finding out that everyone knows you have MPD

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Re: finding out that everyone knows you have MPD

#21 Post by sickgut »

Barkin wrote:
sickgut wrote:... Ive tested positive for Lupus 2 times out of 3 and so i was officially diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. muscles where on and off shaking when i try and move.
...He has been diagnosed with schitzophrenia and MPD - multiple personality disorder.....
MPD and Lupus are both rare "orphan" illnesses. The odds of someone having two unrelated orphan illnesses is astronomically unlikely.

That Lupus is objectively testable, then your MPD diagnosis could in reality be CNS involvement of lupus, which could cause memory loss, intention tremor (shaking only when attempting to move), seizures (including absence seizures), psychosis, confabulation , narcolepsy, which could be misinterpreted as psychogenic personality disorder and CFS.
yes there is just one cfs or lupus type illness here, not 2. But it just fits Lupus except for one negative test out of 3 and also fits CFS, except i am sensitive to light (seriously, rash the whole thing in only a few minutes in the sun, also sunburn way way earlier than it would occur in a normal person and then go faint and dizzy and nausious and ultra thristy just like if i had a hangover)

its one thing here not two, but putting a label on it seems tricky as if i had lupus then i would test positive 3 out of 3 tests, yet there is some lupoid activity that perhaps comes and goes hence the 2 positive tests and one negative. So they hesitant to call it pure lupus, but CFS seemed to fit it very well also. So maybe its just a silly hard to understand immune disorder that seems to be like a cfs/ lupus hybrid or whatever. But the specialist decided to call it CFS as it still fits even tho it kinda crosses over to Lupus and it was safer to call it CFS rather than Lupus because if it was to be called just Lupus everyone would bring up the fact that one test was negative and dispute it. So its one cfs type illness with some lupoid activity, seems to be the best way to describe it.

however, people with lupus can go into "remission", not a period of time when they are cured, but the symptoms are only like a quarter or a third or half of what the symptoms usually are. I dont know if the antibody for lupus would be found in a blood test when its in "remission".
Last edited by sickgut on Thu 03 Jan 2013, 10:25, edited 2 times in total.
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#22 Post by sickgut »

Bruce B wrote:In this case I am so skeptical.

A person can have a personality disorder. Having one personality disorder does not preclude the a person from having another. One broken bone doesn't mean you can't have another.

There are ten DSM classified personality disorders. An affected person would have to have specific disorders and even at that the severity varies.

I don't believe the doctor even has horse sense.
it could simply be i get so sleep deprived that im in a daydream and remember things differently than what actually occured.
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#23 Post by ally »

Bruce B wrote: it could simply be i get so sleep deprived that im in a daydream and remember things differently than what actually occured.
this is something that happens to me too, I also went through a period of really bad dreams, even without the scary stuff it can leave me very confused

I also find that my speech becomes appalling when I'm tired which leaves me unable to communicate properly although my eldest has a unique gift of understanding my arm waving!

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#24 Post by starhawk »

sickgut wrote:most doctors i see here usually try to convince me that CFS is a purely psychological condition and i should just get me sh** together and stop being stupid.
If a doctor said that to me, I would likely tell them that they're full of whotsit (being more polite here than I would IRL) and need to go back to med school (or simply "I hope you get what I have, and maybe then you'll understand it better"). I would then walk out and find another doctor -- and under no circumstances would I go back to that first doctor's clinic.

I'm generally a polite and kind person, but I make exceptions. A grand fool such as that, warrants a grand exception. There's simply no excuse or reason for that kind of thinking in modern society.
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#25 Post by jpeps »

starhawk wrote:
sickgut wrote:most doctors i see here usually try to convince me that CFS is a purely psychological condition and i should just get me sh** together and stop being stupid.
If a doctor said that to me, I would likely tell them that they're full of whotsit (being more polite here than I would IRL) and need to go back to med school (or simply "I hope you get what I have, and maybe then you'll understand it better"). I would then walk out and find another doctor -- and under no circumstances would I go back to that first doctor's clinic.
..sounds more like an interpretation of what the doctor stated. Many people want a concrete answer, along with a bottle of pills. There are NO medications that have proven effective, and the most helpful intervention appears to be Pacing:

"Patients are advised to set manageable daily activity/exercise goals and balance their activity and rest to avoid possible over-doing which may worsen their symptoms. Those that are able to function within their individual limits may then try to gradually increase activity and exercise levels (GET) while maintaining pacing methods. The goal is to increase over time the level of routine functioning of the individual"
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#26 Post by starhawk »

I'm familiar with the disorder... a relative of mine has it, as does someone else in my town. Based on everything I've seen, to say "it's all in your head" to a person suffering from that stuff, is very nearly the penultimate form of "adding insult to injury". It's disgusting to me that anyone would even think that.

The fellow in my town who has CFS, works at the local Radio Shack. I really don't know how he manages. I really don't.

The relative (who shall remain anonymous)... CFS ruined their life. (Actually F/CFS -- they have Fibromyalgia as well.) They're still here, but their life is nothing like what it once was.

They once had a great career, plenty of money, and a real future.

All of that is gone now.

Every day they slog through the metaphorical muck of simple existence made so much harder than it should be. It's hard work, and I don't know how they do it -- or why. (If I had that stuff, I'd be dead fast. I simply don't have the constitution --or mental faculties-- to handle it.) They are just short of waiting for the Reaper.

I hope someday soon they find a way to cure, or at least lessen, CFS, Fibromyalgia, and similar diseases/disorders. It would be --IMO-- nearly as important as curing cancer. Actually, on that note...

The thing about cancer is, cancer (eventually) kills you. That's part of how it works -- it runs its course and then you're free (in so many ways). F/CFS is different -- it stays around and tortures you every remaining day of your now-miserable life until something else grants you the mercy of death. Your condition will never improve (at least until modern medicine gets its act together), it will only worsen -- and it will never go away. Once in a while it will get slightly less bad, but only slightly, and only for a short time -- and when it comes back to full strength, it does so with a vengeance.

I think that makes it worse than cancer. I'm not religious, but F/CFS is as close to "work of the Devil" as I've ever seen.

sickgut, while I can't say I know your pain, I know some of what it's like to be in your situation. My heart goes out to you.
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#27 Post by jpeps »

starhawk wrote:I'm familiar with the disorder... Your condition will never improve (at least until modern medicine gets its act together), it will only worsen -- and it will never go away.
Now that's helpful....
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#28 Post by linuxbear »

Bruce B wrote:Why does Ireland and Scotland have so many redheads?

Imterestingly, the ancient Romans tended to have more redheads than modern Italy. The cognomen "Rufus" loosely translates to redhead. Tacitus reported that many Celts in Britain tended to be small dark people who painted themselves blue when they went into battle. We know very little of the Pictish people or the "Beaker People" who are associated with Stonehenge. The light hair and complexions in Ireland & Scotland are probably predominantly due to the Nordic Viking invasions and settlements. To a smaller extent, perhaps Saxon and Norman bloodlines in there as well.
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#29 Post by Sylvander »

starhawk wrote:(....they have Fibromyalgia as well.)
My sister in Australlia told me just before Christmas that he has been recently diagnosed as having Fibromyalgia.
This is a woman who has always been VERY active [training Greyhounds for racing, Tennis, Swimming].
My daughter with "Hashimotos disease" finds it significant and interesting that her Aunt has this disease.
Daughter says that "Fibromyalgia" is just a name they give to an ailment that isn't yet understood.
She figures that at root its probably caused by slight Thyroid malfunction.
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#30 Post by sickgut »

starhawk wrote:I'm familiar with the disorder... a relative of mine has it, as does someone else in my town. Based on everything I've seen, to say "it's all in your head" to a person suffering from that stuff, is very nearly the penultimate form of "adding insult to injury". It's disgusting to me that anyone would even think that.

The fellow in my town who has CFS, works at the local Radio Shack. I really don't know how he manages. I really don't.

The relative (who shall remain anonymous)... CFS ruined their life. (Actually F/CFS -- they have Fibromyalgia as well.) They're still here, but their life is nothing like what it once was.

They once had a great career, plenty of money, and a real future.

All of that is gone now.

Every day they slog through the metaphorical muck of simple existence made so much harder than it should be. It's hard work, and I don't know how they do it -- or why. (If I had that stuff, I'd be dead fast. I simply don't have the constitution --or mental faculties-- to handle it.) They are just short of waiting for the Reaper.

I hope someday soon they find a way to cure, or at least lessen, CFS, Fibromyalgia, and similar diseases/disorders. It would be --IMO-- nearly as important as curing cancer. Actually, on that note...

The thing about cancer is, cancer (eventually) kills you. That's part of how it works -- it runs its course and then you're free (in so many ways). F/CFS is different -- it stays around and tortures you every remaining day of your now-miserable life until something else grants you the mercy of death. Your condition will never improve (at least until modern medicine gets its act together), it will only worsen -- and it will never go away. Once in a while it will get slightly less bad, but only slightly, and only for a short time -- and when it comes back to full strength, it does so with a vengeance.

I think that makes it worse than cancer. I'm not religious, but F/CFS is as close to "work of the Devil" as I've ever seen.

sickgut, while I can't say I know your pain, I know some of what it's like to be in your situation. My heart goes out to you.
in the early 1990's CFS/ME was CFS. People would be diagnosed for a damn good reason. The CFS label has been used very loosely in recent years and now its not a name for a real disorder, but many doctors give this label and people label themselves as CFS for mildest of symptoms or just being tired.

Chronic Fatigue is quoted in diagnoses for many many people these days but that is different from chronic fatigue syndrom. But when you mention chronic fatigue syndrome to doctors/ social workers etc, almost always now they just think your going through a phase of being tired ie, chronically fatigued.

I know someone who was diagnosed with CFS and it lasted 3 months and now they are normal, even with the diagnoses they where working standing on their feet all day in macdonalds the whole time in full shifts.

alot of docs realize this now and when you mention you have CFS they presume its a minor diagnoses. the new doctor here in my local GP doctors clinic was amazed when i mentioned it was lke a flu that never went away. Yes them it first hit i was bed ridden for 2 months, and it never got better, i just learned to deal with it better.
She was like "flu symptoms? aching bones? discomfort and nerve pain keeping you awake at night?" no this isnt CFS. You probably just have a cold.

yes, a cold that has lasted 17 years.

the thing that messes with me is the brain fog and when you mention that doctors automatically think psychosomatic disorder or skitzo. And i have yet to meet a doctor other than the CFS specialist i was seeing in the early days, that tries their hardest to pin skitzo on you, and throw zypraxia, mellaril and other things at it. Now this would be fine. Yes those things can help with depression etc and on paper it sounds good. However im allergic to so many meds and have modified QT syndrome when i take SSRI or drugs that can cause drug induced QT syndrome and i simply cant take those meds.

However i do have a theory of my own. CFS symptoms are hard to quantify with conventional blood tests etc (somethng will always be out of whack but the symptoms you have are worse than a normal person with the same blood work). There has been research to suggest that there is a nerve to immune system interaction happening with people who have allergies, but not true allergies, im meaning "sensitivities" to certain things, these are mostly nerve reactions to common chemicals etc. I believe that the actual symptoms of CFS are caused by a kind of epilepsy that is triggered by external things you are sensitive to. These sensitivities cause real physical symptoms but very little actual damage to the body, you sweat, dizzy, feel faint, anxious, either oversleep (not oversleep but need to sleep more, im meaning you need to sleep more than a normal person) or have insomnia and these are all nerve symptoms.

i think CFS symptoms are triggered by your nerves being screwed to the point it affects your blood work. Many people can 50% fix this with sedatives and painkillers, but doctors these days wont prescribe them. I tell my doctor that i dont care about addiction to these things (physical not mental) because my natural cfs symptoms are worse than coming off benzos or painkillers cold turkey. They look at me blankly, obvious they have no clue of the pain and discomfort someone with CFS has. I have had success with dilantin and that is an convulsing med. It works wonders for nerve pain , beter than pregabalin or gabapentin, however im allergic to dilantin, i can take it ones or twice in a 2 week period but more than that im covered in a rash.

in the absence of a cure, band aids or the only option. We need a painkiller (poisonous crap kind of helps) and something to treat nerve pain and or sleep and in my case i can function maybe 20% more or so.

but i hate doctors attitude, instead of treating you with potentially addictive drugs (not the patients fault they are addictive, ive never abused any drug) that can actually work, i get a lecture about how much of a bad person i am if i take these drugs and im way better off not working and staying at home in a zombified state of exaustion and on a pension and no social life because your too tired to string a comprehensive sentence together. i actualoy find it way easier to type than speak. even talking on a bad day is too much sometimes. Even addictive drugs are safe if you dont abuse them and your doctor weens you off them. I ween myself off some sedatives myself because i get tolerant to them, when thay dont work much anymore, i take half and then a quarter and then go back to full dose and the drug will work for another 3 months or so.
ive never asked for an increase in my sleeping meds because self weening on and off works the best.

doctors dont believe me when i say i can mange the dosages like this. One time recently i took half my poisonous crap for a while to ween off and then returned to a full dose. When i went to get my prescription filled with my doc, the doctor didnt believe me and simply accused me of doctor shopping to get more meds or obtaining them illegally "so where else did you get your poisonous crap?" Apparently no one ever is capable of managing the withdrawal / tolerance and will always seem more drugs is the medical professions opinion.

I am annoyed because my wife left me because i was a zombie that was too tired to talk much and spent time doing activities with her. However when i have the meds that work, im just normal and we have alot of fun together. basically simply because the docs dont wanna treat my condition, im now alone and lost the love of my life. She will come back when i can actually spend quality time with here. I simply walked out of a GP consultation after she said that its worth it. Actually tried to tell me that im better of not working and separated from my wife rather than take a drug that is potentially addictive.

Yes, i know it makes not difference to you, mr doctor if i work or not or have a happy home life or not.
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#31 Post by RetroTechGuy »

A sample of some food possibilities:

"Nightshades… Can Produce Your Worst Health Nightmares!" ... ightmares/

(I found that tomatoes were "bad actors", spuds seem to be to a lessor extend -- still eat peppers, and haven't noticed any change with or without)
[url=]Add swapfile[/url]
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#32 Post by greengeek »

RetroTechGuy wrote: ... ightmares/
I found that tomatoes were "bad actors",
Wow, that is a really interesting article. Quote: "Nightshades are well known to cause drowsiness, fatigue, brain fog, sleepiness, laziness, etc. among many of our clients over 20+ years of observation. For some it is their form of CFS."

I will be passing that article on to a family member who has suffered from "schizophrenia" since age 17. Interesting comments the writer makes about the toxic compounds mimicking pesticides and slowly poisoning the metabolism. Quite a balanced artcle I thought. Also ties in with comments some people have made to me that troubled or sick people "should not eat red fruits or veges" because they trigger nervous system reactions. Of course a lot of people say those observations are just quackery, but I notice that such people have no better solutions to offer and can only suggest trusting doctors who have no solution either.

I like what the author said about treating yourself as an individual - find out your own triggers regardless of accepted wisdom.
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#33 Post by sickgut »

sickgut wrote:
starhawk wrote:I'm familiar with the disorder... a relative of mine has it, as does someone else in my town. Based on everything I've seen, to say "it's all in your head" to a person suffering from that stuff, is very nearly the penultimate form of "adding insult to injury". It's disgusting to me that anyone would even think that.

The fellow in my town who has CFS, works at the local Radio Shack. I really don't know how he manages. I really don't.

The relative (who shall remain anonymous)... CFS ruined their life. (Actually F/CFS -- they have Fibromyalgia as well.) They're still here, but their life is nothing like what it once was.

They once had a great career, plenty of money, and a real future.

All of that is gone now.

Every day they slog through the metaphorical muck of simple existence made so much harder than it should be. It's hard work, and I don't know how they do it -- or why. (If I had that stuff, I'd be dead fast. I simply don't have the constitution --or mental faculties-- to handle it.) They are just short of waiting for the Reaper.

I hope someday soon they find a way to cure, or at least lessen, CFS, Fibromyalgia, and similar diseases/disorders. It would be --IMO-- nearly as important as curing cancer. Actually, on that note...

The thing about cancer is, cancer (eventually) kills you. That's part of how it works -- it runs its course and then you're free (in so many ways). F/CFS is different -- it stays around and tortures you every remaining day of your now-miserable life until something else grants you the mercy of death. Your condition will never improve (at least until modern medicine gets its act together), it will only worsen -- and it will never go away. Once in a while it will get slightly less bad, but only slightly, and only for a short time -- and when it comes back to full strength, it does so with a vengeance.

I think that makes it worse than cancer. I'm not religious, but F/CFS is as close to "work of the Devil" as I've ever seen.

sickgut, while I can't say I know your pain, I know some of what it's like to be in your situation. My heart goes out to you.
in the early 1990's CFS/ME was CFS. People would be diagnosed for a damn good reason. The CFS label has been used very loosely in recent years and now its not a name for a real disorder, but many doctors give this label and people label themselves as CFS for mildest of symptoms or just being tired.

Chronic Fatigue is quoted in diagnoses for many many people these days but that is different from chronic fatigue syndrom. But when you mention chronic fatigue syndrome to doctors/ social workers etc, almost always now they just think your going through a phase of being tired ie, chronically fatigued.

I know someone who was diagnosed with CFS and it lasted 3 months and now they are normal, even with the diagnoses they where working standing on their feet all day in macdonalds the whole time in full shifts.

alot of docs realize this now and when you mention you have CFS they presume its a minor diagnoses. the new doctor here in my local GP doctors clinic was amazed when i mentioned it was lke a flu that never went away. Yes them it first hit i was bed ridden for 2 months, and it never got better, i just learned to deal with it better.
She was like "flu symptoms? aching bones? discomfort and nerve pain keeping you awake at night?" no this isnt CFS. You probably just have a cold.

yes, a cold that has lasted 17 years.

the thing that messes with me is the brain fog and when you mention that doctors automatically think psychosomatic disorder or skitzo. And i have yet to meet a doctor other than the CFS specialist i was seeing in the early days, that tries their hardest to pin skitzo on you, and throw zypraxia, mellaril and other things at it. Now this would be fine. Yes those things can help with depression etc and on paper it sounds good. However im allergic to so many meds and have modified QT syndrome when i take SSRI or drugs that can cause drug induced QT syndrome and i simply cant take those meds.

However i do have a theory of my own. CFS symptoms are hard to quantify with conventional blood tests etc (somethng will always be out of whack but the symptoms you have are worse than a normal person with the same blood work). There has been research to suggest that there is a nerve to immune system interaction happening with people who have allergies, but not true allergies, im meaning "sensitivities" to certain things, these are mostly nerve reactions to common chemicals etc. I believe that the actual symptoms of CFS are caused by a kind of epilepsy that is triggered by external things you are sensitive to. These sensitivities cause real physical symptoms but very little actual damage to the body, you sweat, dizzy, feel faint, anxious, either oversleep (not oversleep but need to sleep more, im meaning you need to sleep more than a normal person) or have insomnia and these are all nerve symptoms.

i think CFS symptoms are triggered by your nerves being screwed to the point it affects your blood work. Many people can 50% fix this with sedatives and painkillers, but doctors these days wont prescribe them. I tell my doctor that i dont care about addiction to these things (physical not mental) because my natural cfs symptoms are worse than coming off benzos or painkillers cold turkey. They look at me blankly, obvious they have no clue of the pain and discomfort someone with CFS has. I have had success with dilantin and that is an convulsing med. It works wonders for nerve pain , beter than pregabalin or gabapentin, however im allergic to dilantin, i can take it ones or twice in a 2 week period but more than that im covered in a rash.

in the absence of a cure, band aids or the only option. We need a painkiller (poisonous crap kind of helps) and something to treat nerve pain and or sleep and in my case i can function maybe 20% more or so.

but i hate doctors attitude, instead of treating you with potentially addictive drugs (not the patients fault they are addictive, ive never abused any drug) that can actually work, i get a lecture about how much of a bad person i am if i take these drugs and im way better off not working and staying at home in a zombified state of exaustion and on a pension and no social life because your too tired to string a comprehensive sentence together. i actualoy find it way easier to type than speak. even talking on a bad day is too much sometimes. Even addictive drugs are safe if you dont abuse them and your doctor weens you off them. I ween myself off some sedatives myself because i get tolerant to them, when thay dont work much anymore, i take half and then a quarter and then go back to full dose and the drug will work for another 3 months or so.
ive never asked for an increase in my sleeping meds because self weening on and off works the best.

doctors dont believe me when i say i can mange the dosages like this. One time recently i took half my poisonous crap for a while to ween off and then returned to a full dose. When i went to get my prescription filled with my doc, the doctor didnt believe me and simply accused me of doctor shopping to get more meds or obtaining them illegally "so where else did you get your poisonous crap?" Apparently no one ever is capable of managing the withdrawal / tolerance and will always seek more drugs is the medical professions opinion.

I am annoyed because my wife left me because i was a zombie that was too tired to talk much and spent time doing activities with her. However when i have the meds that work, im just normal and we have alot of fun together. basically simply because the docs dont wanna treat my condition, im now alone and lost the love of my life. She will come back when i can actually spend quality time with here. I simply walked out of a GP consultation after she said that its worth it. Actually tried to tell me that im better of not working and separated from my wife rather than take a drug that is potentially addictive.

Yes, i know it makes not difference to you, mr doctor if i work or not or have a happy home life or not.
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#34 Post by greengeek »

What do you think of this persons article? Is it helpful?

Re: finding out that everyone knows you have MPD

#35 Post by postfs1 »

sickgut wrote: finding out that everyone knows you have MPD
Some registered laborant has it because keeps it and executes aggressive sales of it. Registered laborant, which has a status of commander, is a owner of represented product. If in such a case victim exists, then victim can say to kind-hearted personage: "This is not mine. I use good products." First kind-hearted personage can be found in reflection of ordinary mirror, what means that perhaps those two sentences are simply for record on paper.

Off-topic: wrote: Message - 1: Hello children from the countries where the main language is English language! This message is for those children who have no passport due to the current age. If you are reading this post then excuse me for not proper English language or for the mistakes which i make when i am using the English language. I apologize in advance. I simply apologize. The end of the message.

Message - 2: I don't want to infect or to entangle any reader. I am not have to infect or to entangle any reader.

Message - 3: "Message - 1" is for the small children because the older children in real life have no care about other child. They can help with smile and they can kill with smile. wrote: Excuse me for off-topic.
Perhaps sometimes the sentences from me are funny due to mistakes. Maybe it's really funny.
Perhaps sometimes the sentences from me are not funny due to mistakes. I am not a sponsor of anger.
Perhaps sometimes the sentences from me are taking away more time due to mistakes. Maybe this is a protection off me.
Last edited by postfs1 on Wed 09 Jan 2013, 03:18, edited 4 times in total.
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#36 Post by amigo »

postfs1, I had really begun to think you were a real 'personage' from the nature of your posts the last few weeks. Then you spoil it all with such a post as above! Can you re-post that in your native language so we can run it through various translators? Maybe then we can make some sense of it...
Bruce B

#37 Post by Bruce B »

Along the line of disorders.

Typically, when outdoors, I have a sense of direction, I have a feel for which way is North.

If one knows North, one automatically know East, West and South.

I've also noticed some people actually don't have a clue of North, West, East, or South.

If you gave me directions saying go north on highway 125 for about twenty miles. When you get to Hillybilly Road, go west, I would do well with it.

Other people have to get the directions by left and right. I don't know how they compensate if they have to make a U-Turn because they missed a street.

The last thing in the world I care about is the North Pole, especially after when I found out Santa doesn't live there.

Why do I keep an orientation with it? Do others do it? Is there a classifiable three letter acronym for this disorder. If so, is there a cure for it? Is it treatable?

Maybe this sounds funny, but I'm serious, in a curious way. I hate it when I lose that sense of orientation, then I feel better when I find it.


#38 Post by Dewbie »

Bruce B wrote:
I've also noticed some people actually don't have a clue of North, West, East, or South...If so, is there a cure for it? Is it treatable?

Why, of course! :lol:
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#39 Post by jpeps »

Dewbie wrote:Bruce B wrote:
I've also noticed some people actually don't have a clue of North, West, East, or South...If so, is there a cure for it? Is it treatable?

Why, of course! :lol:
There's actually a question like that on a standard IQ test.
Bruce B

#40 Post by Bruce B »

jpeps wrote:
Dewbie wrote:Bruce B wrote:
I've also noticed some people actually don't have a clue of North, West, East, or South...If so, is there a cure for it? Is it treatable?

Why, of course! :lol:
There's actually a question like that on a standard IQ test.
Thanks guys. The genius is in the simplicity and obviousness. Why didn't I think of it? (answering my question is not required or for that matter even wanted).

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