What is your favourite Puppy distro?

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What is your favourite Puppy distro?

#1 Post by rmcellig »

What is your favourite Puppy distro and why did you choose that distro?

My fav distro is Puppy Linux 5.2.8 (so far). I find it easy to get going with this distro.
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#2 Post by bark_bark_bark »

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#3 Post by Bligh »

Puppy 4.3.1. it booted and ran on everything I tried it on. To me, it was a masterpiece. The only drawback is the lack of current browsers.
I am using 5.2.5 now. it has replaced 4.3.1 for a lot of the same reasons. I cannot understand why it does not get more attention in the forums. A lot of the other Puppies and Pups are good also, but there are so many I haven't been able to run them all. 5.2.5 with the Soldiers Point pic as background is working great for me. I still use M$ for scanners.
I have used Puppy since pre 1.0 and there have been many great Puppies.
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#4 Post by ICPUG »


4.3.1 was a masterpiece! Sadly, Puppy development model does not always give continuity.

The next masterpiece was 5.2.8. I'm intrigued to know why you stick with 5.2.5. Did something get broken in 5.2.8?

5.2.8 does not work with very new hardware so I have run Slacko with that - but only because I have to.

I would say Lighthouse Pup is a masterpiece as well. It is not so small in the original sense of a small distro (around 100MB) but it is solid, beautiful and comes with everything most users need, including the ability to run Windows programs with the built-in Wine.
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#5 Post by James C »

My three main workhorse Puppy versions are Lucid 528, because it just works great, and on older hardware Ttuuxxx's 432 v3 and Lucid Retro. Running the latest and greatest browsers on all 3 and everything works and is stable which is all I need.

Testing all the new versions is fun too though....... :lol:
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5.2.8 & 5.4

#6 Post by ozsouth »

Lucid 5.2.8 is good - only pup that runs my TV adapter. Slacko 5.4 is my fave now. Have both on a 3 yr old Pentium Dual Core laptop. So many good options.
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#7 Post by dk60902 »

I like Lucid 5.28, but couldn't get chromium working on it with my HP a800n (no longer have). I haven't used it after selling the desktop.

Slacko 5.3.3 PAE was also another I liked. I got Chromium, Opera working great as well as Transmission Bit Torrent. Also was able to configure Compiz to run on it. It was installed on a Dell Vostro desktop (triple boot WinXP, Ubuntu 10.04, Slacko 5.3.3) that I sold, so once it was gone, I haven't used 5.3.3 much. Haven't tried 5.4 yet.

Saluki 22/23 is another good derivative that I enjoy. I got Compiz working on my desktop with this. Have it on my USB stick.
HP Pavilion Mini Pentium 1.7 GHz Dual Core 12 GB RAM 120 GB SSD Linux Lite 3.8 64-bit w/ Kensington Slimblade Trackball
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#8 Post by kros54 »

The 4.x series is founded on the Hungarian Puppy Linux Community. From the beginning of the work I'm involved in, I made ​​50 hungarian puplet.
Made two very good versions: 4.3.1 and Lucid 5.25
These statistics show that the most popular download.
Unfortunately, the Slacko, Wary, and Precise too many errors, discarding proven solutions. They do not understand.
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#9 Post by dze »

I like puppy since 431 and my favourite is Lucid 528 it is just fantastic, working on many PC I try
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#10 Post by rokytnji »

Code: Select all

System:    Host: puppypc28145 Kernel: 3.2.18 i686 (32 bit, gcc: 4.6.3)
           Desktop: Enlightenment 0.16.999.71440 Distro: macpup Linux
Linux 3.2.18 [i686 arch]
Which is Macpup 529. Learning E17 keeps the mind open. Hope my brains don't fall out. :)

Re: What is your favourite Puppy distro?

#11 Post by postfs1 »

rmcellig wrote:What is your favourite Puppy distro and why did you choose that distro?
In period 2011-2012: Quirky Linux 1.40

1)Web camera Microsoft NX-6000 was working like in Ubuntu.
2)Not a super huge set of databases.
3)Acquaintanceship with different packages which are for installation of programs. For installation of program Linux user has an opportunity to use such a suitable packages as: pet, sfs, rpm, deb, txz, cafpkg.
4)Files, which are required for installation of NVidia driver, were accessible.
5)Acceptable icon theme is built-in.
6)Acceptable JWM theme is built-in.
7)An opportunity to temporarily close the Internet for ROOT is built-in.
8)An opportunity to receive additional RAM space at booting from CD.
9)Files with addresses of built-in programs are built-in.
10)I've found an additional way how to read MAN pages after some search through Google.
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#12 Post by BuddhaDog »

The latest Wary. It keeps this old computer running. I recently lost my newer computer. One day smoke came out of it and that was the end. Now I'm back on my old server using SCSI drives.
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#13 Post by starhawk »

BuddaDog, do you still have your damaged newer computer? If you're in the US, and it's not terribly new-ish (5yrs old or older) there's a chance I can help you.
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#14 Post by Eyes-Only »

Great topic! :)

I've been with Puppy since around 0.98 I believe it was? I'm sure I'm wrong of course. But I became a serious Puppian at version 1.0.2 and then switched over to Grafpup 1.0 ( based upon Puppy 1.0.4 I think at the time ) and this is when a German user named Mark took me under his wing and really crammed my greycells full of info regarding Linux and all the awesome things it could do. I'll forever be thankful to this kind man.

But as to my favourite of all time version(s)? My utmost of all would be Puppy-4.2.1 where Warren was the head community director of getting that work of art out - and mark my words folks! - 4.2.1 was truly a work of art! This departed from the usual "plain jane" JWM desktop and instead featured IceWM. The Community banded together and showed exactly what Puppy could do when it came to a "beautiful desktop GUI". Newer people coming to Puppy, IMHO, take Puppy's beauty for granted not realising what we once looked like and I fear how this was much to our detriment to the Linux Community over all. Now? I believe us to be the classiest distro bar none on the net. And I'm not just saying this because I'm a Puppy afficianado either.

But I ramble...

After 4.2.1, which I used for literally ages, I didn't have another "favourite" until Lucid-Pup rolled around. 5.2.8 and 3-Headed-Pup ( based upon Lucid-5.2.8 ) became my next long-term favourites and workhorses. In fact, I still have them installed upon my machine today ( Oups! excuse me... make that 3HD which is installed on this machine ) and 3HD is set as the "default boot partition" - meaning it's my major workhorse per se and the one I choose to boot into the most.

After that? The recent LXpups put out by Jejy69 are simply stunning for their beauty, reliability, and stability - not to mention the sheer amount of features available to the user by the number of desktop environments he's made optional via .sfs files, and the software available to the user according to the compiled base - either through the PPM, or in the case of his "Lubuntu-Pup" based Puppy, synaptic.

And I've taken up enough bandwidth with my ramblings. Grab an LXpup near you and give it a spin. ;)


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#15 Post by ally »

I was a late adopter and was introduced to puppy by my brother, I used puppy to repair my MS system failures and until that lightbulb moment it dawned on me that I should use it more effectively

I had 4.12 and 4.31 burnt for me and then started trawling for info and landed on the 'forum' (thanks JM)

currently my top 3 are:

slacko 5.3.3 as it runs on EVERYTHING I own, IBM T21's, eeepc's, lenovo t61 dual core, amd 939 dual core, everything (the hanging bug of 5.4 prevents an upgrade but that's nearly sorted

puppeee1.0 for the eeepc, tried a few others but puppeee really is good on the eee

fatdog64-611 VERY fast on my t61, I wish I had greater linux knowledge to use this more effectively but I continue to learn

I also started to collect puppy iso's and I'm sure I don't have them all but currently at 1176

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#16 Post by Eyes-Only »

1176? :shock: I had no idea there were that many releases and puplets! whoa! When I read that someone could've blown me over with a feather...


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#17 Post by ICPUG »


Your thoughts regarding 4.2.1 and 5.2.8 are identical to mine. These were masterpieces. I think on that basis I am going to have to pay some attention to LXpup in case I like that as well!
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#18 Post by Eyes-Only »

Truly ICPUG!... Jejy69 is a veritable genius when it comes to putting a puplet together! :shock: I believe that if he'd continue to hang in there - and if someone with a vast, solid, well-grounded knowledge of Linux in general and Puppy in specific really took him under their wing as their apprentice, then we'd have another MU, or WhoDo, rerwin, or possibly even the Master himself - BarryK! - running around this forum. I dare say Jejy69's brilliance is this good.

ATM I've been using his LXpup-13.01-FULL. This has the complete LXDE desktop as well as XFCE-4.10, along with Mate-1.4.2 ( I'm a bit cloudy as to Mate's version number... sorry. ) I don't think I've enjoyed a Puplet as much as I have this one! It has kept me playing around literally for hours on this machine! 8) I have truly longed for such a computer for years - and now I finally have one!

He also makes a far smaller variety which I believe is named LXpup-13.01 weighing in at 189megs and has all of Puppy's regular software plus the full LXDE desktop environment. What a beauty!

Once again I'm rambling on. This is what I get for only sleeping a few hours at night. LOL!! :lol:


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#19 Post by rmcellig »

I will have to take a look at LXpup. As I already said, the pup I use the most is lucid 5.2.8. Right now I am using Mint 14 xfce as well as Linux lite 1.0.4. But I always seem to go back to puppy.

The only issues I have with puppy is the availability of software and if I run a frugal install always adjusting the size of the ... I forgot the word for it. Anyway that's why I prefer full installs. I know that a large part of it is my own ignorance but I would really love to address these two issues.
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#20 Post by nooby »

I think it is just a habit. I happen to have most installed
on that one had I done the same on another puppy
then that one had been my fave. Just now it is Lupu 528-005
I use Google Search on Puppy Forum
not an ideal solution though
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