How about /etc/rc.d/PUPSTATE? I think that has been around forever. /tmp/pup_event* was introduced in the "zzz" package during wary/quirky development, so would not work in 4.3.1, lucid pup or fatdog64 -- anything not woof-based.
I am adding this to my to-do list for a service/upgrade pack for lupu528.
Code: Select all
[ -f /etc/rc.d/PUPSTATE ] && PUPPY_LINUX=1 || PUPPY_LINUX=0
in place of the existing PUPPY_LINUX= line.
rcrsn51, I am not familiar with the issue that spawned this thread, but see in the code a check that includes not-using-puppy, that exits the script. My guess is that the writer does not work. The code that uses PUPPY_LINUX:
Code: Select all
#if we are are not using puppylinux and ~/.Xauthority does not exists, exit gracefully with warning
if [ "$REMOTE_OR_TEST" != "TRUE" -a ! -f "$XAUTHORITY" -a $PUPPY_LINUX -eq 0 ]; then
logger "pdf-writer: WARNING: $XAUTHORITY not found! Switch to console mode!"
exit 0