Ultrabook Spec has been enhanced - 2013 spec

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Ultrabook Spec has been enhanced - 2013 spec

#1 Post by gcmartin »

For those in his community who may be unaware, technology manufacturers, vendors and OS developers operate on Industry specs. To sell a product under a specific name, it MUST comply with the spec.

Here is the 2013 spec for Ultrabooks.

Do not expect price changes, but expect that there will be functionality increases!

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Re: Ultrabook Spec has been enhanced - 2013 spec

#2 Post by starhawk »

gcmartin wrote:...technology manufacturers, vendors and OS developers operate on Industry specs...
I'd love to see Michael Dell say that with a straight face -- I've seen some mighty strange sh-- er, stuff, come out of HP, Gateway, and Compaq boxes, but I've four motherboards from Dell that are beyond redemption. These don't take the cake -- they take the whole bakery! Perhaps you would like photos of these monstrosities?

I'm afraid I must inform you that the major manufacturers are quite happy to ignore any minor nuisances such as the ATX specification and such.

It's in the name of profit, of course -- and it's a twofold operation. Make the parts cheaper to manufacture, mark the whole box down a few cents, and bring in tons more -- and when the cheap-junk parts break, the consumer can go only one place, really, so one can get away with (to a point) nigh on extortionist levels of pricing for the components!

I think what that spec (and the current, rather-sour consumer reception of Win8) actually means... is the return of the ultraportable laptop. Manufacturers won't be able to call them "ultrabooks" if they don't have exactly the right specs (at least, not if they want to avoid getting sued into oblivion), so they'll just call them "ultraportables" instead.

I'd like to think also that M$ is digging a rather massive grave for itself with Win8. I really do hope they learn a big lesson that most of us already know -- "if it ain't broke..." ;)

...actually, I hope this is the year that many people migrate to Linux, and also the year that goes down in history as marking the beginning of the end for Microsoft and the little game they play there called Monopoly :twisted:
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#3 Post by bark_bark_bark »

Microsoft won't come down that easily. Most gamers will stick with Windows 7, while business professionals will upgrade to Windows 8. Windows is still important to have for most people. There is that huge gaming crowd that will stick with Windows, because they don't want to play those silly linux games that linux users are stuck playing.

Intel spec will survive as the components change.

#4 Post by gcmartin »

With Intel's shift in its motherboard business, expect that this spec will find itself firmly rooted in what's in your hand by 3Q/4Q 2014. In 2015 you will see carpenters and lay-people carrying stuff in their hands that are not there today.

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