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#801 Post by sc0ttman »

Added to Akita repo, just click update in the Package Manager:

- ati_fglrx-12.10-k2.6.25.16-akita, in Desktop, 50M - - - > ATI Catalyst Control Centre
- epsxe-1.6.0-x86-akita, in Fun, 721K - - - > PSX emulator
- freeciv-2.3.3-i486, in Fun, 7.4M - - - > strategy game
- freeciv_DEV-2.3.3-i486, in Fun, 9K
- freeciv_DOC-2.3.3-i486, in Fun, 7K
- freeciv_NLS-2.3.3-i486, in Fun, 5.8M
- gsopcast-0.4.0-i486-akita, in Multimedia, 27K - - - > watch online video streams (frontend, needs sopcast)
- lxdream-0.9.1-i386-akita, in Fun, 321K - - - > dreamcast emulator
- libpulse-0.4.1-i386-akita, in BuildingBlock, 131K
- nerolinux-, in Multimedia, 12M - - - > dvd/cd burning suite
- nerolinux_DOC-, in Multimeda, 3.3M
- nerolinux_NLS-, in Multimedia, 1.4M
- OOo4kids-1.2_en, in Document, 83M - - - > office suite for kids
- pcsxr-1.9.92-1-i386-akita, in Fun, 2.2M - - - > PSX emulator
- pSX-1.13-akita, in Fun, 569K - - - > PSX emulator
- skype-, in Internet, 30M - - - > duh
- sopcast-3.0.1-i486-akita, in Multimedia, 335K - - - > view streams online
- vbam-svn451-1-i386-akita, in Fun, 616K
- wine-1.5.20-i486-akita, in System, 24M
- libasyncns-0.3-i386-akita, in BuildingBlock, 8K - - - > this and all below are needed by wine
- libgphoto2-2.5.0-i486_v2, in BuildingBlock, 6M
- libusb-1.0.9-i486_v2, in BuildingBlock, 74K
- mpg123-1.12.4, in BuildingBlock, 171K
- openldap-2.4.13-i486, in BuildingBlock, 1.8M
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pkg 0.1

#802 Post by sc0ttman »

pkg 0.1
a command line package manager for Akita

Type 'pkg' in the terminal to run it.. it supports:

- list repo contents, names only or all info, search repo for whatever..
- auto download, install & setup the latest versions, with only `pkg --get PKGNAME`
- choose pkg ver to get, install pkg , uninstall pkg, get pkg deps, check pkg deps, check pkg contents,
- check install status, update repo, use multiple repos, choose which deps to get,
- which pkg owns file X, --force option, --ask option, and more..

Usage a few posts below...
not a real .gz, just rename, remove extension, and run it in a terminal
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pkg 0.3

#803 Post by sc0ttman »

Pkg 0.3 - a fast, easy, command-line package manager

Here is an updated 'pkg', which will be in the next Akita.

I think it's the most useful, time-saving thingy I ever made..
It's working a treat for me..

This version, pkg 0.3, has the following added features and fixes:

- you can now build combined pkgs (that is, PKG+deps), use --pkg-build PKGNAME
- nice progress % indicator for all downloads
- improved error checking and console output
- fixes for --force --download, other fixes

Pkg has the following features that the Akita PetGet does not:

- works without X desktop loaded
- auto find latest pkg version.. Example: pkg -g freeciv <-- get the latest freeciv
- can force re-download/re-install/removal of a pkg
- can choose which deps, and even which version of each dep, to install
- use --ask to ask you before each step is completed
- can list contents of the given pkg
- find which pkg owns file X, Y or Z
- build packages - combine pkg+deps into one new pkg
- get pkg status (name, size, installed or not, which deps are found/missing)
- can complete unfinished dep insatllation, etc
- auto sort repo list to always make latest pkg versions the default to download
- more stuff....

Pkg is also ideal for integrating into other scripts, such as a browser-installer, QuickPet, etc ...

I also plan to:

- pet2sfs and sfs2pet conversion
- enable sfs pkg creation, installation, removal (using sfs_load)
- add support for src2pkg (so pkg has options to build from source and install)
cmd line pkg manager
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pkg 0.4

#804 Post by sc0ttman »

Pkg 0.4
cmd line pkg manager

Currently requires: BASH, wget, tgz2pet , pet2tgz..
Hoping to remove these deps by using own funcs and busybox, if possible. Help appreciated.

Changelog for 0.4:

Added support install/remove/status for alien pet packages (local files, pkgs not in the repo, etc)

- pkg now allows the installation of any local .pet, like petget
- pkg just needs a valid pet file, that actually exists
- you can use any of the following:

Code: Select all

pkg -i /path/to/file.pet
pkg -i file.pet
pkg -i ./file.pet
pkg -i ../repo/file.pet
NOTE: if the pet file is local, you need to give the path and .pet extension, as shown above.

Updated help info:

Code: Select all

Usage: pkg [OPTION(S)]

The 2 options below can be used together and must precede all other options:

  --ask|-s                              ask before fetching & installing pkgs/deps (give as 1st option)
  --force                               force downloading, installing and uninstalling, no matter what

The following can be used with --ask and --force, but cannot be used with each other:

  --get|-g PKGNAME                      find, download and install the latest matching package and deps
  --download|-d PKGNAME                 download the package from the akita repo, if found
  --install|-i PKGNAME                  install a local pet package
  --deps|-e PKGNAME                     install the dependencies of the matching package
  --uninstall|-u PKGNAME                uninstall a pet package

The following options cannot be used with any others:

  --all|-a                              list all packages available in the repo
  --find|-f [SEARCH]                    find package info in the repo, including category, deps, etc..
  --names|-n [PKGNAME]                  find a package in the repo, lists the package names only
  --list-downloaded|-ld [PKGNAME]       list downloaded packages, pkg name is an optional filter
  --list-installed|-li [PKGNAME]        list all installed packages, pkg name is an optional filter
  --contents|-c [PKGNAME]               list the contents of a downloaded package
  --which|-w FILENAME                   give a filename, find out which pkg it comes from
  --pkg-status|-ps PKGNAME              print the status of a pkg (name, size, deps, installed or not)
  --pkg-installed|-pi PKGNAME           return true if the package is installed, false if not
  --pkg-build|-pb PKGNAME               build a package containing PKGNAME + dependencies
  --remove|-r PKGNAME                   delete a downloaded package
  --empty|-t                            delete ALL downloaded packages
  --repo|-o akita|wary                  set the repo to use, 'akita' or 'wary'. The default is 'akita'
  --update-repo|-uo                     the latest Akita repo packages to the pkg list
  --version|-v                          show the version of this script
  --help|-h                             show this help information

Examples (note, you don't need to give the .pet extension):

  pkg -n SEARCH                         list all pkg names in repo matching SEARCH
  pkg -s -g filezilla                   ask to download latest filezilla and ask to get all deps
  pkg -s -t                             ask to delete all downloaded packages
  pkg -s -e PKGNAME                     install all deps of PKGNAME, ask each time
  pkg -s -d qupzilla-1.2.0              ask to download qupzilla-1.2.0
  pkg -g filezilla                      download latest filezilla and all deps without asking
  pkg -t                                delete all downloaded packages without asking!
  pkg -e PKGNAME                        install all deps of PKGNAME, dont ask anything
  pkg -d qupzilla-1.3.1                 download qupzilla-1.3.1 without asking

  To install local .pet packages, that are not in any repo, give the full path and filename:

  pkg -i file.pet                       install the given pet package.. include the .pet extension!
  pkg -i /path/to/file.pet
can now install any local pet files
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pkg 0.5

#805 Post by sc0ttman »

Pkg 0.5 - a command line pkg manager


- added sfs2pet(), use `pkg --sfs2pet /path/to/file.pet`
- fixes for local packages,
- fixed `pkg [--ask|--force] -i|-u LOCALPKG`
- fixed: `pkg --find BLAH` is now not case sensitive
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pkg 0.6

#806 Post by sc0ttman »

Pkg 0.6 - a command line pkg manager


- fixed pkg uninstall: replace removed files with original files from /initrd/pup_ro2/, if needed..
correct removal of files (works like petget)
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pkg 0.7

#807 Post by sc0ttman »

Pkg 0.7 - a command line pkg manager


- fixes for --uninstall: hide dirname errors
- added TAB auto complete for all options and package names :)
- just start typin any option or package name and hit TAB to auto complete it
- the script '/etc/bash_completion.d/pkg' is added to the .pet package below
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#808 Post by technosaurus »

I'm being kinda lazy by not just looking at the code, but how did you implement the tab completion?
Check out my [url=https://github.com/technosaurus]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=http://bashismal.blogspot.com]blogspot[/url].
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#809 Post by sc0ttman »

technosaurus wrote:I'm being kinda lazy by not just looking at the code, but how did you implement the tab completion?
I know, it's awesome...


http://www.debian-administration.org/ar ... ion_part_2

BTW, I hope you do look at the code, I am hoping to remove most external deps, and use only my own funcs and busybox where possible, help would be appreciated...

Also I am sure theres domething dumb in there...
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pkg 0.8

#810 Post by sc0ttman »

Pkg 0.8 cmd line pkg manager

NOTE: to get TAB completion working you must first run this command in your terminal window or console, before you run pkg:

Code: Select all

. /etc/bash_completion.d/pkg
Adding the above code to '/usr/sbin/pkg' itself does not work.. :/ any ideas??
Changelog for 0.8:
- added functions for deb2pet, dir2pet, dir2sfs, dir2tgz, pet2sfs, pet2tgz, sfs2pet, tgz2pet, txz2pet
- this removes any dependencies on the above scripts, they're now included in pkg
- also updated help info (pkg -h) and other fixes
- You can access any above conversion funcs with:

pkg --dir2pet /path/to/dir/
pkg --pet2sfs /path/to/file.pet
pkg --txz2pet /path/to/file.tar.xz
pkg --deb2pet /path/to/file.deb

or, if the package is 'downloaded' (already in the workdir):

pkg --dir2pet mydir
pkg --pet2sfs freeciv-2.3.3-i486.pet
pkg --txz2pet mytxzpkgname.tar.xz
pkg --deb2pet adebname.deb

and more... type `pkg` or `pkg -h` and hit ENTER in a terminal to see all options..

Limitations: any file to be converted gets copied to $WORKDIR before anything else happens... The converted files will end up in $WORKDIR, which is either ~/pkg/ or /mnt/home/pkg/, depends whether /mnt/home is available.. Your original files will be untouched, but you might end up overwriting your .tar.gz files in ~/pkg/, if you do file.pet->file.tar.gz, then file.pet->file.sfs, etc..
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Pkg 0.9

#811 Post by sc0ttman »

Pkg 0.9 - cmd line pkg manager

..bugfix release... this one hasn't failed me yet.. at all..
..but I'm sure it will at some point..

- Changelog:

#100213, ver 0.9,
- fixed --install, major fix
- fixed --get-deps: major fix for deps matched immediately
- fixed find_deps(): major fix
- fixed pkg --ask --uninstall: now implemented
- fixed pkg --uninstall output
- fixed pkg --download output
- fixed creation of entries in alien packages..
- added `pkg --install-all`: install all downloaded packages, works with --ask
- added `pkg ---update-all`: uninstall all installed pkgs, works with --ask
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Pkg 0.9.1

#812 Post by sc0ttman »

Pkg 0.9.1 - cmd line pkg manager

Bugfix release. Even if no one wants it ;)

*Currently* this cannot work on a woof based system.
It also therefore, does not work with ubuntu/debian repos with subdirs (/pool/c/cmus/PGKNAME)...
But that will change in the future..

Another current limitation is that only the repo currently in use will be searched for anything... I need to make it search all available repos at various points...

Changelog, #110213, ver 0.9.1:
- fixed auto enable of TAB completion, also updated stuff in /etc..
- fixed --force --uninstall-all,..
- fixed --force --install-all,..
- added --deps-all.. check all installed pkgs and install any missing deps
- added --list-repos.. now search for and list available repos
- fixes for missing repos.. default to akita
- fixed find files and dirs outside WORKDIR..
- added new repos, can use if found..
- added net_check() for downloads, repo updates + convert..
- fixed pkg -n.. faster..
- download pkg fixes in pet2sfs(), deb2pet(),pet2tgz() ..
- each repo sets the pkg exension ($EX)..
- convert a new (woof) format repofile to the old pre-woof format (wont work with ubuntu/debian/other-subdir-using-repo... yet...
- the --deb2* and --pet2* options can now take any file or valid PKGNAME (pkg found in repo)
- fixes in terminal output, and more...


pkg -r noarch <-- set to noarch repo
pkg -g pupradio <-- install the latest pupradio

pkg -ps pupradio <-- check the status of pupradio

pkg -a -ua <--- will ask to uninstall each installed package individually

pkg -ea <-- download ALL missing deps of ALL pkgs

pkg -lr <-- list available repos
pkg -r wary51x <-- set to wary5OLD repo

pkg --pet2sfs skype_static- <-- download and convert skype

Example1, shows time taken (43 secs) to complete the above command:

Code: Select all

# time pkg --pet2sfs skype_static-
Download the package: skype_static-  (y/n):
Downloading to /root/pkg/skype_static- Please wait: 100%
Please wait... building SFS file..
Created '/root/pkg/skype_static-' ( 27 MB )

real    0m42.902s
user    0m4.032s
sys     0m0.576s
and then I have a skype SFS, didn't have to do anything :)

Example2: lets download tixati and deps, combine into 1 pkg, and convert to an sfs:

Code: Select all

# time pkg --force --get tixati
Installing tixati..
Download the package: tixati-1.91?  (y/n):
Downloading to /root/pkg/tixati-1.91.pet. Please wait: 100%
Install the package: tixati-1.91?  (y/n):
Package 'tixati-1.91' installed.
Download the missing dependencies?  (y/n):
Downloading dependencies: dbus-glib..
Download the package: dbus-glib-0.82-akita?  (y/n):
Downloading to /root/pkg/dbus-glib-0.82-akita.pet. Please wait: 100%
Install the package: dbus-glib-0.82-akita?  (y/n):
Package 'dbus-glib-0.82-akita' installed.

real    0m24.433s
user    0m1.276s
sys     0m0.520s

Code: Select all

# time pkg --pkg-combine tixati-1.91
Combining tixati-1.91.pet and its dependencies..
Fetching dependencies...
Adding dependencies: dbus-glib..
Creating .pet package..
Package 'tixati-1.91-full' (md5: 2bf0ac109450e3b06182321234eb83af) created in: /root/pkg/
Install with the command:  'pkg -i tixati-1.91-full'

real    0m3.933s
user    0m3.656s
sys     0m0.248s

Code: Select all

# time pkg --pet2sfs tixati-1.91-full
Please wait... building SFS file..
Created '/root/pkg/tixati-1.91-full.sfs' ( 15 MB )

real    0m8.988s
user    0m8.721s
sys     0m0.208s
... that took 3 commands and just under 40 seconds (mostly download time!)... Without the --force option, anything already downloaded is not downloaded again.

To get this working on newer Puppy versions, you'd need to:

- support searching of woof format repo files... then..
- if woof format found in $REPOFILE, get pkg info as usual, inc subdir..
- update the download() func to support repos with pkgs in subdirs.. then..
- update the install() func to extract .deb, .tgz, .txz, .pkg.tar.gz, etc..
- and thats it i think..
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Last edited by sc0ttman on Tue 12 Feb 2013, 14:48, edited 9 times in total.
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#813 Post by bark_bark_bark »

Hello sc0ttman,

I am building a PC from scratch. When I get it done, I am right away installing Akita because the hardware in it will be old enough to run it.

EDIT: Also, Akita is my favorite Pup. That is another reason why I will be using it.
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akita 13

#814 Post by partsman »

hello scottman running akita 13 on old p3 desktop working great for my daughter ! 384mb ram with 128mb nvidia gf5 video card glx gears is showing 10,000 fps ! she is enjoying games on it ! i love it as well !
just wish i could run it on a newer pc ! Iam gonna try playin around with switching kernels in about a week or so when i get a little free time !
keep up the work i will post back with results of the kernel swith !
thanks again ! lovin akita !
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#815 Post by sc0ttman »

Thanks guys glad you like it... I might finally have a go at compiling a new kernel one day, I'm sure it's not that hard... As long as I completely copy someone elses settings who knows what they're doing... Would make sens to compile the kernel that wary 51x used I guess...
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Pkg 0.9.something...

#816 Post by sc0ttman »

Pkg 0.9.4 - cmd line pkg manager

..important new features options added.. plus bugfixes...

- set search for pkgs only in current repo, or all repos
- set search for deps in current repo or all
- repo fall-backs: if search for pkg/dep failed, fall back to next best repo until found..
- set ignore repo fall-back lists and get latest dep/package from ANY repo


1. now supports search all repos or only current repo with --repo-pkg-scope, --repo-dep-scope (affects TAB completion, --get, --download, --get-deps, etc)

pkg --set-repo akita
pkg --repo-pkg-scope all <-- search all repos, not just akita repoe
pkg -g freecell <-- should find something not in akita repo

2. supports fallback lists for each repo:

Pkg will search the current repo for PKG, if nothing found, will go to the next repo, and so on... defined at end of lines in '~/pkg/.pkg/sources-all'.. Each repo has its own unique fallback list.. This list gives the order to use when a search fails, and pkg 'falls back' to the next available repo... For example:

Akita="noarch common quirky wary51x wary53x dpup puppy4 slacko lucid puppy3 puppy2 slacko14"
Slacko="slacko14 noarch common wary53x wary51x akita quirky puppy4 puppy3 puppy2"

NOTE: these fallback lists are currently not complete or finished...

3. support disable repo fallbacks with `pkg --bleeding-edge on`

This will return the latest version of PKG from ANY repo, ignoring the fall-back order above...

4. I also added a `pkg --help-all|-H` option which extra help info...

5. I also gave parts of the code a much needed re-think and clean up.. mosty to do with the rcfile and settings repos, sources, etc..

6. support for URL mirrors is almost done, just needs fully implementing..

NOTE: This .pet below is ideally for Akita, but will work on any pre-woof puppy, and comes with some extra repos pre-setup to work, inc: noarch, common, lucid, slacko, slacko14, etc

Please upload your woof format 'Packages-puppy-*' files here, and I can convert them and add them to Pkg... Also including Packages-ubuntu-* and Packages-debian-*, as Pkg cannot yet handle the subdirs, but will soon....
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Last edited by sc0ttman on Thu 14 Feb 2013, 18:50, edited 2 times in total.
[b][url=https://bit.ly/2KjtxoD]Pkg[/url], [url=https://bit.ly/2U6dzxV]mdsh[/url], [url=https://bit.ly/2G49OE8]Woofy[/url], [url=http://goo.gl/bzBU1]Akita[/url], [url=http://goo.gl/SO5ug]VLC-GTK[/url], [url=https://tiny.cc/c2hnfz]Search[/url][/b]
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#817 Post by partsman »

scottman keep up the good work you really got somethin goin with akita
running awsome on old p3 box with nvidia gf5 video card ! like i said i am gonna try some things like a diff kernel i think if it ran on some more recent hardware it would be a plus ! but i also firmly belive that maintaining the old hardware is a must ! 2 versions would be great 1 for old hardware and 1 for a little more recent hardware ! i must say that this is really a great puppy cant wait to see how far you can take it ! keep up the good work and thank you ! :D
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Pkg 0.9.5

#818 Post by sc0ttman »

Pkg 0.9.5


- added support for multiple repo URLs (mirrors)
- support for 4 mirrors for each repo (in file ~/pkg/.pkg/sources-all)
- in pkg_download() func, Pkg now pings each repo mirror in turn, and if working, uses it.
- the first URL is used if working, or 2nd, and so on.. so put fastest mirrors first in the 'sources-all' file!
- fixes for check_net func, fixes for calling it
- fixed the errors when you input any bad options

NOTE: the default mirror for all repos (that I know of and added), is the nluug one, as its way faster than ibiblio..

Full help info ( pkg -H ) below:

Code: Select all

------ Pkg 0.9.5 ------ 
'Pkg' is a package manager: use it to find, download & install software packages from 
a variety of online sources. Pkg can also help you convert packages, build tar archives,
combine packages, analyse dependencies, and more. 

You can use Pkg in the console or terminal, using TAB completion to complete package 
names from either the current repo, or all repos, depending on your settings,

All files are downloaded to /root/pkg/, and all files that have been converted end up there as 
well. You should ideally move any packages you create to another directory.

Settings for this program are inside the hidden folder '/root/pkg/.pkg/', which holds the info 
of the current repo. This lets you limit searches to that repo only.

By default, 'Pkg' wil search only the current repository unless told to do otherwise.

'Pkg' keeps a list of 'sources'  -all the available repos on your system. You can update your 
sources if they change, or add more. Your 'sources' are in '/root/.packages/', and are 
named 'Packages-puppy-*' or 'livepackages*.txt'

Here are the command line options you can pass to Pkg, with examples at the end.

Usage: pkg [OPTION(S)]

These two options can be used together and MUST precede all other options:
  --ask|-a 				ask before fetching & installing pkgs/deps (give as 1st option)
  --force |-f				force downloading, installing and uninstalling, no matter what

These options can be used with --ask and --force, but can't be used with each other:
  --get|-g PKGNAME			find, download and install the latest matching package and deps
  --download|-d PKGNAME			download the package from an online repo, if found
  --install|-i PKGNAME			install a local pet package
  --install-all|-ia			install all downloaded packages
  --deps|-e PKGNAME			install the dependencies of the matching package
  --deps-all|-ea			install missing dependencies of all installed packages
  --uninstall|-u PKGNAME		uninstall a pet package
  --uninstall-all|-ua			uninstall all installed packages
  --delete|-l PKGNAME			delete a downloaded package
  --delete-all|-la 			delete ALL downloaded pet packages!
 The following options cannot be used with any others:
  --all					list all details of all packages in the CURRENT repo
  --search|-s [SEARCH]			find package info in the CURRENT repo, including category, deps, etc..
  --search-all|-sa [SEARCH]		find package info in ALL repos, including category, deps, etc..
  --names|-n [PKGNAME]			list all matching packages in the CURRENT repo
  --names-all|-na [PKGNAME]		list all matching packages in ALL repos
  --names-exact|-ne [PKGNAME]		list all EXACT packages matches in the CURRENT repo
  --names-exact-all|-nea [PKGNAME]	list all EXACT packages matches in ALL repos
  --list-downloaded|-ld [PKGNAME]	list all downloaded packages, pkg name is an optional filter
  --list-installed|-li [PKGNAME]	list all installed packages, pkg name is an optional filter

  --pkg-combine|-pc PKGNAME		build a new package containing PKGNAME + dependencies
  --pkg-status|-ps PKGNAME		print the status of a pkg (name, size, deps, installed or not)
  --pkg-installed|-pi PKGNAME		return true if the package is installed, false if not
  --contents|-c [PKGNAME]		list the contents of a downloaded package
  --which|-w FILENAME			give a filename, find out which pkg it comes from

  --repo|-r REPONAME			set the repo to use, use --list-repos to see whats available
  --repo-info|-ri REPONAME		display the name, URLs and fallback lists of the CURRENT repo
  --list-repos|-lr			list all available package repositories on your system
  --update-repo|-ur			add the latest available packages to the akita repo
  --convert-repo|-cr			convert a Pet-packages-* or livepackages*.txt file to pre/post woof format
  --add-source				add a new repo to your list of available repos (requires relvant repo file /root/.packages/)
  --update-sources			re-check all available repos and update the list
  --repo-pkg-scope one|all		search for packages in either the current repo only (one), or all repos (all)
  --repo-dep-scope one|all		search for package dependencies in either the current repo (one), or all repos (all)
  --bleeding-edge no|yes		if 'no', check for pkg/deps in current repo, then use fallback list (default).. if 'yes', get latest pkgs from ANY repo
  --deb2pet DEBFILE|PKGNAME		convert a local deb file or repo package to a pet package
  --pet2sfs PETFILE|PKGNAME		convert a local pet file or repo package to an sfs package
  --pet2tgz PETFILE|PKGNAME		convert a local pet file or repo package to a tar.gz package
  --dir2pet DIR				create a pet package from a directory
  --dir2sfs DIR				create an sfs package from a directory
  --dir2tgz DIR				create an tar.gz file from a directory
  --sfs2pet SFSFILE			convert a local sfs file to a pet package
  --tgz2pet TARFILE			convert a local tar.gz|tgz file to a pet package
  --txz2pet TXZFILE			convert a local tar.xz|txz file to a pet package

  --version|-v				show the version of this script
  --help|-h				show this help information
  --help-all|-H				show a full description, plus this help information  as well

Note: With online repositories, you don't need to give the .pet file extension:
  pkg -n SEARCH				list all pkg names in the current repo matching SEARCH
  pkg -a -g filezilla			ask to download latest filezilla and ask to get all deps
  pkg -a -la				ask to delete all downloaded packages
  pkg -a -e PKGNAME			install all deps of PKGNAME, ask each time
  pkg -a -d qupzilla-1.2.0		ask to download qupzilla-1.2.0
  pkg -g filezilla			download latest filezilla and all deps without asking
  pkg -la				delete all downloaded packages without asking!
  pkg -e PKGNAME			install all deps of PKGNAME, dont ask anything
  pkg -d qupzilla-1.3.1			download qupzilla-1.3.1 without asking
  pkg -l qupzilla-1.3.1			delete the downloaded qupzilla-1.3.1

Note: To install or convert local packages or folders, you must give the path (and filename):

  pkg --dir2sfs /path/to/dir/		convert a local directory to a .sfs package
  pkg -i /path/to/file.pet		install the given pet package.. include the .pet extension!
  pkg --tgz2pet /path/to/file.tar.gz	convert a local .tar.gz file to .pet package

  If using --pet2sfs, --pet2tgz or --deb2pet, you  can also give a valid PKGNAME, 
  and it'll be downloaded if needed, before being converted.

Note: If the package is 'downloaded' (in /root/pkg), you won't need to give the path, 
only the filename. To check if PKGNAME is downloaded, just enter: 

  pkg -ld PKGNAME
fixed ping stuff.. re-uploaded...
(68.61 KiB) Downloaded 521 times
[b][url=https://bit.ly/2KjtxoD]Pkg[/url], [url=https://bit.ly/2U6dzxV]mdsh[/url], [url=https://bit.ly/2G49OE8]Woofy[/url], [url=http://goo.gl/bzBU1]Akita[/url], [url=http://goo.gl/SO5ug]VLC-GTK[/url], [url=https://tiny.cc/c2hnfz]Search[/url][/b]
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Akita beta 14

#819 Post by sc0ttman »

Akita Linux BETA 14

- a mongrel: sfs3, kernel, wary 5.1.x compatible
- akita repo - http://akita.scottjarvis.com
- uses jwm, but many other WMs in the repo
- easily enable/disable rox icons, startups, etc
- no office, no cups, all in repo
- many apps i18n'd, lots of French, Spanish, Russian, German translations included
- includes many good console apps: elinks, doc2txt, mocp, mc, pkg
- good for old clunkers, craptops, etc

Download: akita-linux-beta14.iso,
size: 89mb, md5: e084f6d201ef3a84f8a096ce95faafce

Devx, for compiling: akita_devx-b11.sfs,
md5: 68fe4a15228f9cc41ff8cd553e90f3a5, 111MB, sfs3
(Right-click and choose 'SFS Loader' to load/install it)

Summary of updates

- many, many packages added repo, inc: wine-1.5 (directX3d works), skype4, kino, koffice, lmms, ...
- new 'Akita SFS Installer', in Menu->Setup->System, or launch from PPM (Screenshot at bottom of post)
- added 'Pkg 0.9.6', CLI pkg manager. supports puppy, debian, ubuntu, slackware repos, install pet/deb/txz. convert pkgs, more
- Pkg can use these repos by default in this akita: upup, dpup, lucid, akita, wary*, quirky, common, noarch
- VLC-GTK updates: watch & record SopCasts out of the box, youtube works again, other updates
- updated to gtkdialog 0.8.3 release (with glade support, no VTE)
- added isotools-0.1 (contains bin2iso ccd2iso ecm mdf2iso nrg2iso uif2iso unecm)
- updates to 'pastengo': support more online streams (copy a URL/path/file/whatever, then just Ctrl-Alt-V) ...
- fixed pEqualizer
- updated many apps to latest: FFconvert, PupControl, Pup-SysInfo, others


Code: Select all

Nov 7
- added new program: Akita SFS Installer, in Menu->Setup->System
		- download and install any SFS files inthe Akita repo...
- also added new button to Akita PPM, which loads sfs_installer

Nov 9
- updated 'SFS Loader' right click option, now uses sfs_load (not otf_sfs_loader)
- updates to Akita SFS Installer, plus more SFS files in SFS repo
- added to Akita Repo:
		"dia-097-akita: diagram creator " off "Graphic 3000K"
		"dia_DOC-097-akita: diagram creator help files" off "Graphic +dia 1300K"
		"dia_DEV-097-akita: diagram creator, files for compiling" off "Graphic +dia 2K"
		"easymp3gain-0502-akita: mp3 volume (gain) editor" off "Multimedia 1700K"
		"filezilla-353-akita: great FTP client" off "Internet +libgpg,+libgcrypt,+gnutls 5600K"
		"filezilla_NLS-353-akita: filezilla FTP client locales" off "Internet +filezilla 2300K"
		"filezilla_DOC-353-akita: filezilla FTP client help files" off "Internet +filezilla 2K"
		"fotoxx-87-akita: advanced image viewer, editor and converter" off "Graphic +libfreeimage,+libgtkimageview 2200K"
		"fotoxx_NLS-87-akita: image viewer locales" off "Graphic +fotoxx 244K"
		"fotoxx_DOC-87-akita: image viewer help files" off "Graphic +fotoxx 633K"
		"jasper-1.900.1-w5: jpeg library" off "BuildingBlock 126K"
		"koffice-3-akita: KDE office suite" off "Document 48M"
		"koffice_DOC-3-akita: KDE office help files" off "Document +koffice 30M"
		"LazY-FReD-1.0.2: download PET and SFS files from many, many Puppy sources" off "System 45K"
		"libaudio-akita: audio library" off "BuildingBlock 42K"
		"libfreeimage-3.10-akita: image library" off "BuildingBlock 1900K"
		"libgtkimageview-akita: image library" off "BuildingBlock 27K"
		"pdfedit-043-akita: an advanced PDF editor" off "Document +libaudio 5200K"
Nov 11
- added SFS files to akita repo (click 'Update List' in Akita SFS Installer to see them)
- added pets to Akita Repo:
		avast-1.3.0-puppy: anti virus with graphical interface, System 2.5M
		avast_NLS-1.3.0-puppy: avast locales, System +avast 2.7M
		bluegriffon-1.0-w5: WYSIWYG editor for wesbites (HTML, CSS etc), Internet 15M
		clamav-0.97.3-w-20111019: anti virus program, System 3.5M
		foxitreader-1.1.0-20090810: nice pdf reader, full version, Document 2.3M
		foxitreader-1.1.0-20090810-lite: nice pdf reader, light version, Document 1.7M
		skype_static- call conferencing and chat, Internet 27M
		thunderbird-16.0.2-akita: email client, latest stable branch, Internet +dbus-glib 21M
		thunderbird-3.1.20-akita: older email client, still good, security branch, Internet +dbus-glib 12M
		tightvnc-1.3.10: VNC client and server off Network 722K
		kino-1.3.4-akita: DV video editor off Multimedia 1.6M
		kino_DEV-1.3.4-akita: kino files for compiling off Multimedia +kino 20K
		kino_DOC-1.3.4-akita: kino help files off Multimedia +kino 3.2M
		kino_NLS-1.3.4-akita: kino translations off Multimedia +kino 425K
Dec 23
- fixed youtube URL playback in VLC
- updated VLC-GTK to 2.6.1, support for sopcast streams (requires sp-sc), user can set work dir, other fixes
- updated /usr/sbin/pastengo, added sopcast support

Dec 30
- small updates to VLC-GTK: re-organised 'Stream' tab, import sopcats channels, added more help info, better tooltips, 

Jan 07, 2013
- added: sopcast support (/usr/bin/sp-sc)
- added to Akita repo: 
   - ati_fglrx-12.10-k2.6.25.16-akita,   in Desktop,   50M
   - gsopcast-0.4.0-i486-akita,   in Multimedia,   27K
   - nerolinux-,   in Multimedia,   12M
   - nerolinux_DOC-,   in Multimeda,   3.3M
   - nerolinux_NLS-,   in Multimedia,   1.4M
   - sopcast-3.0.1-i486-akita,   in Multimedia,   335K
Jan 09
- added to Akita repo:
   - freeciv-2.3.3-i486,   in Fun,   7.4M
   - freeciv_DEV-2.3.3-i486,   in Fun,   9K
   - freeciv_DOC-2.3.3-i486,   in Fun,   7K
   - freeciv_NLS-2.3.3-i486,   in Fun,   5.8M
   - OOo4kids-1.2_en,   in Document,   83M	
Feb 03
- updated to gtkdialog 0.8.3 release (with glade support, no VTE)
- added isotools-0.1 package (contains bin2iso ccd2iso ecm mdf2iso nrg2iso uif2iso unecm)
- added to Akita repo:
	- epsxe-1.6.0-x86-akita, in Fun, 721K - - - > PSX emulator 
	- lxdream-0.9.1-i386-akita, in Fun, 321K - - - > dreamcast emulator 
	- libpulse-0.4.1-i386-akita, in BuildingBlock, 131K 
	- pcsxr-1.9.92-1-i386-akita, in Fun, 2.2M - - - > PSX emulator 
	- pSX-1.13-akita, in Fun, 569K - - - > PSX emulator 
	- skype-, in Internet, 30M - - - > duh 
	- vbam-svn451-1-i386-akita, in Fun, 616K 
	- wine-1.5.20-i486-akita, in System, 24M 
	- libasyncns-0.3-i386-akita, in BuildingBlock, 8K - - - > this and all below are needed by wine 
	- libgphoto2-2.5.0-i486_v2, in BuildingBlock, 6M 
	- libusb-1.0.9-i486_v2, in BuildingBlock, 74K 
	- mpg123-1.12.4, in BuildingBlock, 171K 
	- openldap-2.4.13-i486, in BuildingBlock, 1.8M

Feb 08
- added /usr/sbin/pkg: a clever little CLI package manager, 
	- type 'pkg' in the terminal to run it.. Supports:
		- install local pet files, like petget
		- list repo contents, names only or all info, search repo for whatever..
		- auto download, install & setup the latest versions, with only `pkg --get PKGNAME`
		- install pkg , uninstall pkg, get pkg deps, check pkg deps, check pkg contents, 
		- check install status, update repo, use multiple repos, choose which deps to get, 
		- which pkg owns file X, --force option, --ask option, combine packages, and more..
- updated Akita PPM: after update, sort repo newest versions first
	- other fixes: qupzilla_NLS, fixed syntax.. flash-chess, fixed deps.. qupzilla(old), fixed dbus deps
	- fixes to wary repo file: /root/.packages/livepackages5.txt (fewer deps)
- updated to VLC-GTK 2.6.3:
	- fixed fonts sizes in GUI
	- added 'record stream' button in OSC
	- exit immediately with error msg if VLC not installed

- Feb 15
- added ~/Startup/samba_server  (enables easy startup of samba server on reboot)

- Feb 16
- fixed VLC-gtk 2.6.3: placement of gtkrc stuff, 14px icons, and fixes for workdir
- fixed: pEqualizer (added caps_eq-0.4.8 and alsaequal-0.6)
- fixed: various little root menu cleanups
- updated default gtkdialog icon in all windows to akita logo 
- updated FFConvert to 1.3.1, PupControl to 2.3, Pup-SysInfo to 2.2, Multiple Sound Card Wizard to 2.2
- updated: Pkg 0.9.6  (/usr/sbin/pkg): 
	- supports download & install pkgs + deps from the ubuntu, debian and slackware repos.
	- supports convert any woof repo file (~/.packages/Packages-*-*) to pup4/akita format
	- install/uninstall all pkgs at once, gets all deps for all installed pkgs, more, ...
	- pkg conversion: pet2sfs, sfs2pet, dir2pet, dir2tgz, dir2sfs, pet2tgz, more
	- other updates and fixes.. run `pkg -H` for full info..
- added Pdiag, diagnostics util, in Menu->System->Info
- added pMirrorGet 0.2.1, in Menu->Internet->FileTransfer
- added to Akita repo:
	lmms-0.4.13-akita, music creation program, 13MB, in Multimedia, needs Qt4 (pet and sfs)
Akita SFS Installer
(103.9 KiB) Downloaded 1760 times
[b][url=https://bit.ly/2KjtxoD]Pkg[/url], [url=https://bit.ly/2U6dzxV]mdsh[/url], [url=https://bit.ly/2G49OE8]Woofy[/url], [url=http://goo.gl/bzBU1]Akita[/url], [url=http://goo.gl/SO5ug]VLC-GTK[/url], [url=https://tiny.cc/c2hnfz]Search[/url][/b]
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#820 Post by Tote »

Hi Scottman, first time with Akita. Manual frugal install. M processor, 250Ram, and so far doing everything I've asked of it... installed Chrome and Opera, Sylpheed.

One problem, how do I get a volume control on the task bar in jwm?? I can't figure it out. (Not too bright).

Thanks for this, enjoying it. I can see you've put a lot into it.
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