Brookdale chip burdened HP Pavilion, and reached a desktop with no difficulty. Will post later with more testing, but, believe me, that's an accomplishment.

On that machine, I am unable to boot many versions of Ubuntu or even Linux Mint )unless I modify the grub settings) but I can boot up Lubuntu which runs the LXDE desktop. I've been hesitant about testing Precise on that machine, simply because I felt it might be a bridge too far for the chip involved and the 512MB of Ram, but LXpup seems to work.

One question - are the precise versions of LXpup based on Barry's 5.4 or have you updated to the released 5.4.1.? No hurries, just curious about which version we are based on currently. Thanks again for a remarkably capable derivative. All the best.
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LXDE Packages

#390 Post by mufeed2012 »

Hi Jejy69,
Could you please post the latest lxde packages?
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Finding Applications: LxPup and in general

#391 Post by mikeslr »

Hi mufeed2012,

Regarding the latest LxPup packages:
Although i'm currently not in LxPup at the moment, you should be able to get them by clicking Menu>Setup>Puppy Package Manager (or similar), then click Update or Configure>Update, and after it updates, exit and restart PPM.
On Jejy69 first post (Page 1 of this thread) there's a link to the applications on his Website: http://lxpup.weebly.com/applications.html
If you're using a Precise or retro-precise version of LxPup, since their based on precise Puppy, the applications for any Puppy based on Precise will also work. Following are the links to those applications. There may be others; and some such as on ibiblio from which those on AARNet are mirrored:
Pemasu's Precise Pets:
Oldyeller's pets:
http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/quirky/ ... s-precise/

If, however, you're using an LxPup based on Slacko, you can also check out this link: http://www.smokey01.com/01micko/pet_packages-slacko/
Lastly, new applications are frequently posted to the additional software Sub-Forum: http://murga-linux.com/puppy/index.php?f=63. Each specific thread will tell you which puppy variants the applications will work with.
But, if your interested in any particular application, or categories of applications, you could always ask specifically about it or them, or type the name of an application and the puppy version into this search box https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=015995643 ... #gsc.tab=0
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lxpup and precise ppm error

#392 Post by cowboy »

*redacted. moved onto precise thread.
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#393 Post by mufeed2012 »

Hi Jejy69,
This is a suggestion for your new version of lxpup slacko:
It could be like Lubuntu 12.10 as in the screenshot given as an attachment.
The packages for the theme is in:

Wallpaper: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Artwork ... ripped.png

Menu Button:
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Artwork ... button.png

Panel Background:
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Artwork ... ground.png

Theme (GTK & Openbox):
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Artwork ... eme.tar.gz

Icons: I couldn't get it. So, use the package you've already got.

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#394 Post by Jejy69 »

Hello all !

cowboy, thanks for your feedback, I am delighted that lxpup succeeded to attract. Knowing that this work is not useless is really rewarding for me.
To answer you, yes I'll update Lxpup to Precise 5.4.1, I'm uploading lxpup 12.12 Pae currently ! :D
I really worked on this for this version, I hope it will be appreciated as much as the previous ones.

mikeslr, thanks to answer to other, I'm glad to know that someone is there to help! Especially since your answer is really complete, I will not achieve the same precision. :)

mufeed2012, Lxpup 12.12 is based on the theme Elementary, better than Lubuntu, but similar....

I give news in some minutes, I wait the end of upload.
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#395 Post by Jejy69 »

It's done !

Lxpup 12.12 PAE.
Ok, news...

Lxpup :
-New website, give your feedbacks please ! :)
-New appearance, Elementary theme.
-LxpanelX replace Lxpanel ( which always available ).
-Advanced locales : FR/EN/ES locales installed ( FR: Jean Jacques Moulinier; ES : Vicmz ). Thanks to him.
-Based on Precise 5.4's Pemasu, so many fix, apps added, and better kernel.
-Official Puppy menu ! All sub-categories ! We have a perfect menu now.
-Libs updated
-Rebuild = more compatibility ! Now, official precise's packages like Openshot's 666philb works directly, so I don't need to repackage some apps.
-Stability enhancement.
-Little things, I don't remember. :?

1/Mate rebuild ! Mate's libs updated ! More apps installed with it, like the "Gnome system monitor", and MintMenu !!! Just more beautiful !
2/Cinnamon and Gnome 3 !!!
Gnome-shell and Gnome 2d available too for low PC ! Gnome-Shell works perfectly, SubMenus's Cinnamon fixed !
Added some apps like Marlin, Elementaryos'FM !
Best GTK3 integration.
3/Xfce 4.10, best menu, some fixes.

I will don't update KDE, 300mo SFS... Don't want, too massive, sorry.

I hope you'll enjoy this !

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#396 Post by Jejy69 »

Please, see screenshots !


Cheers !
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#397 Post by ASRI éducation »

Jejy69 wrote:It's done !
Lxpup 12.12 PAE.
Good new !!
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#398 Post by pchan »


no worries. You have already helped a lot with all your wonderful work on puppy Lxpup.

And now it is good news again because Lxpup is updated to precise 5.4.1

Downloading soon and will report back about whether Japanese text input by using SCIM input system still works or not. It will be nice if it still works but in any case, Lxpup has to be in my netbook because the availability of multi windows managers has made it so pleasant and convenient to use.

What a great innovative idea you have to place another higher bar to what puppy linux can do.

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#399 Post by smil99 »

Boy oh boy .... you never seize to amaze me. :D I hope you are not skipping your studies ... lol.
As always, thanks for yet another amazing puplet. The new lxde desktop is fantastic.
However, being a fan of cinnamon. I tried using the cinnagnome3.4 sfs but was never able to. :(
At first, starting with 'ctrl-alt-del' and typing 'xwin gnome-session-cinnamon' at the console reported of X not being able to start. I then started with 'xwin startlxde' and while in lxde, I run 'gnome-session-cinnamon' at the console and got the following:

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# gnome-session-cinnamon
sh: /usr/bin/gnome-session-cinnamon: Permission denied
sh-3.00# gnome-session
sh: /usr/bin/gnome-session: Permission denied
Allowing permission through file properties then yielded the following:

Code: Select all

# gnome-session-cinnamon
gnome-session[23449]: WARNING: Session 'cinnamon' runnable check failed: Failed to execute child process "/usr/lib/gnome-session/gnome-session-check-accelerated" (Permission denied)
gnome-session[23449]: EggSMClient-WARNING: Desktop file '/usr/share/applications/gnome-panel.desktop' has malformed Icon key 'gnome-panel.svg'(should not include extension)
gnome-session[23449]: WARNING: Could not connect to ConsoleKit: Could not get owner of name 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit': no such name
gnome-session[23449]: WARNING: Could not connect to ConsoleKit: Could not get owner of name 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit': no such name
gnome-session[23449]: WARNING: Failed to start app: Unable to start application: Failed to execute child process "/usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon" (Permission denied)
gnome-session[23449]: WARNING: Failed to start app: Unable to start application: Failed to execute child process "gnome-panel" (Permission denied)
gnome-session[23449]: WARNING: Failed to start app: Unable to start application: Failed to execute child process "/usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play" (Permission denied)
gnome-session[23449]: WARNING: Failed to start app: Unable to start application: Failed to execute child process "nautilus" (Permission denied)
gnome-session[23449]: WARNING: Failed to start app: Unable to start application: Failed to execute child process "/usr/libexec/notification-daemon" (Permission denied)
Window manager warning: Screen 0 on display ":0" already has a window manager; try using the --replace option to replace the current window manager.
Window manager warning: Screen 0 on display ":0" already has a window manager; try using the --replace option to replace the current window manager.
gnome-session[23449]: WARNING: App 'metacity.desktop' respawning too quickly
gnome-session[23449]: WARNING: Could not connect to ConsoleKit: Could not get owner of name 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit': no such name
gnome-session[23449]: WARNING: Could not connect to ConsoleKit: Could not get owner of name 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit': no such name
Running dbus-daemon at console also gave the following:

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# dbus-daemon --system
Unknown username "pulse" in message bus configuration file
Failed to start message bus: The pid file "/var/run/dbus/pid" exists, if the message bus is not running, remove this file
I'm clueless as to how to solve this problem. Obviously, these might be permission issues regarding some gnome files. You might want to have a look at cinnamon once again if your schedule allows it.

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#400 Post by Jejy69 »

Hello !

pchan, thanks you, I hope Jp language will work, I forget to try it, If it doesn't work, I'll try to fix this bug, and maybe integrate full JP language in ISO, like FR and ES. :)
I confess that I had apprehension for the top bar, it was not successful. It innovates, it pleases it's great I am reassured.

Boy oh boy .... you never seize to amaze me. Very Happy I hope you are not skipping your studies ... lol.
Delighted to read that!
For my studies, no worries, I have a lot of free time, I finished my fixed-term contract of afternoons, and I can not find a job right now :( ...

For Gnome/Cinnamon : Mea Culpa ! I uploaded the bad sfs... :oops:
The normal package is http://sourceforge.net/projects/checkma ... s/download

I must update Website now.

Cheers !:D
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