mpdPup - Simplified MPD Music Server/Jukebox - v0.9.3

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives
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#61 Post by ldolse »

I've just posted an updated build, calling this 0.9.3a to keep things simple. This is purely a bug fix release - if you're already running 0.9.3 without any problems there isn't any compelling reason to switch to this release (WaveIO users being an exception if you're having problems with muted cards). Special thanks to jrling & luisb for doing some extra testing to confirm these fixes worked.

  • Fixed a scenario that could delete the sound card if a user pressed the escape key at the wrong point in the wizard
  • Added a new 'unmute' command to make it easier to unmute all the cards if some system change muted things.
  • Fixed the extra percent sign when specifying a custom MPD buffer
  • Inform users of the album art url
  • Fixed the notification confirming the 'recommended' sound settings are set
  • Added the driver for the Realtek 8101 Ethernet Adapter
  • Fixed the bandcamp script for queuing albums
Link is updated in the first post.
Last edited by ldolse on Fri 23 Nov 2012, 02:45, edited 1 time in total.
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#62 Post by wlowes »

Thanks Idolse
I appreciate you creating a point release to help with the mute function.
I don't know if I am doing something wrong, but for me running WaveIO it still came up muted. the unmute command did not change it. I wonder if those who found it to work with WaveIO can relate their experience.

Other anomoly for me is that the advanced sound partameter page refuses to let me go into the page that sets advanced settings. It quickly comes back with a message the it has applied the optimized parameters. I can't get in to set things like buffer or nrpacks.
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#63 Post by ldolse »

Hi wlowes, I'm sad to hear that I still haven't completely conquered the WaveIO mute - I'll follow up with you by PM to troubleshoot a bit.

Regarding the tweaks - I think you probably accidentally selected the wrong menu item. The default 'recommended' setting is highlighted, to select custom to get access to the individual settings you need to click the down arrow to highlight it, the space bar to actually select it, and finally the enter key to confirm it. This particular aspect of the Unix dialog command is a bit counter-intuitive, but not much I can do about it.

BTW, the reason my buffer settings stray from your preference for a large buffer with 100% fill is because that setting is incompatible with Internet radio - it can take tens of minutes to hours to fill the buffer before playback begins. I suspect that isn't a concern for you, but I didn't want the recommended settings to break radio.
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#64 Post by jrling »

Hi Walter

I have WaveIO and in 0.9.3a I found, like you, that it installed Muted. Strangely though on the first 0.9.3 release it installed Unmuted.

In 0.9.3a I also found under 'Advanced' that the nrpacks custom setting of 20 (thanks to you for that) gets set back to default setting of 8 on reboot.

I have advised Idolse.

I have found using mpd v 17 and 0.9.3 the SQ takes a nice jump up.
Thanks Idolse!

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#65 Post by willemoes »

Hi Idolse

Being Linux-newbie I appreciate your work (learned alot allready, I think :-)

I set up the Mpdpup v0.9.3 for using local, NFTS stored Music files (Wav, Flac etc) but get the abovementioned Error (regardless of trying to play Wav or Flac-files)

I can connect to the Pup-pc using Putty and GMPC from another pc on the home-network - and soundcard (Omega HT-Claro (analog+digital connection) as well as onboard soundcard tested fine playing the wizard´s audio-sample.

All music-files appear using "mpc listall"

Tried the different Volume settings a well as the different Mpd versions.. no luck :-(

Don´t know if it´s relevant but when saving settings in the Mpdwizard (before option to "commit changes to storage device") 2 lines appear:
# rm:cannot remove `var/www/musiclibrary`: No such file or directory
# ln: creating symbolic link `./musiclibrary`: File exists

I´m stuck; any ideas what could be wrong?

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#66 Post by ldolse »

willemoes wrote:I set up the Mpdpup v0.9.3 for using local, NFTS stored Music files (Wav, Flac etc) but get the abovementioned Error (regardless of trying to play Wav or Flac-files)
What 'abovementioned' error are you referring to? If mpc listall is working then then I would guess it's a soundcard issue. If you attempt to play an album does mpc or ncmpc show that it's actually playing (regardless of whether you hear it). Did you type 'alsamixer' to check the volume? Also check to make sure there isn't an 'M' below the channel, as that means it's muted.
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#67 Post by willemoes »

Thanks for your answer, will try to clarify:
ldolse wrote: What 'abovementioned' error are you referring to? If mpc listall is working then then I would guess it's a soundcard issue. If you attempt to play an album does mpc or ncmpc show that it's actually playing (regardless of whether you hear it). Did you type 'alsamixer' to check the volume? Also check to make sure there isn't an 'M' below the channel, as that means it's muted.
Error message is in "subject description" (above your quote) (= ERROR: Problems decoding (whichever Wav or Flac-file I try to play)

alsamixer checked, no channels muted.

same error message with onboard Alc 887 soundcard.

But :oops: problem is solved; turns out the mpc-listed files were on the data drive in the remote client-pc (the music files are pretty much the same, as they are back-ups..) I ignored the warning in the wizard´s storage section (telling me I had chosen a root directory with no subfolders) and found out that the directory home/music not was my music folder, but default mpd to which I had to add my own.

It´s working now, no probs; now to learn to work the clients and the possibility of remote operation - and compare SQ to optimized Windows player (the reason for wanting to start with local operated MpdPup)

Thanks again for your work

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#68 Post by bonalux »

It's been a week with no updates, the forum isn't working? Just a test...
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#69 Post by ldolse »

It gets quiet sometimes - it's to be expected. I've got a few more bug fixes in the works, might get them out later this week if I have enough time to get the QA done. I think I found the reason none of my other attempts to unmute the WaveIO worked - spaces in device name. No guarantees though, as I've been working in the dark on that one.
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#70 Post by bonalux »

Sorry Idolse, i was not triyng to speed you up, i was only thinking something went wrong in the forum/server and i was unable to read new messages. I'm not in a hurry and actually, with the mute problem solved i'm very happy! (with version 0.9.3a it's still present but it's solved with the previous method, maybe it's a WaveIO specific problem or, having on the PC i actually use an integrated sound card, alsa select by default the first and mute the second, i don't know. I'm waiting for an Alix 3d2 board and i will let you know)

Only glitch is that it seem that i cannot select mpd version 17, i select it with the space bar and the asterisc move down to highlight the selecton, but then if i click ok and reenter the mpd version selection i find that mpd 16 is still selected, no matter how many times i try...

But it's not a big problem.

Thanks for your work.
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#71 Post by ldolse »

Don't worry, you weren't rushing me, just figured I could give a status update while replying.

I think that dialog always highlights mpd16 regardless of the actual configuration - after you select mpd17 and exit the wizard type 'mpd --version' at the CLI - I'll bet it's been updated. Good feedback though, it's fairly straightforward to get it to automatically match the configured version.
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#72 Post by bonalux »

Once again you were right :D It says "mpd (MPD: Music Player Daemon) 0.17.2" so all it's ok.

Thank you very much, have a nice day.
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93 very musical

#73 Post by Douwe01nl »

Hi Idolse, great version, 9.3!! I installed it last week, 93 is much more musical, very very nice!!
WaveIO is muted, had to unmute in the "old" way,like in 92,no problem
Sox works fine, didn't have the time yet to ab SoX and NOS.

SoX-question: in mpd.conf it says <enabled: "no"> (see attachment) I changed it to YES. Is that right?
Where or how can i check it is resampling at 32bit?

BTW i'm very proud you used my parameters! Feels good to be able to add something relevant.

Are you still thinking about making nrpacks=100 possible? I really hope so!

OT:A month ago i modded my NAS: replaced the two 3,5" HDD's for one 2,5" HDD, removed the fan and gav it a dedicated linear psu. Very nice SQ improvement.

@Mark: did you already succeed in booting from NAS?

Thanks again Idolse, great work!

42 AM.png
mpd.conf SoX-parameters
(41.5 KiB) Downloaded 848 times
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#74 Post by ldolse »

Hi Douwe01nl, glad to hear it's working well for you and you found it improved - I think I have to chalk up the audio improvements to MPD itself though, as the core OS is the same. That and using your settings as recommended - so many people confirmed your settings it was a no brainer to use them, your input has been appreciated.

As to sox being disabled by default - that's intentional. The default NOS/Bit perfect output is default enabled, and since Sox uses the exact same sound device both can't be enabled simultaneously. Every decent MPD client has the ability to enable/disable outputs, the idea is you use the client to disable the primary output and then enable the Sox output - no need to edit the conf file. Depending on your hardware enabling both simultaneously can do bad things. Need to make an MPD enhancement request with regard to this I think...

nrpacks 100 is still on my todo list, but I need to incorporate the kernel building/patching into my overall build process, so probably the next major release.

Interesting about the NAS changes making a difference in sound - would have figured with the network separation and MPD's buffering that shouldn't make any difference. Guess you can never count on that in the audio world.
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SOX 176400

#75 Post by jrling »

I can second the the catastrophic results of selecting two audio outputs in the client! (GMPC in my case).

Douwe01nl - I tried SOX at 176,400 exactly as per your image and it crashed my client, stopped MPD running etc etc. Idolese told me that he got the same and that it was a SOX bug rather than in his code? I can though run SOX at 88,200 perfectly, but like you have not had the chance to AB it.

Idolese - have your later releases fixed the SOX 176,400 issue?


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Unetbootin and dd

#76 Post by jonnyc »

hi there,

a stucked a little bit with my cuty little pcs. they all hava ide flash drives with 256 mb.

i downloaded mpdpup 0.9.3 and tried to copy it with unetbootin using ubuntu 12.04. after creating a fat32 partition with gparted, i had no chance to install mpdpup on it. there was simply no option within unetbootin. so i tried the same with windows xp on this machine. also no option for this internal drive.
(i was able to mount it, and also windows showed me the drive, but unetbootin wasn't able).

next try was using dd. first i wrecked my partition table on this drive by using:

dd if=/home/user/downloads/mpdpup-0.9.3.iso of=/dev/sdb

after this, the drive couldn't be mounted at all. so i created a new partition table, also with gparted and tried to write directly to the fat32 partition with:

dd if=/home/user/downloads/mpdpup-0.9.3.iso of=/dev/sdb1

this time it worked better. the device is mountable and it also shows its data. but yet i'm not able to boor from this drive.

any further ideas? thank a lot.
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Re: Unetbootin and dd

#77 Post by ldolse »

Hi jonnyc, Unetbootin doesn't work with internal drives, it only works with USB drives.

Just install to a USB stick as per the instructions in the first post. Once you've booted off the USB stick you can use the Puppy Linux installers to install to the internal drive. I've written some other posts on how to use the installers, not sure exactly where they are as I write this, either earlier in this thread or in the 0.9.2 thread.
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#78 Post by ldolse »

@jrling, 176/192Khz doesn't work automatically with some sound cards, it's some low level ALSA issue that I haven't gotten to the bottom of. Simplest fix in most cases is to unplug the sound device and re-plug it in - this only needs to be done once each time you boot the system. For whatever reason re-initializing the hardware that way resolves it, at least on my hardware. Other users have reported no problems whatsoever with these higher sample rates.
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#79 Post by luisb »

Hi Idolse and waveio users. In version 92 the unmute file of the previous thread works with my waveio. In version 93 is unmuted at start. Even when i restart mpd, remains that way. Don't know if it's the configuration of waveio i have or something else. I use independent power supply (not the usb supply), cutted the 5 v wire of the cable from pc to waveio pin usb input and non isolated I2S to DAC with all U.fl grounds connected. Firmware not updated. Any thoughts?
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#80 Post by jrling »


Thanks for the clarification.

I am using the dreaded WaveIO USB/SPDIF board which has caused you so much heartache with Unmute.

Have any other WaveIO users found the same issue as I have?

I don't keep my system on all the time and so having to do what you suggest every time I boot up would be irritating.I will post up the issue on the DIYAudio WaveIO thread to see if there is any fix.
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