The original Arch Puppy 007

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James C
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The original Arch Puppy 007

#1 Post by James C »

Courtesy of the famed developer shuvvoff_b4iletuavit. :)

Upload completed of the original Arch Puppy 007..... vintage Feb. 2009.
ISO: ... up-007.iso

MD5 ... %20md5.txt

EDIT: Primarily uploaded for historical reference.

Code: Select all

# cat /etc/DISTRO_SPECS
#DISTRO_FILE_PREFIX: prefix for Puppy files... exs: upup-500.sfs, upupsave.2fs, upupz500.sfs
#DISTRO_VERSION: this is the version number of Puppy that you are building. must be 3 digits.
#package list and urls are in file DISTRO-PKGS-SPECS-${DISTRO_BINARY_COMPAT}.

DISTRO_BINARY_COMPAT="arch" #####change this as required#####

  DISTRO_NAME="Intrepid Puppy"
  DISTRO_NAME="Lenny Puppy"
  DISTRO_NAME="Slack Puppy"
  DISTRO_NAME="Arch Puppy"
# ... 812#691812
Arch Puppy 0.0.7.jpg
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Last edited by James C on Sat 16 Mar 2013, 02:11, edited 2 times in total.
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#2 Post by ally »

thanks for posting this!

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James C
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#3 Post by James C »

After consultation with the famed developer shuvvoff_b4iletuavit, I'll upload this a bit later.

Uploading now........
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#4 Post by James C »

Download links in the first post. Obviously works since I was posting from it...... some bugs to be expected though.
No Pacman because it's Puppy....uses the good old PPM. :lol:
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#5 Post by ally »

I hope all the bitchin' stops now, don't understand where all the hate has come from

simargl's work is very impressive but all the negativity, it's bringing me down man......!!

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The original Arch Puppy 007

#6 Post by Billtoo »

I did a manual frugal install to a 32gb flash drive.
video-info-glx 1.5.2 Fri 15 Mar 2013 on Arch Puppy 007 Linux i686
vendor: (C) 1988-2005, ATI Technologies Inc.
product: RV530 01.00
X Server: Xorg Driver: radeon
X.Org version: 1.5.3
dimensions: 1440x900 pixels (410x257 millimeters)
depth of root window: 24 planes
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3300+
Core 0: @2411 MHz

I can play a cd at least :)
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#7 Post by James C »

ally wrote:I hope all the bitchin' stops now, don't understand where all the hate has come from

simargl's work is very impressive but all the negativity, it's bringing me down man......!!

Agreed. I don't think that the quality of simargl's work has ever been in question.Very impressive actually.
However the personal attacks on forum members and developers needed to be addressed.
I figure that famed developer shuvvoff_b4iletuavit will address the matter in due time.

#8 Post by simargl »

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#9 Post by James C »

simargl wrote: And James I wouldn't be surprised if shuvvoff_b4iletuavit is nothing more than just your 2nd account :wink:
Sorry. I am not shuvvoff_b4iletuavit. All things may be revealed in time. :)
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#10 Post by James C »

Fresh frugal install.....

Processor : AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2400+
Memory : 1035MB (129MB used)
Operating System : Puppy Linux 0.00
User Name : root (root)
Date/Time : Fri Mar 15 14:06:22 2013
Resolution : 1440x900 pixels
OpenGL Renderer : Unknown
X11 Vendor : The X.Org Foundation
Audio Adapter : VIA8233 - VIA 8235

Kernel : Linux (i686)
Compiled : #1 Tue Aug 26 10:45:53 GMT-8 2008
C Library : GNU C Library version 2.9 (stable)
Distribution : Puppy Linux 0.00
Arch Puppy 007.jpg
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#11 Post by Chili Dog »

James C wrote:All things may be revealed in time. :)
Now I'm super curious! :lol:
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#12 Post by James C »

Latest Opera works......
latest Opera.jpg
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#13 Post by ally »

it just keeps coming

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#14 Post by Keef »

Pmount doesn't work though. Dies if I click on a drive or Preferences.
Desktop drive icons work ok.
Otherwise nothing exciting to report, works as well others of that vintage on my PIII 850 Compaq thigh-warmer...
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#15 Post by 01micko »

Hi everybody,

Time to come clean. shuvvoff is my account. It was first used here when I was having trouble with my account which turned out to be a forum bug. I created that name mainly because my wireless network got hacked by a neighbour and I used it as my access point once I found him. He didn't get anything, maybe a few K of bandwidth. Anyway, seemed like a good name to use when seemingly my forum account was compromised.

I only used it in these instances for a bit of fun, no malice intended, but if I had of posted as 01micko I'm sure there would have been more controversy drawn to puppyluvr's thread.

Firstly, lets address archpup.

Barry created woof, the successor to puppy unleashed. His intention was to create a "magical script" that could use the binary packages of another distro yet still maintain all the characteristics that make puppy. His first attempt was with Ubuntu Intrepid. A "99 MB" ubuntu. At around the same time Barry added support for Arch, Debian and Slackware to woof.

The version of woof that built the first arch pup is long dead and buried. In fact, it was advertised by Barry as used for building slack pup. See here. Woof was in alpha stage and arch puppy was more or less POC (Proof of Concept). Despite that, it built and ran fine and the resulting iso is the one which James C posted. It is mainly for historical reasons and is not intended for everyday use. That said, anyone can use it and modify it if it runs well on their hardware. I did not upload this iso image at the time, I wasn't a developer then and am only now thanks to the push by Lobster and the lack of a successor to Lupu. Barry was busy with other stuff and didn't release an official puppy for quite awhile so I ran with the ball and brought spup, aka Slacko up to release standard. This was after extensively helping playdayz with Lupu, the first woof built official puppy not released by Barry. WhoDo did relese Puppy-4.20 and 4.21 but these were not woof builds. They used unleashed.

You can see evidence of my involvement with early Arch Puppy development in the post reference by here (scroll down the arch forum post link). It was problems like very large packages that pushed me to spup so I discontinued my Arch experiment. Barry is still experiencing this today, see Barry's blog.


Now for some OT

This is somewhat of attempt to clear the air.

I made a post here that ignited some flames.

Let me explain. I have been a long time colaborator with mavrothal in relation to OLPC and xo-pup. It seemed mavrothal was a bit peeved and I reacted. Probably not a good decision in retrospect, however there were a lot of archpup threads popping up in what I thought strange places. It was not my intention to diss simargl's Archpup at all. In fact I think is a great idea with an unfortunate naming clash. There was no malice intended, just to point out that Barry had already delved into arch based puppy and that a distro is more or less defined by it's package management system which in my eyes made simargl's Archpup more Arch with Puppy flavour rather than Puppy with Arch flavour. Lesson learned, don't post when pissed off!

simargl, as for stealing your ideas as referenced here, I was aware that your Archpup is using Adrive technology, however I was completely unaware that you were a contributing developer. As far as I know, it was jemimah's concept implemented in Saluki modified by mavrothal. If this is wrong I will credit you on the first page of the PHATSlacko thread. I was also unaware of your method to unpack packages and put them in an sfs. This, I thought, was not a new idea and I created a rough script called alien2puppy based on others' work with some of my own ideas, which incidentally is a bit broken, but hey it was posted awhile ago and I was just beginning. The script I posted for rek769 only adds the package list description, which I have since modified to express in PPM format.

And a death wish? No way! Never made one of those in my life, and if I were to, it wouldn't be a wish. I used "bitter end" as a figure of speech. I don't care if you don't like me. I don't care if you think I'm a poor developer. (I am actually a learning developer). One thing I am not is a wisher of such bad and a hater. No way again! Have a long life and every success in your pursuits simargl. There you go. That clarifies that. Good luck with alphaOS.

Please supply a civilised response if you decide to respond. I'm sure James wont mind. I don't care if you are critical of me, I can take it :) .


NB: The Arch pup posted in the main post by James C was mainly supplied for Puppy historical purposes.
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#16 Post by James C »

Going through my archives I was reminded that I built a Slack Puppy 011 in March 2009...... must have been soon after the subject of this thread was done.Some of those early Woof builds were an adventure. :) Never bothered to upload it either.

Anyway, Arch Puppy 007 is old but fairly solid.....use it how you see fit. And all semi-constructive comments are welcome.
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#17 Post by ally »

upload it if you can james

for posterity.......

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#18 Post by stifiling »

*A little rude. Decided to delete.*
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#19 Post by 01micko »

stifiling wrote:My question is civilised and my question is directed to ONE person. the only person that knows the answer and that is 01micko. So i'm hoping a pound full of dogs don't come barking, when there's only ONE that has the answer. and that's the one i'm asking....01micko.

Ok, I just want to know...since your the one that had the Arch Puppy 007 iso for all this time, why didn't you give it to puppyluvr in the The Journey to ArchPup thread? He asked for it a 'couple' of times, and also said:
Fair question. I moved house about a year ago, downsized. I threw out a lot of old isos and did think that apup-007 was amongst them. I had a big cleanup in my shed this week, preparing for study, my shed doubles as my office. I went through a bunch of old isos (edit: correction, read "cd's") and stumbled upon apup-007. I also found one called woof-002. This is the first Intrepid iso built by Barry. The files on my HDD were long gone. At the time I only had 160GB so was constantly shuffling files to free up space. All the other machines I had were old clunkers with small old drives.
stifiling wrote:
puppyluvr wrote:I tried to ArchPup several years ago, and made an ISO I could prob fix today, but way out of date. And I dont know where, amongst my many drives, it is..
You replied in that thread 3 times, but never chose to mention, "Hey, I have a working copy right here."
See previous answer, similar situation, possibly even the same woof version.
stifiling wrote:In this thread, mavrothal became upset about a disagreement with simargl and decided he no longer was interested in participating in ArchPup at this post. You left this post about an hr and a half later. Which 'clearly' says you were 'watching' the ArchPup threads. but this was your 'first' post (something negative) in 'any' ArchPup thread.

You also said this today in this thread:
01micko wrote:You can see evidence of my involvement with early Arch Puppy development in the post reference by here (scroll down the arch forum post link). It was problems like very large packages that pushed me to spup so I discontinued my Arch experiment.
All of this says, you are interested and knowledgable in Arch Puppy development. But chose not to help 'anyone' in succeeding at making it work.
I had seen Archpup development (simargl's) but did not particularly take an interest because I was busy with Slacko development. When I took a minor interest in puppyluvr's plight I wasn't so busy, but puppyluvr was a bit busy with other things so posting to that thread was sporadic.

At that time (4 years ago), I wasn't really a developer either. I was beginning. As stated, Arch packages were a bit larger and I was going for small. A 10 MB difference in ~100MB iso (spup as is to apup) was quite substantial. I really didn't begin developing puplets until late 2010. Spup-100 was my first release, based on slackware-13.1 packages. I have been concentrating on slackware ever since and offering mostly woof based help to anyone who asked for it.
stifiling wrote:Were you wishing bad luck amongst Arch/Puppy....because you were unable to get it working?
Absolutely not! That would be petty!

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#20 Post by stifiling »

Alright fair answer. And thanks for answering. Although it may have 'appeared' to be's nothing but respect dude. So i wouldn't want you to think anything different.

Explosions like this happens sometimes..but you just duke it out....and keep it moving. No love lost.
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