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An interesting bug

#481 Post by gcmartin »

Hi @Inoxidabile

This is a rather interesting bug. I have no way of testing to assist in its resolution (no way to replicate your external multimedia drive over USB)

But, I think you have brought awareness to a configuration issue that may have applicability as we move into the future. One particular is a scenario that I have thought about over the holidays where I can run a x86 motherboard without internal peripheral with only a USB/eSATA DVD drive. Reasonable expectation but, as you share here, that configuration may not work with a 32bit PUP. For, as you report there are boot time issues affecting system start.

This reasoning came as a result of looking at FATSlacko which has run without reboot since its original desktop configuration and reboot in the spring of last year. Without a need for internal storage (system has plenty of RAM), an external CD/DVD boot option would be applicable for a startup and setup of a PUP which is rarely, if ever, rebooted.

Hope others who can replicate this can assist in pointing the finger at the internal problem occurring.
Last edited by gcmartin on Wed 23 Jan 2013, 17:08, edited 1 time in total.
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#482 Post by RSH »


In the German forum some guys have found that also pmedia=wuwei is working and will find the sfs file. Which seems like the pmedia= is not used.

On the other hand and from my own research and work on LazY Puppy I know, pmedia IS USED several times inside the initrd.gz file.
The Init script of initrd.gz wrote:if [ "$PMEDIA" ];then #kernel boot param
case $PMEDIA in
usbflash|usbhd) #impose restriction to only probe usb drives...
#LESSPARTS0="`echo "$LESSPARTS0" | grep -v -F "$ATADRIVES0"`" #110126
cd) #101021
#[ "$PRAMONLY" = "yes" ] && LESSPARTS0="`echo "$LESSPARTS0" | grep '^sr'`" #101218 do not search other drives.
[ "$PRAMONLY" = "yes" ] && LESSPARTS0="`echo "$PCPARTSALL" | grep '^/dev/' | cut -f 1-2 -d '|' | grep 'iso9660' | sed -e 's%/dev/%%'`" #110126 do not search other drives.
#note: a mistake if have PDEV1 on usb booting, as it can change.
if [ "$PDEV1" ];then #kernel boot param.
LESSPARTS0="`echo "$LESSPARTS0" | grep "${PDEV1}|"`"
[b][url=http://lazy-puppy.weebly.com]LazY Puppy[/url][/b]
[b][url=http://rshs-dna.weebly.com]RSH's DNA[/url][/b]
[url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=91422][b]SARA B.[/b][/url]
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#483 Post by rcrsn51 »

I suspect that Volhout is correct about this being a timing issue. Old Puppies like 431 were inefficient at finding their sfs. So by the time a USB device had initialized, Puppy was ready to find it.

But newer Puppies do a more efficient search and may look for the sfs file on a USB device before it is ready.

Try the boot option "puppy pmedia=xxx". Because this is a bogus option, Puppy will start a full search. It may eventually find the sfs file correctly.

Which USBx?

#484 Post by gcmartin »

Here's another question that might be contributory:
Is this USB1 OR USB2 OR USB3? Remember USB1 is from the 486/Pentium1 days.

The issue maybe if someone has a similar or newer USB config for testing who could share that its consistent, no matter which USBx is used, OR if its related to the USBx.

If issues with USB are reported, should we be reported which USBx is having the problem so that community may better be able to address?

Does anyone have an external USB CD/DVD drive to test this phenomenon?

hope this idea is helpful, if applicable.
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sfs doesn't load

#485 Post by ETP »

Hi inoxidabile,

This is indeed a fascinating problem and I agree with gcmartin, that for the future benefit of the puppy community, it is one worth trying to solve.
I had an almost identical issue trying to boot 533 from a USB stick when I ran without a hard disc for a few days. Changing the boot codes in syslinux from sdb1 to sda1 solved the problem. It would I believe, be worth trying to get your system to boot by any means if only to then determine how the running puppy perceives the various drives. It would give clues to how the ISO could be re-mastered with appropriate boot codes in isolinux.cfg for your system.

If you are game and have a second USB port (assuming that no variation on pmedia= works) could you copy the main sfs from the ISO to the root of a non-bootable
USB stick then attempt the following:

1. Simply try booting from the CD with that stick also plugged in.(Puppy might find the sfs)

2. If that fails (which it probably will) try again with the stick plugged in and try in turn each of the following boot codes:

a) pupsfs=sda1:/puppy_lxpup_12.sfs

b) pupsfs=sdb1:/puppy_lxpup_12.sfs

b) pupsfs=sdc1:/puppy_lxpup_12.sfs

(Substitute the correct name for your sfs if need be)
Regards ETP
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#486 Post by inoxidabile »

Maybe I'm wrong, but in the options list (-> F3 at boot) I don't remember there are the parameters wuwel or xxx .
Moreover, I'm not skilled enough to identify if the problem is related to newer kernels, changes in cfg files or timing somewhere.

However, looking to the other thread about this topic (http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=83880) Peterm321 says:
...I looked at the USB drive and noticed both isolinux.cfg and syslinux.cfg had pmedia=cd on the boot command line, I amended both to pmedia=usbflash and then the sfs file was found and the boot could proceed.

I agree with gcmartin and let me add that in my opinion it's a general topic.
This behavior is the same also with retro lxpup, the last official Puppy... and so on, I tried several version and then it seems not a case.
After a lot of check on various pc along years, I think to be able to say that 4.3.1 has the greatest hw compatibility.
I'm not sure to be able to do it but maybe I could try to edit the cfg files in the iso as suggested by Peterm321.

At beginning I thought it was a problem related to a "strange" hw setup but after a search I found there are some other quite similar behavior.
However, my target was to install Lxpup and I did it with a manual frugal install.
If it can be useful, I could repeat the same attempt of live use of Puppy with some specific version/derivatives... maybe in this way it could be possible to identify at what "point of evolution" it happens .
I also must say that this behavior never happened before to me.

Now I see the post from ETP and I plan to perform also this attempt in a couple of days.
Just to complete the description I must say that the pc I'm working on is a thin client and, as also several other users have seen, it has sometime problem to boot from usb stick and this is the reason to use an external CD drive usb connected
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#487 Post by 2byte »


I think you will find that this is a hardware/kernel issue related to timing as suggested earlier. Several distros like FatDog have a wait boot parameter to allow the kernel time to discover attached devices like your usb/cd. One linux kernel param from the linux kernel documentation that may be useful

[KNL] Wait (indefinitely) for root device to show up.
Useful for devices that are detected asynchronously
(e.g. USB and MMC devices).

All of the pmedia and psubdir stuff is useless if linux hasn't discovered the device yet.

Or why not give Fatdog a try? If you do, be sure to read about it's boot options here http://distro.ibiblio.org/fatdog/web/fa ... tions.html
Look for waitdev=.

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#488 Post by 2byte »


Would it be possible for you to add a waitdev boot param to Lxpup?

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#489 Post by Sonic »

hello, really nice work, and I am furious because I found a small problem that prevents me from fully enjoying
I tested version Precise and Slacko version, and the problem I meet precise version ONLY.
I think pretty much know where it comes from: ACPI.
I could post elsewhere, but as one of the two versions of the problem does not happen, I thought it would be easier for experts.
So FINALLY the problem on my Compaq Presario 2100, 528 MB of ram, and therefore under precise version only, the computer does not stop completely, as when I reboot my system, it stores well, then a black screen said "restarting system". I then have to press a few seconds to actually turn off the PC.
Else, the fan runs constantly PC.
Here, I apologize for my "googlezed translate" English I'm French.


hello, vraiment un très beau travail, et j'enrage car je rencontre un petit problème qui m'empêche d'en profiter pleinement
J'ai testé la version Precise et la version Slacko, et le problème je le rencontre UNIQUEMENT sur la version precise.
Je pense à peu près savoir d'où cela provient : l'ACPI.
Je pourrais poster ailleurs, mais comme sur une des deux versions le problème ne se produit pas, je me suis dit que cela serait plus facile pour les experts.
Voilà donc ENFIN le problème : sur mon Compaq Presario 2100, 528 Mo de ram, et donc sous la version precise uniquement, le PC ne s'arrête pas totalement, par exemple lorsque je reboote mon système, il sauvegarde bien, puis j'ai l'écran noir indiqué "restarting system". Je suis alors obligé d'appuyer quelques secondes afin de réellement éteindre le PC.
Autre chose, le ventilateur du PC tourne constamment.
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#490 Post by Sonic »

it was a mistake to post it here.
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#491 Post by inoxidabile »

Hi evrybody !
I did a lot of tests and here I am to say how their results :)

-> pmedia=wuwel or pmedia=xxx
...no boot, same problem about sfs
-> edit iso and change of isolinux.cfg , pmedia has parameter cd and become usbcd
...no boot, same as before and I'seen that there is and I've seen there isn't syslinux.cfg in iso
-> copying sfs on a usb stick and boot having also this usb stick inserted
... it starts !


It starts well without add of any delay!
Some more notes:
- initrd takes a little bit more time than "common"puppy derivatives I checked in the past
- I have to say that the use and access at files, programs, etc... it seems quicker than expected (even it's a fat version!)
- moreover I would like to point out that, sometimes, it stops before to start the visualization of desktop and I must type xstart (however, after this it's ok)
However, my feel is that the more time needed at the early stage of boot acts as a "delay" and then allows a better access to usb cd drive.

And now the best : I tried the LxPup with an other external usb cd drive (thanks to a friend!) and... it starts !!! :D

Then, to sum up, my feel is that the hypotesis fron Volhout was right, maybe, there is "something" about delay in access of external usb cd drive, causing the problem and then, maybe it could be a good thing to add a little delay (fixed or as in FatDog).
I'm not able to say the relationship with the old/new kernel but that it is...

Ok, that's all, I hope that the above tests will become useful and please accept many thanks to everyone for the support :) :) :)
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sfs doesn't load

#492 Post by ETP »

Hi inoxidabile,
copying sfs on a usb stick and boot having also this usb stick inserted
... it starts !
It is good that you have had success but I feel that the jury is still out on the actual cause of the problem with the original USB drive. It could have been a timing , hardware, driver or search algorithm issue. For the benefit of others who may encounter a similar problem can you please clarify the following:

1. When it booted as above with the original external USB drive what drive icons appeared on the desktop?

2. What information did the drive icons each show when you hovered your mouse over them?

3. Did you use the same USB cable with both drives?

4. The makes & models of the original and borrowed USB drive?
Regards ETP
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#493 Post by inoxidabile »

here I am with the answers, hoping they will be as You wish... :)

Ok , begin from the beginning... I used LxPup and in order to be able to boot in live mode when I had the original external USB drive I had also to leave inserted an usb stick having the sfs.

There aren't icons for the drives in desktop as usually happen in common officially Puppy (If You prefer I do the same test with, say, FatDog, please tell me).
But I have had a look to their proprerties using Pmount.
-> with the original usb drive:
drive - ATA CF CARD ext2 sda1
optical - PHILIPS CDRW DVD 3210 ISO9660 sr0
usbdrv - SANDISK CRUZERBLADE vfat sdb1
->with the borrowed one
drive - ATA CF CARD ext2 sda1
optical - OPTIARC DVD RW AD7543A ISO9660 sr0

The two usb CD drive are both rescue from scrap and boxed with low cost housing bought on ebay.
The origional one I have an external power supply (from mains) and the borrowed one has two usb cables, one is used for data and the othe for the supply (then, it takes it from the pc).
As You can see the cables are different.

An extra note: just for fun, I tried the LuPu 5.2.8 modified to be XPlike (it's in this forum, same section "Derivatives").
It starst without any trick wit the original USB ext drive and the nice thing is that, at beginninig, after the message of "searching for puppy files", a red message "pausing" appears for a couple of seconds and then all goes on.
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#494 Post by peebee »

playdayz wrote:Latest Version Google Chrome 24 for LxPup
http://diddywahdiddy.net/Puppy500/Googl ... .Lxpup.pet
(defanged as far as possible, includes flashplayer,
Hi playdayz

Tried your Chrome24 pet in Slacko5.4 - seemed just to be missing 1 lib....

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#495 Post by ETP »

Hi inoxidabile,

It is good that you have also now had success with the 5.2.8 based Pup and eliminates a hardware/cabling problem. It points to a timing issue as suggested by the other respondents, an older slower pup suiting your hardware.
Regards ETP
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#496 Post by inoxidabile »

I'm happy too and also because I have had the chance to learn something, such as how to obtain a manual frugal install... I know, maybe it isn't a software guru's performance but for me it is :D

Coming back to the topic, I would like to underline this: ok, there isn't an absolute relationship between old/new release but... even if with a 5.2.8 based there are no problem, on the other hand with the latest official release (5.4.3, both types normal and retro) there is again.
Then, maybe, it could be wise to insert a little adjustment in future releases, like "something" as little delay or wait state, in order to avoid this problem or similar.
Maybe it's not a so wide problem but I've found that I'm not the only one who seen it.

The last test I did: I tried MyPup 1.0 / Slacko 5.3.3 / valiant_ship_vi.iso and I see the same behavior with the original usb external drive and the borrowed one (hmm... very quick this derivative even if it has Xfce... :) )
However, I'm going to send the thin client + usb external cd drive to a friend, because "it isn't enough" for my purposes (-> to see movies as streaming on web, in full screen tv and, to speak frankly I would like very much to know what are the minimum hw requirement for this, in term of cpu/ram/graphic...).
Then, if there will be need of further tests, please tell me because I will have no longer the hw to perform them in a couple of days.
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sfs doesn't load

#497 Post by ETP »

Hi inoxidabile,
Then, if there will be need of further tests, please tell me because I will have no longer the hw to perform them in a couple of days.
Out of curiosity there is one final test that you could perhaps perform. When the system did boot with the USB stick (containing the duplicate main sfs file) it is not clear which sfs the system found – i.e. the one on the stick or the one on the CD.

If you could first rename the sfs on the stick to XXXpuppy_lxpup_12.sfs and then try again. If the system boots, it will prove that the one on the CD is being found and that the very act of plugging in a stick with files to be searched, introduced sufficient delay for puppy to find the main sfs on the CD. If it does not boot the placement of the main sfs on the stick was the key to success.

Finally you may want to post your H/W query in another more suitable thread.
Regards ETP
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#498 Post by inoxidabile »

Maybe I'm able to answer directly... I think it looks at the sfs file on the USB stick.
I say this because at shutdown it asked me about the save file and it pointed to USB stick.
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#499 Post by ETP »

inoxidabile wrote:Maybe I'm able to answer directly... I think it looks at the sfs file on the USB stick.
I say this because at shutdown it asked me about the save file and it pointed to USB stick.
I regret not. It would do that in either case.
Regards ETP
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#500 Post by playdayz »

How to activate Help in Regular LxPup with Default Seamonkey
(The big remaster by playdayz with Mate and Google Chrome is NOT needed.)
Only this one little pet to install libsoup-gnome

http://diddywahdiddy.net/Puppy500/libso ... _Lxpup.pet

3 Steps

1. Download and install the pet. It has libsoup-gnome plus patches for the Help in MtPaint and Gnumeric.

2. Edit /usr/share/applications/Seamonkey.desktop (Seamonkey Web Browser). Two changes are needed--change the Exec and Categories keys as indicated. Adding %U means accept a url argument; For some reason PPM seems to strip it off--hence the manual approach. Changing the Category from X-Internet to WebBrowser means that Seamonkey will show up in Preferred Applications. Right-click the file and Text Editor to Edit.

Code: Select all

Exec=mozilla %U
3. Open Desktop -> Desktop Settings -> Preferred Applications and select Seamonkey Web Browser.

Help will work in Abiword and most programs. About links will also work from Help -> About in most programs.

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