Unable to use deadkeys

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Unable to use deadkeys

#1 Post by edu500ac »

Dead keys do not work on the console of my Puppy installation. They work on graphic applications though. Here is the xorg.conf:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
Option "XkbModel" "abnt2"
Option "XkbLayout" "br" #xkeymap0

If I select "Menu/Setup/Mouse/keyboard Wizzard", than "Advanced Xorg keyboard configuration", and "Layout variants", I find:

1: nodeadkeys br: Eliminate dead keys

There is no other options to select. I also tried to edit xorg.conf, to no avail. What should I do in order to activate the deadkeys?
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#2 Post by Flash »

Something in this thread might help.
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Dead keys on console

#3 Post by edu500ac »

Hi, Flash.

I cannot see how the relevance of the link you posted. People use dead keys to put a tilde or an acute over a letter. For instance, if I need a tilde over an n to write the word "señor" I type ~n. When I am using the console, this trick does not work. Therefore, if I type ~ n, I get a ~n. Besides this, if I type a cedil (ç on my keyboard) I don't get anything.

I suppose other people have a similar problem. For instance, Brazilians who are using an ABNT2 keyboard.
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Dead Keys

#4 Post by edu500ac »

In a new installation of Puppy, the dead keys work perfectly well. However, they stop working after "Power OFF" or "Restart X server". Once they stop working, they never come back. Is it a bug, or I am missing something? BTW, dead keys don't work on the console. They work elsewhere. For example, they work on the browser: Conceição, etc.
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Dead keys work on Lucid, but not on other Puppies

#5 Post by edu500ac »

I tried all Puppy distributions to find one with dead keys. The only one that does work is Lucid. However I was not able to connect Lucid Puppy to the Internet. Lucid seems to use the same Internet tools as the other Puppies. There is a difference though. The tools don't work in Lucid, but work in all other distributions. On the other hand, the dead keys work in Lucid, but fail in the other distributions. How can a person sleep with such a noise
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#6 Post by Flash »

It's hard to guess why Lucid won't connect; you gave so little information. Are you trying to connect with wireless? Is it a laptop? What happened when Lucid tried to connect?
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Lucid Puppy failure to activate wlan0 interface

#7 Post by edu500ac »

I tried Precise Puppy 5.4.3, Slacko Puppy 5.4, and Lucid Puppy 5.2.8. I have used Barry's Simple Network Setup in order to connect to the Internet. It worked fine with Precise Puppy and with Slacko Puppy, but failed with Lucid Puppy. Here are the details:

Slacko Puppy (Success):

Welcome to Barry's Simple Network Setup! etc. etc.

Interfaces -------------------------
Puppy has identified these network interfaces on your computer etc.

Interface Type Driver Bus Description
wlan0 Wireless rt2800 USB Ralink RT 2800

Then I pressed the wlan0, and Slack presented a list of wireless LANs. After choosing one, I pressed connect. I did the same thing to connect Precise Puppy.

Lucid Puppy (Failed):

When I pressed wlan0 on Lucid Puppy, I got the message:

Simple Network Setup

Failed to activate interface 'OK wlan0. Sometimes this is just a temporary problem. Go back to the main window, and you can try again.

So, what do you want to do? If you go back to the main window, you could test a different interface or network. Note sometimes an error goes away if you retry. View log of attempted connection etc.

Information about this interface:
Interface: OK
wlan0 Driver rt2800 usb Bus: USB MacAddress:
Description: Ralink RT2800 USB Wireless LAN driver

Step1a: ifconfig OK
wlan0 up
ifconfig: bad address 'wlan0'

I also tried other methods. For instance, I tried Puppy Network Wizard. The answer: No networks were detected. Maybe your router is turned off?

By the way, I am using Slack right now, and the keyboard configuration is a mess. I discover that I cannot type ? (question mark) on Opera. Although, I can type question marks everywhere else. On the other hand, I can type áêç on Opera, but not on ABLE (A Common Lisp IDE). Conclusion: In Slacko Puppy and Precise Puppy the Internet works fine, but the keyboard doesn't. In Lucid Puppy, the keyboard works fine, but the Internet doesn't.

By the way, I tried everything in different machines, with different networks, both wireless and wired.
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Re: Dead keys work on Lucid, but not on other Puppies

#8 Post by rijnsma »

edu500ac wrote:I tried all Puppy distributions to find one with dead keys. The only one that does work is Lucid. However I was not able to connect Lucid Puppy to the Internet. Lucid seems to use the same Internet tools as the other Puppies. There is a difference though. The tools don't work in Lucid, but work in all other distributions. On the other hand, the dead keys work in Lucid, but fail in the other distributions. How can a person sleep with such a noise
I had it too.

And after much frustratation and experimenting for days I chose my own country via the wizardwizard Netherlands with dead keys (normally in other disto's I do US intl with dead keys), and unvoluntarilly I distroyed apparently something. Other desktop, some icons gone, but the upper panel had them all so, nothing serious.

I could repair all (save-file etc.), but the startup of Puppy was now tiny different. (I noticed it by other characters at boottime with other distro's. I have seen it with Mint and Ubuntu when an Nvidia-driver was not yet present at installation and there wás one in the PC.)

And guess what?!! My deadkeys are back except the Yugoslavian 'c' like in Milosevic (c with ',' underscore without quote-marks). I had it always in US-deadkeys. But no worry about that.

I don't know what to say about this, it is a riddle for me, but I'm quite happy and mayby for some-one here on the forum a lamp is beginning to give some light, we say in Holland while we're holding a finger in the dyke. Image O yes... Precise is a great version of Puppy (a lot of software available; works fine!!). By the way Puppy is a fantastic idea I love it, but it is also a little vulnerable piece of software. One has to be careful when closing down and/or restarting Xorg...
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