Puppy Raspi Zap6

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Puppy Raspi Zap6

#1 Post by 01micko »

Intoducing Zap6 (codename "cockroach")

This is Puppy for the Raspberry Pi built from Woof2 with Debian Wheezy packages.

Download 99M

Barry's devx loading guide:
Click on the devx_xxx.sfs in a ROX-Filer window to mount it.
Open a terminal in the mounted directory.
# cp -a --remove-destination ./* /mnt/sda2/ ###THIS WILL VARY (mm0p2??)
# sync
Close the terminal.
Click on the devx_xxx.sfs file to unmount it

EDIT: Here's how I do it on the Pi while system is running
load devx onto a usb device
plug into Pi
mount the device from drive icon
mount the devx_xxx.sfs by clicking it
open a terminal in the mounted directory
# cp -a --remove-destination ./* /
# sync
Close the terminal.
Click on the devx_xxx.sfs file to unmount it
Please see the notes below.





Disclaimer: While all care is taken I cannot accept any responsibility if anything bad happens.

This is an alpha build for testing and evaluation. You probably should use Barry's Sap6 if you are after stability, it is built from Debian Squeeze (stable) packages. If you want bleeding edgy try this. it's a fair bit more bloated than Sap6 because of extra deps needed for Wheezy packages. this is NOT the latest woof, as woof has been extensively hacked! More later on that, with documentation and patches for woof.

  • jwm_menu_create from technosaurus for faster fixmenus
    new tray icon to start mixmos mixer (source)
    bleeding edge kernel and firmware from GIT. Kernel patched for unionfs (may try aufs next time, build kit under development)
    Iceape (seamonkey) browser (feature or bug? :roll: :? ), plus chatzilla, mail, composer.
    Playmusic linked to mpg-321 for mp3 playback, mplayer for other formats
Known Issues
  • Quicksetup doesn't work right. timezone info has changed, look for "posix" entries if you can't find yours, fix pending. Also, the Psync auto time zone check box fails to appear, use Psync manually from the menu, it works.
    Sound does not work OOTB. I think it's a kernel bug, plus Wheezy has totally changed modules_init_tools for kmod, which is a multicall binary for depmod, lsmod, modinfo etc.To fix, run depmod in a terminal and reboot, sound should then work. You may have to set amixer manually as the new gui in quicksetup doesn't show.
    An error occurs when you start any of the Iceape apps, click ok and ignore it. It is to do with dbus, I will need to recompile it.
    There is no defaultmediaplayer, mplayer is there and working but gnome-mplayer is omitted. You could try to get it from PPM but it requires GTK-3. I'll recompile gnome-mplayer against gtk+-2 later.
    The kernel is not entirely stable, I have had one kernel crash at startup in 3 days testing, not too bad, just reboot. The raspi actually does power down with this kernel so that's cool. Can someone tell me if HDMI sound works? There is all new firmware.
The raspi isn't really much chop for web browsing. Iceape works but it is really too heavy, just as chromium is. We really do need a lighter one. Explore the PPM, there are heaps of browsers, I may find an alternative. Midori is a flop, Slackware is the only distro where it works good.

Omxplayer is not included. It's still a bit rough around the gills, but is probably going to be the best video player for the raspi. Use rhadon's package (direct download).

Ok, have fun everybody!
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#2 Post by 01micko »

More here as we go...



We now have gnome-mplayer compiled, it will be the defaultmediaplayer, works well
http://www.smokey01.com/01micko/armv6/p ... -armv6.pet 130k
http://www.smokey01.com/01micko/armv6/p ... -armv6.pet 52k
DOC,DEV,NLS available, will be in next version

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#3 Post by Lobster »

Thanks Mick

I am in 8)

Read your notes and can confirm some of the alpha bugs - setting time was not possible (I think I may be in Dubai time zone) :shock:

Just been trying to get sound working using old method (modeprobe etc)
- did not really understand your suggestion, Mick :oops: Needs a rolf.

Iceape works in a familiar way (appreciate it is big) but it has a built in HTML visual editor and other goodies as you know

The keyboard keys seem more responsive (they worked like syrup on SAP)
however that can also be a hardware glitch . . .

Anyway congratulations.
Woof build on ARM - quite an achievement. :D

I hope others try it and we get more feedback.

Gonna try and make sense of all this on the wiki :?

. . . and then another go with sound 8)
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#4 Post by 01micko »


To get sound working:


1.open a terminal

2. type

Code: Select all

and hit Enter/Return

3. Reboot the computer.



When the Pi first boots you do see that "depmod" is run, but at that point it is "busybox depmod". I don't think that's enough for Barry's new scripts to load the sound driver in Zap6 (aka cockroach). As I said, there is a new type of depmod, lsmod, modprobe, modinfo, rmmod in this version. They are all linked to a multicall binary called "kmod". Running this new depmod seems to be enough to get lsmod and modprobe to work. It is a bit strange.

Once you reboot, Barry's new script /etc/init.d/11alsa_raspi loads the sound driver and sets the amixer to analog. No need for the fancy stuff.

To fix this, I will have to hack /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit and replace the "busybox depmod" call with "depmod", that should work.

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#5 Post by Lobster »


Easy stuff

Thanks Mick will give it another go and report back :)
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#6 Post by Lobster »

No sound HDMI or headphone jack

depmod ran

I got mixmos to run from command line and was able to up sound level to max
(ran from iconbar icon but I could not up sound)
ran aplayer login.wav and it ran aplayer but never finished (no #)
So this means it is locking up/looping - don't know?

In better news Puppi cockroach is loading from switch on in 23 seconds to desktop (second and consequent boots)

That is fast. :D
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#7 Post by 01micko »

aplay is definitely broken. Don't use it to test sound! (broken in sap6 too)

Use an mp3 file with mpg321, or ogg with mplayer, flac with mplayer.
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#8 Post by Lobster »

OK will be on it soon . . .
Have some concreting to do shortly . . . in between the rain . . .
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#9 Post by 01micko »

gnome-mplayer is now compiled

see second post
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#10 Post by Lobster »

Use an mp3 file with mpg321
thanks for help Mick

OK real sound coming from headphone socket.
It is quiet (mixmos set to max) but it is 'Ivy - and she don't care'

Still trying to get HDMI output
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#11 Post by antiloquax »

Hi Micko,
Great work on "cockroach".

I would love to have a go at using Woof2 myself, but I got into rather a pickle last time I tried ...
Maybe over the summer!
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#12 Post by rhadon »

Oh my God!

I just found this thread. Must have been sleeping :oops: .

Will download and test soon :) .
btw. 21 days silence here, do I miss another thread about Puppy and Arm?

Ich verwende "frugal", und das ist gut so. :wink:
Raspberry Pi without Puppy? No, thanks.
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#13 Post by pistoi0 »


I for one would appreciate anything you contribute with your testing. Got my Pi running with Sap-6. HDMI sound worked for awhile after I used Mickos sound selection gui (above). About to try RacyPi later this evening.
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#14 Post by MU »

Nice work Mick!
Will check it out, as in Sap6 (Squeeze) my Logitech 910 UVC webcam is not working.
Maybe it will in Zap6, as it works in Rhaspian Wheezy.
Will compile luvcview to check it.

I just checked that Puppybrowser is working fine:

http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 321#694321

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#15 Post by MU »

success, after some tweaks :)

kernel.img, /lib/modules and /opt/vc from https://github.com/Hexxeh/rpi-firmware copied to zap6.
To download, I used my Desktop-computer running fluppy013 with devx:

Code: Select all

mkdir /root/git
cd /root/git
git clone http://github.com/Hexxeh/rpi-firmware.git . --depth=1
zipped /modules in /root/git (tar -czvf modules.tgz modules) and copied it on the raspi (use scp or a usb-stick) and extracted in /lib/ (cd /lib;tar -xzvf modules.tgz).

Do the same then with opt to get files required by omxplayer (note that the omxplayer.pet overrides them again with outdated ones, so install that pet before! Had no time yet to check if it works again,must copy again tomorrow).

And I copied these files to the first partition:

I also added this line to config.txt on the first partition:

Code: Select all

Rebooted zap6 and typed "depmod".

Now I have 448 MB free memory!

I had tried the non-cutdown 3.1.9 Kernel too, but it had no correct support for video4linux with the Logitech C 910 Webcam.

Now with the new kernel I can use the luvcview deb even for higher resolutions, fine (not fast though, 1 fps at 1280x720, but this is great for the small raspi).

needs also
http://packages.debian.org/wheezy/libv4lconvert0 and maybe libv4l-0 (installed it, but not certain if required).

To get my mouse working after the upgrade (Hit ctrl-alt-F2 to get a console):

Code: Select all

rm /dev/mouse
ln -s /dev/usbmouse /dev/mouse
To get a german keyboard-layout in X:

Code: Select all

setxkbmap de
(I added this as script to /root/Startup).

Note: I had errors extracting the zap image, but it went fine with "bs=4M":

Code: Select all

unxz --stdout raspi-sd-4gb-zap6-5.100-ALPHA1.img.xz | dd bs=4M of=/dev/sdYOURDRIVE;sync

Cheers, Mark
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#16 Post by 01micko »

Hello Mark

Zap6 is a bit unstable though, I have to revisit it at some point soon and get to the bottom of a few bugs and build a 3.8+ kernel to take advantage of the f2fs stuff we are working on. That will be cool.

Oh yes, saw your puppybrowser post too. That would be a good addition. I have the 256 MB pi and chrome is very slow with it, Seamonke/Iceape were a little better. One good image I did try was one by sironm (name on pi forum) based on slackware-13.37 with midori as the browser, It was quite usable. A trouble with midori though is of course the many needed dependencies. I toyed with the idea of slack based arm-pup however slackware bins aren't optimised for pi so raspbian is the way to go for the future based pups IMHO.

I'm still a bit noob with the ARM stuff but when I get a bit more time I will have some more fun with it.

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#17 Post by MU »

yes Mick, there still are some glitches, but that does not disturb me.

The Raspi is too slow to be used as a desktop computer for everyday use, but great for special purposes.

I want to build a "digital lens" for my mum.
She has bad eyesight and with her 69 years does not want to learn to use a computer.

So I need a device that can be turned on with a switch, boots into the camera application, and then can be switched off again.
No keyboard, no mouse.

The raspi is ideal, even for long term use, as it needs no fan.

1 fps with a HDTV cam is enough for the purpose to assemble the cam in a small box, and add some LEDs for good image quality.

Then she can read the paper newspaper or watch old fotos with this device.

The Logitech C 910 (not 920) is not cheap (80 Euro), but ideal. It has a wide angle (78°), autofocus, and high resolution. Like this it can display newspapers and such very clear with around 9 cm distance.

I have this working already with raspian wheezy (just need to assemble the box now), and now want some slight optimizations like faster boot.
So I tried Zap6, and though the full new kernel boots slower, the results look promising.
Will remove some modules again to speed up boot (need no sound on my device).

When it is finished, I think I will create an updatescript that applies all my changes to a zap6.

Looking forward further projects of yours :)

I think I will buy 2 other raspis for myself to set up a fileserver and a media center or so.

Have a good time, Mark
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#18 Post by headfound »


could she not just use a magnifying glass, like my mother does?
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#19 Post by MU »

Headfound, yes, she actually does.

But try it yourself:
the lens is heavy, and the letters look distorted.

Myself I prefer to move around a small box containing a camera, with a plain image on the monitor.
And the zoomfactor is higher.

On a 22'' Monitor, a 1 Eurocent coin has the size of up to 7 of my fingers side by side. So the zoomfactor is approx 8, and could even be higher with a larger monitor.
The glass-lenses typically just have a gain by factor 3.

I want to finish everything, and then present it to her.
If she still prefers the glasslens, it does not matter, as I have already several other ideas on how to use the raspi :)
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#20 Post by headfound »

sounds really interesting mark!
I wonder if it could be combined into a system for older people - build a basic mouse and camera into one unit with onscreen keyboard so they are able to do other simple tasks too.
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