Classic Pup 2.14X -- Updated 2 series

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What is the best Puppy Version ever, LOL

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#4841 Post by Keef »

With those basic specs, 214X ought to fly on your system - I used it quite happily on a 450mhz laptop with slightly more RAM than yours, and my current machine is only 850mhz. However, there could be all sorts of hardware quirks coming into play. Unfortunately it can be a matter of trial and error with some systems.
It might be worth trying Wary, which is up to date, but designed for older systems, Also consider Akita.
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#4842 Post by James C »

I've been running 214X since the very beginning of this epic thread on an old 733 mhz/ 256 mb ram box with no problems.
Did you check the basics by verifying the md5 sum and that you got a good burn? Wary wouldn't be a bad choice to try either.
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#4843 Post by Coffe »

Hi, thanks for your comments,
well, the burn went well and I checked the md5 sum and I tried Wary and akita,
-Wary 5.1.4 has a great player, though the video and audio were not synchronized (after launching a video the sound is exceeded by the images). I plugged my wireless usb adapter (TL-WN321G) and could connect to internet very quickly :shock: . It's was ok for surfing but very slow and cutted when streaming videos on Youtube (the browser is seamonkey).
-Akita beta 13 had even more difficulties to run videos than the Classic Pup.

Ultimately, I think Wary is approximately what fit my desktop, but I have to find a way to fix the audio sync problem with divx(avi) videos.

James C & Keef : did you have any problems when running videos with your puppies ? if yes , how did you solve them ? by the way, My video card is very outdated (NVIDIA GeForce2 MX / 32 Mbytes SDRAM).

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#4844 Post by 666philb »

hi Coffe

i've had success with this fix for sync problems in mplayer
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#4845 Post by Coffe »

666philb wrote:hi Coffe

i've had success with this fix for sync problems in mplayer
Hi and thanks 666philb, I answered in the topic you created.
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#4846 Post by ttuuxxx »

Yes guys I haven't had much free time to update 2.14x lately but I'm currently working on it :)
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#4847 Post by James C »

Good to see you back. :)
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#4848 Post by ttuuxxx »

James C wrote:Good to see you back. :)
Thanks James nice to have you around :)
I was ready to release the next version but, I'm still having the Firefox update issue, but I think I worked it out, basically every-time I rebuild the sfs image Firefox no longer works, but if I delete it and then replace it with one same one I have stored on my hard-drive in the same place it works, then I compared sizes, the latest Firefox is 5MB larger compressed, heck I could keep the old version and add a small gimp release and the iso would be smaller, lol anyways I looked at the Firefox folders in size and its 2mb smaller. What i think is happening is that we've hit the max sfs file and some parts of Firefox is being transferred during the squashsfs build, the pup_214X.sfs expanded is 299MB and I think there is a 300mb sfs limit for the older squash system. So no idea what to do now, maybe have a browser selector like newer puppies and only include dillo. keep the older browser?, I could compile the latest but then people can't update, mozilla doesn't like it when custom builds update with main stream browsers, it messes with there stability/crashes reports.
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#4849 Post by ttuuxxx »

also guys if you see the lung thing after my post, its basically I stopped smoking after 25+ years and started vaping, vaping you use a Rip-Off which contains around 15 chemicals, not 4000 like a cig and as long you stick to good suppliers you'll never get cancer, you'll get rid of smokers cough, etc. its kind of a way to stop smoking because its based on water vapor, or you can continue and forget about the bad things. right now I feel 100% better, but I did import some really cheap stuff from china that went wrong, the stuff from UK, USA, Canada, NZ so far has been the best. In Australia its illegal to sell it with nicotine, but its ok to import a 3 months supply. If anyone wants to stop smoking pm me and I'll set you up with what you need a lot cheaper and healthier than most will sell you, depending where you live, I don't make any commission on it, its just that I've tried stop well over 30+ times and this at least won't kill me in the end.
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#4850 Post by James C »

Just did a fresh full install of Top 10 on an old P4 test box..... no problems. Everything pretty well working ootb.

Went ahead and installed SeaMonkey fine.Time to tweak a bit more.

Processor : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
Memory : 2594MB (190MB used)
Operating System : Puppy Linux 0.00
User Name : root (root)
Date/Time : Fri 04 Jan 2013 11:21:17 PM PUP
Resolution : 1024x768 pixels
OpenGL Renderer : Unknown
X11 Vendor : (null)
Audio Adapter : ICH4 - Intel ICH5

Code: Select all

Kernel		: Linux (i686)
Compiled		: #1 Thu Feb 1 23:05:39 PUP 2007
C Library		: GNU C Library version 2.10.1 (stable)
Default C Compiler		: Unknown
Distribution		: Puppy Linux 0.00
-Current Session-
Computer Name		: puppypc
User Name		: root (root)
Home Directory		: /root
Desktop Environment		: Unknown (Window Manager: Metacity)
Uptime		: 5 hours, 56 minutes
Load Average		: 0.02, 0.06, 0.03

Code: Select all

sh-3.00# free
              total         used         free       shared      buffers
  Mem:      2594736       412636      2182100            0        44988
 Swap:      4198392            0      4198392
Total:      6793128       412636      6380492
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#4851 Post by James C »

Browsers are a touchy subject around here...... some prefer Firefox,some Opera and some SeaMonkey. I personally prefer SeaMonkey.I also still use FirePup on a couple of really old boxes..... :lol:

On the long-term installs of Top 10 that I've been running for a long,long time I replaced Aurora with my own Firefox pet and used my SeaMonkey pet too so it won't really affect me.Both update because I like to keep a current version. However only having Dillo installed shouldn't be a problem to anyone if it was easy enough for the users to just download and install the fullsize browser.

Congrats on quitting smoking....... I quit about 25 years ago. I preferred breathing to smoking..... :lol:
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#4852 Post by 2000kevin2000 »

I'm interested in using this on a Pentium MMX 166mhz with 96MB RAM!

It's a proprietary hardware solution so unfortunately I am restricted to using this low power setup... Is it too much for my hardware though?

#4853 Post by Dewbie »

Hard'll just need to test it. :)
But don't expect it to be a speed demon. :lol:

Before installing, use the puppy pfix=ram boot option.
Go to Menu / System / GParted partition manager and make a Linux-swap partition, about 415-420MB.

This works like the pagefile.sys in Windows; it somewhat compensates for the lack of RAM by using hard-disk space as makeshift RAM.
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#4854 Post by starhawk »

Hate to post a downvote here -- but on something that low, IMO ClassicPup is probably just too flashy.

That said, I'll give it a test on a similarly specced box I picked up at the dump recently -- a K6-II 500MHz box that was in the wrong place. (Should've been in the eWaste bin, and if it had been there, I wouldn't have been able to bring it home.)

I can tell you it's barely functional on a Pentium II 300MHz laptop with 128MB RAM. Too many "special effects" aka flashy stuff. All those things that make it look really nice... yeah, that stuff tends to drag it down fast.

What do I recommend: look for a thread in this subforum (Puppy Projects) titled "pUPnGO 2012 Plus Extras" -- try the 1st link in the 2nd post (pUPnGO2012, Xorg, FreeOffice), first.

If FreeOffice is too much, the next link down (same post, 2nd link) replaces that suite with just a word-processor.

If that 2nd attempt still is boggy slow, try the 2nd link in the 4th post (headed "Browsing related"). If even that fails... well, you're going to have a real hard time with things. You can go for the regular pUPnGO2012 (don't bother with the original pUPnGO, it's so small that it's impractical except as a base for additions), in a thread called, oddly enough, "pUPnGO 2012". But it's not terribly useful unless your internet comes through wires, and you don't mind a really stripped-down setup.

FWIW, I'll see how the pUPnGO FreeOffice model runs on this box of mine as well, and I'll report back about both, in a little while. (May have to download a new version of ClassicPup for this -- most recent I have is top10, and I'm not sure that's the newest.)

EDIT: d'oh! I have the latest, after all. Shows how much I use this one... ;) I'll be back in a while.
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#4855 Post by starhawk »

Tested pUPnGO2012 first -- surprisingly enough, it wouldn't boot. Must be made with i686 packages instead of i486 packages.

As the chips we're both dealing with are 586-based, and therefore i686 packages are too new to work... nevermind my first post. This may be something of a challenge!
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#4856 Post by 2000kevin2000 »

Ah, that's too bad! Well thank you both for your advice anyway. I suppose I would have ran into the i686 wall sooner or later trying out some of these distros. I might throw this on a P4 machine though (aka the most reliable machine i've ever owned, and it was free!)

Anyway the i686 issue is why I was also looking at older Puppy projects like the one made for 486's running 64MB RAM. I also have a set of old Slackware floppies ready though if need be :lol:
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#4857 Post by starhawk »

Don't give up yet! ClassicPup 2.14x-top10 does in fact work. I have to say I'm quite surprised.

That said, rather than running... it operates at something of a slow walk. On a 500MHz CPU similar to (but rather faster than) yours, 2000kevin2000, with the same amount of RAM (192mb) -- Classic Pup is dead-dog slow. Geany takes an eternity to open. (Probably close to a full minute.) I didn't bother with trying to connect to the 'Net -- there's just no way this would handle it.

Mind you that's running from CD with no savefile and no swap. For your system, I'd recommend a swap partition of about 320-512mb. Less, and you won't have enough memory. More, and you'll likely bog down the CPU -- which, after all, has to do the transfers between swap and RAM!

As it is, you're likely going to have to download from YouTube before you watch, IF you can watch at all! (This is delving into a level of performance that I haven't touched in a long time, so I can't speak to Flash playback at all.)

Just curious: what is it about your Pentium MMX box that keeps you from upgrading to something made at least in this century? I mean, I've a 1999 Dell laptop (the Pentium II laptop I mentioned before) -- but that's just for me to play around with. It's a tinker box. Sounds to me like you genuinely need this old heap of yours for something... I'd be quite interested to know what that something is ;)

#4858 Post by Dewbie »

Here's yet another idea for low-spec machines.
(Latest apps and browsers probably won't work with these. :| )
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#4859 Post by 2000kevin2000 »

It's one of these - it's really tiny and is loaded with serial ports and PCMCIA slots. I got it for the price of one USB-RS232 adapters, plus I need something to use with very old software/proprietary hardware that can't be run in a VM since it needs to interface directly with the hardware!

I do have better computers but would like to avoid running Win95/98 if possible on this thing... ... p40j.shtml

(Also it's 96MB total, not 196)
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#4860 Post by starhawk »

What is the "very old software/proprietary hardware" that you're looking to run? There is NO WAY you'll get Wine on this thing -- even DOSBox may be problematic -- there just aren't enough brain cells in it for that. So if you're trying to use a DOS or Win3.x floppy based program on this... I just don't see that working out well.

You know that you can get RS-232 and LPT Cardbus adapters, right? Honestly... given the choice (keep in mind I love messing around with old stuff) I'd pick the adapters first.

All of that said, I'd still like to know, very specifically... what are you wanting to do? (See first sentence of this post.) If you tell us, we can probably help.
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