Puppy misbehaving?

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Puppy misbehaving?

#1 Post by canbyte »

Yesterday I got a red warning that I was low in memory (8mb remaining) and the widget memory thing on the taskbar was flashing. I also noticed that my Firefox wanted to install something on startup and the bookmarks went missing. I deleted a bunch of large files in /mnt/home (flashdrive sdc1) and thought the problem was solved. Today the widget is still flashing and an addin and the bookmarks went missing again. I reloaded the backup bookmarks (739mb chrome file), noticing that it was truncated - some bookmarks missing.

The widget says when hovering: 504mb personal storage - free space = 11M. When clicked it now says sdb is 1.9g / 524M free (same as pmount).

GdMap shows root (323mb) has two large boxes (229mb Mozilla and 83mb for the Nvidia driver) plus a number of small boxes for puppy.

I'm sure there is some overloading as a result of installing a dual screen which necessitated the nvidia driver. Not sure where devx or kernel-source went but they were required to load the nvidia driver. Here's a link in case it is useful. http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 0&start=45

Not sure if the problems are related but would appreciate any thoughts on what is going on. Running 528 in a P4 with 1g ram and the _Save file set to 512M

Thanks in advance.
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#2 Post by ally »

hey byte

the usual suspect for low savefile space is the browser cache

try clearing that - you can limit the cache size in the browser preferences

you may also consider resizing the savefile

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#3 Post by canbyte »

Hi Ally
I think you're probably right. It said cache was 144mb so I set it to 77 and it now says 7mb! Also the GdMap shows that root went down to 209mb and the Mozilla directory is 115mb. That's a big difference.

The widget is still flashing but I'll try a reboot...... back in a moment......
edit: Flashing stopped but Firefox bookmarks gone again and trying to initialize something on startup Firefox is 12.0. Now widget says free space is 26M which still seems low????
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#4 Post by ally »

have a look in /tmp

if you have downloaded files without specifying a location they may have gone there?

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Karl Godt
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#5 Post by Karl Godt »

The tray app has a name and it is freememapplet or freememapplet_tray . On some Puppies it is started from /root/Startup and on some by /usr/sbin/delayedrun separately . There are some code tarballs floating around by ttuuxxx and pemasu and half a dozen others with different icon sets . The code of freememapplet is poorly written. When it emits the emergency alarm it does not go into a second loop to check for newer free space and returns to the main loop then if so. Best is to kill the process-id or simply killall freememapplet and relaunch it.
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#6 Post by canbyte »

I looked in /tmp and found 32 items but none very big (bytes and kb only). I didn't try Karl's suggestion since freememapplet isn't flashing any more. The root directory has now shrunk to 192mb & Mozilla to 98mb according to GdMap but the bookmarks didn't reappear so I'll try restarting with an older _save file. Back in a mo'.....
Edit: Old _save file is much better so I'll just add the bookmarks and addon back in.

Free space is back up to 49mb, cache is only 16kb so all seems well again. If problem recurs then I'll repost here.

Thanks Ally, Karl.
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