After use 5.4.1 LiveCD, netwk adapter doesn't work in WinXP

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After use 5.4.1 LiveCD, netwk adapter doesn't work in WinXP

#1 Post by JerseyJohn »

I booted from Precise Puppy 5.4.1 LiveCD, connected to internet with eth0 (Broadcom 440x network adapter). Worked fine. I can access my router as well. But then when I reboot to WinXP, the network connection says "a network cable is unplugged," even though it isn't. I tried disabling and enabling the adapter, unplugging and re-plugging the ethernet cable, and I rebooted the router, all to no avail. (There is no light on the jack when the cable is plugged in.) I also tried device troubleshooting, system restore (to before the Linux work), and a few other things.
Booted from CD to Precise Puppy again and connections are fine. Back to WinXP and same message.

I could really use some help with this! It looks like my PrecisePuppy CD configuration has interfered with the network adapter in WinXP.

One final word: when I first booted Puppy and made connection, it suggested a PC host name and I changed it to something more recognizable to me. It then said I must restart X desktop, which I did, and my router, which I did. I don't see how this could interfere, but thought I would mention it anyway.

Thanks in advance for your help,
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#2 Post by JerseyJohn »

FYI: After much work, I believe that the problem is due to a change in the router configuration during the 5.4.1 setup. When I configured Puppy Linux to use eth0, my router assigned the same DHCP IP address to my Linux hostname as was previously assigned to my WinXP hostname. (For example, after booting into WinXP and accessing my router from another PC, it showed the PuppyPC as hostname.) And I think this somehow prevents the router from recognizing my NIC.

I read on the Internet that other people have experienced a similar problem with the same NIC. I never have until now.

I tried reconfiguring in many different ways, but nothing solved it. Right now I am using a USB wifi adapter as a workaround in WinXP, so at least I have network access.

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#3 Post by Semme »

Hey John, I'm no expert but, what I would do.. I'd reinstall your nics driver'n reboot.

I've had success with this sort of approach back in the day when XP was current..
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