pUPnGO 2012 Plus Extras

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pUPnGO 2012 Plus Extras

#1 Post by greengeek »

I have been trialling pUPnGO2012 and found it very quick and trim, and wanted to add in some extra functionality, but not too many programs all at once. I didn't want to burden goingnuts original forum topic with my remaster efforts so I will be posting them here in the first four posts.

Please note that my efforts are quite different from the efficient work done by goingnuts - I have accidentally added a lot of extra fat (even though I am trying to keep things small and fast). I just don't know how to do the gtk thing that goingnuts does. Despite that I hope you can find something useful here:

Original topic here:

goingnuts made available an sns-retro pet so I have added that and uploaded the iso.

Available here:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/u90cj8sqz ... sretro.iso

The next 3 posts will include some other remasters of pupngo for different purposes too.
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#2 Post by greengeek »

Text, Wordprocessing and Office

Ok, my next effort is not really in the pUPnGO mould (because it is huge as a result of having the full Freeoffice2012 suite and lots of language files that I decided to leave in in case they were useful to someone), but anyway, here is an iso of pUPnGO2012 with Freeoffice2012 installed

http://www.mediafire.com/file/8pzscvv8j ... office.iso

Why Freeoffice2012?
- It seems really fast (productivity boost!)
- Does not need Java (security benefit). (LibreOffice seems to need Java - which I don't feel secure using)
- It can export to pdf
- It is apparently very good with Msoft formats (I have found that Abiword seems to have a buggy display so I needed a lightweight but capable alternative)
- It can read docx files, and is able to edit them, but not save in the docx format. (so if someone sends you a docx you can read and modify, but have to send back as a doc or pdf etc). If you need to save in docx format you will need the paid version of Softmaker Office 2012

Some notes:
-In order to get Freeoffice going it is necessary to give it 3 bits of information: The name that you registered with Softmaker (I guess it doesn't have to be your real name, but the program key gets generated from this name and from the email address you supply so you have to keep a record of this info), your email address, and the unique key that Softmaker generates when you register with them. (I have found them to be non-intrusive so I think it is worth registering with them in order to get the functions of Freeoffice)
- This iso has the xorg pet installed because without xorg running Freeoffice gives an "Xrender initialise" error.
- At boot time Xorg is not running so it is necessary to "shutdown to prompt", then type "xorgwizard", select xorg settings as appropriate, then type "xwin". It seemed safer to have X not starting automatically at this stage (I have to learn how best to set that up...). See notes in next posts re how to get xorg resolution corrrectly set up if you have issues.
- I've got some finetuning to do (don't know what incorrect settings I may have left in there - the desktop drive icons seem out of position)

I may make another version of this iso without the planmaker or presentations software, just to reduce size.

This iso uses the Textmaker portion of Freeoffice2012 (not including Planmaker or Presentations).
- It has the same benefits and xorg requirements mentioned in Freeoffice post above.
- Great for creating pdfs on a lightweight machine!
- Great for reading docx.
http://www.mediafire.com/file/mg9von7dd ... TM2012.iso

(I have noticed that Textmaker runs slowly on one of my machines when running from LiveCD, so if you have that problem I recommend testing from an installed setup)


I have uploaded an iso containing pupngo2012 plus Textmaker2002 which is the older forerunner of the word processor used in Freeoffice. It does not require registration (it provides a "skip registration" button) and has the following attributes:
- Textmaker2002 is very quick to load and run
- Is the wordprocessor only - not the full suite like Freeoffice
- Does not require xorg (I might also make an xorg version)
- Is good with Microsoft .rtf and .doc formats which are really all I used Abiword for anyway.
- Does not understand docx.
- Does not export to pdf.

Just might be useful for some older machines that have little cpu power, or for more modern machines with impatient owners (like me).

Available here:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/ua8jd5f3k ... er2002.iso
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#3 Post by greengeek »

This is the basic pupngo2012 plus goingnuts xorg pet added in:

http://www.mediafire.com/file/3putxzj1g ... 12Xorg.iso

It still is not set up to start Xorg during boot, so after boot it is necessary to shutdown to prompt, type "xorgwizard", select resolution as appropriate, then type "xwin"

If the desktop background doesnt look right at your resolution use mtpaint to open file /usr/share/images/default.png and scale it to the right size.

If the xorg wizard doesn't get the correct/best resolution for your screen Starhawk has noted a method for getting xorg to lock in the correct value(s) here:
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 0&start=19
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#4 Post by greengeek »

Browsing related

I have uploaded an iso containing the basic pupngo2012 plus the sns pet, plus the "qtweb" browser. This won't be suitable for Facebooking or Youtubing, but all I wanted was something a bit more capable than Dillo, and including the ability to access https sites (ssl) so I could check my emails.
http://www.mediafire.com/file/ida53dbec ... browse.iso
(does not contain xorg)

This next iso does contain xorg:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/36b3ok0fy ... e+xorg.iso
Please see the notes in posts above re how to get xorg started (is not set up to autostart at boot time), and for a link to starhawks note about forcing xorg to get the correct resolution setting.

Now added freeoffice to the qtbrowse version (and also included "mp" text editor to get past the gtk copy/paste issue with beaver):
http://www.mediafire.com/file/j6gv0yo4d ... office.iso
(Have also improved the qtbrowser problem where it was displaying annoying crosses where they shouldn't be)

Note: qtweb browser seems to run pretty well, but in pupngo it has a couple of display oddities which I havent sorted yet. Hopefully I will be able to track down what is causing it, but it doesn't stop it being useful anyway.
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#5 Post by starhawk »

I'll watch this thread -- when I see an Xorg Pet (or that Xfb... thing), I'll burn a CD and unearth the CPi for testing.

Can't do much if the screen's all pink with every other line missing.
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#6 Post by ally »


your build is the 1000th puppy iso in my collection

not much of an accolade but.............!

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#7 Post by starhawk »

I see you have two with Xorg in them :D

One question -- I assume FreeOffice is, er, free... that one simply has to register with Softmaker, but there is no money involved? If so, that's the one I'll try first on the CPi.
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#8 Post by greengeek »

starhawk wrote:One question -- I assume FreeOffice is, er, free... that one simply has to register with Softmaker, but there is no money involved? If so, that's the one I'll try first on the CPi.
Yes, no cost for the Freeoffice suite. I guess their thinking is that users of the free suite might eventually purchase the Softmaker Office 2012 suite which can also save in docx format. I'm pretty happy with the Freeoffice - it reads docx and does all I want (especially the export to pdf function) and seems real quick. It'll be interesting to see if it is even lighter when I strip out the planmaker (xls) and presentations (ppt) stuff and just use it for documents.
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#9 Post by greengeek »

ally wrote:your build is the 1000th puppy iso in my collection
not much of an accolade but.............!
Wow, thats quite a collection! I must have 200 or so and I thought I was doing well. Being 1000th is a pretty special honour. I'll take the accolade!
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#10 Post by starhawk »

I'm somewhere around a hundred. 99 at last count but I can't remember if I've downloaded any since... IIRC this pUPnGO (FreeOffice+Xorg) will be #100 for me.

...ally, I didn't realize there WERE a thousand Puppies! I always assumed the count was somewhere around 250-300 or so...

I'm going to guess you must have some really old stuff in there, as well as (almost literally) everything that's ever been on this forum?
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#11 Post by ally »

hey starhawk

it started quite innocently and them became a bit of an addiction........spent WAY to long trawling and my ISP has made a few bucks from the process!

it really came to a head when I was trying to find all of the (very excellent) puppeee builds for my eeepc

had to use the wayback machine for many and a some builds like eeetiger just vanished which I thought was a shame, so, I just started collecting them for posterity

I am out of work due to a long standing illness but hope to be able to host them all in the future (if/when) I get better

attached is the current list in gnumeric for anyone interested


ps - I am still humbled and amazed by the skills and selfishness of those that contribute - wish I had the abilities necessary
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#12 Post by starhawk »

I'm sure that's quite a list, but I'm on a closed-source OS at the moment which I don't think supports Gnumeric :oops: I'm still only using Puppy recreationally.

Could you put that file up as a Libreoffice spreadsheet (or compatible)?

Also, pure nosiness at work here: would you mind telling what illness(es) you have?
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#13 Post by ally »

hey starhawk

I have CFS/ME (Myalgic Encephalopathy) and Fibromyalgia and am now having to walk with the aid of a stick (am 44)

the worst thing is my often inability to mentally process when tired and speech goes wonky

I was working in health care before having to admit defeat and some days just tying my shoelaces would be considered an achievement

it sucks

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#14 Post by starhawk »

I'm familiar with F/CFS. See here, about 2/3 of the way down -- http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 2&start=15

Thanks for the file, downloading now.

EDIT: [docbrown]GREAT SCOTT!![/docbrown] That's a LOT of Puppies! You've got a license for all that? :D just kidding.

Here's my collection, not nearly as long... I really like jemimah's Puppeee series; if you have a bunch (I've the memory of a sieve so I can't remember from that great whacking list), AND you're in the States, I might be interested in all the ISOs you have of those on a DVD-R or two... please no +R/RW media; I don't have a drive in the house can read it.

*ahem* List attached.
*.tar archive with a *.txt file inside. Yes it IS an archive!
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#15 Post by ally »

am in the uk but happy to post discs on

pm details (which builds and address)


ps - finding extras in your list!!
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#16 Post by starhawk »


TBH, if shipping to the UK weren't so expensive (us$15 or so) I'd offer to ship you ones you're missing, if any. Unfortunately, it's beyond my means -- America has a LOT of issues, how we treat our poor being one of them, in a big way. (Small example: Mom and I live on her disability check; it's ~us$1k/mo. We do not receive Food Stamps any more, and therefore making ends meet is difficult at best.)

In a previous lifetime (ie before bad stuff happened and we became poor) Mom was an attorney and we traveled to Europe every other summer. I say this a lot: if I could pick one city to live in, it would be London.

Maybe someday. Right now I couldn't afford the trip to the airport.
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#17 Post by greengeek »

Updated my second post to add iso of Textmaker2002 as a lighter (but less capable) alternative to Freeoffice. Just might breathe some usability back into less powwerful machines.
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#18 Post by greengeek »

Updated my fourth post on the first page to include a couple of isos to assist browsing:

1) Contains pupngo2012basic + sns pet + qtweb browser.

2) Contains pupngo2012basic + sns pet + qtweb browser + Xorg.
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#19 Post by greengeek »

Updated my second post to add an iso that has Textmaker2012 only (does not include the Planmaker or Presentations). It includes sns and xorg, and just has Dillo as the browser to keep things lightweight.
TM2012 is stripped from the Freeoffice2012 package and is able to read docx and also create pdfs if needed. Pretty neat little word processor.
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#20 Post by starhawk »

Want to report some issues and some successes.

I installed pUPnGO2012 with Xorg/SNS/FreeOffice to the Infernal Dell.

System specs --
Dell Latitude CPi D300XT
300MHz Pentium II CPU
128MB "EDO" RAM (2x64MB)
NeoMagic graphics card
4GB CompactFlash "HDD" in CF->IDE adapter
CD-RW/DVD-ROM drive in modular bay

(The bay modules are more modular than Dell wants you to know -- I've a Combo drive from a Thinkpad in this one!)

Shutdown from CD absolutely positively 100% would refuse to in any way generate a save file. So I couldn't install it using the install script...

So I did my first manual install! ("did you know" there's no thread for that in HOWTO??? What the...!) I copied the zdrv and main sfs files over, along with initrd.gz and vmlinuz. Then I rebooted with a Puplite5 CD and installed grub4dos. Then I rebooted with no CD in the drive.

As a note... this particular lovely little pile of dump has a graphics card that doesn't mesh well with Xvesa, and the screen likes to think it's an 800x600 screen when it's a 1024x768 screen. Whoopeedoo, there's a few extra steps here for graphical config --
(1) when the horribly colored desktop first shows up, hit CTRL+ALT+BKSP to get to the prompt.
(2) run xorgwizard. pick the 1024x768x16 resolution.
(3) afterwards, type xwin [ENTER] to get back to graphics. it will come up 800x600 'cause it thinks it's smarter than you (it's not!)
(4) navigate to (and open) the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf -- this is confusing because there's an xorg.conf. with a hard-to-see dot at the end. The one that's higher up in the list is the correct file.
(5) within xorg.conf, there are two sections that need attention. One is called "monitor" and the other "screen". Both will have a mention of the (wrong and ugly) 800x600 resolution. Change it in BOTH to 1024x768.
(6) save file, exit Beaver.
(7) CTRL+ALT+BKSP again.
(8) nifty trick: [UP_ARROW] then [ENTER]. Or, if you like to type, type xwin [ENTER] ;)

"Phew!" That's it.

BTW, even on this pokey little pile of [...] FreeOffice is pretty snappy. This was unexpected -- I figured it would bog things down unmercifully, but it seems to work pretty dang well.

Haven't tested SNS WiFi config -- have to dig up my Cardbus WiFi card and hope that the driver will work (IIRC it's one of those ones that needs ath5k or something... I've forgotten now exactly what it is). Also... sound still doesn't work on this laptop. xmixer crashes without any errors -- I type xmixer in terminal, and it hesitates for a second and then does a new line with the hashtag prompt on it. Oops! Meanwhile my only sound is a PCBEEP if I get an error message. (The sound problem is a known issue -- I've mentioned it before.)

Overall qualitative score: I'm a happy dude with this -- although there are some issues that still need fixing ;)
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