Puppeee 4.4 revisited

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#61 Post by rcrsn51 »

Mike7 wrote:It wouldn't boot into the new Slitaz pendrive!
Please be specific. What exactly happened? What messages did you get?

Did you try any other ISOs? Like a Puppy?
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#62 Post by Mike7 »

Hi, rcrsn51.
What exactly happened? What messages did you get?
Nothing happened. No messages.The Isobooter setup went smoothly as per your instructions. But the pendrive won't boot the computer, so it boots into Windows as usual.

When I look at the contents of the pendrive everything is there: grldr, slitaz-3.0.iso, and menu.list (and the Isobooter program, which you didn't say to remove).
Did you try any other ISOs? Like a Puppy?
Not yet, but I will.


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#63 Post by rcrsn51 »

It may be that the Eee BIOS is not compatible with Grub4Dos. I don't own one, so I cannot test this.

Maybe some other Eee owner here can test it for you.
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#64 Post by ally »

I have earlier models (701/901) which both work fine with grub4dos so sure the later models will too

only trouble I ever had was trying to boot from left hand usb - they only boot from the right ones

have used cdrom, usb stick and sd card without problems

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#65 Post by anikin »

No BIOS/grub4dos clash issues, whatsoever on my eeepc901 & eeepc1000, both are dual SSD models.

Mike, I'm too a big fan of Jemimah's puppee, but I also keep an eye on what's currently available here. Latest kernels (3 and upward) have dramatically improved in terms of support for Intel Atom processors, specifically in power management. Have a look at pemasu's upupPrecise (kernel 3.7.2) or Barry's Precise beta with kernel 3.8. You'll be amazed, as these two are absolutely cold blooded beasts. And should you need fan control for your netbook, take advantage of rcrsn51's presence here and ask him to compile one for you. I did once:)
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#66 Post by rcrsn51 »

ally or anikin: In that case, could you do a test of ISObooter for Mike?

Do your versions of Puppeee have Grub4Dos built-in?
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#67 Post by ally »

hey rcrsn51

no worries, will report back on isobooter

as for grub4dos IIRC I used the one from slacko repo (I normally run slacko on other machines)

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#68 Post by ally »


isobooter working well, impressed actually

some points to mention however

I found it easier to copy isobooter and iso to usb stick and THEN run isobooter which is a little different from the page instructions

also the iso files created in partition 4 did not get overwritten so needed a reformat

once I got my head round it it worked like a charm - eeepc happily booted (remember to select boot device by hitting esc at start up)

all good!


ps - I used puppee1.0 celeron as I have a different processor type
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#69 Post by rcrsn51 »

Thanks. So I don't know why Mike's setup won't boot.
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#70 Post by Mike7 »

Hi, rcrsn51, ally, and anikin. Thanks for hanging in there with me on this.

Ally wrote:
only trouble I ever had was trying to boot from left hand usb - they only boot from the right ones
I can boot my Puppeee 4.4 and Kaspersky pendrives from either side of my EeePC 1000HA, so I don't think that's the problem.
I found it easier to copy isobooter and iso to usb stick and THEN run isobooter
I'll try that.
the iso files created in partition 4 did not get overwritten so needed a reformat
I don't undertand this. Can you explain, please? Also, should I create partitions, or is it safer to use the whole pendrive? If partitions, how many and how big? (I've been trying all this on a Verbatim 4Gb stick. I also have an empty Kingston 1Gb, and two empty Sandisks: 4Gb and 32Gb.) )

Are there different versions of grub4dos? If so, should I try another one? Which?

Anikin wrote:
Latest kernels (3 and upward) have dramatically improved
I'll try using Isobooter on a Puppy next, like rcrsn51 suggested. I downloaded some slackos (slacko-5.3.1-SCSI-MAIN.iso and slacko-5.4-firefox-4g.iso) to try. Would Precise Puppy be better, on the off chance that it works this time <grin>?

By the way, are all these iso's hybrid? If not sure, is it okay to run isohybrid on them? Does anyone know if it can damage the iso file if it was already hybrid?

rcrsn51 wrote:
I don't know why Mike's setup won't boot.
It's possible that using dd on the pendrives without really knowing what I was doing has damaged either the pendrives or, in some way, my computer or the BIOS. This is the only thing I can think of to explain what's going on.


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#71 Post by ally »

hey mike
the iso files created in partition 4 did not get overwritten so needed a reformat
after making a fat32 partition (only 1 needed) the isobooter program creates a temporary partition to 'unpack' the iso file

when I tried a different file (one to suit my processor) it didn't overwrite the files from the first try

my solution was to reformat and start again, the whole process takes about 30seconds

format fat32>copy isobooter & puppy iso files> run isobooter

jobs a good 'un

only a few iso's are hybrids like fatdog64, hybrids won't damage your usb stick

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#72 Post by Mike7 »

Hi, Ally.

You wrote:
after making a fat32 partition (only 1 needed) the isobooter program creates a temporary partition to 'unpack' the iso file
Where does Isobooter put the unpacked iso files after unpacking the iso into a temporary partition? I didn't see unpacked iso files on my pendrive after I ran isobooter, just menu.list. (This is all rather confusing ,grin>.)
when I tried a different file (one to suit my processor) it didn't overwrite the files from the first try
You mean a different Linux iso, right?
format fat32>copy isobooter & puppy iso files> run isobooter
That's what I've been doing, but for some reason it hasn't worked.
only a few iso's are hybrids like fatdog64
But one can make them hybrid by running the isohybrid app on them. I still don't know if Isobooter does the same thing. Some versions of Syslinux do, maybe all of them. And it is my undertsanding that the iso used for a pendrive installation must be hybrid. So, either Isobooter needs to hybridize the iso, or the iso needs to be hybridized before running isobooter on it. Anything else just does not make sense to me.
hybrids won't damage your usb stick
That's not what I said. I wondered if running the isohybrid app on an iso that was already hybrid could damage it; that is, damage either the iso or eventually the stick when the double-hybridized iso was installed to it.

In any case, after a great deal of trouble I just succeeded in making a bootable stick with another version of Linux (Slitaz), using Universal-USB-Installer from pendrivelinux.com. It wasn't an easy installation. I had to run the stick through the Puppeee testdisk tool, which fixed a boot sector error and wrote a new MBR.

However, this did prove, among other things, that at least my pendrives are not being damaged by all this experimentation, which is a big relief <grin>.

I'd still like to get Isobooter working for me. I have yet to succeed with any easy installation to a stick.


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#73 Post by Mike7 »


Ally says:
the isobooter program creates a temporary partition to 'unpack' the iso file
I didn't see any unpacked iso files on my stick after running Isobooter, just menu.list. Are they in a hidden partition? Or do they get unpacked when the stick is booted? Can you explain, please?

{Note: See my post to Ally re recent successful install of Slitaz to same stick using another installation program and Puppeee's tesdisk.}


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#74 Post by ally »


try the same procedure on another puppy version in case the 4.4 iso in dodgy

pick something newer slacko/precise/wary/racy

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#75 Post by Mike7 »

Hi, Ally.

I'll do that as soon as I have a chance. At the moment I have no hot water in my apartment (water heater blew up on me), and the rain is coming in through a leak in my dining-room roof. So I'm a little flustered right now <grin>.

It really would help me a lot, though, if you could answer the questions in my previous post. (Same for rcrsn51.)

I know I can make this work if I get a little more help from you guys in the forum.


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#76 Post by ally »

sorry mike - my bad.....
Where does Isobooter put the unpacked iso files after unpacking the iso into a temporary partition? I didn't see unpacked iso files on my pendrive after I ran isobooter, just menu.list. (This is all rather confusing ,grin>.)
isobooter creates partition '4' for the unpacking, on my systm it showed as sdb1 (main boot area) and sdb4
ou mean a different Linux iso, right?
a puppy, I ALWAYS use puppy slacko-5.3.3-4g-SCSI.iso as a fall back as it has worked on EVERY machin I've ever tried it on, including an older eeepc than yours, available here: http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/puppy-5.3.3/
But one can make them hybrid by running the isohybrid app on them. I still don't know if Isobooter does the same thing. Some versions of Syslinux do, maybe all of them. And it is my undertsanding that the iso used for a pendrive installation must be hybrid. So, either Isobooter needs to hybridize the iso, or the iso needs to be hybridized before running isobooter on it. Anything else just does not make sense to me.
don't know never used it but isobooter works so just use it instead

nip round to a neighbours, steal some hot water and while you're there borrow a pc, burn cd, boot and use puppy installer to create usb - simples!!

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#77 Post by Mike7 »

Hi, Ally.

Still no hot water. But at least it hasn't been raining recently <grin>.
isobooter creates partition '4' for the unpacking, on my systm it showed as sdb1 (main boot area) and sdb4
Are you creating three 1Gb FAT32 partitions on a 4Gb pendrive? Is that why the Isobooter partition is number 4?
I ALWAYS use puppy slacko-5.3.3-4g-SCSI.iso as a fall back
I'm going to try slacko with Isobooter as soon as I can get another stick, as I have run out of them. (I still don't know how to put more than one iso on a stick. I'm wasting a lot of good USB memory.) Tell me, what do the SCSI and 4g mean?

Here's an off-topic question that maybe you can answer and save me a lot of grief: How do I keep Puppeee from saving RAM to the eeesave.sfs file all the time. It's driving me nuts <grin>.

BTW, I got that Slitaz iso to boot through a series of manouevers including changing the use of my BIOS. I've written an explanation of a BIOS bug I have that might help others with a similar problem, and will post it apart.


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#78 Post by ally »

hey mike
Are you creating three 1Gb FAT32 partitions on a 4Gb pendrive? Is that why the Isobooter partition is number 4?
no, mine was an old 256mb, if you read the isobooter instructions that were provided here: http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 250#517250 it explains

it creates it's own 4th partition to do the work
I still don't know how to put more than one iso on a stick.
read the instructions!!
Here's an off-topic question that maybe you can answer and save me a lot of grief: How do I keep Puppeee from saving RAM to the eeesave.sfs file all the time. It's driving me nuts <grin>.
puppeee is configured to save periodlically so as not to load/wear the disc, how to turn it off? - dunno, doesn't bother me

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#79 Post by Mike7 »

if you read the isobooter instructions that were provided
I've read it, Ally. A number of times. And followed the procedure, as you should remember.

The text on that page says: " If you have a large drive, you may want to make two or three partitions to organize your ISOs. But leave Partition #4 empty! The system uses it for temporary storage". But the image there shows two iso's in the same partition! ???

Also, suppose you haven't made three partitions. Does Isobooter still create a partition #4?

Not very clear, is it Ally?
read the instructions!!
Are you aware of how insulting your tone is here?
puppeee is configured to save periodlically so as not to load/wear the disc
Saving all the time doesn't wear the "disc"? Tell me another.
how to turn it off? - dunno, doesn't bother me
Thanks a lot for all your help. (Not.)

What do you say we call a truce, Ally? I'm not really up for being insulted and having my time wasted. If you feel the need for a scapegoat, go try somewhere else please.

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#80 Post by ally »

hey mike

sorry you were upset, it really wasn't my intention.

I too had never used isobooter until I was asked to try to confirm it was working correctly

to do so I had to read the thread which provided all the information needed and answered the questions you were asking

I wasn't trying to be flippant but you were asking questions that had been answered

for example:
The text on that page says: " If you have a large drive, you may want to make two or three partitions to organize your ISOs. But leave Partition #4 empty! The system uses it for temporary storage". But the image there shows two iso's in the same partition! ???
from isobooter
3. If you have a large drive, you may want to make two or three partitions to organize your ISOs. But leave Partition #4 empty! The system uses it for temporary storage.
it says 'you may want to' not you have to

Also, suppose you haven't made three partitions. Does Isobooter still create a partition #4?
I answered one post previous
it creates it's own 4th partition to do the work
I had never used isobooter until asked by rcrsn51 to help you so no expert by any means but found it created a 4th partition on it's own

you had asked, I had answered and you asked again, I found the information by reading the isobooter thread and trying isobooter

I created one partition, it made another, it gave it a partition number 4

I still don't know how to put more than one iso on a stick.
I won't copy this one as it's a large piece of text but it also shows an image with more than one iso
Are you aware of how insulting your tone is here?
if it upset you I apologise, again it wasn't my intention
puppeee is configured to save periodlically so as not to load/wear the disc
I think you chose not to read this, 'puppy is configured to save periodically

defined as 'from time to time' or 'at regular intervals' - it does NOT save ALL the time, the system is running in ram and it will save to the disc periodically not at every change
Saving all the time doesn't wear the "disc"? Tell me another.
I know 'cos I said
so as not to load/wear the disc
how to turn it off? - dunno, doesn't bother me
I didn't ignore your request for help, I answered - I said I don't know, if you want to know and I don't know, I have told you I don't know how can I help?
What do you say we call a truce,
there no need for a truce, you asked questions, people tried to help
I'm not really up for being insulted
I wasn't being insulting, if you felt insulted I apoligise again, it was not my intention
having my time wasted.
how is people giving up their time to answer your questions wasting your time?
If you feel the need for a scapegoat, go try somewhere else please.
a scapegoat for what? very confused

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