finding out that everyone knows you have MPD

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finding out that everyone knows you have MPD

#1 Post by sickgut »

So anyway, i have some immune system problems and CFS/ lupus type physical problems. Ive tested positive for Lupus 2 times out of 3 and so i was officially diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome.

I didnt finish high school due to the cfs and started home schooling which i never finished, tried a normal full time job and lasted 4 days before i had to give it in. I only got to sleep 1 night in those 4 days of working and there was no chance in hell of continuing that.

I was always very good at computers and that ended up being my profession and was kind of forced to retire when i was 23 due to the CFS again. Now i have a pension.

What has this got to do with the subject title? Because thats all i thought was going on. As far as i was concerned thats that.

A few times a year i end up in hospital with some kind of issue, the latest, i had been awake for 3 days, slept for 6 hours then was awake for another 4 days but this time i couldnt stand, my muscles where on and off shaking when i try and move. Fair enough.

Im at the hospital and then a nurse comes in and talks with me, and decides that i should be back on my sleep meds (that also act as a muscle relaxant) that is a benzo type med. Fair enough. She is just a nurse tho, not a doctor i think, and had to make a phone call, she did this in front of me to talk to a doctor to prescribe me my meds and also organize a follow up consultation a for a month in advance. Fair enough.

Then it drops like a bomb. He has been diagnosed with schitzophrenia and MPD - multiple personality disorder...... then the rest of the conversation was just lalalalalalalalalala after that.

She hangs up, im like

"W...T....F.... so whats this MPD, when was that diagnosed?"

she didnt have much info but told me what was there in my file:

"Was diagnosed when you where 11, and was after an obvious but severe and unspecified childhood trauma...."

so ofcause i checked if she had the right file. yes.

Apparently the way this affects me is that i can be doing something and then have no memory about it, or memories of something else. The MPD class of disorders has been renamed to something more to do with Disassociative something something.

All of a sudden it did make sense, because there have been more than a few times in my life that my personal relationships become rather complicated and im accused of lying for no reason. I thought these people where playing mind games with me but now i realize that this may not have been so.

only 2 or 3 times ive seen weird things happen at home. I remember the night before eating some lamb chops and i dropped one then picked it up and i accidently rubbed it on the TV screen a little as i stood up and so i had to wash the screen. Fair enough. The next day i wake up, head to the Out house and the chopping board is out and ive apparently been chopping onions and carrots and capsicums and then i looked in the freezer and the chops where there untouched and uneaten. What is also strange is im allergic to carrots and wouldnt ever willingly eat them myself.

That kind of thing has happened and i see now that it wouldnt have been understandable for say a girlfriend or someone who didnt know this is happening and it ofcause must have looked really bad when i say i was here one night or whatever but in actual fact i was seen over there somewhere else and i just look blank. It comes off that im a liar.

The thing that makes me mad about all this is that im 33 now and my own mother and family all knew about this but never told me.

So thankyou very much, i really appreciate that.
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#2 Post by Sylvander »

Is your Thyroid gland functioning well?
Ask about it.
Get it checked.

If you feel sluggish and tired, have difficulty losing weight, have dry skin, hair loss, constipation or cold sensitivity, it could all be related to hypothyroidism.

This kind of problem is usually caused by the auto-immune system attacking the thyroid gland.
It's at root an auto-immune disorder.

T3 stimulates the metabolism of almost every tissue in the body.
If certain [or large numbers of] organs are no longer functioning adequately, you'd be in big trouble of many/various kinds.
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#3 Post by 8-bit »

In the reading of medical problems others have, one grows to appreciate the fact that they are not alone.
My wife had some tests done and the lady doctor determined that she has a thyroid problem that requires her to take a daily injection of Genotropin to correct the thyroid deficiency.
Along with that is on and off disputes with our insurance company that would like to not have to pay for this expensive drug and keeps wanting renewal ok's from her doctor.
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#4 Post by Sylvander »

One of my daughters has Hashimoto's Disease [chronic Hypo-thyroidism].
Around the age of 10 [about 1989] she was behaving oddly [gasping], which I noticed.
My wife noticed a lump at the base of her throat, and took her to our GP.
Our GP diagnosed Hashimoto's disease and sent her to a specialist at a nearby hospital.

Recently, my daughter paid £50 for a copy of her medical notes from birth to present [as thick as a book].
I have them here at the house.
My daughter has a degree in Biology, and works as a [disease] research associate at Edinburgh University.

She is rather shocked, from reading the notes, at reading of the poor/slow response [and complacent comments] by the 1st specialist.
She considers it took them [specialist and GP] 3 years before they got their act together, properly responded to the figures revealed by her blood tests, and she was given appropriate/moderate doses of T4/T3.
They began giving doses much too low, then jumped all the way to much too high [the doses they give to cancer patients].
Apparently, GP's normally prescribe only T4.
She believes a balanced mix is best.

She now has an agreement with her specialist to manage her own mix of T4/T3 and dosages.
She's doing that, and it's working rather well.

She notes that the record includes the specialist noting some comments of mine [to him during a visit with daughter] regarding the effect that psychological state [stress etc] might have upon such diseases.
The specialist noted what I said and commented that I was wrong...
My daughter thinks my comments were spot-on.
She says that the things I said then, are now generally accepted to be true.

So she doesn't hold that particular specialist in high regard.
Another specialist of whom she DOES have a high opinion, has recently died. :(
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Re: finding out that everyone knows you have MPD

#5 Post by RetroTechGuy »

sickgut wrote:So anyway, i have some immune system problems and CFS/ lupus type physical problems. Ive tested positive for Lupus 2 times out of 3 and so i was officially diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome.
Y'know, I wonder if all these things might be common source or two.

They don't really have a good idea the source of CFS or lupus... But IIRC, the one thing that does sometimes show up is correlation with other inflammatory issues. I've been noticing correlation of inflammatory issues with a number of "diseases" (often they give them names, without actually understanding the causes).

I get quite suspicious when I hear that there are 3, 4, 5, 10 different diseases, all at the same time...

I recently ran across some dietary things, and by removing a couple food types (in my case, tomatoes and potatoes), I showed an improvement in several issues (I found that change helped my arthritis).

Other suggested checking thyroid function. I believe that can also be affected by inflammatory issues... If you have lupus, it could be attacking the thyroid...

Your best advocate for your health is YOU. Do some reading on the issues, and look for suspected common-causal factors.

Some believe that dietary changes can improve/eliminate these things. And it's an easy experiment to do, and you don't even need a doctor to authorize it...

The typical way you check for a reaction is the same as for allergies. Go off that item for several weeks, then reintroduce a small amount -- watch for a reaction (typically is worse than before you went off the item). Slowly reintroduce suspects, eliminating demonstrated suspects...

With CFS, another thing to be checked for are insect borne diseases (here in the US, tick borne diseases are more common than previously believed).
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Bruce B

#6 Post by Bruce B »

In this case I am so skeptical.

A person can have a personality disorder. Having one personality disorder does not preclude the a person from having another. One broken bone doesn't mean you can't have another.

There are ten DSM classified personality disorders. An affected person would have to have specific disorders and even at that the severity varies.

I don't believe the doctor even has horse sense.
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#7 Post by ally »

hey sickgut

I feel your pain

I have been diagnosed with CFS/ME but I seem to have the opposite sleep problem to you

I sleep LOADS, does vary but any more than a few days 'normality' I have a massive crash

happened over crimbo, in the space of 20 minutes I went from ok to almost unable to walk and an overwhelming need to sleep

have started getting very severe pain and have to walk with a stick now (fibromyalgia on top) and haven't been able to work for a year now, pishes me off big time

looking forward to the day somebody finds out what the cause is.........

best of luck

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#8 Post by Bligh »

When I was young, doctors advertised in the media what brand of nicotine cigarettes they preferred. Nine out of ten NY doctors that have tried brand a prefer brand b. The one I remember is, nine out of ten ny doctors that have tried camels, prefer women.
We have to eat anyway, it doesn't cost any more to experiment with different foods and spices. There is lots of info on the internet.
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Re: finding out that everyone knows you have MPD

#9 Post by linuxbear »

RetroTechGuy wrote:They don't really have a good idea the source of CFS or lupus...
It runs in families. Many things do. When I was dealing with fatigue to the extent that I was swelling in the legs, I was told that flying was life threatening and could no longer drive it turned out that I had sleep-apnea. My sister is also has sleep apnea. They also found that I was then pre-diabetic which is another cause for chronic fatigue. My sister is also dealing with an MS clone and my cousin has MS. They also suspect that my sister might have systemic lupus. I have epidermal lupus. Long story short, perhaps the "cure" is to determine what causes some of us to be genetically prone to auto-immune disorders.

Re: finding out that everyone knows you have MPD

#10 Post by postfs1 »

imitation of human language
sickgut wrote:...
schitzophrenia and MPD - multiple personality disorder
For ordinary human the situation is such: ecological catastrophe.

As for those laborants, then they own a special equipment which gives an opportunity to handle the different situations and all their cars are combat. They don't have bad or kind intentions, they execute a self definition. They've got different road tickets, which are the real representatives of the country. Many many many many road tickets were killed for a very very very very long period of time.

Real library of demonstrational murders would have been very huge, i think. The most simple of what i remember was some photos in a thick book where were shown some people which were killed through hanging in 40's of 20th century. Perhaps those victims simply have got under some next blockade.

Registered laborants are the representatives of such union, which has such an extremeness as: to reward the planet Earth by mortal nuclear bombs. If the richness of registered laborants is not a secret already, then i thank some good products which were made by someone somewhere sometime.

School diary is almost as a medical diary, medical diary is almost as a school diary. Ordinary school teacher teaches to copy.

In one film personage Corrado Cattani has been trying to protect own history and was killed. Perhaps he knew that history is a target. On his way were mirages, uglified turds and something from him himself in the traces.
Last edited by postfs1 on Thu 03 Jan 2013, 00:56, edited 3 times in total.
Bruce B

#11 Post by Bruce B »

Bligh wrote:The one I remember is, nine out of ten NY doctors that have tried camels, prefer women.
I prefer to smoke 20 Camels per day. (maybe more, but I don't admit to over 20)

I prefer some women three times a day, others maybe twice a week and others seldom if ever.

Take my advice, don't chew tobacco during the interlude. The chaw tastes fine, but it doesn't agree with any woman [opps, the one woman] I've been intimate with.

However, I don't think the problem is the chaw, telling her about the chaw is the problem. With this in mind, a man can chew discreetly, just don't tell her. Don't be surprised is she says your breath is sweeter than usual. Duh, that's because it is sweeter, only she doesn't know why.

As for smoking vs. women. Try and get the best of both worlds.

Take the woman first. After the interlude, hug her for a minute or so, most women like that. Then get up (no pun intended) and smoke a Camel.

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Re: finding out that everyone knows you have MPD

#12 Post by greengeek »

RetroTechGuy wrote:Your best advocate for your health is YOU.
Thats really good advice - especially in the era of google. Of course most doctors don't like patients to turn up with wads of google printouts but hey, finding a doctor who puts you and your sense of wellbeing first is pretty important.
With CFS, another thing to be checked for are insect borne diseases (here in the US, tick borne diseases are more common than previously believed).
Apparently limes disease plays havoc with the brain.

Anyway, the brain is not a single organ - it is a conglomerate of several different organs, each of which has it's own chemistry, and each of those components has to communicate with the rest of the components or else we behave funny.

In fact the whole nervous system functioning is based on the state of our internal chemical soup so its important to try and find what works to keep the digestion and chemistry in the best shape. Do you have any digestive issues that might be depleting absorption of important stuff?

I wish you all the best in finding solutions. My guess is that you will have to combine healthy eating (adding in good stuff and discarding bad triggers like maybe wheat and coffee etc), with some drugs (not antipsychotics unless you tend to be physically dangerous) and doing whatever it takes to try and restore refreshing sleep cycles.

Do you get much direct sun where you live? As well as boosting vitamin D I am sure direct sun exposure (not through glass) is very helpful.

Good luck!

ps: at least you've still been able to keep posting on the forum so thats a positive. Try to keep it up if you can.
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Re: finding out that everyone knows you have MPD

#13 Post by Barkin »

sickgut wrote:... Ive tested positive for Lupus 2 times out of 3 and so i was officially diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. muscles where on and off shaking when i try and move.
...He has been diagnosed with schitzophrenia and MPD - multiple personality disorder.....
MPD and Lupus are both rare "orphan" illnesses. The odds of someone having two unrelated orphan illnesses is astronomically unlikely.

That Lupus is objectively testable, then your MPD diagnosis could in reality be CNS involvement of lupus, which could cause memory loss, intention tremor (shaking only when attempting to move), seizures (including absence seizures), psychosis, confabulation , narcolepsy, which could be misinterpreted as psychogenic personality disorder and CFS.
Last edited by Barkin on Thu 03 Jan 2013, 02:17, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: finding out that everyone knows you have MPD

#14 Post by Barkin »

greengeek wrote: I am sure direct sun exposure (not through glass) is very helpful.
Not if you have tested positive for Lupus ...
Everyone with lupus who is going to be outside for more than a few minutes should use a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 that blocks both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. Sunscreen should be applied thoroughly, especially to your neck, temples, and ears -- areas that are often affected by lupus skin problems.

Any / all Lupus symptoms can be made worse by sun exposure, not just the skin conditions.
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Re: finding out that everyone knows you have MPD

#15 Post by RetroTechGuy »

greengeek wrote:Do you get much direct sun where you live? As well as boosting vitamin D I am sure direct sun exposure (not through glass) is very helpful.
Too far north for me. I take 1-2000 IU D3 daily. I've also noticed the side effect that I don't seem to catch colds as often (or not perhaps not at all -- for the last year).
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Re: finding out that everyone knows you have MPD

#16 Post by jpeps »

RetroTechGuy wrote:
greengeek wrote:Do you get much direct sun where you live? As well as boosting vitamin D I am sure direct sun exposure (not through glass) is very helpful.
Too far north for me. I take 1-2000 IU D3 daily. I've also noticed the side effect that I don't seem to catch colds as often (or not perhaps not at all -- for the last year).
An IUD helps prevent colds?
Bruce B

#17 Post by Bruce B »

Why does Ireland and Scotland have so many redheads?

The sun doesn't shine strong up there and too many days are too overcast. So they invented red hair because it helps absorb vitamin D better.


If anyone thinks I'm kidding, look it up on the Internet and you will find many supportive articles.

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#18 Post by sickgut »

Bruce B wrote:In this case I am so skeptical.

A person can have a personality disorder. Having one personality disorder does not preclude the a person from having another. One broken bone doesn't mean you can't have another.

There are ten DSM classified personality disorders. An affected person would have to have specific disorders and even at that the severity varies.

I don't believe the doctor even has horse sense.
yeah and its the kind of thing that could be faked and then milked alot. Im trying to get to the bottom of it all havent got all that much information yet. Its never bothered me, except for a few episodes that i can recall that i couldnt explain, but this could be some kind of memory thing or many other things.
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#19 Post by sickgut »

ally wrote:hey sickgut

I feel your pain

I have been diagnosed with CFS/ME but I seem to have the opposite sleep problem to you

I sleep LOADS, does vary but any more than a few days 'normality' I have a massive crash

happened over crimbo, in the space of 20 minutes I went from ok to almost unable to walk and an overwhelming need to sleep

have started getting very severe pain and have to walk with a stick now (fibromyalgia on top) and haven't been able to work for a year now, pishes me off big time

looking forward to the day somebody finds out what the cause is.........

best of luck

the only thing i seem to be able to find to modulate the immune system and about the body fighting itself are steroids. And take long term you may as well just throw your bones at out window or sell them to a kindergarten teacher who could use them on a blackboard instead of normal chalk.

i worked for 7 years with no problem when i was given some Nitrazepam (a benzo) and i was able to work and also to sleep, sleep for 12 hours a day was the very minimum i needed to avoid a crash. if im not working then i can get away with less but this is still 10 hours or so. Rest is the only hope to get the body to repair itself. its a real pain not being able to sleep when you have CFS because it affects you twice as much as normal people because i need more sleep than the average person but it seems i cant get any.

most doctors i see here usually try to convince me that CFS is a purely psychological condition and i should just get me sh** together and stop being stupid.
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#20 Post by sickgut »

ally wrote:hey sickgut

I feel your pain

I have been diagnosed with CFS/ME but I seem to have the opposite sleep problem to you

I sleep LOADS, does vary but any more than a few days 'normality' I have a massive crash

happened over crimbo, in the space of 20 minutes I went from ok to almost unable to walk and an overwhelming need to sleep

have started getting very severe pain and have to walk with a stick now (fibromyalgia on top) and haven't been able to work for a year now, pishes me off big time

looking forward to the day somebody finds out what the cause is.........

best of luck

few years ago alot of the medical profession thought that the XRMV virus was that cause, its causes leukemia and other immune system things. But it seems that fizzled out and no one seems to be sure if thats the cause or not.

what does your blood work show? mine says that my IgE white cells are 6 times higher than normal and some inflammation.
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