Wary and Racy Puppy 5.5 Release Candidates

Please post any bugs you have found
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#41 Post by BarryK »

Mplayer full-screen fixed for Racy:


Please note, if you have to run the xorg 'vesa' driver, or the 'kdrive 'Xvesa' in Wary, video cannot be resized.
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#42 Post by OscarTalks »

I have Racy 5.3 running on one of my "everyday" machines here and had noticed that videos don't maximise to full screen in mplayer.

Installed the .pet from your blog and found that the menu entry vanished. In the .desktop file is it OK to change the "Categories=BuildingBlock" to "Categories=AudioVideo" and also "Exec=exec mplayershell" to just "Exec=mplayershell"?

Also I tried playing a 16:9 ratio video on this 4:3 monitor and when I maximise the video window it just fills the screen and the ratios are wrong (it should leave black strips top and bottom I suppose).
Oscar in England

#43 Post by gcmartin »

Thanks @Jame C. I missed that. And was operating on the assumptions of Barry's original premise for each of these 2 distro. I missed that he has change that.

Thanks for the update. I am to edit my post to not confuse.

Thanks for you help
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Re: remasterpup2

#44 Post by BarryK »

L18L wrote:/tmp/savedialog is ok
my crash is coming later and not language dependent

I have no CD/DVD and use 'virtual cd'
added some echos into function choice_cdd

Code: Select all

  echo m_01="$m_01"
  echo MSG="$MSG"
  echo m_14_1="$m_14_1"
 DIALOG="Xdialog --wrap --left --title "$m_01" --stdout --menubox "$MSG\n\n$m_14_1" 0 56 4 $SELECTIONS 2> /dev/null"
 RESULT=$(eval "$DIALOG") #w018	# 22jun09
 [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit
 [ "$BURNERDRV" = "" ] && exit
 BURNERDRV="`echo -n "$BURNERDRV" | cut -f 3 -d '/'`"
	echo ending choice_cdd
and started remasterpup2 in English from console:

Code: Select all

# LC_ALL=C remasterpup2
/usr/sbin/remasterpup2: line 288: 22023 Terminated              Xdialog --wrap --left --title "$m_01" --no-buttons --ignore-eof --infobox "$m_06" 0 0 0

 losetup-FULL loop_device                             give info
 losetup-FULL -a | --all                              list all used
 losetup-FULL -d | --detach <loopdev> [<loopdev> ...] delete
 losetup-FULL -f | --find                             find unused
 losetup-FULL -c | --set-capacity <loopdev>           resize
 losetup-FULL -j | --associated <file> [-o <num>]     list all associated with <file>
 losetup-FULL [ options ] {-f|--find|loopdev} <file>  setup

 -e | --encryption <type> enable data encryption with specified <name/num>
 -h | --help              this help
 -o | --offset <num>      start at offset <num> into file
      --sizelimit <num>   loop limited to only <num> bytes of the file
 -p | --pass-fd <num>     read passphrase from file descriptor <num>
 -r | --read-only         setup read-only loop device
      --show              print device name (with -f <file>)
 -v | --verbose           verbose mode

MSG=This remaster program needs to read some files off the current live-CD.
You can also use a .iso file if it is already mounted as a virtual CD (you would need to have previously clicked on a .iso file to mount it).
starting choice_cdd
m_01=Puppy simple CD remaster
MSG=This remaster program needs to read some files off the current live-CD.
You can also use a .iso file if it is already mounted as a virtual CD (you would need to have previously clicked on a .iso file to mount it).
m_14_1=Choose the CD/DVD drive...
SELECTIONS=  /dev/loop2 
DIALOG=Xdialog --wrap --left --title "Puppy simple CD remaster" --stdout --menubox "This remaster program needs to read some files off the current live-CD.
You can also use a .iso file if it is already mounted as a virtual CD (you would need to have previously clicked on a .iso file to mount it).\n\nChoose the CD/DVD drive..." 0 56 4   /dev/loop2  2> /dev/null
echo ending choice_cdd
has not been executed because of crash
hope this helps

Also see my comment from feb 26 at
http://bkhome.org/blog2/?viewDetailed=00146 which is not a show stopper but if you can fix that would be nice.

I found the cause. I was using losetup-FULL from the latest util-linux package from git, however, Racy and Wary are now using util-linux, an older version. The o/p of losetup is different on the older version. Even the commandline is different -- with busybox losetup and latest util-linux losetup, just typing "losetup" without any parameters, returns info on all in-use loop devices.

But not the older util-linux, it gives an error message. It requires "losetup-FULL -a".

Anyway, Racy 5.5RC2, which I am uploading right now, has the fix.
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#45 Post by BarryK »

OscarTalks wrote:I have Racy 5.3 running on one of my "everyday" machines here and had noticed that videos don't maximise to full screen in mplayer.

Installed the .pet from your blog and found that the menu entry vanished. In the .desktop file is it OK to change the "Categories=BuildingBlock" to "Categories=AudioVideo" and also "Exec=exec mplayershell" to just "Exec=mplayershell"?

Also I tried playing a 16:9 ratio video on this 4:3 monitor and when I maximise the video window it just fills the screen and the ratios are wrong (it should leave black strips top and bottom I suppose).
Mplayer problems are fixed, see my blog post:

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#46 Post by BarryK »

Racy 5.4.93 (5.5RC2) is out. See my blog post:


That should be the last RC, hopefully. There are some little things to fix, but they won't necessitate an RC3.
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#47 Post by esmourguit »

Bonjour à toutes et tous,

@ Barry Kauler

I didn't get the "Please wait" window. It crashed before.

I ran 'remasterpup2' from a terminal and here is what i got :
# remasterpup2

Gtk-CRITICAL (recursed) **: IA__gtk_widget_get_direction: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed

Gtk-CRITICAL (recursed) **: IA__gtk_widget_get_direction: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
/usr/sbin/remasterpup2: line 278: 5087 Terminated Xdialog --wrap --left --title "$m_01" --no-buttons --ignore-eof --infobox "$m_06" 0 0 0

losetup-FULL loop_device give info
losetup-FULL -a | --all list all used
losetup-FULL -d | --detach <loopdev> [<loopdev> ...] delete
losetup-FULL -f | --find find unused
losetup-FULL -c | --set-capacity <loopdev> resize
losetup-FULL -j | --associated <file> [-o <num>] list all associated with <file>
losetup-FULL [ options ] {-f|--find|loopdev} <file> setup

-e | --encryption <type> enable data encryption with specified <name/num>
-h | --help this help
-o | --offset <num> start at offset <num> into file
--sizelimit <num> loop limited to only <num> bytes of the file
-p | --pass-fd <num> read passphrase from file descriptor <num>
-r | --read-only setup read-only loop device
--show print device name (with -f <file>)
-v | --verbose verbose mode
Here are 2 savedlg2 files : one after the first crash and the other after the second crash :

Code: Select all

Xdialog --wrap --left --stdout --title "Puppy simple CD remaster" --menubox "A working area is required in which to create the new live-CD iso file.\n Here are the available partitions. You must choose one that has at least 175M free space on it. Also, if you choose to create an ISO file rather than burn direct to CD/DVD, then you will need an extra 100 - 200MB space (whatever the size of ISO file is going to be). \n\n If the partition that you would like to use has less than 175M free space on it, you will need to quit this script and delete some files. \nNote 1: you can use a usb drive, but it needs to have been plugged in before running this script, so that it will get detected.\n Note 2: you can use the tmpfs ramdisk, which is in RAM, if it has enough space.
 \n Highlight desired choice then click OK button..." 0 0 5 sdb1 "Filesystem: ntfs  Size: 286165M  Free: 115456M (not mounted)" \
sda1 "Filesystem: ext3  Size: 238441M  Free: 35967M (currently mounted)" \
sda2 "Filesystem: ext3  Size: 238496M  Free: 6461M (currently mounted)" \
ramdisk "Filesystem: tmpfs  Size: 755M  Free: 750M (currently mounted)" \
 > /tmp/tag.txt

Code: Select all

Xdialog --wrap --left --stdout --title "Puppy simple CD remaster" --menubox "A working area is required in which to create the new live-CD iso file.
Here are the available partitions. You must choose one that has at least 175M free space on it. Also, if you choose to create an ISO file rather than burn direct to CD/DVD, then you will need an extra 100 - 300MB space (whatever the size of ISO file is going to be).

If the partition that you would like to use has less than 175M free space on it, you will need to quit this script and delete some files.

Note 1: you can use a usb drive, but it needs to have been plugged in before running this script, so that it will get detected.
Note 2: you can use the tmpfs ramdisk, which is in RAM, if it has enough space.
Highlight desired choice then click OK button..." 0 80 5 sdb1 "Filesystem: ntfs  Size: 286165M  Free: 115456M (not mounted)" \
sda1 "Filesystem: ext3  Size: 238441M  Free: 35738M (currently mounted)" \
sda2 "Filesystem: ext3  Size: 238496M  Free: 6456M (currently mounted)" \
ramdisk "Filesystem: tmpfs  Size: 755M  Free: 736M (currently mounted)" \
 > /tmp/tag.txt

And here is the xerrs.log, after the first crash :

Code: Select all

Xdialog --wrap --left --stdout --title "Puppy simple CD remaster" --menubox "A working area is required in which to create the new live-CD iso file.\n Here are the available partitions. You must choose one that has at least 175M free space on it. Also, if you choose to create an ISO file rather than burn direct to CD/DVD, then you will need an extra 100 - 200MB space (whatever the size of ISO file is going to be). \n\n If the partition that you would like to use has less than 175M free space on it, you will need to quit this script and delete some files. \nNote 1: you can use a usb drive, but it needs to have been plugged in before running this script, so that it will get detected.\n Note 2: you can use the tmpfs ramdisk, which is in RAM, if it has enough space.
 \n Highlight desired choice then click OK button..." 0 0 5 sdb1 "Filesystem: ntfs  Size: 286165M  Free: 115456M (not mounted)" \
sda1 "Filesystem: ext3  Size: 238441M  Free: 35967M (currently mounted)" \
sda2 "Filesystem: ext3  Size: 238496M  Free: 6461M (currently mounted)" \
ramdisk "Filesystem: tmpfs  Size: 755M  Free: 750M (currently mounted)" \
 > /tmp/tag.txt
I hope it helps...

Cordialement ;)
[url=http://moulinier.net/][color=blue][b]Toutou Linux[/b][/color][/url] - [url=http://toutoulinux.free.fr/pet.php][color=blue][b]Paquets français[/b][/color][/url]
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Wary and Racy Puppy 5.5 Release Candidates

#48 Post by L18L »

in file:///usr/share/doc/home.htm link to Barry's blog should link to blog2 :)

translators may do this in their translated file:///usr/share/doc/home.htm

edited later:
the link is already pointing to blog2 :lol: :oops:

How did this happen?
I had downloaded and used 5.4.91 :oops:

Now in Racy 5.4.93 it is OK and (edit: added Racy)

are you sure you are using 5.4.93 :?:

I could run remasterpup2 without crash now :wink:
Last edited by L18L on Fri 01 Mar 2013, 14:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Wary and Racy Puppy 5.5 Release Candidates

#49 Post by L18L »

operating system
distribution displays just "Puppy Linux"

no "Racy" :cry:
gunzip it
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Re: Wary and Racy Puppy 5.5 Release Candidates

#50 Post by esmourguit »

Bonjour à toutes et tous,
L18L wrote:@esmourguit,
are you sure you are using 5.4.93 :?:
No, i am using and talking about Wary 5.4.90.
Cordialement ;)
[url=http://moulinier.net/][color=blue][b]Toutou Linux[/b][/color][/url] - [url=http://toutoulinux.free.fr/pet.php][color=blue][b]Paquets français[/b][/color][/url]
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Re: Wary and Racy Puppy 5.5 Release Candidates

#51 Post by L18L »

esmourguit wrote:Bonjour à toutes et tous,
L18L wrote:@esmourguit,
are you sure you are using 5.4.93 :?:
No, i am using and talking about Wary 5.4.90.
Cordialement ;)
Just in case you like to try latest remasterpup2 (from latest Racy) before Barry is waking up.



Wait a moment: next version

#130302 moved m_09 m_10 m_11 top and made another use of it L18L

is with
translated (I have found the bug :) )
remove .gz
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Last edited by L18L on Fri 01 Mar 2013, 15:07, edited 2 times in total.
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#52 Post by James C »

Fresh frugal install of Racy on the Athlon XP box. Sound and internet working on initial boot.......display using incorrect "vesa" driver at 1280x1024.Attempts to use xorgwizard results in a complete freeze as soon as X stops necessitating a hard poweroff.Will copy a good xorg.conf into Racy and report back......always works to get the correct "nouveau" driver and 1400x900 resolution.

# report-video
VIDEO REPORT: Racy Puppy, version 5.4.93

Chip description:
VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX 440 AGP 8x] (rev c1)

Requested by /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
Resolution (widthxheight, in pixels): 1440x900
Depth (bits, or planes): 24
Modules requested to be loaded: dbe glx dri

Probing Xorg startup log file (/var/log/Xorg.0.log):
Driver loaded (and currently in use): vesa
Loaded modules: dbe ddc dri dri2 extmod fb glx int10 kbd mouse record shadow vbe

Actual rendering on monitor:
Resolution: 1280x1024 pixels (412x260 millimeters)
Depth: 24 planes

...the above also recorded in /tmp/report-video
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#53 Post by James C »

After copying a good xorg.conf ....

# report-video
VIDEO REPORT: Racy Puppy, version 5.4.93

Chip description:
VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX 440 AGP 8x] (rev c1)

Requested by /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
Depth (bits, or planes): 24
Modules requested to be loaded: dbe
Drivers requested to be loaded: nouveau fbdev vesa

Probing Xorg startup log file (/var/log/Xorg.0.log):
Driver loaded (and currently in use): nouveau
Loaded modules: dbe dri dri2 exa extmod fb glx kbd mouse record shadowfb

Actual rendering on monitor:
Resolution: 1440x900 pixels (380x238 millimeters)
Depth: 24 planes

...the above also recorded in /tmp/report-video
# glxgears
340 frames in 5.0 seconds = 67.908 FPS
525 frames in 5.0 seconds = 104.992 FPS
560 frames in 5.0 seconds = 111.902 FPS
543 frames in 5.0 seconds = 108.293 FPS
523 frames in 5.0 seconds = 104.489 FPS
523 frames in 5.0 seconds = 104.414 FPS

Processor : AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2400+
Memory : 1033MB (189MB used)
Machine Type : Physical machine
Operating System : Puppy Linux
User Name : root (root)
Date/Time : Fri Mar 1 09:27:33 2013
Resolution : 1440x900 pixels
OpenGL Renderer : Software Rasterizer
X11 Vendor : The X.Org Foundation
-Audio Devices-
Audio Adapter : VIA8233 - VIA 8235

Kernel : Linux 3.0.66 (i686)
Version : #1 SMP Wed Feb 27 21:59:56 GMT-8 2013
C Library : GNU C Library version 2.10.1 (stable)
Distribution : Puppy Linux
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#54 Post by Sage »

R5.4.93: Everything still working- sound, vision(ATI),connection, Flash - ootb. Nice work. 1hr d/l from ibiblio.
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racy 5.5rc2 readme

#55 Post by broomdodger »

Racy 5.5RC2 has the 3.0.66 Linux kernel, configured without PAE support (so only accesses first 4MB of RAM), and for a i686 CPU. It has SMP (multi-core) support.
I think that should read:

first 4GB of RAM

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#56 Post by zigbert »

I have looked at the pMusic report. It would be great if more users tested this, because I can't reproduce the bug. I need more info.

The updated multiple-soundcard-wizard doesn't seem to work 100% in Racy. I got no sound because Retrovol keeps hw:0 as card, even I chose hw:1 in the wizard. In Slacko, Retrovol shows correct soundcard when opening the configure window.

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#57 Post by Jades »

Will test shortly. Can anyone suggest which things may have trouble on an i586 CPU (AMD K6-2 500) so I can check them? If it needs CMOV it won't work. On one of the earlier builds SeaMonkey bombed out with an Illegal Instruction error.
Zhaan - AMD K6 2 500, 512MB RAM, ATI Rage 128 VR. Full install Wary 5.5 [url=http://tinyurl.com/dy66kh8]HardInfo Report[/url]
Merlin - Core i5-4590, 8GB RAM, Radeon R9 270X. Slacko 5.7.0
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How to setup halting/resume for laptops

#58 Post by Ted Dog »

I still use a very old version of quirky that will halt the computer if I close the lid and restart it with a press of the space bar.

How do we set up any of the newer versions to do the same? Racy 5.5RC2 runs full 'hot' mode and drains batteries with lid closed. :(
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Wary and Racy Puppy 5.5 Release Candidates

#59 Post by Billtoo »

I'm running quirky-5491 from an SDHC card on my AAO netbook.
video-info-glx 1.5.1 Fri 1 Mar 2013 on Racy Puppy 5.4.91 Linux 3.8.0 i686
5.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M880G
[Mobility Radeon HD 4200]
product: RS880M 01.00
X Server: Xorg Driver: radeon
X.Org version: 1.11.0
dimensions: 1024x600 pixels (270x158 millimeters)
depth of root window: 24 planes
direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.4
OpenGL vendor string: Mesa Project
OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer
OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 7.10.3
AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo K125 Processor
Core 0: @1700 MHz

I've added a few pets and they work fine.
I gave it a 1gb savefile which seems good enough so far.
It's definately fast on this netbook.
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#60 Post by James C »

Since I have frugal installs of both the latest Racy and Quirky on this old Athlon XP box I did a little very unscientific comparison of boot time and ram usage at idle.
Boot time is the average of 3 boots of each version from selection in grub to a full desktop.

boot 23 seconds average

# free
total used free shared buffers
Mem: 1033472 551252 482220 0 46112
-/+ buffers: 505140 528332
Swap: 1228936 0 1228936

boot 19 seconds average

# free
total used free shared buffers
Mem: 1033996 166452 867544 0 19424
-/+ buffers: 147028 886968
Swap: 1228936 0 1228936

Quirky still has the annoying habit of not booting about 1 time out of 3...... when grub finds the kernel all activity stops necessitating a hard reboot.
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