finding out that everyone knows you have MPD

For stuff that really doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Puppy

#41 Post by Dewbie »

Bruce B wrote:
The genius is in the simplicity and obviousness.
It represents an era in which the G in GPS meant either Grandma or Grandpa. :lol:
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#42 Post by sickgut »

Bruce B wrote:Along the line of disorders.

Typically, when outdoors, I have a sense of direction, I have a feel for which way is North.

If one knows North, one automatically know East, West and South.

I've also noticed some people actually don't have a clue of North, West, East, or South.

If you gave me directions saying go north on highway 125 for about twenty miles. When you get to Hillybilly Road, go west, I would do well with it.

Other people have to get the directions by left and right. I don't know how they compensate if they have to make a U-Turn because they missed a street.

The last thing in the world I care about is the North Pole, especially after when I found out Santa doesn't live there.

Why do I keep an orientation with it? Do others do it? Is there a classifiable three letter acronym for this disorder. If so, is there a cure for it? Is it treatable?

Maybe this sounds funny, but I'm serious, in a curious way. I hate it when I lose that sense of orientation, then I feel better when I find it.

nice to see someone like me with this north thing.
i cant detect north with a blind fold on or any kind of freaky sense like a bird uses to migrate, but no matter where i am in Tasmania, and i have driven there, i always know where north is, in Tasmania, north is towards the mainland australia and north is to the north of the island states ocean separating Australia from Tasmania. I dont conciously think "north" to myself all the time, im tracking where the ocean is instead and this is north. I grew up always on the coast or near it where i could see the ocean from home or if i stand of a hill.

i doubt however, this would have developed if i grew up in the middle of Tasmania where there is no ocean. Also another reason why i always identify what direction the ocean is at is because i for the most part of my life was also in earshot of the ocean. Can also smell the ocean/ seaweed all the time.

it was like the ocean was grabbing my attention and jumping up and down waving its arms about saying "hey hey, over here, im north...."
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#43 Post by linuxbear »

I am comfortable with N/S/E/W directions and while I work at very left-brained analytical job, I typically navigate by landmarks. When leaving my parents home, it's turn right at McDonalds (puts me on Flamingo) turn left @ 7-11 (puts me on Desert Inn) and left at Walgreen's (which puts me southbound on Fort Apache) If I miss one of these landmarks, I usually see a "you've gone too far" landmark fairly rapidly. This is true of all the places I go often. I don't often pay too much attention to street names unless I am going somewhere new.
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#44 Post by sickgut »

greengeek wrote:What do you think of this persons article? Is it helpful?
yeah kinda, but nothing im not already aware of.
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#45 Post by Barkin »

greengeek wrote:What do you think of this persons article? Is it helpful?
Some of the information on that particular page is clearly bollocks ...
Shar Phoenix wrote:Lemons and Limes neutralize intestinal acids ...

Lemon juice is acidic. Acid cannot neutralize acid.
wikipedia wrote:In chemistry, neutralization ... is a chemical reaction in which an acid and a base react

not a "chemical reaction in which two acids react".
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#46 Post by greengeek »

Barkin wrote:Lemon juice is acidic. Acid cannot neutralize acid.
wikipedia wrote:In chemistry, neutralization ... is a chemical reaction in which an acid and a base react
In a test tube yes thats true. But in the human body there are multiple complex chemical reactions taking place at one time. Some say that fruit acids trigger responses that go beyond simply "acid+acid=more acid". Enzymes and digestive processes can do funny things in combination.
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#47 Post by Barkin »

Shar Phoenix wrote:Lemons and Limes neutralize intestinal acids, balancing systemic PH ...

It looks like Shar has bought into the "Acid/Alkaline Theory of Disease" BS ...
Gabe Mirkin, M.D. wrote:Acid/Alkaline Theory of Disease Is Nonsense

You should not believe that it matters whether foods are acidic or alkaline, because no foods change the acidity of anything in your body except your urine. Your stomach is so acidic that no food can change its acidity. Citrus fruits, vinegar, and vitamins such as ascorbic acid or folic acid do not change the acidity of your stomach or your bloodstream. An entire bottle of calcium pills or antacids would not change the acidity of your stomach for more than a few minutes.

People who have chronic illness (like lupus) are prime targets for quackery.
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#48 Post by greengeek »

Barkin wrote:People who have chronic illness (like lupus) are prime targets for quackery.
After many years of caring for a family member with schizophrenia I've learnt that doctors get involved in quackery too. There are many conditions they don't understand and can't cure, so I think it's worthwhile for sufferers of any difficult condition to keep an open mind and decide for themselves what is quackery and what is not.

Some psychiatric drugs cause diabetes, cancer and premature death. Is that not quackery even though the administrators of such "therapies" wear white coats? (I'm not knocking all psychiatric meds - just the belief that the white-coaters have all the answers...)

i've met people who say their lives have been radically changed for the better by making dietary changes. Some people are affected by gluten, others are not. Some get fatal reactions from peanuts, some don't. Many women use systemic alkalinisers like citravescent or like cranberry juice because it reduces their overall bacterial load. So I'm very suspicious of blanket claims of quackery by those who have conducted tests on a small group of people (usually of one genetic makeup)

When I grew up we were living next door to a thalidomide salesman, and one of his children suffered from the results of that drug. Later on when I realised that the drug developers had tested the drug as "safe" on only one cross-section of people I realised that science can be fallible. We have to consider ourselves as genetically unique, and find out whether a therapy suits our genes or not.

Grapefruit juice stops some medications from working (ie the contraceptive pill) so I'm just saying it's valuable to keep an open mind about what does what when it comes to human digestion.
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#49 Post by Barkin »

greengeek wrote:Some psychiatric drugs cause diabetes, cancer and premature death. Is that not quackery even though the administrators of such "therapies" wear white coats?
That some medications have serious, even fatal, side-effects is not quackery, quackery is medical pseudo-science, pseudo-medicine.
Drugs (psychiatric or other) would not obtain a licence unless they were objectively shown to be effective in a double-blind test, i.e. they actually do what it says on the tin, (in addition they may also cause side-effects), whereas quack "therapies" have not been objectively shown to be effective, (and may also cause side-effects).
greengeek wrote:i've met people who say their lives have been radically changed for the better by making dietary changes. Some people are affected by gluten, others are not. Some get fatal reactions from peanuts, some don't.
If they actually have coeliac disease, or nut-allergy then yes that's true, but many people claim that food is the cause/cure of their ailment when it is not, (their condition may relapse and remit of it's own accord without an exogenous trigger). Subjective self-assessment isn't reliable because of the placebo effect. (there are objective scientific tests for coeliac and nut-allergy).
greengeek wrote:Many women use systemic alkalinisers like citravescent or like cranberry juice because it reduces their overall bacterial load.
In reality no such thing as "systemic alkalinisers" : you can change the pH of your urine but not systemically, i.e. you cannot change the pH of your entire body, [see the quote from Dr Mirkin in my previous post].

I'm not claiming the medical profession is infallible , just that what Shar posted is scientifically incorrect : suggesting that someone eats more/less lemons because it will change the pH of their gut contents is harmless bollocks, but it's still bollocks.
Last edited by Barkin on Fri 11 Jan 2013, 20:06, edited 1 time in total.
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#50 Post by Barkin »

oops double post :oops:
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#51 Post by greengeek »

Barkin wrote:Drugs (psychiatric or other) would not obtain a licence unless they were objectively shown to be effective in a double-blind test, i.e. they actually do what it says on the tin,
Sorry, that is just not true. Not with psychiatric medications.
In any case, when a doctor prescribes such medications "off label" that is definitely quackery.

Try getting into a discussion with a psychiatrist and asking for specific scientific studies justifying the product they are prescribing and you will be horrified at the near total lack of information they have available to justify their prescribing. My family member did not start to improve until we got them away from their long term psychiatrist and found a better doctor who agreed that most of the symptoms and aggression were in fact being caused by the medication itself. We were lucky to find this enlightened doctor. The outcome has been very positive, and much safer for all concerned. Most doctors accept what they were told in med school, no matter how outdated that info has become.

As an example of quakery - the meds dished out for 15 years to this person specifically carried a warning on the label that they should not be used for longer than 6 weeks, as that was the period of term the drug effects were studied for by the manufacturer. The psychiatrist said "yes we know that but it is common practise to extend beyond the recommended period". The problem with psych meds is that the brain "kicks back" after a few weeks and tries to re-establish it's "normal" equilibrium - necessitating an increase in meds to achieve the initial dose response.

Recently, drug companies have also come under scrutiny for falsifying their study data. So my message to anyone reaching out for health is - don't trust anyone elses word for it - do the research yourself and never forget that all real healing is done by the body, not by the drug. (And please dont think I'm anti-drug - drugs and surgery can pave the way for healing to begin, but the actual healing relies on the bodily metabolism being in good enough shape for the immune system to do it's thing correctly)

Sorry to be touchy about this subject but it's very personal to me.

With regard to the maintenance of blood pH the human body has a variety of metabolic ways of maintaining equilibrium, and those mechanisms can be disrupted by a variety of things including foods, drugs, toxins etc to the point where it encourages disease. Thats my theory anyway.
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