Dotpups of several games

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#41 Post by MU »

It does not matter, if the card is "onboard" or a slot-card.

By the way, Puppy 1 might be better for games.
Doom3 and Quake4 crash with my ATI-drivers in Puppy2 after 10 minutes, in Puppy 108 they work just great :)
So I still use Puppy 108 a lot, although I also have Puppy2.

You will need to download/copy these dotpups in the corresponding folders, then run the 3DCC again:

/usr/local/3D-Control-Center/resource/24 ... es-2.4.pup




Look here for the dri-[graficscard-specific].pup files:
You need both versions, as only one of the two will work on certain cards.
If in your xorg.conf a driver "i810" is used, then you would download dri-i810.pup

only if you have a ATI-Radeon-card:

/usr/local/3D-Control-Center/resource/xorg ... .3-Ati.pup ... .0-Ati.pup

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#42 Post by CatmanDru »

i just found your new posts. i will obtain the info you requested in a moment.

thank you for mentioning which puppy version works best for you. ive been wondering about which version is best because i noticed on the forum that it seems there is better, more stable performance and better tools, wizards, and dotpups for certain puppy versions (1.07, 1.08, 1.09?) and certain kernel versions (2.16.?). right now id prefer whichever puppy version works best with games with minimal hassel. as i gain more linux skills i can move to a puppy version that has more optimal performance -- even if it requires more manual adjustment. i had been considering updating to a puppy 2 version, maybe 2.0 or 2.1. puppy is small enuf that i could have a separate version just for games, and another version for other purposes, if needed.

i will post info in a moment. Dru.
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#43 Post by MU »

Concerning Puppy2 I really can recommend 2.10.
I use the Alpha-version with some bugfixes, very cool, comes with many new libraries. So many new programs work, that refused to in older Puppys.
There is a beta out meanwhile, you should try that.

But as I said, keep Puppy 109 for games, at least if you have a graficscard from Ati.

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#44 Post by CatmanDru »

the command you wanted me to run:

1) do i run it in the rxvt console? or another?

2) i do not have the keyboard character for the vertical straight line ( a 'pipe' ) required in the command cat /etc/x11/xorg.conf [vertical line 'pipe'] grep -i driver. am i overlooking something? or is there another way to produce that 'pipe' character? or is there another way to get the info you requested? for example is it in a file somewhere?

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#45 Post by MU »

rxvt is ok.

This comand does the same:

grep -i driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf

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#46 Post by CatmanDru »

sorry, have to leave, will continue post in 2 hours. thank you
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#47 Post by CatmanDru »

i realized i hadnt ran xorg wizard -- i was still using xvesa because i wasnt doing anything where grafics were important to me. i ran xorg, restarted a couple of times, and typed the command:
grep -i driver /etc/x11/xorg.conf
still only gives:
no such file or directory.
even tho i can see and read in the directory /etc/x11 the files xorg.conf, xorg.conf0, and xorg.confprev. i tried the command carefully, and then several different ways with the same result.

i opened xorg.conf and noticed it had:
card 0
driver i810
vendor name intel
board name 82810 CGC (chipset Grafics card)
bus id pci:1:0:1:0

so i assume the grafics chipset is intel and needs an intel-compatible driver or libGLU?

thanks. Dru.
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#48 Post by MU »

X11, not x11.
Linux is case-sensitive ;)

But ok, the i810 is what we needed.

So you will need these dotpups:

/usr/local/3D-Control-Center/resource/24 ... es-2.4.pup




Copy them to the mentioned folders on your "offline"-computer.
Then run the 3DCC, and choose "automatic", that should work.
If not, "manual" and choose i810 there.
Note, try both, A and B if A will not work.

Then choose the OpenGL-Installation, try the first 2 ones (Freedesktop).

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Poof.....It Worked.

#49 Post by CatmanDru »

x11 versus X11: really, i tried that command several different ways... except the correct way (X11) :) . tomorrow im putting a note on my display saying "LINUX IS CASE SENSITIVE". thanks.

i followed the above instructions, used my usb flash drive (my Poor Man's Wireless Connection), my 'router' (my feet) & placed the drivers in their respective folders, ran 3D-Control-Center, and POOF worked. a few more games work! ill check into what the other problems are next post. my inner-game-playing-child thanks you from the bottom of my mouse.

i hope & suspect that this thread will be helpful to others with similar problems.
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