A LuPu 5.2.8 modified to be like WinXP

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives
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#21 Post by James C »

Darn, right after my above post the forum went down..... :) At least it's back.
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#22 Post by Ol'Duffer »

Should there be duplicate files - different size/date, same name/location? :?:
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#23 Post by ICPUG »

Atle wrote: What does "pukka" mean?
To quote from Wikipedia, it is UK slang for genuine or very good. I was using the first definition. A certain TV chef over here introduced the latter!
nepo384 wrote: ////has been posted in the wrong place////////

The index page says for this place:"Using ... configuring".
Yes - but this is not about using-configuring. It is a Puppy derivative so should appear in that forum. It seems it now does so a mod must have moved it.
nepo384 wrote: I wish I could see what's inside ISO without actually downloading it, just like you are
I can see files inside an ISO. They look right but it would not be too difficult to, for example, alter the initrd.gz so that the init file within deleted all the files on my hard drive! I am just being cautious.

Open source works on building trust and respect. With a first post in the wrong place and with little background info levels of trust and respect are mimimal. If s-kami's claim of ownership is valid, as it seems to be since he knew about the pmount bug, then I'm afraid your levels of trust and respect have not been enhanced.

I followed s-kami's early work on his 431 based Puppy. Not having been to the Hungarian forum I did not know about the 528 based equivalent. As I like 5.2.8, like the idea behind the XP theme and definitely like Wine and Portable Apps, I like the thought of LucidXP. Kudos to the author and hopefully, with the forum's help, we can iron out the bugs that have been noted by kooliepup and others.
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Re: oh boy

#24 Post by nepo384 »

s-kami wrote:Oh boy...
So... it is not nice from you...
Yes, only the wallpaper is the same, but my guess it is Microsoft proprietary, not yours? All the rest in the masterpiece of yours isn't even close to my customization (if you know what I am talking about).
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#25 Post by Atle »

Is it based on 5.2.8 001,002,003,004 or 005?
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xp lucid

#26 Post by s-kami »

Oh, sorry, it was posted:
szept. 04, 2011 12:48 am

I cant remember...
Maybe the first....
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Original hungarian forum post:
(ISO link can be found also there)
http://puppylinux.hu/phpbb3/viewtopic.p ... ffe2e53d44
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seven puppy

#27 Post by s-kami »

Hunagrian forum member Kros54 made stat about most downloaded puplets from hungarian server last year. Thanx Kros!

My xp puplet downloaded sometimes...
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyway Ivan Sampa Brasil made videos from my puplets:

Xp like Puppy:

Se7en puppy:
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#28 Post by nepo384 »

Some more updates. There are two items in the archive:

1. shell32.dll.
This will replace Wine's folder icons with WinXP original. Just copy it into /root/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32 and overwrite original one. Supplied shell32.dll is exactly for the Wine version in this derivative. I didn't test it with another Wine versions o builds.

2. <speaker icons> folder.
New view of the speaker on the taskbar/fbpanel. Overwrite originals in the folder /usr/share/retrovol/images.

Note: I am not responsible for the Microwave oven in your Out house, damaged by these files. :)
Last edited by nepo384 on Tue 29 Jan 2013, 02:03, edited 2 times in total.
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#29 Post by nepo384 »

2 s-kami:

You'd better download and try my version. Hope after that you'd be able to see huge difference, but your opinion as a software expert, based on the screenshots, definitely worth a million. Probably two millions...

Oh, by the way, did I steal something from you? Name please.
Last edited by nepo384 on Tue 29 Jan 2013, 02:06, edited 1 time in total.
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#30 Post by nepo384 »

Atle wrote:Is it based on 5.2.8 001,002,003,004 or 005?
5.2.8 005

Its the best Puppy, IMHO.
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#31 Post by s-kami »

Sorry, i see no differences.
As i see it is the same puplet, same issues, same base.

Different: I repaired a lot bugs, made modified and own themes, iconsets, gtk theming, volume icon, winetricks + dependecies (graphical winetricks requires), wallpapers, not only xp themes, Vista and seven themes also included and software for everyday use like winxp i used to:
VLC, MSN, Skype, DoubleCommander, Midnight Commander, some modification in defaults and integration, new web browser instead of originally included...etc...etc...

This puplet seems a light modification of my puplet but my project is for beginners for everyday use.
A puplet for beginners and for me to install low cost machines for friends and colleges...

Creating a puplet mean i know issues, programs and i can write descriptions about, u wrote nothing just put something here...
Seems strange...
As i see, u have downloaded this puplet and said, i made this...
:roll: :roll: :roll:

What changes u made?
Programs and versions?
Repos and links?
What modification u did?
MIME types?
Why choose Lucid, and old puppy not wary, racy, slacko or precise or fatpup?
U wrote nothing, there is no description...
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#32 Post by s-kami »

Another theme in my puplet:
http://skami.homelinux.org//images/rsga ... 7-word.jpg

I made MAC theming also but MacPup is not my project so i not call it MacPup...
http://skami.homelinux.org//images/rsga ... even01.jpg

Some pic from me:
http://skami.homelinux.org/index.php?op ... ry2&gid=19
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Re: different?

#33 Post by nepo384 »

s-kami wrote:.... i see no differences.
I am sorry for your blindness and something more.
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#34 Post by Atle »

i guess someone with broadband, a few hours etc could say if there is a great difference or not.

Anyhow i like the Puppy and would like to see any kind of improvements on that specific Lupu or Lucid(i am confused)

If it turns out to be two different variants of the same, it would be nice to see both XP specialists join hands and make one version with the best of both.

That said... I am for peace, love and unity...
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#35 Post by ICPUG »

nepo384 says his pup is based on 5.2.8-005

5.2.8-005 was released in April 2012

s-kami says his pup was released in Sep 2011 so it cannot be 5.2.8-005

This post defines what was introduced new into 5.2.8-005
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 253#554253

It should be a simple matter to check some of the versions of software mentioned to see if nepo384's pup is based on 005 and therefore different from s-kami's pup.
Anyhow i like the Puppy and would like to see any kind of improvements on that specific Lupu or Lucid(i am confused)
Lupu is an abbreviation of Lucid Puppy and are interchangeable. Lucid by itself used outside this forum would probably be taken as Lucid Ubuntu!
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#36 Post by nepo384 »

ICPUG wrote: It should be a simple matter to check some of the versions of software mentioned to see if nepo384's pup is based on 005 and therefore different from s-kami's pup.
Good idea, thanks ICPUG.

Hey, s-kami, would you like to demonstrate us how bad guy am I? Don't "forget" to mention what I've been stolen from you.

:) :) :)
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#37 Post by ICPUG »

I followed my own advice and checked LucidXP for versions of Radky's files within. They concur with the versions that were added to Lupu 5.2.8-005 so I guess Nepo384 has created a different pup from s-kami albeit with a similar idea.

I noticed another disappearance after multiple booting. The intial boot showed an icon for fsviewer on the desktop. After I rebooted and had a play with the PStart button I noticed the fsviewer icon had disappeared!

Another minor item - the Business menu shows a label of Excel but it actually starts Gnumeric. This may have been deliberate but not good form as Excel is probably a trademark for the program of the same name. If you don't want a menu item of Gnumeric (because it has little meaning to a newbie) I would suggest Spreadsheet not Excel.

I do have some other issues that I did not get with the 5.2.8-005, such as muted sound and not choosing the Intel driver for my graphics but these are no doubt correctable by me somehow.

Not sure why the taskbar has to be at the top of the screen when it is at the bottom, by default, in Windows XP. I can probably do that myself as well - just never had to in the past.

A lot of other things are just personal choices and, of course, s-kami and nepo384 have different ideas as to the apps to include.

I personally am disappointed to see puphelp101 disappear from this 5.2.8-005 derivative cos that was a real innovation and, personally, I would like to see puphelp101 expanded and become a default help file.

One thing I do like from the Hungarian pup is the use of the Portable Apps menu rather than the bland PStart Window in LucidXP. I like to give credit where it is due and Portable Apps deserves a lot of thanks.

Hope you two can kiss and make up now, quit insulting each other and just get the bugs out.

Good idea - good pups.
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#38 Post by Atle »

I hope to see a cooperation here where these two great developers get together and just make a killer XP Puppy that is the missing link between XP/Win7/Win8 and Puppy.

To draw new users to this great Puppy world based on a familiar interface as we see is pretty neat already:-)
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#39 Post by kooliepup »

I have been away for 10 days, and thankfully missed the inane comments and protestations of the OP.

I used your 431 version for a while back then, but I didn't know that you had done a 528 version.
I am now using your 528, and very happy with it.
All I have changed is Firefox to v18.
WINE is very fast, and everything works great.

I would like to see more English versions of your stuff.
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#40 Post by Atle »

I have been with Puppy and linux for so long i did not feel ok with XP look...

Back to the good old puppy puppy:-)
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