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#561 Post by Gnuxo »

Do you think newer programs will ever work in Lazy?
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#562 Post by Gnuxo »

Can I ask for some help?

I'm not sure where to ask. I'm in Lazy Puppy and I am trying to compile the newest Qupzilla.

I loaded Pemasu's newest

...I also loaded Devx.

But when I try Qmake I get this error.
QMAKESPEC has not been set, so configuration cannot be deduced.
I don't know where Qmakespec is. Or how to change it...
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#563 Post by R-S-H »

Gnuxo wrote:Do you think newer programs will ever work in Lazy?
No, surely not. It depends on the kernel which is in LazY Puppy. If you want to run newer programs and also want to have some comfort like LazY Puppy is offering, try the 3HD VSP Puppy. Its kernel is, some newer programs might run. LP2_Opensshot131.sfs for example does not work in 3HD VSP Puppy, because of the newer kernel.
Gnuxo wrote:Can I ask for some help?

I'm not sure where to ask. I'm in Lazy Puppy and I am trying to compile the newest Qupzilla.

I loaded Pemasu's newest

...I also loaded Devx.

But when I try Qmake I get this error.

QMAKESPEC has not been set, so configuration cannot be deduced.

I don't know where Qmakespec is. Or how to change it...
I have tried different things using QT sfs files from pemasu and did get some of these things to work (after hours of testings). But this is surely because of my special version of LazY Puppy which has a lot of stuff excluded like the qt3, sqlite and other things.

LazY Puppy Web Version still has installed all this and therefor I think QT has to be installed because there is something related to ldd.conf which I do not know exactly. I know this from German user der-schutzhund, who has done/tried such modifications for the use of a newer version of QT in his LazY Puppy Derivative (iirc: qt-3.3.8 instead of qt-3.3.4 which is installed in LazY Puppy).

I'm really not experienced in compiling, two or three successful times, so all I can do is to wish you good luck!

And I would recommend: create a new save file (if using one) and use this for installing the newest QT and compiling the Qupzilla!


I got some success in progress of LazY Puppy and the so called adrv-option, which I will post later. First I have to do some screenshots - it's really amazing.

Ok, again my question: are you using a save file?

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LazY Puppy 3.0.0 and the new adrv option

#564 Post by R-S-H »


Here's just some information about progress in development of LazY Puppy 3 with adrv option added.

I'm running LazY Puppy 3 now for a few days several hours a day using the new adrv option (thanks to mavrothal) activated in LazY Puppy.

But, as always, I do use this in excess, because LazY Puppy is a SFS Puppy. And if this wouldn't be enough, I do use this on a slightly different way: I can control the adrv option from boot menu entries in menu.lst - so, I can boot LazY Puppy 3 without any adrv (yes, there are several), with all added or with just a small selection of the adrv files.

Ok, here is the current setup of the LazY Puppy adrv option

ADRVSFS = LP2_Applications.sfs
BDRVSFS = LP2_Backgrounds.sfs
DDRVSFS = LP2_Data.sfs
FDRVSFS = LP2_Fonts.sfs
GDRVSFS = LP2_Guides.sfs
LDRVSFS = LP2_Languages.sfs
PDRVSFS = LP2_Programming.sfs
RDRVSFS = LP2_RunScripts.sfs
WDRVSFS = LP2_WindowManagers.sfs
XDRVSFS = LP2_XorgHigh.sfs

YES! They are all available and usable: from A to Y (but currently only the filled ones are tested and also currently running) ! ! !

In front of this but thought as an addition I have also invented the LazY Puppy Personal Data SFS (but mavrothal informed me that there's something similar used in Tiny Core, which I did not know at this time). The Personal Data SFS can be loaded at boot up (also a boot menu option) and saved at shut down (selectable in shutdown GUI). Files can easily added to or removed from the Personal Data SFS by right-click-action - everything is temporarily until it would be saved!!!

Ok, now something to see, to look at, to make big eyes!

LazY Puppy 3 default desktop, no extra drvsfs loaded (103 MB the SFS)

LazY Puppy 3 default desktop, all current available extra drvsfs loaded (FbPanel shows it)

LazY Puppy 3 BDRV = LP2_Backgrounds.sfs - Wallpapers from Openbox menu

LazY Puppy 3 FDRV = LP2_Fonts.sfs - 1092 TTF Fonts

LazY Puppy 3 RDRV = LP2_RunScripts.sfs - 339 RunScripts

LazY Puppy 3 Mount Points in /initrd and list of loaded SFS files in Openbox menu (in alphabetical order, can be directly unloaded from the menu entry)

LazY Puppy 3 Portable Linux and Windows (Wine) Programs stored on USB Flash Drive executable from Openbox menu

All Wallpapers in the images are switched via Openbox menu!

Ok, some more facts:

So, 25 extra drvsfs mount points plus the new Personal Data SFS is really a huge step forward for LazY Puppy (yes, a logical step as well) and after adding all needed code to init in initrd.gz and also sfs_load I did get in trouble...

...from over where in the hell should I take 25 different sfs files (also different from all my other sfs files (currently 344)), to do some tests on all of this - so, by now just the ones are filled in at above list are tested (but the code is checked twice). Almost speechless about having now such new options and possibilities I did decide to make one more huge step forward...

...backward..., forward..., backward-forward...

Yes, backward-forward!

Tomorrow I will kick LazY Puppy back to the real beginning of Puppy Linux and because of this will be a huge step backward, this will also be a huge step forward:

Tomorrow I will REMOVE ANY CODE FROM INIT and RC.SHUTDOWN (no, I'm not screaming, just want to make it absolutely clear) that is used to create and/or save a save file (in rc.shutdown) or (in init) able to load any save file ! ! !

LazY Puppy 3.0.0 will be then a VarioMenu-SFS-P.L.U.S.-no-save-file Puppy - preferred for the use from

- USB Flash drive
- USB HD drive
- internal IDE HD drive

I think that's all for now...

From now on each and every day is a good day to grab and maybe keep the stuff from LazY Puppy 2.0.2-005 - because of all the above... :lol:

Have fun with LazY Puppy...

Last edited by R-S-H on Fri 15 Mar 2013, 13:11, edited 1 time in total.
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#565 Post by Gnuxo »

That all sounds interesting and scary at the same time. :shock:

So we won't be able to save anymore? How will we retain settings?
While it's true that when I load and unload firefox.sfs, I keep settings but that's only because the save file makes a record of the settings in /root

Without a save file, I won't have any saved settings for Firefox or other applications.

Without a save file, Lazy puppy almost doesn't seem like a puppy anymore.
*Maybe because I haven't been around since the beginning*

...And maybe I'm just so used to it. And I'm also worried about grub.

I have a few puppies added to grub manually, And if there is a large entry to get lazy 3 to load all the adrv files then I don't know if I'll just be able to do it manually anymore.

And I don't want any of the other puppies in grub to be effected.

Have you thought about solutions to problems like that in the development of this?
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#566 Post by R-S-H »

That all sounds interesting and scary at the same time.
No need to be scared.
So we won't be able to save anymore? How will we retain settings?
Without a save file, I won't have any saved settings for Firefox or other applications.
One then can just do a right-click on Files or Directories to mark them to be added to the Personal Data SFS and it will be saved at shut down (Option in Shutdown GUI).
Without a save file, Lazy puppy almost doesn't seem like a puppy anymore.
*Maybe because I haven't been around since the beginning*
As far as I know Puppy did not have the save file in the beginning of Puppy Linux. The NEW save file in LazY Puppy 3 is the Personal Data SFS.

Ok, let's assume LazY Puppy is installed on HD and a save file is used. If somethings going wrong it is always been saved (Terminal Message: Top mounted layer, always saved (or similar) at shutdown). This could never happen to the Personal Data SFS, because the User chooses either to save or not to save at shutdown. Everything done on the files in between is temporarily until it is been saved manually or at shut down.

As it is in LazY Puppy 2.0.2-005, there will be a list with predefined boot menu entries for grub4dos (and maybe grub). One just needs to copy and paste!
And I don't want any of the other puppies in grub to be effected.
This should never happen!
Have you thought about solutions to problems like that in the development of this?
Usually I don't use other Puppies except for some testings when publishing programs for other puppies. So, there are two or three installed on my HD drive and whatever I've done in the past, it did never ever had any effect to any other OS on the HD drive.

Everything is fine by now!

Also, at the moment there is LazY Puppy 2.0.2-005 and this will stay for a longer time. Currently publishing LazY Puppy 3 is far beyond the horizon.

So, no need to worry and/or to get in panic... :lol:

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#567 Post by Gnuxo »

I see.

...One thing I'm surprised about is that I've always thought that .sfs files were read only. For an .SFS to be an effective save medium, it would need to be written to.

Though I understand about the awkwardness of saving regularly. if I install something by accident or screw up, all those screw ups are saved.

I always wanted a way to choose when to save or not. It would have given me more control. In fact I brought that up in feature requests a while back and I was criticized for mentioning it.

People said that such an option wouldn't be user friendly for newbies.

I think it would be safe for newbies. It would make things idiot proof.
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#568 Post by R-S-H »

One thing I'm surprised about is that I've always thought that .sfs files were read only. For an .SFS to be an effective save medium, it would need to be written to.

What I do is to mount the SFS after X Desktop is loaded, copying the files into the OS and then again unmounting the SFS. So, all files are on top inside the OS and save inside the SFS which is unmounted for the rest of the working time.

When manually saved or automatically saved at shut down, the existing one is renamed (-bak) before saving anything to the new Personal Data SFS.
I always wanted a way to choose when to save or not. It would have given me more control. In fact I brought that up in feature requests a while back and I was criticized for mentioning it.

People said that such an option wouldn't be user friendly for newbies.

I think it would be safe for newbies. It would make things idiot proof.
What version of LazY Puppy are you using?

LazY Puppy has already such function, but this works only if installed on and running from usb flash. Automatic save interval is canceled and from the menu in shutdown-GUI one can directly choose to shut down either to save or not to save the save file!

I can't remember if this was already in LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4 but surely in LazY Puppy 2 - the release with the new menu suite.
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#569 Post by Gnuxo »

Wow! That's interesting.

Though that means that after using 3.0 five or six times, there would five or six backup .sfs in the frugal directory.

Those would have to be cleared out manually before they start to clutter the partition outside the frugal install.

...Did I understand that correctly? Or would there only be one .bak as the new backup would overwrite the last?

I'd also like to know what effect the loading and unloading of the personal data .sfs has on performance. As you add more settings and programs, would the puppy slow down more then usual?

Currently I'm using the newest Lazy Puppy final build 05.
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#570 Post by R-S-H »

Though that means that after using 3.0 five or six times, there would five or six backup .sfs in the frugal directory.
Or would there only be one .bak as the new backup would overwrite the last?
I'd also like to know what effect the loading and unloading of the personal data .sfs has on performance. As you add more settings and programs, would the puppy slow down more then usual?
By now I've only tested with small files.

Everything happens after X is loaded, so booting will be as fast as always. Surely the content of a Personal Data SFS in 100 or 200 MB size will take longer to be copied into the OS as some in KB or less MB sizes.

Mounting the SFS is mostly done in two or three seconds - even big ones. I know this, because I do use SFS files from 8 KB sizes up to 300 MB and more.

For the result of the copy action I need to do some tests - later in the future.
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#571 Post by Gnuxo »

...Does this personal data .sfs record changes to the file system or just the home folder?

How does it know which settings or files go where?

I was under the impression that the personal data .sfs was just the home folder.
*I'm probably wrong.*
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Installation kopiert keine Dateien

#572 Post by neo1967 »


das neue Lazy Puppy ist wirklich beeindruckend im Live Betrieb.
Leider kopiert es bei der Installation keine Daten, also jedenfalls nicht in das LazyPuppy202 Verzeichnis, siehe Screenshot.
Partition war leer und mit ext3 formatiert.
Eine Idee? Ach ich habe die Updates installiert, die mir vorgeschlagen wurden.... 2 pets...

Gruß & Danke
NO Files...
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#573 Post by R-S-H »

neo1967 wrote:Hallo,

das neue Lazy Puppy ist wirklich beeindruckend im Live Betrieb.
Leider kopiert es bei der Installation keine Daten, also jedenfalls nicht in das LazyPuppy202 Verzeichnis, siehe Screenshot.
Partition war leer und mit ext3 formatiert.
Eine Idee? Ach ich habe die Updates installiert, die mir vorgeschlagen wurden.... 2 pets...
Hallo neo1967.

Das passiert, wenn bei der Installation (von CD?) das CD Laufwerk nicht eingebunden (ge-mounted) ist. Beim Installieren und beim Remastern ist es erforderlich, das Startlaufwerk einzubinden - LazY Puppy findet sonst die zu kopierenden Dateien nicht und somit bleibt die Partition bzw. das Verzeichnis leer.

Wenn Du eine manuelle, frugale Installation vornimmst, ist es notwendig (im Gegensatz zu anderen Puppies) ALLE Dateien von der CD zu kopieren - NICHT nur die üblichen drei ! ! !

Und: ich empfehle, KEINE ext Partition zu verwenden!
Gnuxo wrote:...Does this personal data .sfs record changes to the file system or just the home folder?

How does it know which settings or files go where?

I was under the impression that the personal data .sfs was just the home folder.
*I'm probably wrong.*
The user has "to tell" what files go into the Personal Data SFS by just doing a right-click on a file or directory. These files are now marked (which means to put into a list, there are different lists for files and directories). These lists are used to copy the files either into teh running OS or into the Personal Data SFS (when saving). If one wants to add files to the Personal Data SFS manually, he has to edit these lists as well to take effect.

Theoretically it can be used just for files in /root but even on other files as well - by now I didn't have made any further testings on this, so, I can not make promises on that.

We will see...

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#574 Post by R-S-H »


Here are some good news for the LazY Puppy users that use a save file and want to boot more than the usual 6 sfs files at boot up.

LazY Puppy is prepaired to load up to 64 sfs files at boot up, but I did never found a way, how to get them loaded by the boot manager. I tried everything that comes in mind, but had to give up - unfortunately...

Today, when re-thinking about the work done on the new LazY Puppy adrv-option, I could see it totally clear at my inner eye...

I have posted this already in a related post at the HowTo-Section of the forum, but this is for users of other puppies. For LazY Puppy users it's a lot easier to get this to work.

Ok, do a right-click on the initrd.gz (inside the boot directory of your LazY Puppy Installation) and choose option to edit the initrd.gz. After initrd.gz is extracted, geany comes up with some files opened - just close it!

Go to /root and check for directory init_rd_tmp. If it is there, run the script (create a script and copy/paste this code into the script):

Code: Select all

#!/bin/bash -a
# Make loop devices 11 to 67 for LazY Puppy
# LazY Puppy is then able to laod 64 sfs files at boot up
# 2013-03-19 RSH for LazY Puppy

for i in 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67;
	mknod -m664 /root/Init_rd_tmp/dev/loop$i b 7 $i
exit 0

# End 
Go to /root/Init_rd_tmp/dev and look for the loop11 up to loop67 files...

...all loopXX files are created?

Go to /root/Init_rd_tmp/initrd and create the pup_ro10 directory manually.

Make a right-click on /root/Init_rd_tmp and choose option to rebuild the initrd.gz.

Copy the new created initrd.gz in /root to the boot directory of your LazY Puppy Installation (overwrite existing one, backup is already there).


Have fun loading now up to 64 sfs files at boot up with LazY Puppy!



Check file /etc/rc.d/rc.update for this code:

Code: Select all

  #v431 added 6 7 8 9
  # LazY Puppy added 10 - 67
  for LAYERNUM in 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
   [ -f /initrd/pup_ro$LAYERNUM/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin ] && cat /initrd/pup_ro$LAYERNUM/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin >> /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
   [ -f /initrd/pup_ro$LAYERNUM/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/globicons ] && cat /initrd/pup_ro$LAYERNUM/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/globicons >> /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/globicons
Last edited by R-S-H on Sat 06 Apr 2013, 05:50, edited 2 times in total.
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#575 Post by Gnuxo »

That affects Lazy Puppy 2.0 users?
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#576 Post by R-S-H »

Gnuxo wrote:That affects Lazy Puppy 2.0 users?
Yes, this should work from LazY Puppy 2.0.1 and up...

Note: Information above updated!
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Cette distro est un petit bijou !

#577 Post by Pelo »

Lazy Puppy is a jewel ! Nice, Rich, Safe ;
In my opinion the best one since Legacy OS mini.
What a pleasure to use it, i should spend hours and hours looking inside.
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the last saviour
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#578 Post by the last saviour »

Lieber Herr RSH;
Congratulation for your success with school computer. :-)
I believe the number of LazY student in Germany will markedly increase in the near future.
For the sake of addiction why not add some more games for them?

I've just found that MultiPup3.3 CD/DVD Creator doesn't work at all.

Please tell me how to run this wonderful fractware in Puppy. It's the best of all probably. ...
My people are somebody who will move to crowded city because I have promised them the refuge in the big UFO station.
Now I'd found at least 5 aliens who live in Thailand. They are from Triangular constellation.
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#579 Post by R-S-H »

Pelo wrote:Lazy Puppy is a jewel ! Nice, Rich, Safe ;
In my opinion the best one since Legacy OS mini.
What a pleasure to use it, i should spend hours and hours looking inside.
Thank you very much! :D

But please, do not look into LazY Puppy. The only things you'll find/discover will be:

- I'm not a programmer
- I'm not a Linux Expert
- I'm not a Puppy Linux Expert

It works though...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just kidding. Do have a look inside and modify it for your own purposes!
the last saviour wrote:Lieber Herr RSH;
Congratulation for your success with school computer. Smile
I believe the number of LazY student in Germany will markedly increase in the near future.
For the sake of addiction why not add some more games for them?
Ahhhh, NO.

I don't like computer games very much because of the computer-game-addiction of my elder son. In my private version of LazY Puppy I have removed games category completely. Sorry, that's a job the user has to do, if he wants to waste the LazY Puppy for playing games.
the last saviour wrote:I've just found that MultiPup3.3 CD/DVD Creator doesn't work at all.
That's a surprise, because I have already used this. Can you explain please a little more, what doesn't work?
the last saviour wrote:Please tell me how to run this wonderful fractware in Puppy. It's the best of all probably. ...

Download this and store it in the boot directory of your LazY Puppy installation.

After this do a right-click onto the SFS and choose Create a RunScript (or similar, I'm in a German Desktop). Make sure to activate option to copy Icons and Menu Entry (.desktop file) into the running OS. Select the wildfire entry presented in the GUI to create the RunScript as well.

If the RunScript is successfully created go to the Graphics or Favorites Menu and try to run the application from the menu. It should then download a needed dependent SFS (Java) and storing it automatically into your boot directory. After successfully downloaded the dependent SFS will be loaded as well and the WildFire Application should run.

Currently I have more than 40 SFS files loaded, so, I can not tell if these SFS files do include other dependent files (libs etc.). If it won't run on your side, let me know and I will examine this again.

It seems to work here though.

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#580 Post by R-S-H »


WildFire seems to work, but it saves the image in a different color as it is shown inside the application.

Inside the Application it is blue. When rendered and saved, the image is red. If loading into Gimp, the image is green. That's really weird.

If you find out how to render a image in its colors shown in the application, I would appreciate to know this.


Oringinal (red) after saving again with the Gimp
(68.34 KiB) Downloaded 765 times
Re-Colored in GIMP
(52.47 KiB) Downloaded 760 times
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