PhatSlacko 5.5 - A Microsoft-Apple Replacement <CLOSED>

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PhatSlacko 5.5 - A Microsoft-Apple Replacement <CLOSED>

#1 Post by gcmartin »

Its got Internet, its got Office, its got multimedia, its got administration tools, its got LAN Sharing ... NO, I'm NOT talking about an Apple or Windows PC, I'm talking about a Puppy.

Introducing the 2013 version of PhatSlacko, V5.5.

This is a very awesome combination for a Puppy distro. All of the things are already combined and tested to provide a total OOTB experience where the user gets more than what traditionally comes with a Microsoft or Apple. All of this without the need to install anything to become productive.

And, should one have additional needs, the plethora of offering that is available to any 32bit Slackware distro will work via FhatSlacko's Package Manager or via SFSs built for Slacko; these, as well as, other packages that have been especially built for Slacko.

Lastly, this distro is designed to run in 32bit mode and will exploit all of the system's RAM for user benefit. This means all RAM from 512MB to 64GB will be brought to bear insuring your experience is rapid and stable. While at the same time it uses one of the latest Linux version (kernel) which will work well on PCs purchased thru Feb 2013.

Congratulations goes to 01Micko for another fabulous offering to this community. (He has done 3 major offerings in a single week.)

This particular offering is well thought thru and integrated to make "non-Linux aware" users, as well as the aware, instantly productive. I'm sure everyone who investigates will find much to like in the complete packaging. See for yourself...

PhatSlacko V5.5 (2013)
Last edited by gcmartin on Sat 23 Mar 2013, 23:09, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by starhawk »

gcmartin, did you stick PAE in this? Because if you did I'm not touching it -- half the stuff in my house (approximately) is PAE-incompatible!, perhaps you could make a non-PAE version for us poor peasantfolk still on Pentium M systems...? ;)
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#3 Post by James C »

PHATSlacko is Mick's release and the thread is ... 017#691017
Uses k-3.8.2 and is pae - enabled.
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#4 Post by starhawk »

Thanks James C, I'll go post in that thread instead.

gc, sorry I bothered you.
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#5 Post by Q5sys »

James C wrote:PHATSlacko is Mick's release and the thread is ... 017#691017
Uses k-3.8.2 and is pae - enabled.
yea, dont get the duplicate announcement. kinda seems like itll just cause confusion when people are looking for info and/or support, as was the case for Starhawk when it looks like he though gc was the developer of this.

starhawk wrote:gcmartin, did you stick PAE in this? Because if you did I'm not touching it -- half the stuff in my house (approximately) is PAE-incompatible!, perhaps you could make a non-PAE version for us poor peasantfolk still on Pentium M systems...? ;)
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#6 Post by starhawk »

Exactly what happened, Q5sys. I really did think (however briefly) that gc had built himself a distro.

Just out of curiosity: gcmartin, have you ever made your own Puppy and released it here on the forums? I'd be interested in taking a look at it, if you have -- particularly if it incorporates some of these amazing world-changing advancements you're always posting about ;)
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#7 Post by Q5sys »

starhawk wrote:Exactly what happened, Q5sys. I really did think (however briefly) that gc had built himself a distro.

Just out of curiosity: gcmartin, have you ever made your own Puppy and released it here on the forums? I'd be interested in taking a look at it, if you have -- particularly if it incorporates some of these amazing world-changing advancements you're always posting about ;)
Well I see the OP was edited and now has credit to 01Micko highlighted in green... so at least its clear now.
Since gcmartin didnt address your question him (even though the edited post shows he did read your post) I'll go ahead and answer that one. This is to my best knowledge and if I'm wrong I hope he comes forward and corrects me. But I am unaware of any puppy releases by him. Although he's claimed to have decades of OS development experience, I havent seen any of it here. I wish he would because we could use another person to work on releases. If he has that much skill and knowledge he could definitely help the community out, since developers are scarce.
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#8 Post by darkcity »

looks like it is a good release, nice to hear about it.

its also worth posting news on the reddit

Last edited by darkcity on Wed 27 Mar 2013, 17:09, edited 1 time in total.

#9 Post by gcmartin »

Sound off to 2 members in this thread.

I find the "damaging" statements made here by both @Starhawk and re-iterated by @Q5sys about 01Micko's distro, totally out of line.

01Micko has provided this community many years of very good product and services. Further, one of his distros, namely FATSlacko (version 1) and PhatSlacko (version 2) are aimed at an 32bit audience where there can be an EXTREMELY rewarding experience. These are very stellar productions that do what it claims to do, is stable, robust, and fast in the Puppy tradition. There is NOTHING of issue of concern regarding his works. Further, he is very good about articulating the machines he has targeted his work and what his testing has demonstrated to work. Lastly his distro's thread bears out the goodness of what he has done for this community.

Even other members in this thread attempt to share good correcting information to the both of you, and neither of you take the time to remove the offensive gesture that you aim at his work. The information here intends to be useful to those who come here from a Window/Apple community for the very first time, with little Linux experience. His distro appears to be aimed squarely for anyone without prior knowledge to get a jump start in use of his work on any of their home LAN PCs that it is installed on.

I believe your behavior shameful and ask, respectfully, that you edit your statements to reflect good information about 01Micko's contribution.

His product is robust, stable, and an overall simple and easy to use distro, out-of-the-box (OOTB). The community hails itself of producing 'stellar' distros for user consumption. His work on each of these was accomplished after his witnessing the stability of Slacko and adding additional ease of use subsystems for general user services in his extending that into FATSlacko (2012) and PhatSlacko (2013).

Many, in his threads, on both Slacko and PhatSlacko find good wholesome "value" is his work.

The fact that you may possess PC(s) that cannot use this offering or find no value in what is offered, is no reason to cast the damaging comments you present.

Should you find it appropriate to re-edit your statements and restatements referring that somehow his distro has something tainted built-in, I will leave this post as it stands.

If you correct your posts (plural), I will remove this entry referencing your bad behavior from this thread. But I will not retract this when there stands an apparent misguided "damnation" of a great offering bringing good value to this community.

This is a great stable product that will run on 99% of all PCs sold since 1995. And yes, some of the community will be in that 1% and will not be able to use. For those that can, you will find good/great value in a 32bit OOTB solution which generally matches what you would get from a prior Microsoft or Apple purchase. And, assuming no issues in booting, it will run recognizing and using for your benefit all of your RAM up to 64GB (currently impossible in SDRAM/DDR/DDR2 configurations).

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#10 Post by tlchost »

gcmartin wrote:Sound off to 2 members in this thread.

I think there are several issues here:

One: some folks got confused with this thread, as it appeared to them that you were announcing a distro you had created.

Two: Micko's work is well may not need extra promotion.

Three: Apparently micko is busy with other things, so some of the questions posed about PhatSlacko have gone unanswered.

Unless I mis-read your post, you did not address the issues of your own creation of distros.

For my two cents, I think it would be far more productive if you and others participated in the PhatrSlacko thread and used your expertise to answer some of the questions posed therein.


I find the "damaging" statements made here by both @Starhawk and re-iterated by @Q5sys about 01Micko's distro, totally out of line.

01Micko has provided this community many years of very good product and services. Further, one of his distros, namely FATSlacko (version 1) and PhatSlacko (version 2) are aimed at an 32bit audience where there can be an EXTREMELY rewarding experience. These are very stellar productions that do what it claims to do, is stable, robust, and fast in the Puppy tradition. There is NOTHING of issue of concern regarding his works. Further, he is very good about articulating the machines he has targeted his work and what his testing has demonstrated to work. Lastly his distro's thread bears out the goodness of what he has done for this community.

Even other members in this thread attempt to share good correcting information to the both of you, and neither of you take the time to remove the offensive gesture that you aim at his work. The information here intends to be useful to those who come here from a Window/Apple community for the very first time, with little Linux experience. His distro appears to be aimed squarely for anyone without prior knowledge to get a jump start in use of his work on any of their home LAN PCs that it is installed on.

I believe your behavior shameful and ask, respectfully, that you edit your statements to reflect good information about 01Micko's contribution.

His product is robust, stable, and an overall simple and easy to use distro, out-of-the-box (OOTB). The community hails itself of producing 'stellar' distros for user consumption. His work on each of these was accomplished after his witnessing the stability of Slacko and adding additional ease of use subsystems for general user services in his extending that into FATSlacko (2012) and PhatSlacko (2013).

Many, in his threads, on both Slacko and PhatSlacko find good wholesome "value" is his work.

The fact that you may possess PC(s) that cannot use this offering or find no value in what is offered, is no reason to cast the damaging comments you present.

Should you find it appropriate to re-edit your statements and restatements referring that somehow his distro has something tainted built-in, I will leave this post as it stands.

If you correct your posts (plural), I will remove this entry referencing your bad behavior from this thread. But I will not retract this when there stands an apparent misguided "damnation" of a great offering bringing good value to this community.

This is a great stable product that will run on 99% of all PCs sold since 1995. And yes, some of the community will be in that 1% and will not be able to use. For those that can, you will find good/great value in a 32bit OOTB solution which generally matches what you would get from a prior Microsoft or Apple purchase. And, assuming no issues in booting, it will run recognizing and using for your benefit all of your RAM up to 64GB (currently impossible in SDRAM/DDR/DDR2 configurations).

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#11 Post by gcmartin »

There can be no confusion as the Opening Post is clear is steering readers to his productions.

I think it helpful for any one of us to post infomation in such a way as to make it easy to get to very good designs.

In re-reading the Opening Post, others and myself find it unclear how anyone could have concluded otherwise. Or be confused of what this is trying to impart in understanding.

This is a very very good distro. And like other distros released in this community, there are issues that tend to surface after availability to the community.
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#12 Post by Q5sys »

gcmartin wrote:Sound off to 2 members in this thread.

I find the "damaging" statements made here by both @Starhawk and re-iterated by @Q5sys about 01Micko's distro, totally out of line.
I didnt make a single comment about 01Micko's distro. I made a comment about not understanding why you needed to post an announcement when 01Micko had already posted an thread about Phatslacko. I also commented about how I thought it could lead to confusion since people could accidently think that YOU had created this release. Starhawk confirmed that he made this mistake briefly.
Apparently you agreed since you went back and edited your original post to be clear that 01Micko was the developer.
There's nothing Damaging, insulting, or otherwise negative about anything regarding 01Micko or Phatslacko at all.
The only thing in my post that could have been considered negative would have been directed to you, and revolving around you posting a secondary announcement which created confusion on the forum for at least one user.
After Starhawk made a comment about wondering if you had ever released a puppy release, since you obviously read his post and understood it... shown by you editing your original post; you choose not to address his comment. Since the comment was still in the open. I felt it deserved an answer. I stated that what I was about to say was to the best of my ability and I hoped if I was wrong you'd correct me.

The rest of my comment about you not developing for the puppy community have to do with your comments that you have made on this forum.
You have made the following comments
gcmartin wrote:I have installed and setup data-centers for the past 25 years.
gcmartin wrote:But, if you are suggesting that this exploit is being used against someone of us in LH64, I disagree. (As someone who has been in OS development and systems operations for the past 40 years!)
You made those comments, not me. My opinion is that if you are someone with that much experience and knowledge then I would hope you would be helping development, instead of simply telling others what you think they should be doing. That's my personal opinion about you and again... has nothing to do with 01micko, or any of his Puppy Linux releases. If your knowledge spans 4 decades of OS Development experience... then you should clearly know ALOT more than everything than us. So if thats true... why arent you helping the puppy linux community and putting that os development experience to work?

So trying to skew my comments against 01Micko, is completely and utterly wrong. And I believe, and attempt to try to make me and Starhawk out to be bad guys. Since we weren't talking about 01Micko at all, I hope reasonable and rational people will see that you are trying to taint our comments to mean somethind they did not.

gcmartin wrote:01Micko has provided this community many years of very good product and services. Further, one of his distros, namely FATSlacko (version 1) and PhatSlacko (version 2) are aimed at an 32bit audience where there can be an EXTREMELY rewarding experience. These are very stellar productions that do what it claims to do, is stable, robust, and fast in the Puppy tradition. There is NOTHING of issue of concern regarding his works. Further, he is very good about articulating the machines he has targeted his work and what his testing has demonstrated to work. Lastly his distro's thread bears out the goodness of what he has done for this community.
Yes, 01Micko is a great developer. I've immensely enjoyed his work and he has helped me out on several occasions. However my comments regarding your post and your non-willingless to put your decades of OS development experience to work in the puppy linux community has nothing to do with 01Micko. I cant speak for him... but I'm sure 01micko would appreciate some of that experience of yours as well.
gcmartin wrote:Even other members in this thread attempt to share good correcting information to the both of you, and neither of you take the time to remove the offensive gesture that you aim at his work. The information here intends to be useful to those who come here from a Window/Apple community for the very first time, with little Linux experience. His distro appears to be aimed squarely for anyone without prior knowledge to get a jump start in use of his work on any of their home LAN PCs that it is installed on.
There have only been 2 other users posting in this thread. James C who posted the link to 01Mickos thread about PHATSlacko, and darkcity who said it looks like a good release. James C's post was before mine... so his comment couldn't have been correcting in the least. ANd Darkcitys comment was about Phatslacko which I was not commenting on. So neither of them made any comment to what I was speaking about.
And again... my comments were not directed towards 01micko or Phatslacko at all... so they were not 'offensive gestures aimed at his work'.

gcmartin wrote:I believe your behavior shameful and ask, respectfully, that you edit your statements to reflect good information about 01Micko's contribution.
I will remove any negative comment about 01Micko's work. Oh wait... I didnt make any, all my comments were about your actions. So I guess I wont be editing any of my comments.
gcmartin wrote:His product is robust, stable, and an overall simple and easy to use distro, out-of-the-box (OOTB). The community hails itself of producing 'stellar' distros for user consumption. His work on each of these was accomplished after his witnessing the stability of Slacko and adding additional ease of use subsystems for general user services in his extending that into FATSlacko (2012) and PhatSlacko (2013).

Many, in his threads, on both Slacko and PhatSlacko find good wholesome "value" is his work.
Yes, but this has nothing to do with what I previously posted.
gcmartin wrote:The fact that you may possess PC(s) that cannot use this offering or find no value in what is offered, is no reason to cast the damaging comments you present.
That's not a fact at all. It's a wildely spoken opinion of yours. I do own 32bit PCs. I've tested Slacko many times and posted lots of performance evaluation about it. Also, since all 32bit Slacko releases can run on 64bit processors, I can run Slacko on every computer I own. So you're comment here is completely invalid and incorrect.
gcmartin wrote:Should you find it appropriate to re-edit your statements and restatements referring that somehow his distro has something tainted built-in, I will leave this post as it stands.

If you correct your posts (plural), I will remove this entry referencing your bad behavior from this thread. But I will not retract this when there stands an apparent misguided "damnation" of a great offering bringing good value to this community.
Can you please point to a single comment that I made where I refer to "that somehow his distro has something tainted built-in"? I would love to know where I made such a comment. Please show it to me. You have made the comment that I have made such a statement, I now ask you to point to the exact words I said. I would also like you to show me where I made comments that were 'damnation' of 01micko or his work.

gcmartin wrote:Here to help
Im really starting to doubt that.
gcmartin wrote:There can be no confusion as the Opening Post is clear is steering readers to his productions.

I think it helpful for any one of us to post infomation in such a way as to make it easy to get to very good designs.

In re-reading the Opening Post, others and myself find it unclear how anyone could have concluded otherwise. Or be confused of what this is trying to impart in understanding.

This is a very very good distro. And like other distros released in this community, there are issues that tend to surface after availability to the community.
Since you have gone back and edited your original post... our comments seem invalid. I've noticed that this is a common trend of yours. You make a comment then when someone calls you out on it... you go back and change your post. I guess you do this so that others comments seem hostile or rude. However the comments were VERY valid when they were originally made before you went back and changed your post. The same is true of this thread. Stop changing your posts afterwords. You seem to love to do so. I've even caught you doing it before.
It is completely pathetic that I (and possibly others) are going to have to start saving local copies of all your posts so when you change them the community can still see what you originally said.

Since you somehow misdirected my comments about you to 01Micko... I'll make sure you know this is towards you and no one else.

Since I know you love to edit your posts after someone replies so that you can make their comment look different than it was intended... please be aware that your posts have been screencapped and placed HERE. There they will remain so if you make any further edits to your posts, people will be able to see what your posts were and what my comments were in relationto. I have also included screencaps of your comments in the threads that I referenced as well in case you were thinking of going back and editing them.
I'm also aware that you like to request threads be deleted by the Mods after you start lashing out at people. I'm certain that you will probably do this again. If you do, so be it... I will continue to retain my screencaps and host them freely for anyone in the community to read. These threads belong to the community, NOT to one person.

EDIT: I fixed some spelling typos

#13 Post by gcmartin »

The title of this post has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with any of my achievements. Again, you dont seem to grasp the concept of title to theme.

The Title is clear and the opening thread is the theme.

Anything accomplished, by me, has NOTHING to do with this theme. If you want a response, contact me via PM. And remember, so as NOT to forget, PM is clearly labeled...."Private Message".

You continue with an OUTRAGEOUS claim of my "telling development what to do!" Where and how to you continue with this outrageous claim and at what point do you think it is ever going to become true??? This continue from you everywhere you go. Maybe its time to reflect a little .... just maybe.

I am and continue to re-enforce that development is an original contribution. To me, its akin to an art. Each developer is one who produces something they find of value and many present those valuable contribution for our use. I neither have dis-credited (as you have attempted) nor diminished the work of any developer in this or any community..

Without drawing attention to other things you have derail, you can add this to your list.

I stand by my claim herein.

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Last edited by gcmartin on Sat 23 Mar 2013, 17:01, edited 2 times in total.
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#14 Post by Q5sys »

gcmartin wrote:The title of this post has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with any of my achievements. Again, you dont seem to grasp the concept of title to theme.

The Title is clear and the opening thread is the theme.

Anything accomplished, by me, has NOTHING to do with this theme. If you want a response, contact me via PM. And remember, so as NOT to forget, PM is clearly labeled...."Private Message".

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When you make a post about someone elses release and you dont make it clear who developed it... you get problems like what happened to starhawk. He thought you created it. That's what his and my comments were regarding. We were making appropriate comments based on the content of the thread at that time. Now that you've gone back and edited your first post... sure you can NOW claim our comments are off topic. But really you're the one thats lying since there were on topic before you retroactively changed your original post.

Sadly I didnt screencap your first post... a mistake on my part. I actually thought you would be honest. That is my one mistake in this thread. I guess I'm going to start capturing and hosting every post of yours that I comment in.

ps... good job in completely ignoring everything else I said. Way to avoid having to back up your false statements.

pps... this comment has also been archived here
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#15 Post by Q5sys »

amazing... you went back and edited your post AGAIN before I Coudl even screen cap it.
I quoted your entire comment... and that fast you changed it again.
Seriously man... cut it out!

#16 Post by gcmartin »

You apparrently did NOT read the opening post when posted.

Again another of your OUTRAGEOUS behavior and claim.

In case you didnt, it was always clear. I made it CLEARER

Finally, I see you now speak for both James C and Darkcity. Wow!The recent post by me directs attention to your behavior. Do you get it? It is perceive by me to be wrong and to try to indicate that the thread is about me when you attack the product is again an inconsistent ideology and exhibits very bad behavior.

Maybe others wont stand up to you behavior, I will!

I stand by my claim

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#17 Post by gcmartin »

Maybe you notice I quote very little of what you say. Look again across the history of your comments.

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#18 Post by gcmartin »

Now compare with what my history of quotes are. Can you think on any reason why I quote little to nothing of what you say? Hmmmm...
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#19 Post by Q5sys »

gcmartin wrote:You apparrently did NOT read the opening post when posted.

Again another of your OUTRAGEOUS behavior and claim.

In case you didnt, it was always clear. I made it CLEARER

Finally, I see you now speak for both James C and Darkcity. Wow!The recent post by me directs attention to your behavior. Do you get it? It is perceive by me to be wrong and to try to indicate that the thread is about me when you attack the product is again an inconsistent ideology and exhibits very bad behavior.

Maybe others wont stand up to you behavior, I will!

I stand by my claim

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Oh I did read it. And It did not contain the content it now has.
If you posted the link to the thread why did JamesC then post it?
if you posted the informaiton about 01Micko being the developer, why did Starhawk think briefly that you developed this release? if it was 'clear' then he wouldnt have made that mistake.

You change your posts continually, and I believe you do to so make others look bad - as you are trying to do with me. You've been caught doing it before, and you've been caught doing it again.
Since you said, "Maybe its time to reflect a little .... just maybe." Maybe its time for you to reflect on the cause and effects of you editing your posts after people comment on them.

gcmartin wrote:Maybe you notice I quote very little of what you say. Look again across the history of your comments.

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gcmartin wrote:Now compare with what my history of quotes are. Can you think on any reason why I quote little to nothing of what you say? Hmmmm...
Oh I've noticed. I can only assume you do that so its eaiser for you to change your posts later. Afterall if its clear what you are responding to... its harder for you to twist the comments later to mean something else.

Still archiving...
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#20 Post by James C »

I have no problem speaking for myself or clarifying any position I have taken. My entire involvement in this silly thread was making it clear that PhatSlacko was 01micko's project ...a fact that you left out of the first post in this thread...... in order to clear up Starhawk's confusion. ... 133#691133
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