ArchPup 12.12.2

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives
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#141 Post by mavrothal »

stifiling wrote: i pulled the pacman gui app out of Manjaro, edited it to work with urxvt and repackaged it. zenity is a dependency.
Zelity is not a "known" dependency anymore. Use yad instead. Works OK BTW.
stifiling wrote:I'm also attaching a filemnt script that mounts sfs 2fs 3fs 4fs and iso files. it mounts them in /mnt/filename.ext.
You may want to add a desktop entry to it so thunar can be "instructed" to handle relevant files with it.
Works fine also.

PacmanGX4 32-bit works for me. Tried to get the 64-bit today but I got a "not found" error. Maybe latter.

(BTW, looking at the picture I attached :shock: , you may want to add freememapplet_tray from puppy so one can have a sense of space left in the savefile. All it needs to work is "ln -sf /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/" )
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#142 Post by stifiling »

mavrothal, that version of pacmanxg u're using is older than the one currently in the AUR. would u mind posting that version for us...

use of SFS

#143 Post by oui »


I did begin to use the «load-SFS-on-fly» function at the first boat with ArchPup (with other puplets, I did create a very smal save file with 32 mb. such a poor save file is absolutely not necessary with ArchPup! As such a file limit the usable RAM memory, I don't use any save file at all! why would I do that :lol: !)...

but it is wiry:

each day the same lot of little windows with absurd questions: I know what I do - I do it daily! all day the same things... I don't daily need the same silly dilly comments and warnings...

next claim is that I get an invitation to start one application especially in LibreOffice, where I usually then mark «writer», but this invitation starts nothing: it seems don't to work in ArchPup (it works in the Puplet made by Petihar that I am testing for him, so I think: It would have to work :roll: !)

no other way else than continue, hit on the window, search the item in the menu, open the right subdivision, constate that «load-SFS-on-fly» did not install the item in the right subdivision, do the same a second time and finally hit on the subdivision «other» to get access to the wished «LibreOffice 3.5 Writer» what I already did mark as wished during the «load-SFS-on-fly» installation :roll: ...

how to better this uncomfortable situation costing a lot of time and exasperating?

(my own intention would be to preload divers SFS in a remastered version! So all my needed SFS would be immediately active as by using an -for other purposes unneeded- save file. The question is to register the SFS in the file system and load them into the layered file system, fill the /usr/share/applications with the needed file and register the applications to adequate type of files like LO3.5-Writer as standard application for (.odt's etc... Perhaps a way without cost the opening of a lot of little windows in the /root/.start file? or a Thunar extension «hit+load» without any question :P ?)

Last edited by oui on Thu 03 Jan 2013, 09:24, edited 1 time in total.
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#144 Post by backi »

Hi nancy reagan !

Good comment .This is what i thought all the time but never posted .

It seems often in linux community ,if someone makes a learning step forwords , they forget about the people which they left behind .

Cheers !

#145 Post by oui »

Hi backi, hi nancy reagan

you are right!

as darkcity, the most active wiki helper, is also very active here, it would be the best way don't to wait and to add in the wiki the special stuff really needed as you wish!
oui wrote:Next wishes:

a/ your recommendations:

You can, we can't, edit your first message again!

It would be a good thing to repeat all your main recommendations in short form at the end of the first message because the threads in Puppy have the terrible unpleasant many to reach terrible sizes. After that, newbies are not able any more to get compact information!

If you directly copy the code etc. of your answering message and copy it at this central place of the thread it is no supplementary effort for you at answering time instead a lot of unpleasant effort for all future users (or for you, if this forces you to write a special tutor to make your work better!)
I already did made attentive to this problem because it is really very unpleasant to have to collect along a long thread the «perhaps» possible needed informations!


Re: use of SFS

#146 Post by simargl »

oui: To automatically define standard application, you need only to add update-desktop-database in script in sfs file. Post install action wasn't working in 12.12, but is fixed for new release.
mavrothal: Please upload PacmanXG somewhere for a test. That screenshot makes me envious :P
Last edited by simargl on Thu 03 Jan 2013, 09:43, edited 1 time in total.
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#147 Post by stifiling »

i agree with nancy's comment as well. I remember my beginning days i ran into an issue...and the solution was to "just write a bash script and.......". i thought "oh great, time to google 'bash script'".

It can be kinda like looking up a word in the dictionary, and still not knowing the meaning...because the definition is too hard to understand.
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#148 Post by backi »

Hi oui !
Not quite sure if this is the right place for this topic.
Want to ask you something . Did i understood you well as you stated above
The smaller the savefile ... the less it is eating ramspace ?
If so ( I like using SFS files ) my idea is making a stripped down remaster of my current or any else Puppy OS (replacing all Pet files with Sfs files if possible ) with my favourite settings and configurations , all my main programms will be Sfs files ( if possible ) which i start with sfsexec or loader .

Main question : does it reduce ram usage ? Which could be the most effecient way regarding low ram usage ?
Any idea ?

#149 Post by oui »

Hi backi
backi wrote:Hi oui !
Not quite sure if this is the right place for this topic.
Want to ask you something . Did i understood you well as you stated above
The smaller the savefile ... the less it is eating ramspace ?
If so ( I like using SFS files ) my idea is making a stripped down remaster of my current or any else Puppy OS with my favourite settings and all my main programms will be Sfs files ( if possible ) which i start with sfsexec or loader .

Main question : does it reduce ram use ? Which could be the most effecient way regarding low ram usage ?
Any idea ?
as Puppy continuously saves your activity in the save file, it gives only the among of RAM free corresponding to the size of your save file (it is not is only one resource - there is a swap partition! but to save it is that...). so if you install a save file with 512 MB, and use an application to download saving through a temp(oraty) file or dir your download, you can't download more than that, in the best case (but you can download a full CD-rom if the download application saves directly or by steps on the medium where you have enough memory room as hard disk etc...)!

contrary to this, at the first boat, Puppy gives ALL your actual RAM free for saving!

in ArchPup-12.12 you can follow that in the memory bar at the right side of the screen (I did never create a save file in ArchPup! I don't know what happens in ArchPup in this matter. Check it yourself if you are using a save file :lol: !)

SFS files are not in RAM. they only influence the registration (a big SFS with a lot of binaries and files as full KDE with KDE-Office and Kdenlive will certainly cost room in RAM depending of an allowed only 32 MB save file :roll: ; but it is also possible that this goes into the swap, iif you does not swapoff and did install a swap, of course! Look at your Memory Bar indication!)...

Last edited by oui on Thu 03 Jan 2013, 10:46, edited 2 times in total.

#150 Post by simargl »

I edited sfs_load and removed this question "Do you want to run the application now?" after loading sfs module, because it wasn't working, and it's not needed anyway. If you want to test source is here, just replace /usr/sbin/sfs_load with this one, post install (and remove) scripts should work.

#151 Post by oui »

thank you! I will test it this evening!

#152 Post by oui »

mavrothal wrote:PacmanGX4 32-bit works for me. Tried to get the 64-bit today but I got a "not found" error.
oh! is a ArchPup64-13nn in coming soon?

#153 Post by oui »

I don't know if it is the same on your PC but since I look at the «processors bar» on right on top of ArchPup, I see that this forum catch all the processor (old Celeron :oops: ) power as soon as a forum editor window is open!

is that normal?

#154 Post by simargl »

There is problem with running applications as non-root user, and this is needed since some of them refuse to execute with root account like 0 A.D, vlc... And to illustrate this is output from terminal when I tried to run geany as user spot:
[root@archpup ~]# su spot
sh-4.2$ geany

(geany:3737): Pango-WARNING **: error opening config file '/root/.config/pango/pangorc': Permission denied

sh-4.2$ whoami
sh-4.2$ echo $HOME
So, geany refuses to start because it tries to save its settings in /root (and gets Permission denied) instead of /root/spot. Can someone test this example with different puppy linux version?
EDIT: Ignore this, it's fixed...
Last edited by simargl on Thu 03 Jan 2013, 14:53, edited 2 times in total.
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#155 Post by mavrothal »

stifiling wrote:mavrothal, that version of pacmanxg u're using is older than the one currently in the AUR. would u mind posting that version for us...
Not sure how to do that but here is what I have in my system running
md5sum: d28f821ffe75857939f729e2c63a8a92 (PacmanXG-4.13.10_beta.tar.gz)

Latter: Hmm, I run this on a 64bit Intel Duo2 machine and I get the same 203 error. On the 32bit VIA7 machine runs fine :?
This is also the case for the latest 4.13.12-2 version.
Maybe notify the developer
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#156 Post by simargl »

I made some changes to default user management in ArchPup, because user spot account wasn't working correctly and because I feel it might be wrong to have spot's home in /root folder. For new release ArchPup will have two user accounts: one is root with password toor, and other is arch with password arch, and his home directory will be /opt/home/arch. Just tested running geany and vlc as user arch - it's working.
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ArchPup Almost at Break-out Point & Some ideas

#157 Post by mikeslr »

Hi simargl & all,
In two or three days I will upload new and final update for this version, after that there will be no new versions for at least 3 months or more ( low user interest and I don't want to waste my time)]
Your efforts have not been a waste of time. You've accomplished something many of Puppites have desired for years, which other experienced devs were unable to do: obtain a working version of Pacman in Puppy's environment, easy usage of Archlinux's repos, and combine the strengths of both distros.
If, as yet, the ArchPup thread hasn't seen a deluge of questions by nooby converts, give thanks for small blessings. Puppy isn't Archlinux whose users know what they're doing. Most of us are immigrants from Windows, where the most complex action we had to master was clicking a setup_exe and figuring out how to access "remove applications." Freedom is a difficult condition to adjust to. In '56, some of my relatives escaped from then Soviet Hungary. My mother and aunt worked with a refugee organization and, as they were relatives, my entire family did what we could to help them "settle in." But they still complained that no one was telling them how to live their lives. It took me two years before I could marshal the courage to do something beyond burning the official Puppy to a CD and running it "as is": to realize that, unlike Windows, even if I broke something, it would take less than a day of reinstalling from scratch to recover.
ArchPup has attracted the interests of those with knowledge and experience such as Qui, stifling, and mavrothal, James C and jrb. They are already providing such feedback and applications as may be necessary to bridge the gap between Archlinux and Puppy. I participated in some small way in the developments of gposil's dpup, Exprimo precurser--Guydog, and Saluki: as jemimah's guinea pig in her development of builder. I've also seen some promising efforts fall by the wayside. I've been around long enough to know that in creating a Puppy fit for daily use with a large following the transition from concept to accomplishment takes time and dedication by the Dev, but especially assistance of a few others having similar interests capable of sharing the effort to overcome hurdles and providing the knowledge that dev is not on a wild goose chase. Too many voices --especially by those who expect an "alpha" release to be ready for prime time-- only detract from solving basic problems of structure and organization. Once those basic problems are overcome --once a Puppy is sort-of-easy to use-- Fans: "if you build it, they will come." My experience tells me that ArchPup is almost at its Break-out point.
I'm sorry that I can't help more. I'm at the age where learning new techniques takes time and interest. Although I am a fan of Puppy, it is not my primary interest. I just don't have the desire to spend the time necessary to obtain a firm grasp, a clear vision, of the "core" applications necessary for a distribution to work at all: of what those applications do, how those applications inter-relate, and how they fit (or can fit) into Linux's structure. But perhaps as a not-entirely-naive user I can provide some ideas that may help to bridge the gap between concept and final.
Pets are not ArchLinux's native packages. Mavrothal has generously provided a method for ArchPup to make use of them. But on another thread I queried whether installing a pet into ArchPup might defeat PacMan's ability to keep track of installed components. Perhaps that's not a problem. But if it is, there may be a fairly easy solution. A pet is only a gz file with an installation script. Similar to such Puppy Applications as dir2sfs, pet-combiner, and sfs-converter, an application to covert pets to ArchPup's native format could be developed. In developing it, it might be useful to examine the subroutine used in Saluki and Carolina Builder which examines whether libs and other dependencies are already present. [Optional: add a check-off box to de-select those that are.]
At this point, a short "How To Guide --step by step" could encourage those interested to take the plunge into what, for many of us, still appears to be dark and mysterious waters.

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Pwireless2 working with add-ons

#158 Post by peebee »

I've managed to get Pwireless2 working to set up a WPA wifi connection with my b43 wifi....

What I needed to do was:

1. put the b43 firmware into /lib/firmware (the b43 firmware is not included in the firmware sfs but you can copy it from another puppy)

2. install the attached additions (Xdialog, gtkdialog-splash, yaf-splash, ipinfo) - extract the directory and then copy the contents with

Code: Select all

cp -aR pwireless2-addons/* / 
3. add the following lines to .start:

Code: Select all

modprobe b43
sleep 5s
The last bit could maybe be done better if there is a way to ensure that b43 is loaded before the /etc/init.d files are run - in a conventional Puppy I would use the BootManager but I'm not sure what the equivalent would be for ArchPup.

Hope this helps
Adds Xdialog, gtkdialog-splash, yaf-splash, ipinfo
(34.91 KiB) Downloaded 395 times
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Re: Pwireless2 working with add-ons

#159 Post by stifiling »

peebee wrote:The last bit could maybe be done better if there is a way to ensure that b43 is loaded before the /etc/init.d files are run - in a conventional Puppy I would use the BootManager but I'm not sure what the equivalent would be for ArchPup.
i was doing it that exact same way...but the equivalent of the way it's done in traditional puppy is by editing the file /etc/rc.d/MODULESCONFIG and adding the module to the line ADDLIST='b43'
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#160 Post by stifiling »

mavrothal wrote:Latter: Hmm, I run this on a 64bit Intel Duo2 machine and I get the same 203 error. On the 32bit VIA7 machine runs fine :?
i was getting the 203 error on Archpup 1204 and all of a sudden it just went away. i don't know what i installed. but pacmanxg is working on my 1204. it wasn't at first, and it's not on my 1212. so i'm thinking it's gotta be something different than the processor.
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