Slacko-5.4 feedback and bug reports

Please post any bugs you have found
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#161 Post by linucks »

Amazing... I love what this is doing to my toshiba portege m300 i picked out of the recycling! All it needed was some tlc and now it's my favorite laptop with Slacko, the best O.S.... plus it's awesome knowing that Slackware is running, since I was hoping to dive deeper into slackware for servers etc.. How much ram do I need to use the developer sfs packages?
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#162 Post by 01micko »

npierce- from the 533 thread: wrote:At ... 385#647385,
Baldronicus wrote:The problem:
A right-click on a clear area of the desktop (under the default configuration) brings up the menu, as expected. After this is cleared (by a left-click), subsequent right-clicks on the desktop icons (including the drive icons) result in the desktop menu appearing, as if they were right-clicks on a clear area of the desktop (or as if the icons were not there, or simply not identified).
A subsequent left-click (or in some/many cases two spaced left-clicks) on one of the icons results in it working as expected. Following this, right-clicking on the icons also works as expected (as if the "problem trigger" had been reset).
Another right-click on a clear area of the desktop recreates the problem, and subsequent left-clicking on an icon clears it again.
ETP wrote:Bug confirmed. (Also exists in It would seem that we have all been living with it!
Minor as you say, but very confusing for anyone new to Slacko.
Jasper wrote:It is the same with Slacko 5.3.1 . . .
That is the ROX-Filer "ungrab bug" (a.k.a. "multiple root menus problem"). This has been patched. See Barry's blog entry: ROX-Filer multiple-jwm-menus fix

Note that the .pet offered in that blog entry is no longer the latest ROX-Filer .pet. For the latest, see Barry's blog entry: ROX-Filer squashed log-window

But those .pets may not be best for use with Slacko, since 01micko reports that "For some reason rox needs to be compiled in Slacko or else Fido refuses to work." (See his comment under Barry's blog entry: ROX-Filer focus problem fixed) So it is probably best to compile on Slacko from the patched source, which can be found in the file rox-filer-20111022-patched3.tar.gz at

EDIT: Also note that installing a .pet would have side-effects. For instance, your PuppyPin file would be overwritten with the PuppyPin used for Wary and Racy. So, again, it's best to compile your own from the patched source, or wait for someone to make a Slacko version of the .pet. (Even then, if you have customized your PuppyPin, you would want to back it up before installing the new .pet.)
Ok, I got Barry's rox-filer-20111022-patched3 source.. failed to compile BUT from the mailing list I noticed we need LIBS="-lm" (defeats a sqrt linker error) but also (and I figured this one myself :P ) need the "-ldl".. so my compile line looks like--

Code: Select all

LIBS="-ldl -lm" ROX-Filer/AppRun --compile
That successfully compiled rox in Slacko,

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#163 Post by kevin bowers »

01micko wrote:Ok, I got Barry's rox-filer-20111022-patched3 source.. failed to compile BUT from the mailing list I noticed we need LIBS="-lm" (defeats a sqrt linker error) but also (and I figured this one myself :P ) need the "-ldl".. so my compile line looks like--

Code: Select all

LIBS="-ldl -lm" ROX-Filer/AppRun --compile
That successfully compiled rox in Slacko,
Have you posted the .pet? If so, where please? Thanks!

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#164 Post by 01micko »

Here are some updated pets, including rox-filer and jwm and jwmconfig2, many thanks to npierce for most of the bugfixes, JWM is the latest from Joe. Also. rodin.s has added i18n to jwmconfig2. I had to check some of that though as there are changes in JWM binary.

jwmconfig2 <-- ...

jwm + jwm_menu_create <-- ...

rox-filer from BK's latest patched sources <-- ...

NOTE: JWM is still in development, the latest snapshot (662) is only hours old, so there is the possibility of bugs, please report. Also, there are a couple of minor issues with jwm_menu_create which will be fixed for the next release.

EDIT: there is a stability issue with jwm-662 so I have reuploaded it, should be better now. (has 661 binary now). This wont be in the next release anyway, as I said Joe is in development so hopefully will release a stable version soon.

You need to delete /root/.jwm/JWMRC to fix the minixcal/igucal calendar, Joe has changed the layers. After that run fixmenus, then restart jwm or X.
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#165 Post by tallboy »

I have played with Slacko 5.4, which probably is one of the best puppys I have used so far, congratulations! My favourite Stardust icons, gorgeous backgrounds and most of my preferred programs were there, and almost everything I have tried so far, just work! Only 164 posts in this thread is a proof of that! I may actually have to modify my signature, if/when I migrate from dpup to Slacko!

But, some problems:
1) One BIG: After downloading a few applications, like xpdf, seamonkey, lynx, gramps and some other apps, and tweaking them all to my liking, I tried to save back to the multisession CD. Oops, no save button, but the command savesession-dvd is there. It did not react at all when invoked from a terminal window, no feedback either. There is a save to CD/DVD option at shutdown, but as it didn't work from the command line, I would not risk losing all my work by shutting down without the possibility to save the session. Sadly, after trying to make things work, X suddenly gave up on me, no keyboard or mouse response, and I had to turn off my machine without saving. :cry:
Can someone please tell me why saving didn't work? Is there a reason that is connected to not having a save button, or a save command in the menu? Does it work on shutdown?

2) One small, but very annoying problem: When I click on an icon on the desktop, there is usually no reaction, I have to click a second time to get a program to open. The same often happen, when clicking a folder icon to open it.

3) There is also very often an incorrect reaction to a right-click on an icon. Instead of opening the ROX-filer window to edit an icon, it usually just open the big menu. Are these known issues? I think there was a 'clicktime' setting in an old debian, could a similar setting be related to this problem?

Compared to my dpup484beta4, the Slacko strangely feels a bit sluggish, almost like running on a PII processor, are there tricks to improve speed?

I have tested Slacko 5.4 on two different machines, one P4 with 768Mb RAM and the noveau driver for nvidia GeForce2 MX200, the other an AMD Athlon not with nvidia. I have had the same behaviour on both machines, also when using the Slacko without any modifications, straight from the .iso on the CD.

EDIT: I have to say, that I have concentrated more on writing my own post than reading the others in this thread. Had I done some reading first, I would have seen that most of my questions are answered. Sorry about that!

The question of saving to a multisession CD is still there, though.

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#166 Post by ally »

hey tallboy

there have been quite a few threads about 5.4 hanging, the experience on my own machines caused be to revert to 5.3.3

if left for (quite) a while normal service normally resumes, the hanging duration does seem to be random, it may not be the same fault but worth investigating

I have converted a couple of peeps to slacko and burnt them the then latest version which I think was 5.3.90 and they haven't reported any hanging issues but I only see them periodically so haven't had a chance to delve further

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#167 Post by 01micko »

@ ally and SFR ..I still can't reproduce these errors!..

BUT.. I just noticed something.. both of you are using ext2 savefiles.. I always use ext4... I wonder if this is the common denominator?

I'll do some tests soon.

@ tallboy, I'll look into dvd session saving issues too
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#168 Post by peebee »

01micko wrote:BUT.. I just noticed something.. both of you are using ext2 savefiles.. I always use ext4... I wonder if this is the common denominator?
Hi mick

Had it happen to me today for first time - also an ext2 savefile (1G) - disk thrashes constantly - had to do ctrl-alt-backspace to console - xwin and all was OK again....

It is hard to get you diagnostics when the system freezes - but if we can get something from the console??

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#169 Post by 01micko »

The only thing I can suggest is if a drop to prompt stops it then you should be able to capture /tmp/xerrs.log BEFORE restarting X.

Code: Select all

cp /tmp/xerrs.log ~
Shouldn't be hard to remember :)

I wish puppy had a log of AUFS activity. But I guess debug needs to be turned on.

EDIT: just made 10 of SFR's "bigfiles" in a row to a pristine ext2 save, no issue :? . It may well be a hard drive driver issue. What else do we have in common? Laptops?

EDIT: ok.. I needs some figures off you guys.. SFR, ally, 8-bit, peebee. What RAM do you have? What swap if any, and type, swapfile or swap partition?

Some reading.
Things have changed in the kernel and there seemed to be significant changes between 3.1x and 3.2x. I wonder if anyone using slacko- (an unreleased beta for 5.3.4) has experienced these issues? It's still available at my smokey01 repo, and was very close to being a release, except slackware 14.0 kicked into gear, nullifying that effort. IIRC, it shipped with k3.2.2.
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#170 Post by 01micko »

Status of work on next beta so far:
FINAL 20121202 SLACKO-540

bugfix xchat menu entry from Network to Internet
bugfix guvcview
bugfix Spanish locale jwm


update jwm-661 (numerous changes and bugfixes see
-note JWM looks a bit different now, this is by design from Joe Wing (still work to be done)
update gtkdialog-0.8.4 (actually 0.8.3-stable) -Thunor
update pmusic-3.1.1 -zigbert
update pburn-2.9.13 ""
update pschedule-1.1.2 ""
update ghostscript-9.0.5 -rcrsn51

bugfix and enhancements jwmconfig2 -add i18n, rodin.s, -fix panel-buttons gui and keyboard help file, npierce
bugfix rox-filer -npierce
bugfix perms on /tmp were 777 not 1777, SFR, master_wrong
bugfix /sbin/probepart -audio CD not showing on desktop, Brown Mouse, tlchost, JustGreg -fix by rcrsn51 and 01micko
bugfix inkscape deps (PPM) -zigbert
bugfix rox trash -SFR
bugfix pending /usr/local/apps/ROX-Filer/Templates.ui file -SFR

BUGS PENDING (in order of importance)
"blank page bug" --symptom, slow saving, copying of files, can cause severe system slowdowns, even lockups (SFR, ally, 8-bit, peebee, consistent and others), STATUS -- no clue at this stage
"dvd coaster bug" --symptom, saving to DVD/CD is a total fail (tallboy). STATUS -- no clue just yet
"lack-lustre perl bug" --symptom, pplog fails, --cause, lack of perl modules in main sfs (SFR, 666philb), STATUS -- on to it
"marcel marceau bug" --symptom, failure in a vanilla install to update mime database, --cause /usr/bin/update-mime-database is in devx (MHHP), STATUS -- on to it
"intel pseudo video driver bug" --symptom, poulsbo (aka gma-500) "intel" graphics don't work (JustGreg, tempestuous), STATUS -- getting there

Please add what I have missed. My eyes can't be everywhere.
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#171 Post by ally »

hey micko

I had 5.4 ff installed on a lenovo t61 and a dell gx620, it happened on both machines

I can't remember why but I resorted to ext2 on the dell (I think I read about a conflict but of what and why I can't remember)

**EDIT - there was a bug that involved ext4 and hdd mount errors, I THINK I may have tried to use ext2 to see if it made a difference and just stuck with it

the lock-up occurred when trying to access hdd's, I always run separate partitions for the OS and data, the system would hang whilst trying to access a drive or partition, my t61 has 2 partitions on 2 drives each (ie 4 in total)

I would be able to start another ram based app but would hang like crazy on occasions opening a drive, once it finished feckin about it would be ok again, the reason and duration of the hang and interval appeared random

my knowledge to be able to trap errors is lacking and I did query a how to

I have a spreadsheet of the builds I collect and I mark those than I burn and play, the version I passed on to friends was slacko-, I know that it is installed on a desktop pc and a laptop (machine specs unknown) but neither has reported any issues so I suspect the issue is a change between the two

am happy to give it some more testing if I can help track errors but I will need some hand holding on what to look for

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#172 Post by 01micko »

Between and 5.4 the changes were as above...
FINAL 20121202 SLACKO-540

bugfix xchat menu entry from Network to Internet
bugfix guvcview
bugfix Spanish locale jwm
.. which equates to negligible.

The problem is how the kernel handles pages. SFR is onto it.

Shame none of this showed up in testing, but then real testing begins when you release ... :lol: (@ disciple, can you add that to your "quotes" thread?)
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#173 Post by ally »


I've put a request into the users I mentioned for details, they are brand new puppy/linux users so suspect that they will be running ntfs file systems

I'll put a clean 5.4 install onto the dell again and have a bash around again to see if I can induce the error

I did run the opera for a (short) while and didn't have any issues but did in the 5.4, can try both if you think it will help

will keep you posted

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#174 Post by 01micko »

ally wrote:micko

I've put a request into the users I mentioned for details, they are brand new puppy/linux users so suspect that they will be running ntfs file systems

I'll put a clean 5.4 install onto the dell again and have a bash around again to see if I can induce the error

I did run the opera for a (short) while and didn't have any issues but did in the 5.4, can try both if you think it will help

will keep you posted

Appreciate your effort :)
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#175 Post by peebee »

01micko wrote:EDIT: ok.. I needs some figures off you guys.. SFR, ally, 8-bit, peebee. What RAM do you have? What swap if any, and type, swapfile or swap partition?
T'was my desktop - 4GB ram, no swap

Savefile 1GB ext2 - about 90% empty

Hard disk ntfs
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#176 Post by 01micko »

peebee wrote:Hard disk ntfs
I notice SFR mentioned NTFS.. is that the common factor? (laptops are now out, and probably hdd drivers)

There has been reported trouble with NTFS on LQ-Slackware forum, I have been following it for awhile..
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#177 Post by ally »

EDIT: ok.. I needs some figures off you guys.. SFR, ally, 8-bit, peebee. What RAM do you have? What swap if any, and type, swapfile or swap partition?
dell gx620 512kb ram, 2Gb swap (partition)
lenovo t61 4Gb ram, 4Gb swap (partition)

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#178 Post by 01micko »

ally wrote:
EDIT: ok.. I needs some figures off you guys.. SFR, ally, 8-bit, peebee. What RAM do you have? What swap if any, and type, swapfile or swap partition?
dell gx620 512kb ram, 2Gb swap (partition)
lenovo t61 4Gb ram, 4Gb swap (partition)

Ok, safe to say you use native Linux filesystems 8) (discounting NTFS.. lucky.. microsoft, law suit was pending..[joke] [does that cover my arse?])
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#179 Post by ally »


there my machines, sorry for confusion

my dell is a headless system so just loading 5.4 onto an ibm t21 for a bash


** EDIT - the 'friends' machInes have ff running on a laptop with ntfs and a desktop running ext2, he has commented that the desktop 'once threw a wobbly' but couldn't be more specific as it only happened once and a long while ago

the t21 has been been running an hour or so, frugal install ext2 without problems so far......
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HDD deadlock, hangs, etc...

#180 Post by SFR »

01micko wrote:ok.. I needs some figures off you guys.. SFR, ally, 8-bit, peebee. What RAM do you have? What swap if any, and type, swapfile or swap partition?
4GB on Toshiba laptop, 2GB on Acer laptop, no swap at all.

Other things (that didn't work), I blindly tried before:
- flushing the cache before saving the session: sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
- disabling all cores but one in Toshiba (i3 CPU)

01micko wrote:I notice SFR mentioned NTFS.. is that the common factor?
I just ran several new tests in VirtualBox and it seems, that NTFS indeed can be the real source of the problem (apparently in my previous tests I mixed things and only tried 'Slacko-5.3.3 + ext? as home', but omitted 'Slacko-5.4 + ext? as home' combination :oops: )

Anyway, maybe this will shed more light...

Each puppy frugally installed on home partition with pmedia=ataflash.
Each savefile's size - 2GB.
Method of testing - repeated cat /dev/zero > /initrd/pup_ro1/root/bigfileX


- slackosave.2fs on NTFS partition [ ok ]

- slackosave.2fs on NTFS partition [ fail on the first try ]

Slacko-5.3.95 PAE:
- slackosave.2fs on NTFS parition [ fail on the first try ]

Slacko-5.4 PAE:
- slackosave.2fs on NTFS partition [ fail on the first try ]
- slackosave.4fs on NTFS partition [ fail on the first try ]
- slackosave.2fs on ext3 partition [ many tries - only one seemed to fail...unsure ]
- slackosave.4fs on ext3 partition [ many tries - no issue! ]
- slackosave.2fs on ext4 partition [ many tries - no issue! ]
- slackosave.2fs on fat32 partition [ many tries - no issue! ]
(many tries = ~10)

Although tests were done in VBox, they're showing the issue and differences between various Slackos, so I hope they're reliable enough.

Going further I tried to replace ntfs-3g (with libs) with the one taken directly from Slacko-5.3.3, as well as installing this package, but no difference after reboot, unfortunately...

Slacko-5.4 PAE + ntfs-3g from 5.3.3:
- slackosave.2fs on NTFS partition [ fail on the first try ]
- slackosave.4fs on NTFS partition [ fail on the first try ]

IIRC I tried it once also in my real environment (slackosave.2fs on defragmented NTFS home part.), but it didn't fix anything too, though Slacko-5.3.3 + slackosave.2fs on the very same, and even fragmented, partition was fine.
Is there anything else related to NTFS what has been changed since 5.3.3?

And still don't know how/why echo 1 > dirty_stuff supresses the sympthoms; I don't catch the connection... :?

But there's a glimmer of hope at last, so I keep my fingers crossed. :D

EDIT: Out of curiosity I just checked also Presice-5.4.2 (k3.2.29) on NTFS - same problem there...

Last edited by SFR on Sat 26 Jan 2013, 23:31, edited 1 time in total.
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