Puppy ARM?

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#61 Post by nooby »

Maybe I should have started a new thread?

Used as the sole processor in a smartphone, the A7 is said to offer comparable power to current chips at a fraction of the price, while consuming much less battery power.

Its silicon core is only one-fifth of the size of existing technologies, allowing a reduced production price, according to ARM chief executive Warren East.

"You typically make chips on a silicon wafer and it costs roughly the same amount of money for each wafer. If you can get 2,000 devices on a wafer or 1,000 devices on a wafer it makes a huge difference to the cost per device," he told BBC News.

"We can see the developed world moving on and mobile being the nexus for all sort of consumer electronics. In the Bric countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) we are seeing catch-up.

"As we look forward these smartphones are going to be totally ubiquitous and in the much less developed areas, such as Africa, you will see smartphones becoming tools that people use to make their lives easier."

Mr East said that the trend would happen regardless of intervention, but cheaper devices would greatly accelerate that, enabling smartphones to be produced for under $100 (£60) by 2013 or 2014.
Little and large

In countries where price is less of an issue, the Cortex A7 may be combined with high end mobile processors to offer a powerful, yet energy-efficient package, ARM said.

For less demanding tasks such as checking in the background for email and social networking updates, the A7 processor would handle the work.

Using a technology known as big.LITTLE, the phone would instantly switch over to chips such as the Cortex-A15 when more horsepower was needed.
So A7 may be the future chip that Puppy Devs needs to know about?

I hope Debian still have the interest so them make something for it.

Talking about Debian. Linux Mint Debian Edition 11 which is rather new.

linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso or linuxmint-11-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
I don't know why I did happen to use the linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso instead of the more lighter. I guess I failed to get what I did.

Anyway. It just works. No need to be root. It allows me to edit menu.lst and save it without doing any sudo and I am most likely live session user so either them have a bug them crush next update or them have rethought the whole thing with permissions.

I guess I should download the linuxmint-11-xfce-dvd-32bit.iso
and test if that one is that permissive too.

It is slow but have Flash installed and get internet ootb and so far has not let me down.

I guess it has to be some error them are not aware of. it is too alien to be approved of by them.

title LMDE-11 Gnome Linux Mint Debian Edition 2011 persistent fails on frugal ntfs?
find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso
kernel /LMDE-11/casper/vmlinuz persistent file=/cdrom/preseed/mint.seed boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso noeject noprompt quiet splash --
initrd /LMDE-11/casper/initrd.lz
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Posts: 10369
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Location: SwedenEurope

#62 Post by nooby »

What about these guys doing ARM Android ROMs that are
special made.

As I get it they have to root them or else it would not work?

But it still boot as android. So it is not Puppy but would it allow
that one add Puppy on ARM to make a choice of what to boot?

This one for UG802
http://www.freaktab.com/showthread.php? ... mance-ever
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not an ideal solution though
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#63 Post by beekster »

Thinking about a Wandboard with dual cortex A9, 1 GB DDR3. Says it comes with Android (or?) Linux embedded. how about a Puppy for that one? :)
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