2.02 very slow from CD, 1.08 ok. Why?

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2.02 very slow from CD, 1.08 ok. Why?

#1 Post by oldguy »

I just received a CD with 2.02 and have tried it on the same pc that I am currently using 1.08rc1. I had read in the forums that the 2.xx series was less resource intensive than the 1.xx series and was anxious to try it. So for the applications, pardon the pun, are dog slow. I clicked on seamonkey to open it and I thought it took 8 - 10 minutes to open. This did not seem right, so I closed it and reopened and timed the application. It took 3 minutes to get the outline of seamonkey and the taskbar (desktop still showed through), it took another minute for puppy linux - seamonkey text to appear. The browser finally completely loaded in six minutes. It, however, was still not useable as scrolling was inordinately slow. I also tried Abiword and it opens slower in 2.02 than in 1.08, it even opened slower than my Windows version of Abiword (did not think it was possible). I cannot find it now, but read a post where one of the regulars (I think) was able to run a 2.xx series with 32MB ram. I am not doubting them, just wondering how they did it. I like 1.08 and have it configured the way I want, I tried some of the variations and they did not fit my needs/expectations. I did add a swap file for 1.08, finally, but it only makes a difference on a few applications. Otherwise Puppy 1.08 just keeps chugging along. The question I have, what has anyone done to optimize 2.02 for their system? Added note, I am running from CD, I seem to recall hard disk installation required to minimize ram, is that correct?

Specs below

White Box
Celeron 500Mhz
120MB ram
Win98SE/Puppy 1.08rc1 live cd
External Serial Modem
Integrated graphics
VGA monitor

Postscript; just a few observations

I tried to access a document on the hard drive and could not find mnt/home with rox. I checked all the folders and they appeared empty. Decided to check if the hard drive as mounted and it was not, after mounting I noticed the naming convention was changed, instead of mnt/home now the files were in mnt/hda1. Was the discontinuance of automounting the hard drive in the 2.xx series a design or functional decision or an oversight? I know how to mount drives, but find the way the disk space is handled in 1.08 easier for navigation and ease of use. I expect to load external devices, and they actually have better recognition than Win98 (every new device requres a download or disk for the driver).
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#2 Post by pelokwin »

Hi oldguy,
I am not only a computer newbe but also a PUPPY newbe ( not even a year of puppy). In my short time dealing with computers I have found that as time goes on people loose more control of the computers I am one of thoese people who can't stand the seeming monopaly of windows. In my search for a "better life" I found puppy. Anyway as far as your post, Puppy is a work in progress. I have found that given enough time the puppy masters can fix any problems so I hope you find the answers for your "Q's" I myself am having a hardtime with pup2. I can not get puppy to work on my gateway solo with win98, but I have found that puppy unlike windows can be tweeked to meet the needs of the user. So play with the pup the worst that can happen is success.
good luck
I'm just a passing thought in this world
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