ArchPup - Puppy based on Arch Linux

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives

#161 Post by oui »

mavrothal wrote:oui,
I just spend few good hours trying to solve a major bug in ArchPup.
You are clearly unable to appreciate it, but please at least stop screaming.
and because you did help, I did observe it, it is so,

you will now

rebuild the concept of the good work of sigmargl?

it would more bad as I did consider it just now :oops: ...

my question again:

"why do you want a save file in THIS puplet!"

you already have 100 bad Puplets with the terrible save file question shutting down the system :roll: !

take an other one!
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#162 Post by mavrothal »

oui wrote: my question again:

"why do you want a save file in THIS puplet!"
Maybe because I'm crazy.
Or maybe because ArchPup is designed to have a savefile.
Or maybe because there is no OS in the word without the ability to save your data.
Hmm,... maybe it is not me who is the crazy one here.
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#163 Post by oui »

mavrothal wrote:
oui wrote: my question again:

"why do you want a save file in THIS puplet!"
Maybe because I'm crazy.
It is YOUR opinion, but I would be able to live with it :lol: !
Or maybe because ArchPup is designed to have a savefile.
it is absurd:

open Thunar (or the save procedure of EACH classic application as Firefox, Abiword etc.):

you see all your drives and partitions and


It absolutely not true:
Or maybe because there is no OS in the word without the ability to save your data.
Your data are this way absolutely secure! And about all good applications

require you save correctly before leaving the job!

You did probably mean your setup values! It is different! And that is perversion: We work as "root" without password! Only "playing systems" do that (I would better add a real login function with root and user to Archpup as a not serious playing save file! After first start remasters Archpup itself with the encrypted 2 passwords and the new user(s) name(s) in real Linux secure manner).

No secure Linux at all!

And it is easy to remaster Arxhpup with a few of the setup values being really not critical. They are after that included in the arch-1204.sfs and nothing more that you would regret at the next day if in internet once accede to your unprotected "root" puppy account!
Hmm,... maybe it is not me who is the crazy one here.
for this reason, I find it is really silly dilly to add any save file to a system needing nothing! As well as I did meet myself, Archpup did setup my computer correctly full automatic! And starts fast doing that!

Not one question

not one little window!

What is the need of your fun save file to start on normal systems :roll: :idea: !

Ok, other systems...

sigmarl did procure a way, no not one, different ways

a. menu > system >> setup >>> Make personal save file
b. menu > system >> setup >>> Resize personal storage file
c. commando line

to add and extend a save file! it is not enough for you?


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#164 Post by anikin »

please do not discourage mavrothal from doing his work. He's doing it for those of us who lack the knowledge, that you and he have. I need the save file to be able to save not external data, but some very basic internal settings of Archpup. So far I'm unable to do that the way it's easily done with other puppies. Unless I'm mistaken, simargl himself acknowledged the save file does not work as it should. Once, the problem is solved, it will be up to the end user to decide whether to use the save function or not.
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#165 Post by stifiling »

mavrothal wrote:(latter) Till then if you want to boot with a save file in a USB, after you create it mount it and add these 2 files
It FRIGGIN' works DUDE!!...thanks for diagnosing that issue and coming with a resolution. You're a smart fellow, bud.

But I myself like to remaster a 'clean base' arch-1204.sfs with what i consider necessary apps. And then give that base to my mother, sister, cousin, brother, etc. and let them go from there. Do i want to explain to them, "Hey bro, all you got to do is, take these 5 lines, and remaster it, and pet2sfs your other favorite apps and........". come on now, that's just tacky, and cumbersome, and enough for my bro's reply to be "You know what bro, I think I'll just keep using Precise."

Thanks again mavrothal...u've filled a major gap in this incomplete derivative. It's still done from a tinkerer's/geek's standpoint...and until it's integrated more 'naturally', it'll prolly keep slowly but surely sinking down to the second page of this "Puppy Derivatives" forum.

I've noticed this hasn't gotten an extreme amt of attention, and i'm sure you have too....why? no one knows how to use it. Except geeky geeks.

It really is though, since mavrothal's far, the best GNU/Linux OS i've ever used. Arch Linux and Puppy Linux....are a head to head tie. ArchPuppy, is better than both of them.
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#166 Post by mavrothal »

stifiling wrote: It FRIGGIN' works DUDE
Actually it does not!
Yes, does not crash but also will not save the data at shutdown since ArchPup does not have the snapmergepuppy and its associates.
Plan B below works (with caveats).
stifiling wrote: But I myself like to remaster a 'clean base' arch-1204.sfs
For that you must also change the initrd/init and comment out lines 867-869 that read

Code: Select all

[ "$REMOVABLEDRVSAVE" = "1"  -a  "$PMEDIA" != "usbhd" ] && PUPMODE=13  #110116 shinobar.
  [ "$PMEDIA" = "usbflash" ] && PUPMODE=13 #v404 fix classmate, with internal usb flash.
  [ "$PMEDIA" = "ataflash" ] && PUPMODE=13 #w019 constrain writes to internal flash drv.
and repackage the initrd.gz

However, in this cases removing the stick while working will crash the machine (will be like removing your hard drive!). That's why in pupmode 13 the RW layer is in tempfs and not in pupsave (and actually this is the reason that you get the kernel panic).

So despite oui's delirium, making the savefile process more puppy-like is the way to go here (and there are some nice pets to do that) if you want a USB-portable ArchPup.
But I'll leave that to simargl
Last edited by mavrothal on Thu 13 Dec 2012, 08:20, edited 1 time in total.
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#167 Post by stifiling »


hmm...the snapmergepuppy script is returning the error "find: unrecognized: -mount"

would u happen to know the way around that?

I'm presently using:
rsync -avz /initrd/pup_rw/* /initrd/pup_ro1
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#168 Post by mavrothal »

stifiling wrote:@mavrothal

hmm...the snapmergepuppy script is returning the error "find: unrecognized: -mount"
I can imagine that...
From the top of my head (unfortunately I will not be able to use archpup till next week), I would think you may need to rename the /bin/mount binary to /bin/mount-FULL (assuming that in ArchPup is the original and not a link to busybox) and copy the /bin/mount script from a recent puppy.
Also check if /bin/find is the full version or a symlink to busybox. You need the full version
In addition you may need aufs-utils.

Finally, snapmerge is using the ash shell. I'm not sure what is the status of ash in Archpup, but in puppy is a symlink to bash. You may want to change "#!/bin/ash" to "#!/bin/bash" at the first line of snapmerge script, to be sure.
Also change ~line 49

Code: Select all

[ "`echo "$RUNPS" | grep 'pup_event_frontend_d'`" != "" ] && XRUNNING="yes" #v4.01 v409

Code: Select all

[ "`echo "$RUNPS" | grep 'pup_volume_monitor'`" != "" ] && XRUNNING="yes" #v4.01 v409
(check with `ps' to make sure that "pup_volume_monitor" is the correct name)

While at it add also "set -x" as a second line in snapmerge. If you then run it from the terminal, will tell you exactly what it is doing and hopefully where the problem may be.
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#169 Post by mrgreen »

Very interested to know how to get involved. Got linked to iso this morning on ArchBang forums. Currently ArchBang weighs in around ~571mb, imagine my shock at seeing a similar desktop at 78mb.

Are there any guides, link or tutorials to see how Archpup is created?

Am assuming you are running a custom kernel/udev and not running systemd

Re: ArchPup

#170 Post by oui »

Hi mrgreen
mrgreen wrote:Very interested to know how to get involved. Got linked to iso this morning on ArchBang forums. Currently ArchBang weighs in around ~571mb, imagine my shock at seeing a similar desktop at 78mb.

Are there any guides, link or tutorials to see how Archpup is created?

Am assuming you are running a custom kernel/udev and not running systemd
pls erase the content of one of both messages (you can!)

your question:
simargl wrote:Hi, it's not made with woolf2 but use settings from rootfs-skeleton
inside woof.
To make it I used 3 scripts:
- spkg package manager which uses def-scripts to create packages
similiar to arch PKGBUILD or slitaz receipt
-paka is script to convert arch linux packages into spkg.
For all compiled or converted packages this creates folder inside
/var/lib/pacman/local in format $NAME-$VERSION-$REVISION,
so pacman will recognize them as installed.
-finally script called arch is used to extract packages,
create needed busybox links, move some libriaries to /lib,
split development files and create arch-1204.sfs
see also the next message from simargl at page 2

and see more here:

Kind regards

#171 Post by simargl »

Just some quick notes to make thing clearer.
Arch Linux is rolling release, but ArchPup is not, it uses packages from rollback machine and
fixed date 2012/04/30. You could make it rolling release by changing /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist,
but I would not suggest that, it could break your system, ask you to download 500MB of
packages etc.
New version will be 12.12, it's finished, but has some problems with udev (surprise :roll: )
not loading modules, that needs some investigating. For this release I had to recompile pango
and downgrade it to 1.30.1, to eliminate dependency on harfbuzz and icu or else it would add
7MB to iso. New openbox-menu package don't have option to hide menu icons, and sometimes
it just freeze openbox, mouse is not functional and only option is to change to tty2 and reboot.
For problems with save file on USB, I will need some help from experienced users, simply
because I can't fix it myself. You see that rc.shutdown in ArchPup is very different than in other
Puppy, my idea is to, from that file with if statement (PUPMODE=13) call other script and
make savefile (add data to it) only on reboot/shutdown, if someone needs to save on USB .
New version 12.12-alpha will be released when this is fixed, or maybe it will be 13.01, I'm not sure.
ArchPup 12.12 screenshot below. :)
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#172 Post by bark_bark_bark »

can you add an installer atleast?
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#173 Post by mrgreen »

As Arch uses systemd by default now updating is going to break it. Still think its amazing just for its sheer small size :).

Going to sift through your git see if I can help.

Openbox-menu removed the option to turn off icons quite a while ago, I know the developer said it could be built with the option [not tried it!] Currently I use it as a daemon from autostart [due to recent menu-cache update]
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#174 Post by mavrothal »

simargl wrote: New version will be 12.12, it's finished, but has some problems with udev (surprise :roll: )
Couldn't see any kernel related info/changes in bitbucket.
Are you using the previous one?
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#175 Post by simargl »

Problem with loading modules is that modprobe somehow don't find which
is inside /lib as symlink to If I add ldconfig in rc.sysinit, then it works, but that
command should be run only once (not on every boot like now) if you boot with save file, but
always if not using savefile. Also I added grub4dosconfig so installation to hard disk or usb (it supports usb also) will
now be possible, and moved squash-tools from arch-dev to arch-base to make it possible to remaster without dev sfs or using pacman..

edit: If someone is having problems with pwireless2, is there alternative program you can
suggest. I don't need just its name, but also you to test that program, and if you think that
it is better, I will add it, instead of pwireless2.
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#176 Post by T_Hobbit »

simargl wrote: edit: If someone is having problems with pwireless2, is there alternative program you can
suggest. I don't need just its name, but also you to test that program, and if you think that
it is better, I will add it, instead of pwireless2.
Why not use the original SNS from Puppy?
:idea: Rebuilding old DOS Machine for Wing Commander Privateer and Puppy :!: Old spare parts to give away - anyone interested :?:
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#177 Post by stifiling »

simargl wrote:edit: If someone is having problems with pwireless2, is there alternative program you can
suggest. I don't need just its name, but also you to test that program, and if you think that
it is better, I will add it, instead of pwireless2.
my vote is for Frisbee...but i had problems getting it working. i had it working mostly though, kinda gave up too soon and installed wicd.
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Startup of archpup-1204-2 from cd

#178 Post by phil66 »

Downloaded archpup-1204-2.iso
Checked md5sum matched
burn't to cd/rw

Starts to boot then I get the error

"arch-1204.sfs not found
dropping out to initial-ramdisk console
Then I get a prompt

Where did I go wrong on this download ???

#179 Post by simargl »

Hi phil,
I think it's probably disc-burning error, if you have windows os try to use unetbootin and
make bootable usb (that worked for me), or you can test iso in virtualbox.

@stifiling can you please do some more tests with Frisbee if you have time. I'm thinking to
add that instead of pwireless, because Frisbee is newer and it shows eth0 info correctly,
thats all I can test.
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#180 Post by anikin »

Hi simargl,

regarding frisbee, let me quote pemasu's introduction to his newly released Upup Precise 5.4.X.5:
Last but not the least is the new Frisbee - dhcpcd - sns integrated network manager-connectivity framework, created by rerwin, using Jemimah`s work, existing puppy scripts with modifications.

Please, read more here: ... 061#671061
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