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#781 Post by bark_bark_bark »

I got problem...

Grub4Dos no longer wants to boot Akita. Akita worked and booted just fine until now. I also tried other modes and none worked either. It stopped at:

Code: Select all

Unlzmaing Linux... Done.
Booting the kernel.
But that is the final thing I see.

EDIT: Never mind it just takes 5 minutes to boot Akita sometimes
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#782 Post by Puppyt »

Ahoy sc0ttman!
I think I'm *nearly* there a solution to the ati_catalyst /other driver functionality in Akita 13 + HD5450 glx. I've moved the machine to my office and with my blacklisted bandwidth is back to normal, am putty-filling drivers to a state that's workable. Currently only using DVI (no audio) to computer monitor and 1400x1050 res - but in Xvesa only at present. Selecting option 9 (Ati-catalyst) from the xorgwizard menu still drops me out at line 239, but a different segfault code every time. From my muddle-headed wombating, end-user style, the journey so far:
1) reboot from liveCD pfix=ram to wipe old pupsave and throw in a new 1 MB pupsave, reboot into frugal install.
2) install "amd-driver-installer-12-6-x86.x86_64.run" (tried to do it from outside of X, but couldn't locate it from prompt with "cd /mnt/sda1... etc" so I sh'd it from console, Seemed to work...)
3) copped some error messages about missing tools like "make". I loaded your devxb11 sfs and rebooted to make sure, then ran the driver installation again.
4) new error message in fglrx.install log - something about 'version.h' not being where it was looked for in 'lib/modules/'. I created a dummy file structure and tried to use a likely replacement version.h from usr/include/linux, but the fglrx installation was not fooled.
5) Ran AMD driver installer again from console, this time with --force option. Received warning messages about instability and lack of 3D support "unless correctly configured" at subsequent stage. Something about AMD Catalyst control centre needing running from commandline. Dunno. Rebooted.
6) Had a series of "Need to exit X to enable ATI to configure Xorg correctly" messages in pink dialogue. Kept looping back after each reboot/drop out of X and resume with Xwin or xorgwizard (force xvesa option). Can't recall what happened to stop that cycling...
7) Rebooted with (I think) new options in menu - desktop>Settings>ATI catalyst control center; antispect; and atigraficscard temperature. In System>info>AMD Catalyst control center (but it is non-functional and lacking menu icon)
8] Installed your ati-catalyst driver, then ATI_fglrx from W5 repository via PPM, no real change, so installed also some other ATI drivers from Patriot, in a link I mentioned in my earlier post. Included his DRI pet. I also installed mesa-7.0.3-w5, but by now I reckon I'm just polishing the proverbial instead of resolving the earlier issue with the missing mystery "version.h" for the proprietary driver installation.
9) Hmm might have also manually extracted fglrx_sample_source.tgz to get around xorgwizard break at line 239 of your ati_catalyst driver - don't think I succeeded there in wallpapering over that problem.
10) At the moment, running antinspect from menu gives me - display ":0,0" does not support hte GLX extention; and the temperature checker complains about a failed ati_pplib_cmd execution, but I reckon I'm nearly there. Just this matter outstanding:

Code: Select all

There was a problem initializing Catalyst Control Center Linux edition, It could be caused by the following.
No ATI graphics driver is installed, or the ATI driver is not functioning properly. Please install the ATI driver appropriate for your ATI hardware, or configure using aticonfig.
So now I'm off to faraway lands http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Configuring and http://man.cx/aticonfig%281%29 - I could be away for some time!
any suggestions or obvious mistakes I might have made in my progress to date, anyone please let me know :)

[UPDATE: 4 hours later, and found that elroy has already prepared a great how-to for this, via he and geoffrey's Carolina support info :http://smokey01.com/carolina/pages/amd-guide.pdf. So I've found that I won't be able to run AMD Catalyst control centre from root- seems that not all Linux' are created equal - and also found I've not used the best amd-driver-installer. Now downloading v12.10, and might also need the kernel sources for Akita too. Hunting down that repository of yours again, sc0ttman... ;)]

[UPDATE2: Dog with a bone, I am at the moment - also downloaded the kernel source from here http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/sf ... ppy4.1.sfs for a fresh bash at the HD5450 when I get home]
Last edited by Puppyt on Wed 21 Nov 2012, 03:44, edited 3 times in total.
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#783 Post by bark_bark_bark »

Hello New Problems arrived:

1) I have two floppy drives which both have almost never been recognized on akita. I just noticed the problem now.

2) When floppy drive 0 is recognized, no floppy disk works.

Are these general puppy issues or a Akita issues?
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#784 Post by Puppyt »

Hi sc0ttman,
just an update on the HD5450 issue in Akita13, plus some other observations that might be more generally applicable to the Akita base (2.6.25 kernel).
Well I've "maxed" glxgears to around 2500 fps, but still can't get the benefit out of the card as hoped - will show all the kids' avis fine, but has problems with HD movies like Nina Paley's "Sita Sings the Blues" (1080p). Tried all sorts of driver combinations - usually broke the system or downgraded glxgears to 50fps. wound up sticking to the recipe mentioned in my last post, from elroy via the Carolina thread. First tried your ati-catalyst pet but couldn't work around the fglx directory creation problem I mentioned earlier, and then the "Video Update Wizard" kept dropping out after connecting with the repositories - stating something about not able to get the correct target file size. I wasn't sure which files for glx/dri (mesa) upgrades, or Xorg 7.3+ to 7.5 , so I tried to do it manually, trial-by-error (via Wary repro on ibiblio). Didn't get the upgrade to 7.5 accomplished, but of those additional drivers I successfully installed, the effect was to downgrade fps.
What I noticed was, that when I could only boot into Xvesa then I couldn't actually cleanly drop out of X - no reboot, exit to prompt etc option would do much other than restart X immediately after a slower-than-anticipated delay. I found that Setup>System>Personalize-settings and selecting "Xorg" there, caused a dropout in xorgwizard and I was able to get to console. That was the only method I found that worked.. While in Xvesa I noticed similar behaviours that bark_bark_bark mentioned in his previous posts. I wonder whether there might not be a problem within Akita13's Xvesa configuration?
So for now I'll just leave HD videos on Akita13+Ati Catalyst, and get back to your other pets the kids want to 'work' on this weekend.
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#785 Post by Puppyt »

sc0ttman just wondering about your FreeCraft pet - I downloaded both game and data pets, and evidently I also need SDL. I installed your SDL_gfx-2.0.24-i486 pet but still I get "Couldn't initialize SDL: No available video device". Has anyone had similar problems or solutions please?
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#786 Post by Puppyt »

oops another one I can't get going - winetricks I think is missing something in your wine-1.3.10-i486.sfs. Everything else works straight off the bat, via menu or terminal - maybe a zenity issue perhaps? I gotta crash - but thanks for OOo4kids, Newton, DBGL, that I've installed and tested tonight. I've opted for the full VLC (w5 repos) rather than the gtk-frontend version, which I think is more prone to kiddie finger-type disasters...
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#787 Post by Puppyt »

Hi sc0ttman,
in an earlier post of test results with my HD5450 Ati Radeon (ASUS) glx,I suggested that perhaps something might be skewif with your Xvesa environment. I now feel this very unlikely - the strange behaviours I was encountering in Akita13 - screen blackouts, xorgwizard droputs - are described very well by davids45 in this thread http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=69478. Bigpup and Karl Godt (who makes me think of Kurt Godel - always with incredible, precise gems of data -and a 4.31 devotee, to boot) had loads of advice that encourages me to try again. davids45 then summarizes his experience with the HD5450 here http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 923#626923 and here http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 298#557298 and though I haven't worked through all the tips yet, I did use Fatdog-64 610beta yesterday after frustration in not getting the Akita13 box/configuration moving smoothly from DVI-I +monitor in my office, to HDMI+television in the living room. Hiccups there too, but eventually I got HDMI+audio (woo hoo!) via some VLC setting chages. HD videos were still problematic, but now I have some info re framebuffering that I should explore. Hope to try again with Akita 13 shortly,
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#788 Post by Puppyt »

hiyer sc0ttman,
finally I have some time to chase some loose ends with my video issues in Akita13. Hmmm some concern that I may have given your fine project bad mojo with my "pestering" (?) feedback - no-one has posted here in the last month (!) Hope I haven't taken the steam out of Akita - will post back with solution around HD5450 HDMI+audio. Of course, works fine using the extra audio lead to the TV,
Cheers ;#
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ATI graphics drivers

#789 Post by sc0ttman »

A quick update:

I got a Radeon HD5450 for christmas...

So.. I have compiled, packaged and uploaded:

"ATI Catalyst Control Centre 12.10"

It's been added to the Aktia repo:

Download: http://akita.scottjarvis.com/ati_fglrx- ... -akita.pet (50mb)

In Akita, it adds a menu entry in Menu->System->Info

I have not even tried to get audio working through HDMI... I now have my PC hooked up to my old 'Cambridge Audio A1' amplifier anyway..

I get a max of ~ 3500fps on glxgears on a P4 Core 2 Duo optiplex 755, with 2 screens running, with "PowerPlay" set to max performance.. I get about 290fps on AssaultCube :)

When installing the .pet it says you need to reboot, I kept that message cos Barry says its true, but I found that restarting X was enough to get the Catalyst Center working, and get dri, max fps, dual screens, etc...

It all seems to work fine, except if you want to setup dual-head (2 independent/separate screens), then the CLI app 'aticonfig' is better than the actual control center...

Once I installed the drivers, here is the command I used to setup 2 independent screens:

For dual screens, in terminal, I used:

Code: Select all

aticonfig  --initial=dual-head --xinerama=on --screen-layout=left --resolution=0,1024x768 --mode2=1024x768 --force --swap-screens=on
I ran the above command in a terminal, closed the terminal and restarted X.

This gave me the following setup: 2 separate screens, puppy desktop (icons, taskbar etc) on 1st screen, my LCD monitor on the left (1st screen), my HDMI connected TV on the right (2nd screen), both set to 1024x768, can drag and drop windows from screen to screen (rqd xinerama)...

You might have to play around with --resolution, --mode2, --swap-screens and --screen-layout, depending on how you want your screens setup.


Also, I added some SopCast stuff to the Akita repo, which you can update in the PPM (button in top left)... VLC-GTK 2.6.1 onwards (not out yet) will also be able to play, bookmark, import and record SopCast streams...
Last edited by sc0ttman on Tue 08 Jan 2013, 10:28, edited 1 time in total.
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#790 Post by Puppyt »

woo hoo! :)
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#791 Post by sc0ttman »

bark_bark_bark wrote:Hello New Problems arrived:

1) I have two floppy drives which both have almost never been recognized on akita. I just noticed the problem now.

2) When floppy drive 0 is recognized, no floppy disk works.

Are these general puppy issues or a Akita issues?
Not sure, I have no floppy drives... I once commented out some floppy stuff in pmount, but I seem to have put it back in again... so it should be standard pup4/wary5 floppy stuff... Can't think of anything Akita-specific that would cause it. Sorry.
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#792 Post by sc0ttman »

Puppyt wrote:sc0ttman just wondering about your FreeCraft pet - I downloaded both game and data pets, and evidently I also need SDL. I installed your SDL_gfx-2.0.24-i486 pet but still I get "Couldn't initialize SDL: No available video device". Has anyone had similar problems or solutions please?
You shouldn't have to download any SDL stuff for Akita, it's all included out of the box, and I think one SDL package is in the repo, not needed with FreeCraft.

FreeCraft seems to work fine for me, although it takes literally about 30 seconds to appear, making me think its not loading - as I go to check out why, bang, it pops up...

I might have to update the package with a "please wait" dialog...
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#793 Post by sc0ttman »

Puppyt wrote:oops another one I can't get going - winetricks I think is missing something in your wine-1.3.10-i486.sfs. Everything else works straight off the bat, via menu or terminal - maybe a zenity issue perhaps? I gotta crash - but thanks for OOo4kids, Newton, DBGL, that I've installed and tested tonight. I've opted for the full VLC (w5 repos) rather than the gtk-frontend version, which I think is more prone to kiddie finger-type disasters...
I'll have a look at a new WINE package soon...

If anyone can tell me the command line option that VLC needs to produce audio through HDMI, I will add the ability to VLC-GTK, either in the GUI or automagically if possible...

What option in VLC allows audio in HDMI? Does the console output thingy show anything useful about it?
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#794 Post by bark_bark_bark »

welcome back sc0ttman. Sadly no old PC again. I am going to save for a Dell P4 system so I can enjoy Akita.
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#795 Post by mcewanw »

I'm evaluating Akita more closely at the moment because it runs much faster on this old Pentium M laptop I use than the latest Precise (retro since machine is not PAE capable) or Slacko 5.4. I generally run the older Slacko-5.3.3, which runs particularly smoothly and very stable on this machine. However, Akita is an interesting alternative so I hope you keep working on it.

Performance-wise, for this class of Pentium M (1 GHz CPU) Akita seems to hit the "sweet spot" in terms of functionality plus performance (better even than Wary). I use Seamonkey 2, though I am experiencing a few stability issues with that and also VLC-GTK when trying to play youtube streams, which I'm looking into when I have time.
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#796 Post by mcewanw »

A bit more info on the problem I'm finding and the less-than-satisfactory workaround I'm using:

I've installed browser seamonkey-2.0.4-p4.pet from your Browser installer.

After running the program from an rxvt console I go to youtube.com and play a video. If I then stop the video and select a new youtube video to play, seamonkey crashes with a segmentation fault. If I then restart seamonkey, go back to youtube and try to play a video, seamonkey keeps crashing with the segmentation fault. However, if I go into seamonkey preferences (under Edit submenu) and clear only the Cache (under Privacy and security preferences), I can then play a youtube video again with no problem. Of course, if I then try to play another video, seamonkey crashes out again until I clear the cache again.

I normally use Seamonkey on my other Puppies (e.g. Slacko-5.3.3) and have no such problems. I will try this version of Seamonkey there (if it runs) and see if the same problem arises and report back.
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#797 Post by mcewanw »

Okay, I installed the same seamonkey pet in Slacko-5.3.3. It installed just the same (main program part into /mnt/home) and ran fine, but... exactly the same problem with youtube video's causing segmentation error when run twice without clearing the cache...

Code: Select all

# seamonkey
/mnt/home/seamonkey/program/run-mozilla.sh: line 131: 16588 Segmentation fault      "$prog" ${1+"$@"}
So, solution is to use different Seamonkey version, or perhaps track down what is causing the problem.
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#798 Post by mcewanw »

Okay... I moved the main seamonkey folder from /mnt/home/seamonkey/program to /usr/lib and the segmentation error vanished... So, just need to find out what is wrong with it being in /mnt/home/seamonkey/program normally. Perhaps something to do with that script /mnt/home/seamonkey/start ?

EDIT: Hmmm... still in Slacko-5.3.3 with that seamonkey version and put it back to normal such that the seamonkey symlink in /usr/link pointed via seamonkey-2.0.4 symlink to the main seamonkey files back in /mnt/home/seamonkey/program and it now all seems to work fine... sigh... no idea why. I will now return to the same issue on my Akita installation and try the same above steps to see if the segmentation fault is thus mysteriously fixed. I hate things that start working without any reasonable explanation as to why though...
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#799 Post by mcewanw »

Unfortunately, the problem remains on my system when running Akita. I now have no idea why this same version of seamonkey is now working okay under slacko-5.3.3. If I find out, I'll report back...

EDIT: I have now uninstalled that seamonkey altogether from Slacko-5.3.3 and then reinstalled it fresh. But this time under Slacko the seamonkey segmentation error, when running youtube videos more than once, was no longer occurring at all. But... the problem remains running this seamonkey under Akita. Wish I knew why, but I don't...

EDIT NEWEST: The problem seems to have gone away by itself. That seamonkey now working fine in my Akita installation. I can only imagine that my pupsave is flaky (or more likely the underlying storage media) because the only thing I did was to install Opera and then install the seamonkey browser again. Big sigh. Hope the problem really has gone. Akita is nice and low on resources.
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#800 Post by sc0ttman »

mcewanw wrote:Unfortunately, the problem remains on my system when running Akita. I now have no idea why this same version of seamonkey is now working okay under slacko-5.3.3. If I find out, I'll report back...

EDIT: I have now uninstalled that seamonkey altogether from Slacko-5.3.3 and then reinstalled it fresh. But this time under Slacko the seamonkey segmentation error, when running youtube videos more than once, was no longer occurring at all. But... the problem remains running this seamonkey under Akita. Wish I knew why, but I don't...

EDIT NEWEST: The problem seems to have gone away by itself. That seamonkey now working fine in my Akita installation. I can only imagine that my pupsave is flaky (or more likely the underlying storage media) because the only thing I did was to install Opera and then install the seamonkey browser again. Big sigh. Hope the problem really has gone. Akita is nice and low on resources.
Sorry for not seeing all this earlier... It might be that 'browserlibs.pet' (in the akita repo) that is helping solve the problem - files in that package are related to the latest Flash versions, and Opera requires them for Flash support.. When you installed Opera, did you also install browserlibs.pet? If so, browserlibs.pet might be the fix...
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